Ejemplo n.º 1
def print_format(receipt_no):
    print(f"ReceiptNo.: {receipt_no}")
    cur.execute(f"select * from Sale where ReceiptNo={receipt_no}")
    _, name, count, date, time, cp, sp = cur.fetchall()[0]
    print(f"Customer Name: {name}")
    print(f"No. of medicines: {count}")
    print(f"Date: {date}")
    print(f"Time: {time}")
    print(f"Cost Price: {cp}")
    print(f"Selling Price: {sp}")
    print("Other info:")

    query = f"Select * from Sales.t{receipt_no}"
    columns = actions.get_columns(f"Sales.t{receipt_no}")
    a = 1

    bm = actions.get_values("MedicineInfo", "Barcode")

    for i in actions.get_values(f"Sales.t{receipt_no}", "Barcode"):
        if i not in bm:
            a = 0

    if a:
        query = f"""select t.SNo, t.Barcode, m.Name, m.Type, m.Composition, t.CostPrice, t.SellingPrice, t.Profit
        from t{receipt_no} as t, MedicalStore.MedicineInfo as m where t.Barcode=m.barcode"""
        columns = ("SNo", "Barcode", "Name", "Type", "Composition",
                   "CostPrice", "SellingPrice", "Profit")

    cur.execute("use Sales")
    actions.format_print(columns, cur.fetchall())
    cur.execute("Use MedicalStore")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def insert(bar=None):
    if bar is None:
        bar = input("Enter barcode of medicine: ")
        bars = actions.get_values("MedicineInfo", "Barcode")

        while not bar.isdigit() or bar in bars:
            if not bar.isdigit():
                bar = input(
                    " Barcode should be an integer only! Enter again: ")
                bar = input("This  barcode is already taken! Enter another: ")

    name = input("Enter name of medicine: ")
    while name == '':
        name = input("Please enter a name: ")

    m_type = input("Enter type  (eg: antipyretic, analgesic etc.): ")
    while m_type == "":
        m_type = input("Please enter a medicine type: ")

    composition = input("Enter composition: ")
    if composition == '':
        composition = "NULL"

    create_record(bar, name, m_type, composition)
    print("Inserted record successfully...")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def delete():
    receipt = input("Enter receipt no. of record to be deleted: ")
    while not receipt.isdigit():
        receipt = input("Receipt no. should be an integer! Enter Again: ")

    receipts = actions.get_values("Sale", "ReceiptNo")
    if receipt not in receipts:
        print(f"Receipt No. {receipt} is not there! Skipping delete.")

            f"select SellingPrice, CostPrice, SaleDate from Sale where ReceiptNo={receipt}"
        sp, cp, date = cur.fetchall()[0]
        date = str(date.isoformat())
        month = months[int(date.split('-')[1])]
        year = date.split("-")[0]

        management.update_record(month, year, -int(cp), -int(sp))
        cur.execute(f"delete from Sale where ReceiptNo='{receipt}'")
        cur.execute("use Sales")
        cur.execute(f"drop table t{receipt}")
        cur.execute("use MedicalStore")
        print("Deleted record successfully...")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def insert():
    print("Enter records")
    receipt_no = input("Receipt no.: ")
    receipt_nos = actions.get_values("Sale", "ReceiptNo")

    while not receipt_no.isdigit() or receipt_no in receipt_nos:
        if not receipt_no.isdigit():
            receipt_no = input(
                "Receipt no. should be an integer only! Enter again: ")
            receipt_no = input(
                "This receipt no. is already taken! Enter another: ")

    cust = input("Customer Name: ")
    while cust == '':
        cust = input("Customer name cannot be empty! Enter a name: ")

    count = input("No. of medicines sold: ")
    while not count.isdigit():
        count = input("No. of medicines should be integer! Enter again: ")

    date = actions.date()
    time = actions.time()

    create_record(receipt_no, cust, count, date, time)
    print("Created record successfully...")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def create_record(receipt_no, name, count, date, time):
    barcodes = actions.get_values("MedicineInfo", "Barcode")
    cur.execute("use Sales")
    print("\nNow enter record for each medicine.")
    cp, sp = create_table(receipt_no, count, barcodes)
    query = f"insert into Sale values('{receipt_no}', '{name}', '{count}', '{date}', '{time}', '{cp}', '{sp}')"
    cur.execute("use MedicalStore")

