Ejemplo n.º 1
def test011():
    test011: this test checks the basic behavior of the ProcessCopyFileTask.
    The copied file should have the supplied Vars replacing the variable
    references in the file. 
    test_file = "test011.txt"
    test_file_path = find_file(test_file)

    class SimpleInfra(InfraModel):
        testbox = StaticServer("testbox", find_ip())

    infra = SimpleInfra("simple")

    class SimpleNamespace(NamespaceModel):
            Var("DEST", "/tmp/!{FILE}"),
            Var("FILE", test_file),
            Var("var1", "summat"),
            Var("var2", "or"),
            Var("var3", "the"),
            Var("var4", "other"),
        target = Role("target", host_ref=SimpleInfra.testbox)

    ns = SimpleNamespace()

    class SimpleConfig(ConfigModel):
        reset = CommandTask("reset", "/bin/rm -rf !{DEST}", removes="!{DEST}", task_role=SimpleNamespace.target)
        process = ProcessCopyFileTask(
            "pcf", "!{DEST}", src=test_file_path, task_role=SimpleNamespace.target, repeat_count=1
        with_dependencies(reset | process)

    cfg = SimpleConfig()

    ea = AnsibleExecutionAgent(config_model_instance=cfg, namespace_model_instance=ns, no_delay=True)
        file_content = file("/tmp/test011.txt", "r").read()
        assert "summat or the other" == file_content
    except ExecutionException, e:
        import traceback

        for task, etype, value, tb in ea.get_aborted_tasks():
            print ">>>Task {} failed with the following:".format(task.name)
            traceback.print_exception(etype, value, tb, file=sys.stdout)
        assert False, e.message
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test013():
    test013: Similar to test011, but with multi-line files.
    The replacements should be made across all lines of the file 
    test_file = "test013.txt"
    test_file_path = find_file(test_file)

    class SimpleInfra(InfraModel):
        testbox = StaticServer("testbox", find_ip())

    infra = SimpleInfra("simple")

    class SimpleNamespace(NamespaceModel):
            Var("DEST", "/tmp/!{FILE}"),
            Var("FILE", test_file),
            Var("var1", "summat"),
            Var("var2", "or"),
            Var("var3", "the"),
            Var("var4", "other"),
        target = Role("target", host_ref=SimpleInfra.testbox)

    ns = SimpleNamespace()

    class SimpleConfig(ConfigModel):
        reset = CommandTask("reset", "/bin/rm -rf !{DEST}", removes="!{DEST}", task_role=SimpleNamespace.target)
        process = ProcessCopyFileTask(
            "pcf", "!{DEST}", src=test_file_path, task_role=SimpleNamespace.target, repeat_count=1
        with_dependencies(reset | process)

    cfg = SimpleConfig()

    ea = AnsibleExecutionAgent(config_model_instance=cfg, namespace_model_instance=ns, no_delay=True)
        file_content = [l.strip() for l in file("/tmp/test013.txt", "r").readlines()]
        assert "summat or" == file_content[0] and "the other" == file_content[1]
    except ExecutionException, e:
        import traceback

        for task, etype, value, tb in ea.get_aborted_tasks():
            print ">>>Task {} failed with the following:".format(task.name)
            traceback.print_exception(etype, value, tb, file=sys.stdout)
        assert False, e.message
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test021():
    "test021: Have a multi-task get the proper user from the config class"
    from datetime import datetime

    target_dir = "/home/lxle1/tmp/test021"
    num_files = 5

    class SimpleNamespace(NamespaceModel):
            Var("TARGET_DIR", target_dir),
            Var("COMPNUM", ctxt.name),
            Var("FILE_NAME", "!{TARGET_DIR}/!{COMPNUM}-target.txt"),
        targets = MultiRole(Role("pseudo-role", host_ref=find_ip()))

    ns = SimpleNamespace()
    for i in range(num_files):
        _ = ns.targets[i]

    now_str = datetime.now().ctime()

    class SimpleConfig(ConfigModel):
        clear = CommandTask("clear-previous", "/bin/rm -rf !{TARGET_DIR}", task_role=SimpleNamespace.targets[0])
        make = CommandTask("make-output-dir", "/bin/mkdir -p !{TARGET_DIR}", task_role=SimpleNamespace.targets[0])
        copies = MultiTask(
            CopyFileTask("cpf", "!{FILE_NAME}", content="Created at: {}\n".format(now_str)),
        with_dependencies(clear | make | copies)