                             date.split('-')[0], cp, sp)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def insert():
    print("Enter Records")

    batch = input("Batch No.: ")
    batch_nos = actions.get_values("Stock", "BatchNo")
    while not batch.isdigit() or batch in batch_nos:
        if not batch.isdigit():
            batch = input(
                "Batch No. should be an integer only. Please enter again: ")
            batch = input("This batch no. is already there! Enter another: ")

    bar = input("Barcode of medicine: ")
    while not bar.isdigit():
        bar = input("Barcode should be an integer only! Please enter again: ")

    cp = input("Enter Cost per packet (Rs): ")
    while not cp.isdigit():
        cp = "Cost should be an integer! Please enter again: "

    p_date = input("Purchase date (yyyy-mm-dd): ")
    p_date = actions.check_date(p_date)
    while not p_date:
        p_date = input(
            "Your date format is nor correct! Enter again(yyyy-mm-dd): ")
        p_date = actions.check_date(p_date)
    print(f"Purchase Date: {p_date}")

    qty = input("Quantity left (no. of packets): ")
    while not qty.isdigit():
        qty = input("Quantity should be an integer only! Please enter again: ")

    mfg = input("Manufacturing date: ")
    mfg = actions.check_date(mfg)
    while not mfg:
        mfg = input(
            "Your date format is nor correct! Enter again(yyyy-mm-dd): ")
        mfg = actions.check_date(mfg)
    print(f"Manufacturing date: {mfg}")

    exp = input("Expiry date: ")
    exp = actions.check_date(exp)
    while not exp:
        exp = input(
            "Your date format is nor correct! Enter again(yyyy-mm-dd): ")
        exp = actions.check_date(exp)
    print(f"Expiry date: {exp}")

    create_record(batch, bar, cp, p_date, qty, mfg, exp)
    print("Created record successfully...")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def update():
    rec = input("Enter receipt no. of record to be updated: ")
    receipts = actions.get_values("Sale", "ReceiptNo")
    while rec not in receipts:
        rec = input("Receipt no. you entered is not in table! Enter again: ")
    print("Enter new records. Leave blank to not update")
    receipt = input("Receipt No.: ")
    while receipt != '' and not receipt.isdigit():
        receipt = input("Receipt no. should be an integer! Enter again: ")

    if receipt != '':
            f"update Sale set ReceiptNo='{receipt}' where ReceiptNo = '{rec}'")
        cur.execute(f"alter table Sales.t{rec} rename Sales.t{receipt}")
        print("Updated successfully...")
        rec = receipt

    name = input("Customer Name: ")
    if name != '':
            f"update Sale set CustomerName='{name}' where ReceiptNo = '{rec}'")
        print("Updated successfully...")

    count = input("No. of medicines sold: ")
    while count != '' and not count.isdigit():
        count = input("No. of medicines should be an integer! Enter again: ")

    if count != '':
            f"update Sale set TypeCount='{count}' where ReceiptNo = '{rec}'")
        print("Updated successfully...")

    date = input("Date (yyyy-mm-dd): ")
    cur.execute(f"select SaleDate from Sale where ReceiptNo='{rec}'")
    old_date = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
    dt = actions.check_date(date)
    while not dt and date != '':
        date = input(
            "Date you entered is not of correct format! Enter again: ")
        dt = actions.check_date(date)

    if date != '':
        print(f"Date: {dt}")
            f"update Sale set SaleDate='{dt}' where ReceiptNo = '{rec}'")
        print("Updated successfully...")

    time = input("Time (hh:mm:ss)")
    while not actions.check_time(time) and time != '':
        time = input(
            "Time you entered is not of correct format! Enter again: ")

    if time != '':
            f"update Sale set SaleTime='{time}' where ReceiptNo = '{rec}'")
        print("Updated successfully...")