    # we're testing if setting the user stuff at this level works right
    cfg = SimpleConfig(remote_user="******", private_key_file=find_file("lxle1-dev-key"))

    ea = AnsibleExecutionAgent(config_model_instance=cfg, namespace_model_instance=ns, no_delay=True)
        assert num_files == len(os.listdir(target_dir))
    except ExecutionException, e:
        import traceback

        for task, etype, value, tb in ea.get_aborted_tasks():
            print ">>>Task {} failed with the following:".format(task.name)
            traceback.print_exception(etype, value, tb, file=sys.stdout)
        assert False, e.message
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test012():
    test012: this checks ProcessCopyFileTask if not all Vars are supplied.
    The variable 'var3' won't be supplied. 
    test_file = "test012.txt"
    test_file_path = find_file(test_file)

    class SimpleInfra(InfraModel):
        testbox = StaticServer("testbox", find_ip())

    infra = SimpleInfra("simple")

    class SimpleNamespace(NamespaceModel):
            Var("DEST", "/tmp/!{FILE}"),
            Var("FILE", test_file),
            Var("var1", "summat"),
            Var("var2", "or"),
            #                        Var("var3", "the"),  #This one is to be missing
            Var("var4", "other"),
        target = Role("target", host_ref=SimpleInfra.testbox)

    ns = SimpleNamespace()

    class SimpleConfig(ConfigModel):
        reset = CommandTask("reset", "/bin/rm -rf !{DEST}", removes="!{DEST}", task_role=SimpleNamespace.target)
        process = ProcessCopyFileTask(
            "pcf", "!{DEST}", src=test_file_path, task_role=SimpleNamespace.target, repeat_count=1
        with_dependencies(reset | process)

    cfg = SimpleConfig()

    ea = AnsibleExecutionAgent(config_model_instance=cfg, namespace_model_instance=ns, no_delay=True)
        assert False, "this should have raised an exception about not finding var3"
    except ExecutionException, _:
        found_it = False
        for _, _, value, _ in ea.get_aborted_tasks():
            if "var3" in value.message:
                found_it = True
        assert found_it, "an exception was raised, but not about missing var3"
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test014():
    test014: multiple copies of the same task going against the same host to
    see if any parallel processing issues arise. 
    test_file = "test014-BigTextFile.txt"
    test_file_path = find_file(test_file)

    class SimpleInfra(InfraModel):
        testbox = StaticServer("testbox", find_ip())

    infra = SimpleInfra("simple")

    class SimpleNamespace(NamespaceModel):
        with_variables(Var("PREFIX", ctxt.name), Var("DEST", "/tmp/!{PREFIX}-!{FILE}"), Var("FILE", test_file))
        target = MultiRole(Role("target", host_ref=SimpleInfra.testbox))

    ns = SimpleNamespace()

    class SingleCopy(ConfigModel):
        reset = CommandTask("014_reset", "/bin/rm -rf !{DEST}", removes="!{DEST}")
        copy = CopyFileTask("014_cpf", "!{DEST}", src=test_file_path)
        with_dependencies(reset | copy)

    class MultiCopy(ConfigModel):
        task_suite = MultiTask("all-copies", ConfigClassTask("one-copy", SingleCopy), SimpleNamespace.q.target.all())

    cfg = MultiCopy()

    for i in range(5):
        _ = ns.target[i]

    ea = AnsibleExecutionAgent(config_model_instance=cfg, namespace_model_instance=ns, num_threads=5, no_delay=True)
    except ExecutionException, e:
        import traceback

        for task, etype, value, tb in ea.get_aborted_tasks():
            print ">>>Task {} failed with the following:".format(task.name)
            traceback.print_exception(etype, value, tb, file=sys.stdout)
        assert False, e.message
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test020():
    "test020: write some data to a user's tmp dir based on config-level user"
    from datetime import datetime

    target = "/home/lxle1/tmp/020test.txt"

    class SimpleNamespace(NamespaceModel):
        with_variables(Var("TARGET_FILE", target))
        copy_target = Role("copy-target", host_ref=find_ip())

    ns = SimpleNamespace()

    now_str = datetime.now().ctime()

    class SimpleConfig(ConfigModel):
        copy = CopyFileTask(
            content="This content created at: {}\n".format(now_str),

    # we're testing if setting the user stuff at this level works right
    cfg = SimpleConfig(remote_user="******", private_key_file=find_file("lxle1-dev-key"))

    ea = AnsibleExecutionAgent(config_model_instance=cfg, namespace_model_instance=ns, no_delay=True)
        assert now_str in "".join(file(target, "r").readlines())
    except ExecutionException, e:
        import traceback

        for task, etype, value, tb in ea.get_aborted_tasks():
            print ">>>Task {} failed with the following:".format(task.name)
            traceback.print_exception(etype, value, tb, file=sys.stdout)
        assert False, e.message
Ejemplo n.º 7
def setup():
    # make sure the private key is read-only for the owner
    pkeyfile = find_file("lxle1-dev-key")
    os.chmod(pkeyfile, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)