    ch = input("Enter 'y' if you want to change other info: ").lower()
    receipt = rec

    if ch == 'y':
        total_cp = total_sp = 0
        while True:
            bar = input(
                "Enter barcode of medicine you want to update. Leave empty to quit: "
            cur.execute("use Sales")
            barcodes = actions.get_values(f"t{rec}", "Barcode")
            while bar not in barcodes and bar != '':
                bar = input(
                    "Barcode you entered is not in table! Enter again: ")
            if bar == '':

            print("\nEnter new records. Leave empty to not update.")
            barcode = input("Barcode: ")
            while not barcode.isdigit() and barcode != '':
                barcode = input("Barcode should be an integer! Enter again: ")
            if barcode != '':
                    f"update Sales.t{rec} set Barcode='{barcode}' where Barcode={bar}"
                print("Updated successfully...")
            if barcode == '':
                barcode = bar

            cp = input("Cost Price: ")
            while not cp.isdigit() and cp != '':
                cp = input("Cost Price should be an integer! Enter again: ")

            if cp != '':
                    f"select CostPrice from t{rec} where Barcode={barcode}")
                old_cp = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
                    f"update t{rec} set CostPrice='{cp}' where Barcode={barcode}"
                print("Updated successfully...")
                total_cp += int(cp) - int(old_cp)

            sp = input("Selling Price: ")
            while not sp.isdigit() and sp != '':
                sp = input("Selling Price should be an integer! Enter again: ")

            if sp != '':
                    f"select SellingPrice from t{rec} where Barcode={barcode}")
                old_sp = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
                    f"update t{receipt} set SellingPrice='{sp}' where Barcode={barcode}"

                print("Updated successfully...")
                total_sp += int(sp) - int(old_sp)
            print("Record Updated...")
        cur.execute("use MedicalStore")
        month = months[int(str(old_date).split('-')[1])]
        year = str(old_date).split('-')[0]
        management.update_record(month, year, total_cp, total_sp)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def view():
    print("Viewing Options:")
    print("2: All data")
    print("3: One record using Receipt No.")
    print("4: many records using Receipt No.")
    print("5: All Receipt Numbers")
    print("6: Receipt numbers by condition")
    print("7: All costumers")
    print("0: Go to home")
    print("1: Go to Medicine Information")
    ch = input()

    while ch not in '01234567' or len(ch) != 1:
        ch = input("Invalid choice. Enter again: ")

    num = 0

    if ch == '0':
        return '0'

    elif ch == '1':
        return '1'

    elif ch == '2':
        values = actions.get_values("Sale", "ReceiptNo")
        for i in values:
        if len(values) == 0:
            print("No records!!")

    elif ch == '3':
        num = 1

    elif ch == '4':
        num = input("How many records do tou want to view: ")
        while not num.isdigit():
            num = input("No. of records should be integer only! Enter again: ")

    elif ch == '5':
        cur.execute("select ReceiptNo from Sale")
        ], cur.fetchall())

    elif ch == '6':
        print("All columns are")
        condition = input(
            'Enter condition(<column_name><operator>"<value>"): ')
        while True:
                cur.execute(f"select 1+2 from Sale where {condition}")
            except Exception as e:
                condition = input(
                    'Your condition had above error! Enter again(<column_name><operator>"<value>"): '
            cur.execute(f"select ReceiptNo from Sale where {condition}")
            actions.format_print(["ReceiptNo"], cur.fetchall())
        except Exception as e:
            print("Your condition had an error!!")

    elif ch == '7':

    records = []
    receipts = actions.get_values("Sale", "ReceiptNo")
    for i in range(int(num)):
        rec = input(f"Enter record{i + 1} Receipt No.: ")
        while rec not in receipts or not rec.isdigit():
            if not rec.isdigit():
                rec = input("Receipt No. should be an integer! Enter again: ")
                rec = input(f"Receipt No.: {rec} is not there! Enter again: ")
    for i in records: