Ejemplo n.º 1
class INA260:
    """Driver for the INA260 power and current sensor.

        :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the INA260 is connected to.
        :param address: The I2C device address for the sensor. Default is ``0x40``.

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=0x40):
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

    _raw_current = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_CURRENT, ">h")
    _raw_voltage = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_BUSVOLTAGE, ">H")
    _raw_power = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_POWER, ">H")

    _conversion_ready = ROBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 3, 2, False)

    averaging_count = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 9, 2, False)
    """The window size of the rolling average used in continuous mode"""
    voltage_conversion_time = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 6, 2, False)
    """The conversion time taken for the bus voltage measurement"""
    current_conversion_time = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 3, 2, False)
    """The conversion time taken for the current measurement"""

    mode = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 0, 2, False)
    """The mode that the INA260 is operating in. Must be one of
    ``Mode.CONTINUOUS``, ``Mode.TRIGGERED``, or ``Mode.SHUTDOWN``

    mask_enable = RWBits(16, _REG_MASK_ENABLE, 0, 2, False)
    alert_limit = RWBits(16, _REG_ALERT_LIMIT, 0, 2, False)

    def current(self):
        """The current (between V+ and V-) in mA"""
        if self.mode == Mode.TRIGGERED:
            while self._conversion_ready == 0:
        return self._raw_current * 1.25

    def voltage(self):
        """The bus voltage in V"""
        if self.mode == Mode.TRIGGERED:
            while self._conversion_ready == 0:
        return self._raw_voltage * 0.00125

    def power(self):
        """The power being delivered to the load in mW"""
        if self.mode == Mode.TRIGGERED:
            while self._conversion_ready == 0:
        return self._raw_power * 10
Ejemplo n.º 2
class MMC5603:  # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

    _enable = RWBit(Inter_control, 0, 1)

    _raw_x_0 = ROUnaryStruct(OUTX_L_REG, "<B")
    _raw_x_1 = ROUnaryStruct(OUTX_H_REG, "<B")
#    _raw_y = ROUnaryStruct(OUTY_L_REG, "<h")
#    _raw_z = ROUnaryStruct(OUTZ_L_REG, "<h")

    def __init__(self, i2c):
        self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c, _ADDRESS_MAG)
#        if self._device_id != 0x40:
#            raise AttributeError("Cannot find an LIS2MDL")
    def reset(self):
        """Reset the sensor to the default state set by the library"""
        self._soft_reset = True
        self._reboot = True
        self._mode = 0x00
        self._bdu = True  # Make sure high and low bytes are set together
        self._int_latched = True
        self._int_reg_polarity = True
        self._int_iron_off = False
        self._interrupt_pin_putput = True
        self._temp_comp = True

        sleep(0.030)  # sleep 20ms to allow measurements to stabilize

    def magnetic(self):
        """The processed magnetometer sensor values.
        A 3-tuple of X, Y, Z axis values in microteslas that are signed floats.
        self._enable = 1
        return (
Ejemplo n.º 3
class TC74:
    Driver for the Microchip TC74 Digital Temperature Sensor.
    :param i2c_bus: The I2C bus the TC74 is connected to.
    :param address: The I2C device address for the sensor. Default is

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=TC74_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

    _temperature = ROUnaryStruct(TC74_REGISTER_TEMP, "b")

    shutdown = RWBit(TC74_REGISTER_CONFIG, TC74_SHUTDOWN_BIT, lsb_first=True)
    """Set to True to turn off the temperature measurement circuitry in
    the sensor. While shut down the configurations properties can still
    be read or written but the temperature will not be measured."""

    data_ready = ROBit(TC74_REGISTER_CONFIG, TC74_DATA_READY_BIT, lsb_first=True)
    """Read-only bit that indicates when the temperature register is
    ready to be read from, especially after power-on or when switching
    from the shutdown to the normal state."""

    def temperature(self):
        Returns the current temperature in degrees celsius. Resolution
        is 1 degrees C.
        return self._temperature
Ejemplo n.º 4
class MPU9250:
    """Driver for the MPU9250 9-DoF IMU.
        :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the MPU9250 is connected to.
        :param address: The I2C slave address of the sensor
    def __init__(self,
        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, mpu_addr)

        if self._device_id != _MPU9250_DEVICE_ID:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find MPU9250 - check your wiring!")

        self._mpu = MPU6500(i2c_bus, mpu_addr)

        self._bypass = 1
        self._ready = 1

        self._akm = AK8963(i2c_bus, akm_addr)

    def reset(self):
        """Reinitialize the sensor"""

    _device_id = ROUnaryStruct(_MPU9250_WHO_AM_I, ">B")
    _bypass = RWBit(_MPU9250_INT_PIN_CFG, 1, 1)
    _ready = RWBit(_MPU9250_INT_ENABLE, 0, 1)

    def temperature(self):
        """The current temperature in  º C"""
        return self._mpu.temperature

    def acceleration(self):
        """Acceleration X, Y, and Z axis data in m/s^2"""
        return self._mpu.acceleration

    def gyro(self):
        """Gyroscope X, Y, and Z axis data in º/s"""
        return self._mpu.gyro

    def magnetic(self):
        """Magnetometer X, Y and Z asix data in micro-Tesla (uT)"""
        return self._akm.magnetic

    def cal_mag(self):
        return self._akm.calibrate()
class LIS3MDL:
    """Driver for the LIS3MDL 3-axis magnetometer.

    :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the LIS3MDL is connected to.
    :param address: The I2C device address. Defaults to :const:`0x1C`

    **Quickstart: Importing and using the device**

        Here is an example of using the :class:`LIS3MDL` class.
        First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor

        .. code-block:: python

            import board
            import adafruit_lis3mdl

        Once this is done you can define your `board.I2C` object and define your sensor object

        .. code-block:: python

            i2c = board.I2C()
            sensor = adafruit_lis3mdl.LIS3MDL(i2c)

        Now you have access to the :attr:`magnetic` attribute

        .. code-block:: python

            mag_x, mag_y, mag_z = sensor.magnetic


    _chip_id = ROUnaryStruct(_LIS3MDL_WHOAMI, "<b")

    _perf_mode = RWBits(2, _LIS3MDL_CTRL_REG1, 5)
    _z_perf_mode = RWBits(2, _LIS3MDL_CTRL_REG4, 2)

    _operation_mode = RWBits(2, _LIS3MDL_CTRL_REG3, 0)

    _data_rate = RWBits(4, _LIS3MDL_CTRL_REG1, 1)

    _raw_mag_data = Struct(_LIS3MDL_OUT_X_L, "<hhh")

    _range = RWBits(2, _LIS3MDL_CTRL_REG2, 5)
    _reset = RWBit(_LIS3MDL_CTRL_REG2, 2)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_LIS3MDL_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
        # pylint: disable=no-member
        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        if self._chip_id != _LIS3MDL_CHIP_ID:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find LIS3MDL - check your wiring!")

        self.performance_mode = PerformanceMode.MODE_ULTRA

        self.data_rate = Rate.RATE_155_HZ
        self.range = Range.RANGE_4_GAUSS
        self.operation_mode = OperationMode.CONTINUOUS


    def reset(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        """Reset the sensor to the default state set by the library"""
        self._reset = True

    def magnetic(self):
        """The processed magnetometer sensor values.
        A 3-tuple of X, Y, Z axis values in microteslas that are signed floats.

        raw_mag_data = self._raw_mag_data
        x = self._scale_mag_data(raw_mag_data[0])
        y = self._scale_mag_data(raw_mag_data[1])
        z = self._scale_mag_data(raw_mag_data[2])

        return (x, y, z)

    def _scale_mag_data(self, raw_measurement):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        return (raw_measurement / Range.lsb[self.range]) * _GAUSS_TO_UT

    def range(self):
        """The measurement range for the magnetic sensor. Must be a ``Range``"""
        return self._range

    def range(self, value):
        if not Range.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("``range`` must be a ``Range``")

        self._range = value


    def data_rate(self):
        """The rate at which the sensor takes measurements. Must be a ``Rate``"""
        return self._data_rate

    def data_rate(self, value):
        # pylint: disable=no-member
        if value is Rate.RATE_155_HZ:
            self.performance_mode = PerformanceMode.MODE_ULTRA
        if value is Rate.RATE_300_HZ:
            self.performance_mode = PerformanceMode.MODE_HIGH
        if value is Rate.RATE_560_HZ:
            self.performance_mode = PerformanceMode.MODE_MEDIUM
        if value is Rate.RATE_1000_HZ:
            self.performance_mode = PerformanceMode.MODE_LOW_POWER
        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("`data_rate` must be a `Rate`")
        self._data_rate = value

    def performance_mode(self):
        """Sets the 'performance mode' of the sensor. Must be a ``PerformanceMode``.
        Note that `performance_mode` affects the available data rate and will be
        automatically changed by setting ``data_rate`` to certain values."""

        return self._perf_mode

    def performance_mode(self, value):
        if not PerformanceMode.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError(
                "`performance_mode` must be a `PerformanceMode`")
        self._perf_mode = value
        self._z_perf_mode = value

    def operation_mode(self):
        """The operating mode for the sensor, controlling how measurements are taken.
        Must be an `OperationMode`. See the the `OperationMode` document for additional details
        return self._operation_mode

    def operation_mode(self, value):
        if not OperationMode.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("operation mode must be a OperationMode")
        self._operation_mode = value
class LPS2X:  # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Library for the ST LPS2x family of pressure sensors

        :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the LPS25HB is connected to.
        :param address: The I2C device address for the sensor. Default is ``0x5d`` but will accept
            ``0x5c`` when the ``SDO`` pin is connected to Ground.


    _chip_id = ROUnaryStruct(_WHO_AM_I, "<B")
    _reset = RWBit(_CTRL_REG2, 2)
    enabled = RWBit(_CTRL_REG1, 7)
    """Controls the power down state of the sensor. Setting to `False` will shut the sensor down"""
    _data_rate = RWBits(3, _CTRL_REG1, 4)
    _raw_temperature = ROUnaryStruct(_TEMP_OUT_L, "<h")
    _raw_pressure = ROBits(24, _PRESS_OUT_XL, 0, 3)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_LPS25_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        if not self._chip_id in [_LPS25_CHIP_ID]:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find LPS25HB! Found chip ID 0x%x" %

        self.enabled = True
        self.data_rate = Rate.RATE_25_HZ  # pylint:disable=no-member

    def reset(self):
        """Reset the sensor, restoring all configuration registers to their defaults"""
        self._reset = True
        # wait for the reset to finish
        while self._reset:

    def pressure(self):
        """The current pressure measurement in hPa"""
        raw = self._raw_pressure

        if raw & (1 << 23) != 0:
            raw = raw - (1 << 24)
        return raw / 4096.0

    def temperature(self):
        """The current temperature measurement in degrees C"""
        raw_temperature = self._raw_temperature
        return (raw_temperature / 480) + 42.5

    def data_rate(self):
        """The rate at which the sensor measures ``pressure`` and ``temperature``. ``data_rate``
        shouldbe set to one of the values of ``adafruit_lps2x.DataRate``. Note that setting
        ``data_rate``to ``Rate.ONE_SHOT`` places the sensor into a low-power shutdown mode where
        measurements toupdate ``pressure`` and ``temperature`` are only taken when
        ``take_measurement`` is called."""
        return self._data_rate

    def data_rate(self, value):
        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("data_rate must be a `Rate`")

        self._data_rate = value
Ejemplo n.º 7
class LSM6DSOX:  #pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Driver for the LSM6DSOX 6-axis accelerometer and gyroscope.

        :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the LSM6DSOX is connected to.
        :param address: The I2C slave address of the sensor


    _chip_id = ROUnaryStruct(_LSM6DSOX_WHOAMI, "<b")
    _temperature = ROUnaryStruct(_LSM6DSOX_OUT_TEMP_L, "<h")

    _ois_ctrl_from_ui = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_FUNC_CFG_ACCESS, 0)
    _shub_reg_access = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_FUNC_CFG_ACCESS, 6)
    _func_cfg_access = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_FUNC_CFG_ACCESS, 7)
    _sdo_pu_en = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_PIN_CTRL, 6)
    _ois_pu_dis = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_PIN_CTRL, 7)
    _spi2_read_en = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_UI_INT_OIS, 3)
    _den_lh_ois = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_UI_INT_OIS, 5)
    _lvl2_ois = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_UI_INT_OIS, 6)
    _int2_drdy_ois = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_UI_INT_OIS, 7)
    _lpf_xl = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_CTRL1_XL, 1)

    _accel_range = RWBits(2, _LSM6DSOX_CTRL1_XL, 2)
    _accel_data_rate = RWBits(4, _LSM6DSOX_CTRL1_XL, 4)

    _gyro_data_rate = RWBits(4, _LSM6DSOX_CTRL2_G, 4)
    _gyro_range = RWBits(2, _LSM6DSOX_CTRL2_G, 2)
    _gyro_range_125dps = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_CTRL2_G, 1)

    _sw_reset = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_CTRL3_C, 0)
    _if_inc = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_CTRL3_C, 2)
    _sim = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_CTRL3_C, 3)
    _pp_od = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_CTRL3_C, 4)
    _h_lactive = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_CTRL3_C, 5)
    _bdu = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_CTRL3_C, 6)
    _boot = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_CTRL3_C, 7)
    _st_xl = RWBits(2, _LSM6DSOX_CTRL_5_C, 0)
    _st_g = RWBits(2, _LSM6DSOX_CTRL_5_C, 2)
    _rounding_status = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_CTRL_5_C, 4)
    _rounding = RWBits(2, _LSM6DSOX_CTRL_5_C, 5)
    _xl_ulp_en = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_CTRL_5_C, 7)
    _aux_sens_on = RWBits(2, _LSM6DSOX_MASTER_CONFIG, 0)
    _master_on = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_MASTER_CONFIG, 2)
    _shub_pu_en = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_MASTER_CONFIG, 3)
    _pass_through_mode = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_MASTER_CONFIG, 4)
    _start_config = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_MASTER_CONFIG, 5)
    _write_once = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_MASTER_CONFIG, 6)
    _rst_master_regs = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_MASTER_CONFIG, 7)
    _i3c_disable = RWBit(_LSM6DSOX_CTRL9_XL, 1)

    _raw_temp = ROUnaryStruct(_LSM6DSOX_OUT_TEMP_L, "<h")

    _raw_accel_data = Struct(_LSM6DSOX_OUTX_L_A, "<hhh")
    _raw_gyro_data = Struct(_LSM6DSOX_OUTX_L_G, "<hhh")

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_LSM6DSOX_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

        if self._chip_id not in [_LSM6DSOX_CHIP_ID, _ISM330DHCX_CHIP_ID]:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Failed to find LSM6DSOX or ISM330DHCX - check your wiring!")

        self._bdu = True
        self._i3c_disable = True
        self._if_inc = True

        self._accel_data_rate = Rate.RATE_104_HZ  #pylint: disable=no-member
        self._gyro_data_rate = Rate.RATE_104_HZ  #pylint: disable=no-member

        self._accel_range = AccelRange.RANGE_4G  #pylint: disable=no-member
        self._cached_accel_range = self._accel_range
        self._gyro_range = GyroRange.RANGE_250_DPS  #pylint: disable=no-member
        self._cached_gyro_range = self._gyro_range

    def reset(self):
        "Resets the sensor's configuration into an initial state"
        self._sw_reset = True
        while self._sw_reset:
        self._boot = True
        while self._boot:

    def is_lsm6dsox(self):
        """Returns `True` if the connected sensor is an LSM6DSOX,
        `False` if not, it's an ICM330DHCX"""
        return self._chip_id is _LSM6DSOX_CHIP_ID

    def acceleration(self):
        """The x, y, z acceleration values returned in a 3-tuple and are in m / s ^ 2."""
        raw_accel_data = self._raw_accel_data
        x = self._scale_xl_data(raw_accel_data[0])
        y = self._scale_xl_data(raw_accel_data[1])
        z = self._scale_xl_data(raw_accel_data[2])

        return (x, y, z)

    def gyro(self):
        """The x, y, z angular velocity values returned in a 3-tuple and are in degrees / second"""
        raw_gyro_data = self._raw_gyro_data
        x = self._scale_gyro_data(raw_gyro_data[0])
        y = self._scale_gyro_data(raw_gyro_data[1])
        z = self._scale_gyro_data(raw_gyro_data[2])

        return (x, y, z)

    def _scale_xl_data(self, raw_measurement):
        return raw_measurement * AccelRange.lsb[
            self._cached_accel_range] * _MILLI_G_TO_ACCEL

    def _scale_gyro_data(self, raw_measurement):
        return raw_measurement * GyroRange.lsb[self._cached_gyro_range] / 1000

    def accelerometer_range(self):
        """Adjusts the range of values that the sensor can measure, from +/- 2G to +/-16G
        Note that larger ranges will be less accurate. Must be an `AccelRange`"""
        return self._cached_accel_range

    #pylint: disable=no-member
    def accelerometer_range(self, value):
        if not AccelRange.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("range must be an `AccelRange`")
        self._accel_range = value
        self._cached_accel_range = value
        sleep(.2)  # needed to let new range settle

    def gyro_range(self):
        """Adjusts the range of values that the sensor can measure, from 125 Degrees/second to 4000
        degrees/s. Note that larger ranges will be less accurate. Must be a `GyroRange`. 4000 DPS
        is only available for the ISM330DHCX"""
        return self._cached_gyro_range

    def gyro_range(self, value):
        if not GyroRange.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("range must be a `GyroRange`")
        if value is GyroRange.RANGE_4000_DPS and self.is_lsm6dsox:
            raise AttributeError("4000 DPS is only available for ISM330DHCX")

        if value is GyroRange.RANGE_125_DPS:
            self._gyro_range_125dps = True
            self._gyro_range_4000dps = False
        elif value is GyroRange.RANGE_4000_DPS:
            self._gyro_range_125dps = False
            self._gyro_range_4000dps = True
            self._gyro_range_125dps = False
            self._gyro_range_4000dps = True
            self._gyro_range = value

        self._cached_gyro_range = value
        sleep(.2)  # needed to let new range settle

    #pylint: enable=no-member

    def accelerometer_data_rate(self):
        """Select the rate at which the accelerometer takes measurements. Must be a `Rate`"""
        return self._accel_data_rate

    def accelerometer_data_rate(self, value):

        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("accelerometer_data_rate must be a `Rate`")

        self._accel_data_rate = value
        # sleep(.2) # needed to let new range settle

    def gyro_data_rate(self):
        """Select the rate at which the gyro takes measurements. Must be a `Rate`"""
        return self._gyro_data_rate

    def gyro_data_rate(self, value):
        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("gyro_data_rate must be a `Rate`")

        self._gyro_data_rate = value
class Edubit:
    I2C_ADDRESS = 0x08

    NEOPIXEL_PIN = board.P13

    RED_LED_PIN = board.P14
    YELLOW_LED_PIN = board.P15
    GREEN_LED_PIN = board.P16

    SOUND_BIT_PIN = board.P1
    POTENTIO_BIT_PIN = board.P2
    IR_BIT_PIN = board.P8

    REG_ADD_SERVO_1 = 1
    REG_ADD_SERVO_2 = 2
    REG_ADD_SERVO_3 = 3
    REG_ADD_M1A = 4
    REG_ADD_M1B = 5
    REG_ADD_M2A = 6
    REG_ADD_M2B = 7
    REG_ADD_LB_UTH = 8
    REG_ADD_LB_LTH = 9
    REG_ADD_OV_TH = 10
    REG_ADD_VIN = 11

    ### These all depend on self.i2c_device being set
    revision_reg = ROUnaryStruct(REG_ADD_REVISION, "<B")

    servo_1_reg = UnaryStruct(REG_ADD_SERVO_1, "<B")
    servo_2_reg = UnaryStruct(REG_ADD_SERVO_2, "<B")
    servo_3_reg = UnaryStruct(REG_ADD_SERVO_3, "<B")
    m1a_reg = UnaryStruct(REG_ADD_M1A, "<B")
    m1b_reg = UnaryStruct(REG_ADD_M1B, "<B")
    m2a_reg = UnaryStruct(REG_ADD_M2A, "<B")
    m2b_reg = UnaryStruct(REG_ADD_M2B, "<B")
    lb_uth_reg = UnaryStruct(REG_ADD_LB_UTH, "<B")
    lb_lth_reg = UnaryStruct(REG_ADD_LB_LTH, "<B")
    ov_th_reg = UnaryStruct(REG_ADD_OV_TH, "<B")

    vin_reg = ROUnaryStruct(REG_ADD_VIN, "<B")
    pwr_state_reg = ROUnaryStruct(REG_ADD_PWR_STATE, "<B")
    lb_state_reg = ROUnaryStruct(REG_ADD_LB_STATE, "<B")
    ov_state_reg = ROUnaryStruct(REG_ADD_OV_STATE, "<B")

    S1 = REG_ADD_SERVO_1
    S2 = REG_ADD_SERVO_2
    S3 = REG_ADD_SERVO_3

    M1 = 0
    M2 = 1
    ALL = 1000

    FORWARD = 0
    BACKWARD = 1

    RED = 0
    YELLOW = 1
    GREEN = 2

    def __init__(self, i2c=None, device_address=I2C_ADDRESS):
        self._i2c = board.I2C() if i2c is None else i2c
        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c, device_address)

        if self.is_power_on():
            raise RuntimeError("Edu:bit is not responding to i2c"
                               " - powered on?")

            self.pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(self.NEOPIXEL_PIN, 4)
        except ValueError:
            raise RuntimeError("NeoPixel pin already in use"
                               " - Edubit object already instantiated?")

        self.pixels.fill((0, 0, 0))

        self._red_led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(self.RED_LED_PIN)
        self._yellow_led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(self.YELLOW_LED_PIN)
        self._green_led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(self.GREEN_LED_PIN)

        self._sound = analogio.AnalogIn(self.SOUND_BIT_PIN)
        self._potentio = analogio.AnalogIn(self.POTENTIO_BIT_PIN)
        self._ir = digitalio.DigitalInOut(self.IR_BIT_PIN)
        self._ir.pull = digitalio.Pull.DOWN

        time.sleep(0.2)  ### 200ms pause - the MicroPython library does this

    def init_motor_servos(self):

    def _set_motor_speed(self, motorChannel, fwd_speed, rev_speed):
        if fwd_speed > 0 and rev_speed > 0:
            raise ValueError("At least one speed arg must be 0")

        if motorChannel in (self.M1, self.ALL):
            self.m1a_reg = fwd_speed
            self.m1b_reg = rev_speed

        if motorChannel in (self.M2, self.ALL):
            self.m2a_reg = fwd_speed
            self.m2b_reg = rev_speed

    def brake_motor(self, motorChannel):
        self._set_motor_speed(motorChannel, 0, 0)

    def run_motor(self, motorChannel, direction, speed):
        speed = constrain(speed, 0, 255)
        forward = speed if direction == self.FORWARD else 0
        backward = speed if direction == self.BACKWARD else 0
        self._set_motor_speed(motorChannel, forward, backward)

    def _set_servo_value(self, servo, value):
        if servo in (self.S1, self.ALL):
            self.servo_1_reg = value
        if servo in (self.S2, self.ALL):
            self.servo_2_reg = value
        if servo in (self.S3, self.ALL):
            self.servo_3_reg = value

    def disable_servo(self, servo):
        self._set_servo_value(servo, 0)

    def set_servo_position(self, servo, position):
        position = constrain(position, 0, 180)

        ### This formula comes from MicroPython library
        pulseWidth = int(position * 20 / 18 + 50)
        self._set_servo_value(servo, pulseWidth)

    def is_power_on(self):
        return self.pwr_state_reg != 0

    def is_low_batt(self):
        return self.lb_state_reg != 0

    def is_overvoltage(self):
        return self.ov_state_reg != 0

    def read_Vin(self):
        return self.vin_reg / 10.0

    def set_led(self, color, state):
        if color in (self.RED, self.ALL):
            self._red_led.value = bool(state)
        if color in (self.YELLOW, self.ALL):
            self._yellow_led.value = bool(state)
        if color in (self.GREEN, self.ALL):
            self._green_led.value = bool(state)

    def read_sound_sensor(self):
        return self._sound.value

    def read_pot_value(self):
        return self._potentio.value

    def read_IR_sensor(self):
        return self._ir.value

    def is_IR_sensor_triggered(self):
        return not self._ir.value
Ejemplo n.º 9
class TMP117:
    """Library for the TI TMP117 high-accuracy temperature sensor"""

    _part_id = ROUnaryStruct(_DEVICE_ID, ">H")
    _raw_temperature = ROUnaryStruct(_TEMP_RESULT, ">h")
    _raw_high_limit = UnaryStruct(_T_HIGH_LIMIT, ">h")
    _raw_low_limit = UnaryStruct(_T_LOW_LIMIT, ">h")
    _raw_temperature_offset = UnaryStruct(_TEMP_OFFSET, ">h")

    # these three bits will clear on read in some configurations, so we read them together
    _alert_status_data_ready = ROBits(3, _CONFIGURATION, 13, 2, False)
    _eeprom_busy = ROBit(_CONFIGURATION, 12, 2, False)
    _mode = RWBits(2, _CONFIGURATION, 10, 2, False)

    _raw_measurement_delay = RWBits(3, _CONFIGURATION, 7, 2, False)
    _raw_averaged_measurements = RWBits(2, _CONFIGURATION, 5, 2, False)

    _raw_alert_mode = RWBit(_CONFIGURATION, 4, 2,
                            False)  # T/nA bits in the datasheet
    _int_active_high = RWBit(_CONFIGURATION, 3, 2, False)
    _data_ready_int_en = RWBit(_CONFIGURATION, 2, 2, False)
    _soft_reset = RWBit(_CONFIGURATION, 1, 2, False)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_I2C_ADDR):

        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        if self._part_id != _DEVICE_ID_VALUE:
            raise AttributeError("Cannot find a TMP117")
        # currently set when `alert_status` is read, but not exposed

    def reset(self):
        """Reset the sensor to its unconfigured power-on state"""
        self._soft_reset = True

    def initialize(self):
        """Configure the sensor with sensible defaults. `initialize` is primarily provided to be
        called after `reset`, however it can also be used to easily set the sensor to a known
        # Datasheet specifies that reset will finish in 2ms however by default the first
        # conversion will be averaged 8x and take 1s
        # TODO: sleep depending on current averaging config
            _CONTINUOUS_CONVERSION_MODE)  # one shot

    def temperature(self):
        """The current measured temperature in degrees celcius"""

        return self._read_temperature()

    def temperature_offset(self):
        """User defined temperature offset to be added to measurements from `temperature`

        .. code-block::python3

            # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Bryan Siepert, written for Adafruit Industries
            # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
            import time
            import board
            import busio
            import adafruit_tmp117

            i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)

            tmp117 = adafruit_tmp117.TMP117(i2c)

            print("Temperature without offset: %.2f degrees C" % tmp117.temperature)
            tmp117.temperature_offset = 10.0
            while True:
                print("Temperature w/ offset: %.2f degrees C" % tmp117.temperature)

        return self._raw_temperature_offset * _TMP117_RESOLUTION

    def temperature_offset(self, value):
        if value > 256 or value < -256:
            raise AttributeError("temperature_offset must be ")
        scaled_offset = int(value / _TMP117_RESOLUTION)
        self._raw_temperature_offset = scaled_offset

    def high_limit(self):
        """The high temperature limit in degrees celcius. When the measured temperature exceeds this
        value, the `high_alert` attribute of the `alert_status` property will be True. See the
        documentation for `alert_status` for more information"""

        return self._raw_high_limit * _TMP117_RESOLUTION

    def high_limit(self, value):
        if value > 256 or value < -256:
            raise AttributeError("high_limit must be from 255 to -256")
        scaled_limit = int(value / _TMP117_RESOLUTION)
        self._raw_high_limit = scaled_limit

    def low_limit(self):
        """The low  temperature limit in degrees celcius. When the measured temperature goes below
        this value, the `low_alert` attribute of the `alert_status` property will be True. See the
        documentation for `alert_status` for more information"""

        return self._raw_low_limit * _TMP117_RESOLUTION

    def low_limit(self, value):
        if value > 256 or value < -256:
            raise AttributeError("low_limit must be from 255 to -256")
        scaled_limit = int(value / _TMP117_RESOLUTION)
        self._raw_low_limit = scaled_limit

    def alert_status(self):
        """The current triggered status of the high and low temperature alerts as a AlertStatus
        named tuple with attributes for the triggered status of each alert.

        .. code-block :: python3

            import board
            import busio
            import adafruit_tmp117
            i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)

            tmp117 = adafruit_tmp117.TMP117(i2c)

            tmp117.high_limit = 25
            tmp117.low_limit = 10

            print("High limit", tmp117.high_limit)
            print("Low limit", tmp117.low_limit)

            # Try changing `alert_mode`  to see how it modifies the behavior of the alerts.
            # tmp117.alert_mode = AlertMode.WINDOW #default
            # tmp117.alert_mode = AlertMode.HYSTERESIS

            print("Alert mode:", AlertMode.string[tmp117.alert_mode])
            while True:
                print("Temperature: %.2f degrees C" % tmp117.temperature)
                alert_status = tmp117.alert_status
                print("High alert:", alert_status.high_alert)
                print("Low alert:", alert_status.low_alert)

        high_alert, low_alert, *_ = self._read_status()
        return AlertStatus(high_alert=high_alert, low_alert=low_alert)

    def averaged_measurements(self):
        """The number of measurements that are taken and averaged before updating the temperature
        measurement register. A larger number will reduce measurement noise but may also affect
        the rate at which measurements are updated, depending on the value of `measurement_delay`

        Note that each averaged measurement takes 15.5ms which means that larger numbers of averaged
        measurements may make the delay between new reported measurements to exceed the delay set
        by `measurement_delay`

        .. code-block::python3

            import time
            import board
            import busio
            from adafruit_tmp117 import TMP117, AverageCount

            i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)

            tmp117 = TMP117(i2c)

            # uncomment different options below to see how it affects the reported temperature
            # tmp117.averaged_measurements = AverageCount.AVERAGE_1X
            # tmp117.averaged_measurements = AverageCount.AVERAGE_8X
            # tmp117.averaged_measurements = AverageCount.AVERAGE_32X
            # tmp117.averaged_measurements = AverageCount.AVERAGE_64X

                "Number of averaged samples per measurement:",

            while True:
                print("Temperature:", tmp117.temperature)

        return self._raw_averaged_measurements

    def averaged_measurements(self, value):
        if not AverageCount.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError(
                "averaged_measurements must be an `AverageCount`")
        self._raw_averaged_measurements = value

    def measurement_mode(self):
        """Sets the measurement mode, specifying the behavior of how often measurements are taken.
        `measurement_mode` must be one of:

| Mode                                   | Behavior                                             |
| :py:const:`MeasurementMode.CONTINUOUS` | Measurements are made at the interval determined by  |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | `averaged_measurements` and `measurement_delay`.     |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | `temperature` returns the most recent measurement    |
| :py:const:`MeasurementMode.ONE_SHOT`   | Take a single measurement with the current number of |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | `averaged_measurements` and switch to                |
|                                        | :py:const:`SHUTDOWN` when                            |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | finished.                                            |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | `temperature` will return the new measurement until  |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | `measurement_mode` is set to :py:const:`CONTINUOUS`  |
|                                        | or :py:const:`ONE_SHOT` is                           |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | set again.                                           |
| :py:const:`MeasurementMode.SHUTDOWN`   | The sensor is put into a low power state and no new  |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | measurements are taken.                              |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | `temperature` will return the last measurement until |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | a new `measurement_mode` is selected.                |

        return self._mode

    def measurement_mode(self, value):
        if not MeasurementMode.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError(
                "measurement_mode must be a `MeasurementMode` ")


    def measurement_delay(self):
        """The minimum amount of time between measurements in seconds. Must be a
        `MeasurementDelay`. The specified amount may be exceeded depending on the
        current setting off `averaged_measurements` which determines the minimum
        time needed between reported measurements.

        .. code-block::python3

            import time
            import board
            import busio
            from adafruit_tmp117 import TMP117, AverageCount, MeasurementDelay

            i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)

            tmp117 = TMP117(i2c)

            # uncomment different options below to see how it affects the reported temperature

            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_0_0015_S
            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_0_125_S
            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_0_250_S
            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_0_500_S
            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_1_S
            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_4_S
            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_8_S
            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_16_S

            print("Minimum time between measurements:",
            MeasurementDelay.string[tmp117.measurement_delay], "seconds")


            while True:
                print("Temperature:", tmp117.temperature)


        return self._raw_measurement_delay

    def measurement_delay(self, value):
        if not MeasurementDelay.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError(
                "measurement_delay must be a `MeasurementDelay`")
        self._raw_measurement_delay = value

    def take_single_measurememt(self):
        """Perform a single measurement cycle respecting the value of `averaged_measurements`,
        returning the measurement once complete. Once finished the sensor is placed into a low power
        state until :py:meth:`take_single_measurement` or `temperature` are read.

        **Note:** if `averaged_measurements` is set to a high value there will be a notable
        delay before the temperature measurement is returned while the sensor takes the required
        number of measurements

        return self._set_mode_and_wait_for_measurement(
            _ONE_SHOT_MODE)  # one shot

    def alert_mode(self):
        """Sets the behavior of the `low_limit`, `high_limit`, and `alert_status` properties.

        When set to :py:const:`AlertMode.WINDOW`, the `high_limit` property will unset when the
        measured temperature goes below `high_limit`. Similarly `low_limit` will be True or False
        depending on if the measured temperature is below (`False`) or above(`True`) `low_limit`.

        When set to :py:const:`AlertMode.HYSTERESIS`, the `high_limit` property will be set to
        `False` when the measured temperature goes below `low_limit`. In this mode, the `low_limit`
        property of `alert_status` will not be set.

        The default is :py:const:`AlertMode.WINDOW`"""

        return self._raw_alert_mode

    def alert_mode(self, value):
        if not AlertMode.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("alert_mode must be an `AlertMode`")
        self._raw_alert_mode = value

    def serial_number(self):
        """A 48-bit, factory-set unique identifier for the device."""
        eeprom1_data = bytearray(2)
        eeprom2_data = bytearray(2)
        eeprom3_data = bytearray(2)
        # Fetch EEPROM registers
        with self.i2c_device as i2c:
            i2c.write_then_readinto(bytearray([_EEPROM1]), eeprom1_data)
            i2c.write_then_readinto(bytearray([_EEPROM2]), eeprom2_data)
            i2c.write_then_readinto(bytearray([_EEPROM3]), eeprom3_data)
        # Combine the 2-byte portions
        combined_id = bytearray([
        # Convert to an integer
        return _convert_to_integer(combined_id)

    def _set_mode_and_wait_for_measurement(self, mode):

        self._mode = mode
        # poll for data ready
        while not self._read_status()[2]:

        return self._read_temperature()

    # eeprom write enable to set defaults for limits and config
    # requires context manager or something to perform a general call reset

    def _read_status(self):
        # 3 bits: high_alert, low_alert, data_ready
        status_flags = self._alert_status_data_ready

        high_alert = 0b100 & status_flags > 0
        low_alert = 0b010 & status_flags > 0
        data_ready = 0b001 & status_flags > 0

        return (high_alert, low_alert, data_ready)

    def _read_temperature(self):
        return self._raw_temperature * _TMP117_RESOLUTION
Ejemplo n.º 10
class AW9523:
    """CircuitPython helper class for using the AW9523 GPIO expander"""

    _chip_id = ROUnaryStruct(_AW9523_REG_CHIPID, "<B")
    _reset_reg = UnaryStruct(_AW9523_REG_SOFTRESET, "<B")

    # Set all 16 gpio outputs
    outputs = UnaryStruct(_AW9523_REG_OUTPUT0, "<H")
    # Read all 16 gpio inputs
    inputs = UnaryStruct(_AW9523_REG_INPUT0, "<H")
    # Set all 16 gpio interrupt enable
    _interrupt_enables = UnaryStruct(_AW9523_REG_INTENABLE0, "<H")
    # Set all 16 gpio directions
    _directions = UnaryStruct(_AW9523_REG_CONFIG0, "<H")
    # Set all 16 gpio LED modes
    _LED_modes = UnaryStruct(_AW9523_REG_LEDMODE, "<H")

    # Whether port 0 is push-pull
    port0_push_pull = RWBit(_AW9523_REG_GCR, 4)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_AW9523_DEFAULT_ADDR, reset=True):
        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        self._buffer = bytearray(2)
        if self._chip_id != 0x23:
            raise AttributeError("Cannot find a AW9523")
        if reset:
            self.port0_push_pull = True  # pushpull output
            self.interrupt_enables = 0x0000  # no IRQ
            self.directions = 0x0000  # all inputs!

    def reset(self):
        """Perform a soft reset, check datasheets for post-reset defaults!"""
        self._reset_reg = 0

    def set_constant_current(self, pin, value):
        Set the constant current drain for an AW9523 pin
        :param int pin: pin to set constant current, 0..15
        :param int value: the value ranging from 0 (off) to 255 (max current)
        # See Table 13. 256 step dimming control register
        if 0 <= pin <= 7:
            self._buffer[0] = 0x24 + pin
        elif 8 <= pin <= 11:
            self._buffer[0] = 0x20 + pin - 8
        elif 12 <= pin <= 15:
            self._buffer[0] = 0x2C + pin - 12
            raise ValueError("Pin must be 0 to 15")

        # set value
        if not 0 <= value <= 255:
            raise ValueError("Value must be 0 to 255")
        self._buffer[1] = value
        with self.i2c_device as i2c:

    def get_pin(self, pin):
        """Convenience function to create an instance of the DigitalInOut class
        pointing at the specified pin of this AW9523 device.
        :param int pin: pin to use for digital IO, 0 to 15
        assert 0 <= pin <= 15
        return DigitalInOut(pin, self)

    def interrupt_enables(self):
        """Enables interrupt for input pin change if bit mask is 1"""
        return ~self._interrupt_enables & 0xFFFF

    def interrupt_enables(self, enables):
        self._interrupt_enables = ~enables & 0xFFFF

    def directions(self):
        """Direction is output if bit mask is 1, input if bit is 0"""
        return ~self._directions & 0xFFFF

    def directions(self, dirs):
        self._directions = (~dirs) & 0xFFFF

    def LED_modes(self):
        """Pin is set up for constant current mode if bit mask is 1"""
        return ~self._LED_modes & 0xFFFF

    def LED_modes(self, modes):
        self._LED_modes = ~modes & 0xFFFF
class HTS221:  # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Library for the ST HTS221 Humidity and Temperature Sensor

    :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the HTS221HB is connected to.


    _chip_id = ROUnaryStruct(_WHO_AM_I, "<B")
    _boot_bit = RWBit(_CTRL_REG2, 7)
    enabled = RWBit(_CTRL_REG1, 7)
    """Controls the power down state of the sensor. Setting to `False` will shut the sensor down"""
    _data_rate = RWBits(2, _CTRL_REG1, 0)
    _one_shot_bit = RWBit(_CTRL_REG2, 0)
    _temperature_status_bit = ROBit(_STATUS_REG, 0)
    _humidity_status_bit = ROBit(_STATUS_REG, 1)
    _raw_temperature = ROUnaryStruct(_TEMP_OUT_L, "<h")
    _raw_humidity = ROUnaryStruct(_HUMIDITY_OUT_L, "<h")

    # humidity calibration consts
    _t0_deg_c_x8_lsbyte = ROBits(8, _T0_DEGC_X8, 0)
    _t1_deg_c_x8_lsbyte = ROBits(8, _T1_DEGC_X8, 0)
    _t1_t0_deg_c_x8_msbits = ROBits(4, _T1_T0_MSB, 0)

    _t0_out = ROUnaryStruct(_T0_OUT, "<h")
    _t1_out = ROUnaryStruct(_T1_OUT, "<h")

    _h0_rh_x2 = ROUnaryStruct(_H0_RH_X2, "<B")
    _h1_rh_x2 = ROUnaryStruct(_H1_RH_X2, "<B")

    _h0_t0_out = ROUnaryStruct(_H0_T0_OUT, "<h")
    _h1_t0_out = ROUnaryStruct(_H1_T1_OUT, "<h")

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus):
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, _HTS221_DEFAULT_ADDRESS)
        if not self._chip_id in [_HTS221_CHIP_ID]:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find HTS221HB! Found chip ID 0x%x" %
        self.enabled = True
        self.data_rate = Rate.RATE_12_5_HZ  # pylint:disable=no-member

        t1_t0_msbs = self._t1_t0_deg_c_x8_msbits
        self.calib_temp_value_0 = self._t0_deg_c_x8_lsbyte
        self.calib_temp_value_0 |= (t1_t0_msbs & 0b0011) << 8

        self.calibrated_value_1 = self._t1_deg_c_x8_lsbyte
        self.calibrated_value_1 |= (t1_t0_msbs & 0b1100) << 6

        self.calib_temp_value_0 >>= 3  # divide by 8 to remove x8
        self.calibrated_value_1 >>= 3  # divide by 8 to remove x8

        self.calib_temp_meas_0 = self._t0_out
        self.calib_temp_meas_1 = self._t1_out

        self.calib_hum_value_0 = self._h0_rh_x2
        self.calib_hum_value_0 >>= 1  # divide by 2 to remove x2

        self.calib_hum_value_1 = self._h1_rh_x2
        self.calib_hum_value_1 >>= 1  # divide by 2 to remove x2

        self.calib_hum_meas_0 = self._h0_t0_out
        self.calib_hum_meas_1 = self._h1_t0_out

    # This is the closest thing to a software reset. It re-loads the calibration values from flash
    def _boot(self):
        self._boot_bit = True
        # wait for the reset to finish
        while self._boot_bit:

    def relative_humidity(self):
        """The current relative humidity measurement in %rH"""
        calibrated_value_delta = self.calib_hum_value_1 - self.calib_hum_value_0
        calibrated_measurement_delta = self.calib_hum_meas_1 - self.calib_hum_meas_0

        calibration_value_offset = self.calib_hum_value_0
        calibrated_measurement_offset = self.calib_hum_meas_0
        zeroed_measured_humidity = self._raw_humidity - calibrated_measurement_offset

        correction_factor = calibrated_value_delta / calibrated_measurement_delta

        adjusted_humidity = (zeroed_measured_humidity * correction_factor +

        return adjusted_humidity

    def temperature(self):
        """The current temperature measurement in degrees C"""

        calibrated_value_delta = self.calibrated_value_1 - self.calib_temp_value_0
        calibrated_measurement_delta = self.calib_temp_meas_1 - self.calib_temp_meas_0

        calibration_value_offset = self.calib_temp_value_0
        calibrated_measurement_offset = self.calib_temp_meas_0
        zeroed_measured_temp = self._raw_temperature - calibrated_measurement_offset

        correction_factor = calibrated_value_delta / calibrated_measurement_delta

        adjusted_temp = (zeroed_measured_temp *
                         correction_factor) + calibration_value_offset

        return adjusted_temp

    def data_rate(self):
        """The rate at which the sensor measures ``relative_humidity`` and ``temperature``.
        ``data_rate`` should be set to one of the values of ``adafruit_hts221.Rate``. Note that
        setting ``data_rate`` to ``Rate.ONE_SHOT`` will cause  ``relative_humidity`` and
        ``temperature`` measurements to only update when ``take_measurements`` is called."""
        return self._data_rate

    def data_rate(self, value):
        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("data_rate must be a `Rate`")

        self._data_rate = value

    def humidity_data_ready(self):
        """Returns true if a new relative humidity measurement is available to be read"""
        return self._humidity_status_bit

    def temperature_data_ready(self):
        """Returns true if a new temperature measurement is available to be read"""
        return self._temperature_status_bit

    def take_measurements(self):
        """Update the value of ``relative_humidity`` and ``temperature`` by taking a single
        measurement. Only meaningful if ``data_rate`` is set to ``ONE_SHOT``"""
        self._one_shot_bit = True
        while self._one_shot_bit:
Ejemplo n.º 12
class PCT2075:
    """Driver for the PCT2075 Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Watchdog.
    :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the PCT2075 is connected to.
    :param address: The I2C device address for the sensor. Default is ``0x37``.
    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=PCT2075_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

    _temperature = ROUnaryStruct(PCT2075_REGISTER_TEMP, ">h")
    mode = RWBit(PCT2075_REGISTER_CONFIG, 1, register_width=1)
    """Sets the alert mode. In comparitor mode, the sensor acts like a thermostat and will activate
    the INT pin according to `high_temp_active_high` when an alert is triggered. The INT pin will be
    deactiveated when the temperature falls below `temperature_hysteresis`. In interrupt mode the
    INT pin is activated once when a temperature fault is detected, and once more when the
    temperature falls below `temperature_hysteresis`. In interrupt mode, the alert is cleared by
    reading a property"""

    shutdown = RWBit(PCT2075_REGISTER_CONFIG, 0, 1)
    """Set to True to turn off the temperature measurement circuitry in the sensor. While shut down
    the configurations properties can still be read or written but the temperature will not be
    _fault_queue_length = RWBits(2,
    _high_temperature_threshold = UnaryStruct(PCT2075_REGISTER_TOS, ">h")
    _temp_hysteresis = UnaryStruct(PCT2075_REGISTER_THYST, ">h")
    _idle_time = RWBits(5, PCT2075_REGISTER_TIDLE, 0, register_width=1)
    high_temp_active_high = RWBit(PCT2075_REGISTER_CONFIG, 2, register_width=1)
    """Sets the alert polarity. When False the INT pin will be tied to ground when an alert is
    triggered. If set to True it will be disconnected from ground when an alert is triggered."""

    def temperature(self):
        """Returns the current temperature in degress celsius. Resolution is 0.125 degrees C"""
        return (self._temperature >> 5) * 0.125

    def high_temperature_threshold(self):
        """The temperature in degrees celsius that will trigger an alert on the INT pin if it is
        exceeded. Resolution is 0.5 degrees C."""
        return (self._high_temperature_threshold >> 7) * 0.5

    def high_temperature_threshold(self, value):
        self._high_temperature_threshold = int(value * 2) << 7

    def temperature_hysteresis(self):
        """The temperature hysteresis value defines the bottom of the temperature range in degrees
        C in which the temperature is still considered high". `temperature_hysteresis` must be
        lower than `high_temperature_threshold`. Resolution is 0.5 degrees C.
        return (self._temp_hysteresis >> 7) * 0.5

    def temperature_hysteresis(self, value):
        if value >= self.high_temperature_threshold:
            raise ValueError(
                "temperature_hysteresis must be less than high_temperature_threshold"
        self._temp_hysteresis = int(value * 2) << 7

    def faults_to_alert(self):
        """The number of consecutive high temperature faults required to raise an alert. An fault
        is tripped each time the sensor measures the temperature to be greater than
        `high_temperature_threshold`. The rate at which the sensor measures the temperature
        is defined by `delay_between_measurements`.

        return self._fault_queue_length

    def faults_to_alert(self, value):
        if value > 4 or value < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "faults_to_alert must be an adafruit_pct2075.FaultCount")
        self._fault_queue_length = value

    def delay_between_measurements(self):
        """The amount of time between measurements made by the sensor in milliseconds. The value
        must be between 100 and 3100 and a multiple of 100"""
        return self._idle_time * 100

    def delay_between_measurements(self, value):
        if value > 3100 or value < 100 or value % 100 > 0:
            raise AttributeError(
                """"delay_between_measurements must be >= 100 or <= 3100\
            and a multiple of 100""")
        self._idle_time = int(value / 100)
Ejemplo n.º 13
class LIS2MDL:  # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    Driver for the LIS2MDL 3-axis magnetometer.

    :param busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the LIS2MDL is connected to.


    _BUFFER = bytearray(6)

    _device_id = ROUnaryStruct(WHO_AM_I, "B")
    _int_control = UnaryStruct(INT_CRTL_REG, "B")
    _mode = RWBits(2, CFG_REG_A, 0, 1)
    _data_rate = RWBits(2, CFG_REG_A, 2, 1)
    _temp_comp = RWBit(CFG_REG_A, 7, 1)
    _reboot = RWBit(CFG_REG_A, 6, 1)
    _soft_reset = RWBit(CFG_REG_A, 5, 1)
    _bdu = RWBit(CFG_REG_C, 4, 1)

    _int_iron_off = RWBit(CFG_REG_B, 3, 1)

    _x_offset = UnaryStruct(OFFSET_X_REG_L, "<h")
    _y_offset = UnaryStruct(OFFSET_Y_REG_L, "<h")
    _z_offset = UnaryStruct(OFFSET_Z_REG_L, "<h")

    _interrupt_pin_putput = RWBit(CFG_REG_C, 6, 1)
    _interrupt_threshold = UnaryStruct(INT_THS_L_REG, "<h")

    _x_int_enable = RWBit(INT_CRTL_REG, 7, 1)
    _y_int_enable = RWBit(INT_CRTL_REG, 6, 1)
    _z_int_enable = RWBit(INT_CRTL_REG, 5, 1)
    _int_reg_polarity = RWBit(INT_CRTL_REG, 2, 1)
    _int_latched = RWBit(INT_CRTL_REG, 1, 1)
    _int_enable = RWBit(INT_CRTL_REG, 0, 1)

    _int_source = ROUnaryStruct(INT_SOURCE_REG, "B")

    low_power = RWBit(CFG_REG_A, 4, 1)
    """Enables and disables low power mode"""

    _raw_x = ROUnaryStruct(OUTX_L_REG, "<h")
    _raw_y = ROUnaryStruct(OUTY_L_REG, "<h")
    _raw_z = ROUnaryStruct(OUTZ_L_REG, "<h")

    _x_offset = UnaryStruct(OFFSET_X_REG_L, "<h")
    _y_offset = UnaryStruct(OFFSET_Y_REG_L, "<h")
    _z_offset = UnaryStruct(OFFSET_Z_REG_L, "<h")

    def __init__(self, i2c):
        self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c, _ADDRESS_MAG)

        if self._device_id != 0x40:
            raise AttributeError("Cannot find an LIS2MDL")


    def reset(self):
        """Reset the sensor to the default state set by the library"""
        self._soft_reset = True
        self._reboot = True
        self._mode = 0x00
        self._bdu = True  # Make sure high and low bytes are set together
        self._int_latched = True
        self._int_reg_polarity = True
        self._int_iron_off = False
        self._interrupt_pin_putput = True
        self._temp_comp = True

        sleep(0.030)  # sleep 20ms to allow measurements to stabilize

    def magnetic(self):
        """The processed magnetometer sensor values.
        A 3-tuple of X, Y, Z axis values in microteslas that are signed floats.

        return (
            self._raw_x * _MAG_SCALE,
            self._raw_y * _MAG_SCALE,
            self._raw_z * _MAG_SCALE,

    def data_rate(self):
        """The magnetometer update rate."""
        return self._data_rate

    def data_rate(self, value):
        if not value in (
            raise ValueError("data_rate must be a `DataRate`")
        self._data_rate = value

    def interrupt_threshold(self):
        """The threshold (in microteslas) for magnetometer interrupt generation. Given value is
        compared against all axes in both the positive and negative direction"""
        return self._interrupt_threshold * _MAG_SCALE

    def interrupt_threshold(self, value):
        if value < 0:
            value = -value
        self._interrupt_threshold = int(value / _MAG_SCALE)

    def interrupt_enabled(self):
        """Enable or disable the magnetometer interrupt"""
        return self._int_enable

    def interrupt_enabled(self, val):
        self._x_int_enable = val
        self._y_int_enable = val
        self._z_int_enable = val
        self._int_enable = val

    def faults(self):
        """A tuple representing interrupts on each axis in a positive and negative direction
        ``(x_hi, y_hi, z_hi, x_low, y_low, z_low, int_triggered)``"""
        int_status = self._int_source
        x_hi = (int_status & 0b10000000) > 0
        y_hi = int_status & 0b01000000 > 0
        z_hi = int_status & 0b00100000 > 0

        x_low = int_status & 0b00010000 > 0
        y_low = int_status & 0b00001000 > 0
        z_low = int_status & 0b00000100 > 0
        int_triggered = int_status & 0b1 > 0
        return (x_hi, y_hi, z_hi, x_low, y_low, z_low, int_triggered)

    def x_offset(self):
        """An offset for the X-Axis to subtract from the measured value to correct
        for magnetic interference"""
        return self._x_offset * _MAG_SCALE

    def x_offset(self, value):
        self._x_offset = int(value / _MAG_SCALE)

    def y_offset(self):
        """An offset for the Y-Axis to subtract from the measured value to correct
        for magnetic interference"""
        return self._y_offset * _MAG_SCALE

    def y_offset(self, value):
        self._y_offset = int(value / _MAG_SCALE)

    def z_offset(self):
        """An offset for the Z-Axis to subtract from the measured value to correct
        for magnetic interference"""
        return self._z_offset * _MAG_SCALE

    def z_offset(self, value):
        self._z_offset = int(value / _MAG_SCALE)
Ejemplo n.º 14
class LTR390:  # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Class to use the LTR390 Ambient Light and UV sensor

    :param ~busio.I2C i2c: The I2C bus the LTR390 is connected to.
    :param int address: The I2C device address. Defaults to :const:`0x53`

    **Quickstart: Importing and using the LTR390**

        Here is an example of using the :class:`LTR390` class.
        First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor

        .. code-block:: python

            import board
            import adafruit_ltr390

        Once this is done you can define your `board.I2C` object and define your sensor object

        .. code-block:: python

            i2c = board.I2C()  # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
            ltr = adafruit_ltr390.LTR390(i2c)

        Now you have access to the :attr:`lux` and :attr:`light` attributes

        .. code-block:: python

            lux = ltr.lux
            light = ltr.light


    _reset_bit = RWBit(_CTRL, 4)
    _enable_bit = RWBit(_CTRL, 1)
    _mode_bit = RWBit(_CTRL, 3)
    _int_enable_bit = RWBit(_INT_CFG, 2)

    _gain_bits = RWBits(3, _GAIN, 0)
    _resolution_bits = RWBits(3, _MEAS_RATE, 4)
    _measurement_delay_bits = RWBits(3, _MEAS_RATE, 0)
    _rate_bits = RWBits(3, _MEAS_RATE, 4)
    _int_src_bits = RWBits(2, _INT_CFG, 4)
    _int_persistance_bits = RWBits(4, _INT_PST, 4)

    _id_reg = ROUnaryStruct(_PART_ID, "<B")
    _uvs_data_reg = UnalignedStruct(_UVSDATA, "<I", 24, 3)
    _als_data_reg = UnalignedStruct(_ALSDATA, "<I", 24, 3)

    data_ready = ROBit(_STATUS, 3)
    """Ask the sensor if new data is available"""
    high_threshold = UnalignedStruct(_THRESH_UP, "<I", 24, 3)
    """When the measured value is more than the low_threshold, the sensor will raise an alert"""

    low_threshold = UnalignedStruct(_THRESH_LOW, "<I", 24, 3)
    """When the measured value is less than the low_threshold, the sensor will raise an alert"""

    threshold_passed = ROBit(_STATUS, 4)
    """The status of any configured alert. If True, a threshold has been passed.

    Once read, this property will be False until it is updated in the next measurement cycle"""

    def __init__(self, i2c, address=_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR):
        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c, address)
        if self._id_reg != 0xB2:

            raise RuntimeError("Unable to find LTR390; check your wiring")

        self._mode_cache = None

    def initialize(self):
        """Reset the sensor to it's initial unconfigured state and configure it with sensible
        defaults so it can be used"""

        self._enable_bit = True
        if not self._enable_bit:
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to enable sensor")
        self._mode = UV
        self.gain = Gain.GAIN_3X  # pylint:disable=no-member
        self.resolution = Resolution.RESOLUTION_16BIT  # pylint:disable=no-member
        self._window_factor = 1  # default window transmission factor

        # ltr.setThresholds(100, 1000);
        # self.low_threshold = 100
        # self.high_threshold = 1000
        # ltr.configInterrupt(true, LTR390_MODE_UVS);

    def _reset(self):
            self._reset_bit = True
        except OSError:
            # The write to the reset bit will fail because it seems to not ACK before it resets

        # check that reset is complete w/ the bit unset
        if self._reset_bit:
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to reset sensor")

    def _mode(self):
        return self._mode_bit

    def _mode(self, value):
        if not value in [ALS, UV]:
            raise AttributeError("Mode must be ALS or UV")
        if self._mode_cache != value:
            self._mode_bit = value
            self._mode_cache = value

    # something is wrong here; I had to add a sleep to the loop to get both to update correctly
    def uvs(self):
        """The calculated UV value"""
        self._mode = UV
        while not self.data_ready:
        return self._uvs_data_reg

    def light(self):
        """The currently measured ambient light level"""
        self._mode = ALS
        while not self.data_ready:
        return self._als_data_reg

    def gain(self):
        """The amount of gain the raw measurements are multiplied by"""
        return self._gain_bits

    def gain(self, value):
        if not Gain.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("gain must be a Gain")
        self._gain_bits = value

    def resolution(self):
        """Set the precision of the internal ADC used to read the light measurements"""
        return self._resolution_bits

    def resolution(self, value):
        if not Resolution.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("resolution must be a Resolution")
        self._resolution_bits = value

    def enable_alerts(self, enable, source, persistance):
        """The configuration of alerts raised by the sensor

        :param enable: Whether the interrupt output is enabled
        :param source: Whether to use the ALS or UVS data register to compare
        :param persistance: The number of consecutive out-of-range readings before
        self._int_enable_bit = enable
        if not enable:
        if source == ALS:
            self._int_src_bits = 1
        elif source == UV:
            self._int_src_bits = 3
            raise AttributeError("interrupt source must be UV or ALS")
        self._int_persistance_bits = persistance

    def measurement_delay(self):
        """The delay between measurements. This can be used to set the measurement rate which
        affects the sensor power usage."""
        return self._measurement_delay_bits

    def measurement_delay(self, value):
        if not MeasurementDelay.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("measurement_delay must be a MeasurementDelay")
        self._measurement_delay_bits = value

    def uvi(self):
        """Read UV count and return calculated UV Index (UVI) value based upon the rated sensitivity
        of 1 UVI per 2300 counts at 18X gain factor and 20-bit resolution."""
        return (
            / (
                (Gain.factor[self.gain] / 18)
                * (2 ** Resolution.factor[self.resolution])
                / (2 ** 20)
                * 2300
            * self._window_factor

    def lux(self):
        """Read light level and return calculated Lux value."""
        return (
            (self.light * 0.6)
            / (Gain.factor[self.gain] * Resolution.integration[self.resolution])
        ) * self._window_factor

    def window_factor(self):
        """Window transmission factor (Wfac) for UVI and Lux calculations.
        A factor of 1 (default) represents no window or clear glass; > 1 for a tinted window.
        Factor of > 1 requires an empirical calibration with a reference light source."""
        return self._window_factor

    def window_factor(self, factor=1):
        if factor < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "window transmission factor must be a value of 1.0 or greater"
        self._window_factor = factor
Ejemplo n.º 15
class MPU6050:
	Init the MPU chip at ``address`` on ``i2c_bus``
	:param i2c object bus 	-> i2c_bus: The i2c bus to use for the communication 
	:param int type 	-> address: The MPU I2C address
	Class General Variables
    GRAVITIY_MS2 = 9.80665

    #General Registers
    PWR_MGMT_1 = UnaryStruct(0x6B, ">B")  # 0x6B
    WHO_AM_I = ROUnaryStruct(0x75, ">B")  # 0X75
    FSYC_DLP_CONFIG = UnaryStruct(0x1A, ">B")
    #Temp Sensor Registers
    TEMP_OUTH = ROUnaryStruct(0x41, ">b")  # 0x41
    TEMP_OUTL = ROUnaryStruct(0x42, ">b")  # 0x41
    #Accelerometer Registers
    ACCEL_CONFIG = UnaryStruct(0x1C, ">B")  # 0x1C
    ACCEL_XOUTH = ROUnaryStruct(0x3B, ">B")  # 0x3B
    ACCEL_XOUTL = ROUnaryStruct(0x3C, ">B")  # 0x3B
    ACCEL_YOUTH = ROUnaryStruct(0x3D, ">B")  # 0x3D
    ACCEL_YOUTL = ROUnaryStruct(0x3E, ">B")  # 0x3D
    ACCEL_ZOUTH = ROUnaryStruct(0x3F, ">B")  # 0x3F
    ACCEL_ZOUTL = ROUnaryStruct(0x40, ">B")  # 0x3F
    #Gyroscope Registers
    GYRO_CONFIG = UnaryStruct(0x1B, ">B")  # 0x1B
    GYRO_XOUTH = ROUnaryStruct(0x43, ">B")  # 0x43
    GYRO_XOUTL = ROUnaryStruct(0x44, ">B")  # 0x44
    GYRO_YOUTH = ROUnaryStruct(0x45, ">B")  # 0x45
    GYRO_YOUTL = ROUnaryStruct(0x46, ">B")  # 0x46
    GYRO_ZOUTH = ROUnaryStruct(0x47, ">B")  # 0x47
    GYRO_ZOUTL = ROUnaryStruct(0x48, ">B")  # 0x48

    #Full scale Range ACCEL:
    """ from register 1C bit 4 to 3"""
    ACCEL_RANGE_2G = 0x00
    ACCEL_RANGE_4G = 0x08
    ACCEL_RANGE_8G = 0x10
    ACCEL_RANGE_16G = 0x18

    # LSB Sensitivity
    ACCEL_LSB_SENS_2G = 16384.0
    ACCEL_LSB_SENS_4G = 8192.0
    ACCEL_LSB_SENS_8G = 4096.0
    ACCEL_LSB_SENS_16G = 2048.0

    #Full scale Range GYRO:
    """ from register 1B bit 4 to 3"""
    GYRO_RANGE_250DEG = 0x00
    GYRO_RANGE_500DEG = 0x08
    GYRO_RANGE_1000DEG = 0x10
    GYRO_RANGE_2000DEG = 0x18

    #LSB Sensitivity
    GYRO_LSB_SENS_250DEG = 131.0
    GYRO_LSB_SENS_500DEG = 65.5
    GYRO_LSB_SENS_1000DEG = 32.8
    GYRO_LSB_SENS_2000DEG = 16.4

    #MPU Address
    MPU_ADDRESS = 0x68
    def __init__(self, i2c_bus=None, address=MPU_ADDRESS):
        """ Create an i2c device from the MPU6050"""
        self.i2c = i2c_bus

        if self.i2c == None:
            import busio
            from board import SDA, SCL
            self.i2c = busio.I2C(SCL, SDA)

        self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(self.i2c, address)
        """ Wake up the MPU-6050 since it starts in sleep mode """
        print('MPU already awaked')
        """ verify the accel range and get the accel scale modifier"""
        print('accelerometer range set: {} g'.format(self.read_accel_range()))
        self.accel_scale_modifier = self.get_accel_scale_modifier()
        """ verify the gyro range and get the gyro scale modifier"""
        print('gyroscope range set: {} °/s'.format(self.read_gyro_range()))
        self.gyro_scale_modifier = self.get_gyro_scale_modifier()
        """ configuring the Digital Low Pass Filter """
        #by default:
        # Bandwith of 21Hz and delay of 8.5ms, Sampling Freq 1KHz -> Accelerometer
        # Bandwith of 20Hz and delay of 8.3ms, Sampling Freq 1KHz -> Gyroscope
        self.filter_sensor = 0x04
        print('digital filter configure to be: {}'.format(self.filter_sensor))

		Class Properties

    def whoami(self):
        """ MPU6050 I2C Address """
        return self.WHO_AM_I

    def get_temp(self):
        """ MPU6050 Temperature """
        H = self.TEMP_OUTH
        L = self.TEMP_OUTL

        raw_temp = self.raw_data_format((H << 8) + L)

        # Get the actual temperature using the formule given in the
        # MPU-6050 Register Map and Descriptions revision 4.2, page 30
        actual_temp = (raw_temp / 340.0) + 36.53
        return actual_temp

    def filter_sensor(self):
		Return the filter sensor
        return self.FSYC_DLP_CONFIG

    """ Class Setter """

    def filter_sensor(self, filter_value=0x04):
		Configuration Register

		In case FYNC pin is used, the bit of the sampling will be reported at 
		any of the following registers. For more information consult MPU-6000-Register
		Map at page 13. 

		EXT_SYNC_SET, bit 5:3, Values:
		000: Input Disable
		001: Temp_Out_L
		010: GYRO_XOUT_L[0] 
		011: GYRO_YOUT_L[0] 
		100: GYRO_ZOUT_L[0]
		101: ACCEL_XOUT_L[0]
		110: ACCEL_YOUT_L[0]
		111: ACCEL_ZOUT_L[0]

		In case to set accelerometer and gyroscope are filtered according to the following
		DLPF_CFG, bit 2:0, Values:
					accelerometer 				gyroscope
				Bandwidth	Delays	Fs
		000:	260 Hz 		0	ms 	1KHz 	256 Hz 		0.98ms 	8KHz
		001:	184 Hz 		2	ms 	1KHz 	188 Hz 		1.9	ms 	1KHz
		010:	94	Hz 		3	ms 	1KHz 	98	Hz 		2.8	ms 	1KHz
		011:	44	Hz  	4.9	ms 	1KHz 	42	Hz  	4.8	ms 	1KHz
		100:	21	Hz  	8.5	ms 	1KHz 	20	Hz  	8.3	ms 	1KHz
		101:	10	Hz  	13.8ms	1KHz 	10	Hz  	13.4ms	1KHz
		110:	5	Hz  	19	ms 	1KHz    5	Hz  	18.6ms 	1KHz
        if (filter_value < 0x00 and filter_value > 0x07):
            filter_value = 0x04

        self.FSYC_DLP_CONFIG = filter_value

		function members

    def wakeup(self):
        """ waking up the MPU-6050 by writing at the POWER MANAGEMENT REGISTER 1

		Device_Reset, bit 7, values:
		0: Nothing
		1: the device will reset all internal registers to their default values.

		Sleep, bit 6, values:
		0: disables the sleep mode
		1: enables the sleep mode

		Cycle, bit 5 values:
		0: Nothing
		1: The device will cycle between sleep mode and waking up to take a single sample of data
		from active sensors at a rate determined by LP_WAKE_CTRL (register 108)

		Reserverd bit 4, value = 0

		Temp_dis, bit 3, values
		0: Nothing
		1: Disables the temperature sensor

		ClkSel, bit 2:0, values:
		000: Internal 8MHz oscillator 
		001: PLL with X axis gyroscope reference 
		010: PLL with y axis gyroscope reference
		011: PLL with z axis gyroscope reference
		100: PLL with external 32.768kHz reference
		101: PLL with external 19.2MHz reference 
		110: Reserverd
		111: Stops the clock and keeps the timing generator in reset 

        self.PWR_MGMT_1 = 0x00  # BINARY 01001111

    def sleep(self):
        """ entenring into sleep mode
		Deactivate the internal clock generator and enter into sleep mode
        self.PWR_MGMT_1 = 0x4F  # BINARY 01001111

    def deinit(self):
        """ stop using the MPU-6050 """

    def raw_data_format(self, raw_data):
        """ formating data that comes from the I2C bus"""
        """ This helps to provide the results between -1 and 1 along with the accel or gyro modifier"""
        if (raw_data >= 0x8000):
            raw_data = -((65535 - raw_data) + 1)
        return raw_data

    """ Accelerometer """

    def read_accel_range(self, raw=False):
        """Reads the range the accelerometer is set to.

		If raw is True, it will return the raw value from the ACCEL_CONFIG
		If raw is False, it will return an integer: -1, 2, 4, 8 or 16. When it
		returns -1 something went wrong.
        raw_data = self.ACCEL_CONFIG

        if raw is True:
            return raw_data
        elif raw is False:
            if raw_data == self.ACCEL_RANGE_2G:
                return 2
            elif raw_data == self.ACCEL_RANGE_4G:
                return 4
            elif raw_data == self.ACCEL_RANGE_8G:
                return 8
            elif raw_data == self.ACCEL_RANGE_16G:
                return 16
            return -1

    def set_accel_range(self, value):
		set accel range
        cond = (self.ACCEL_RANGE_2G == value) or (self.ACCEL_RANGE_4G == value) \
            (self.ACCEL_RANGE_8G == value) or (self.ACCEL_RANGE_16G)

        if cond == False:
            value = self.ACCEL_RANGE_2G

        self.ACCEL_CONFIG = value
        self.accel_scale_modifier = self.get_accel_scale_modifier()

    def get_accel_scale_modifier(self):

        accel_range = self.read_accel_range(True)

        if accel_range == self.ACCEL_RANGE_2G:
            accel_scale_modifier = self.ACCEL_LSB_SENS_2G
        elif accel_range == self.ACCEL_RANGE_4G:
            accel_scale_modifier = self.ACCEL_LSB_SENS_4G
        elif accel_range == self.ACCEL_RANGE_8G:
            accel_scale_modifier = self.ACCEL_LSB_SENS_8G
        elif accel_range == self.ACCEL_RANGE_16G:
            accel_scale_modifier = self.ACCEL_LSB_SENS_16G
                "Unkown range - accel_scale_modifier set to self.ACCEL_SCALE_MODIFIER_2G"
            accel_scale_modifier = self.ACCEL_LSB_SENS_2G

        return accel_scale_modifier

    def get_accel_data(self, g=False):
        """Gets and returns the X, Y and Z values from the accelerometer.
		If g is True, it will return the data in g
		If g is False, it will return the data in m/s^2
		Returns a dictionary with the measurement results.
        XH = self.ACCEL_XOUTH
        XL = self.ACCEL_XOUTL
        YH = self.ACCEL_YOUTH
        YL = self.ACCEL_YOUTL
        ZH = self.ACCEL_ZOUTH
        ZL = self.ACCEL_ZOUTL

        x = self.raw_data_format((XH << 8) + XL)
        y = self.raw_data_format((YH << 8) + YL)
        z = self.raw_data_format((ZH << 8) + ZL)

        x = x / self.accel_scale_modifier
        y = y / self.accel_scale_modifier
        z = z / self.accel_scale_modifier

        if g is False:
            x = x * self.GRAVITIY_MS2
            y = y * self.GRAVITIY_MS2
            z = z * self.GRAVITIY_MS2

        return {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}

    """ Gyroscope """

    def read_gyro_range(self, raw=False):
        """Reads the range the gyroscope is set to.
	    If raw is True, it will return the raw value from the GYRO_CONFIG
	    If raw is False, it will return 250, 500, 1000, 2000 or -1. If the
	    returned value is equal to -1 something went wrong.
        raw_data = self.GYRO_CONFIG

        if raw is True:
            return raw_data
        elif raw is False:
            if raw_data == self.GYRO_RANGE_250DEG:
                return 250
            elif raw_data == self.GYRO_RANGE_500DEG:
                return 500
            elif raw_data == self.GYRO_RANGE_1000DEG:
                return 1000
            elif raw_data == self.GYRO_RANGE_2000DEG:
                return 2000
                return -1

    def set_gyro_range(self, value):
		set gyro range
        cond = (self.GYRO_RANGE_250DEG == value) or (self.GYRO_RANGE_500DEG == value) \
            (self.GYRO_RANGE_1000DEG == value) or (self.GYRO_RANGE_2000DEG)

        if cond == False:
            value = self.GYRO_RANGE_250DEG

        self.GYRO_CONFIG = value
        self.gyro_scale_modifier = self.get_gyro_scale_modifier()

    def get_gyro_scale_modifier(self):
		Get gyro scale modifier from reading the gyro range
        gyro_range = self.read_gyro_range(True)

        if gyro_range == self.GYRO_RANGE_250DEG:
            gyro_scale_modifier = self.GYRO_LSB_SENS_250DEG
        elif gyro_range == self.GYRO_RANGE_500DEG:
            gyro_scale_modifier = self.GYRO_LSB_SENS_500DEG
        elif gyro_range == self.GYRO_RANGE_1000DEG:
            gyro_scale_modifier = self.GYRO_LSB_SENS_1000DEG
        elif gyro_range == self.GYRO_RANGE_2000DEG:
            gyro_scale_modifier = self.GYRO_LSB_SENS_2000DEG
                "Unkown range - gyro_scale_modifier set to self.GYRO_LSB_SENS_250DEG"
            gyro_scale_modifier = self.GYRO_LSB_SENS_250DEG

        return gyro_scale_modifier

    def get_gyro_data(self):
		Gets and returns the X, Y and Z values from the gyroscope.
        XH = self.GYRO_XOUTH
        XL = self.GYRO_XOUTL
        YH = self.GYRO_YOUTH
        YL = self.GYRO_YOUTL
        ZH = self.GYRO_ZOUTH
        ZL = self.GYRO_ZOUTL

        x = self.raw_data_format((XH << 8) + XL)
        y = self.raw_data_format((YH << 8) + YL)
        z = self.raw_data_format((ZH << 8) + ZL)

        x = x / self.gyro_scale_modifier
        y = y / self.gyro_scale_modifier
        z = z / self.gyro_scale_modifier

        return {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}

		magic methos helps to make easy the use of with

    def __enter__(self):
        """ to make easy the use of with """
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exceptio_typ, exception_value, traceback):
        """ to make easy the use of with """
Ejemplo n.º 16
class DPS310:
    #pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Library for the DPS310 Precision Barometric Pressure Sensor.

        :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the DPS310 is connected to.
        :param address: The I2C slave address of the sensor

    # Register definitions
    _device_id = ROUnaryStruct(_DPS310_PRODREVID, ">B")
    _reset_register = UnaryStruct(_DPS310_RESET, ">B")
    _mode_bits = RWBits(3, _DPS310_MEASCFG, 0)

    _pressure_ratebits = RWBits(3, _DPS310_PRSCFG, 4)
    _pressure_osbits = RWBits(4, _DPS310_PRSCFG, 0)

    _temp_ratebits = RWBits(3, _DPS310_TMPCFG, 4)
    _temp_osbits = RWBits(4, _DPS310_TMPCFG, 0)

    _temp_measurement_src_bit = RWBit(_DPS310_TMPCFG, 7)

    _pressure_shiftbit = RWBit(_DPS310_CFGREG, 2)
    _temp_shiftbit = RWBit(_DPS310_CFGREG, 3)

    _coefficients_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 7)
    _sensor_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 6)
    _temp_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 5)
    _pressure_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 4)

    _raw_pressure = ROBits(24, _DPS310_PRSB2, 0, 3, lsb_first=False)
    _raw_temperature = ROBits(24, _DPS310_TMPB2, 0, 3, lsb_first=False)

    _calib_coeff_temp_src_bit = ROBit(_DPS310_TMPCOEFSRCE, 7)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_DPS310_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

        if self._device_id != _DPS310_DEVICE_ID:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find DPS310 - check your wiring!")
        self._pressure_scale = None
        self._temp_scale = None
        self._c0 = None
        self._c1 = None
        self._c00 = None
        self._c00 = None
        self._c10 = None
        self._c10 = None
        self._c01 = None
        self._c11 = None
        self._c20 = None
        self._c21 = None
        self._c30 = None
        self._oversample_scalefactor = (524288, 1572864, 3670016, 7864320, 253952,
                                        516096, 1040384, 2088960)

    def initialize(self):
        """Reset the sensor to the default state"""


        # make sure we're using the temperature source used for calibration
        self._temp_measurement_src_bit = self._calib_coeff_temp_src_bit

        self.pressure_rate = Rate.RATE_64_HZ
        self.pressure_oversample_count = SampleCount.COUNT_64
        self.temperature_rate = Rate.RATE_64_HZ
        self.temperature_oversample_count = SampleCount.COUNT_64
        self.mode = Mode.CONT_PRESTEMP

        # wait until we have at least one good measurement

        while (self._temp_ready is False) or (self._pressure_ready is False):

    def _reset(self):
        """Perform a soft-reset on the sensor"""
        self._reset_register = 0x89
        # wait for hardware reset to finish
        while not self._sensor_ready:

    def pressure(self):
        """Returns the current pressure reading in kPA"""

        temp_reading = self._raw_temperature
        raw_temperature = self._twos_complement(temp_reading, 24)
        pressure_reading = self._raw_pressure
        raw_pressure = self._twos_complement(pressure_reading, 24)
        _scaled_rawtemp = raw_temperature / self._temp_scale

        _temperature = _scaled_rawtemp * self._c1 + self._c0 / 2.0

        p_red = raw_pressure / self._pressure_scale

        pres_calc = (self._c00 + p_red * (self._c10 + p_red * (self._c20 + p_red * self._c30)) +
                     _scaled_rawtemp * (self._c01 + p_red * (self._c11 + p_red * self._c21)))

        final_pressure = pres_calc / 100
        return final_pressure

    def temperature(self):
        """The current temperature reading in degrees C"""
        _scaled_rawtemp = self._raw_temperature / self._temp_scale
        _temperature = _scaled_rawtemp * self._c1 + self._c0 / 2.0
        return _temperature

    def temperature_ready(self):
        """Returns true if there is a temperature reading ready"""
        return self._temp_ready

    def pressure_ready(self):
        """Returns true if pressure readings are ready"""
        return self._pressure_ready

    def mode(self):
        """The measurement mode. Must be a `Mode`. See the `Mode` documentation for details"""
        return self._mode_bits

    def mode(self, value):
        if not Mode.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("mode must be an `Mode`")

        self._mode_bits = value

    def pressure_rate(self):
        """Configure the pressure measurement rate. Must be a `Rate`"""
        return self._pressure_ratebits

    def pressure_rate(self, value):
        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("pressure_rate must be a Rate")
        self._pressure_ratebits = value

    def pressure_oversample_count(self):
        """The number of samples taken per pressure measurement. Must be a `SampleCount`"""
        return self._pressure_osbits

    def pressure_oversample_count(self, value):
        if not SampleCount.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("pressure_oversample_count must be a SampleCount")

        self._pressure_osbits = value
        self._pressure_shiftbit = (value > SampleCount.COUNT_8)
        self._pressure_scale = self._oversample_scalefactor[value]

    def temperature_rate(self):
        """Configure the temperature measurement rate. Must be a `Rate`"""
        return self._temp_ratebits

    def temperature_rate(self, value):
        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("temperature_rate must be a Rate")
        self._temp_ratebits = value

    def temperature_oversample_count(self):
        """The number of samples taken per temperature measurement. Must be a `SampleCount`"""
        return self._temp_osbits

    def temperature_oversample_count(self, value):
        if not SampleCount.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("temperature_oversample_count must be a SampleCount")

        self._temp_osbits = value
        self._temp_scale = self._oversample_scalefactor[value]
        self._temp_shiftbit = (value > SampleCount.COUNT_8)

    def _twos_complement(val, bits):
        if val & (1 << (bits - 1)):
            val -= (1 << bits)

        return val

    def _read_calibration(self):

        while not self._coefficients_ready:

        buffer = bytearray(19)
        coeffs = [None]*18
        for offset in range(18):
            buffer = bytearray(2)
            buffer[0] = 0x10 + offset

            with self.i2c_device as i2c:

                i2c.write_then_readinto(buffer, buffer, out_end=1, in_start=1)

                coeffs[offset] = buffer[1]

        self._c0 = (coeffs[0] << 4) | ((coeffs[1] >> 4) & 0x0F)
        self._c0 = self._twos_complement(self._c0, 12)

        self._c1 = self._twos_complement(((coeffs[1] & 0x0F) << 8) | coeffs[2], 12)

        self._c00 = (coeffs[3] << 12) | (coeffs[4] << 4) | ((coeffs[5] >> 4) & 0x0F)
        self._c00 = self._twos_complement(self._c00, 20)

        self._c10 = ((coeffs[5] & 0x0F) << 16) | (coeffs[6] << 8) |coeffs[7]
        self._c10 = self._twos_complement(self._c10, 20)

        self._c01 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[8] << 8) | coeffs[9], 16)
        self._c11 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[10] << 8) | coeffs[11], 16)
        self._c20 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[12] << 8) | coeffs[13], 16)
        self._c21 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[14] << 8) | coeffs[15], 16)
        self._c30 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[16] << 8) | coeffs[17], 16)
Ejemplo n.º 17
class INA226:
    """Driver for the INA226 current sensor"""

    # Basic API:

    # INA226( i2c_bus, i2c_addr)  Create instance of INA226 sensor
    #    :param i2c_bus          The I2C bus the INA226 is connected to
    #    :param i2c_addr (0x40)  Address of the INA226 on the bus (default 0x40)

    # shunt_voltage               RO : shunt voltage scaled to Volts
    # bus_voltage                 RO : bus voltage (V- to GND) scaled to volts (==load voltage)
    # current                     RO : current through shunt, scaled to mA
    # power                       RO : power consumption of the load, scaled to Watt

    # raw_shunt_voltage           RO : Shunt Voltage register (not scaled)
    # raw_bus_voltage             RO : Bus Voltage field in Bus Voltage register (not scaled)
    # conversion_ready            RO : Conversion Ready bit in Bus Voltage register
    # overflow                    RO : Math Overflow bit in Bus Voltage register
    # raw_power                   RO : Power register (not scaled)
    # raw_current                 RO : Current register (not scaled)
    # calibration                 RW : calibration register (note: value is cached)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, addr=0x40):
        self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c_bus, addr)
        self.i2c_addr = addr

        # Set chip to known config values to start
        self._cal_value = 0
        self._current_lsb = 0
        self._power_lsb = 0
        self.num_averages = AVG_256
        self.bus_conv_time = VBUSCT_2MS
        self.shunt_conv_time = VSHCT_2MS

    # config register break-up
    reset = RWBits(1, _REG_CONFIG, 15, 2, False)
    num_averages = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 9, 2, False)
    bus_conv_time = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 6, 2, False)
    shunt_conv_time = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 3, 2, False)
    mode = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 0, 2, False)

    # shunt voltage register
    raw_shunt_voltage = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_SHUNTVOLTAGE, ">h")

    #bus voltage register
    raw_bus_voltage = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_BUSVOLTAGE, ">h")

    # power and current registers
    raw_power = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_POWER, ">H")
    raw_current = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_CURRENT, ">h")

    # calibration register
    _raw_calibration = UnaryStruct(_REG_CALIBRATION, ">H")

    def calibration(self):
        """Calibration register (cached value)"""
        return self._cal_value  # return cached value

    def calibration(self, cal_value):
        self._cal_value = cal_value  # value is cached for ``current`` and ``power`` properties
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value

    def shunt_voltage(self):
        """The shunt voltage (between V+ and V-) in Volts (so +-.327V)"""
        # The least signficant bit is 2.5uV which is 0.0000025 volts
        return self.raw_shunt_voltage * 0.0000025

    def bus_voltage(self):
        """The bus voltage (between V- and GND) in Volts"""
        # Shift to the right 3 to drop CNVR and OVF and multiply by LSB
        # Each least signficant bit is 4mV
        return self.raw_bus_voltage * 0.00125

    def current(self):
        """The current through the shunt resistor in milliamps."""
        # Sometimes a sharp load will reset the INA226, which will
        # reset the cal register, meaning CURRENT and POWER will
        # not be available ... always setting a cal
        # value even if it's an unfortunate extra step
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value
        # Now we can safely read the CURRENT register!
        return self.raw_current * self._current_lsb

    def power(self):
        """The power through the load in Watt."""
        # Sometimes a sharp load will reset the INA226, which will
        # reset the cal register, meaning CURRENT and POWER will
        # not be available ... always setting a cal
        # value even if it's an unfortunate extra step
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value
        # Now we can safely read the CURRENT register!
        return self.raw_power * self._power_lsb
Ejemplo n.º 18
class LPS2X:  # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Base class ST LPS2x family of pressure sensors

        :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the sensor is connected to.
        :param address: The I2C device address for the sensor. Default is ``0x5d`` but will accept
            ``0x5c`` when the ``SDO`` pin is connected to Ground.


    _chip_id = ROUnaryStruct(_LPS2X_WHO_AM_I, "<B")
    _raw_temperature = ROUnaryStruct(_LPS2X_TEMP_OUT_L, "<h")
    _raw_pressure = ROBits(24, _LPS2X_PRESS_OUT_XL, 0, 3)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_LPS2X_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, chip_id=None):
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        if not self._chip_id in [chip_id]:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find LPS2X! Found chip ID 0x%x" %
        sleep(0.010)  # delay 10ms for first reading

    def initialize(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        """Configure the sensor with the default settings. For use after calling `reset()`"""
        raise RuntimeError(
            "LPS2X Base class cannot be instantiated directly. Use LPS22 or LPS25 instead"
        )  # override in subclass

    def reset(self):
        """Reset the sensor, restoring all configuration registers to their defaults"""
        self._reset = True
        # wait for the reset to finish
        while self._reset:

    def pressure(self):
        """The current pressure measurement in hPa"""
        raw = self._raw_pressure

        if raw & (1 << 23) != 0:
            raw = raw - (1 << 24)
        return raw / 4096.0

    def temperature(self):
        """The current temperature measurement in degrees C"""

        raw_temperature = self._raw_temperature
        return (raw_temperature / self._temp_scaling  # pylint:disable=no-member
                ) + self._temp_offset  # pylint:disable=no-member

    def data_rate(self):
        """The rate at which the sensor measures ``pressure`` and ``temperature``. ``data_rate``
        shouldbe set to one of the values of ``adafruit_lps2x.Rate``."""
        return self._data_rate

    def data_rate(self, value):
        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("data_rate must be a `Rate`")

        self._data_rate = value
class MSA301:#pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Driver for the MSA301 Accelerometer.

        :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the MSA is connected to.
    _part_id = ROUnaryStruct(_MSA301_REG_PARTID, "<B")

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus):
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, _MSA301_I2CADDR_DEFAULT)

        if self._part_id != 0x13:
            raise AttributeError("Cannot find a MSA301")

        self._disable_x = self._disable_y = self._disable_z = False
        self.power_mode = Mode.NORMAL
        self.data_rate = DataRate.RATE_500_HZ
        self.bandwidth = BandWidth.WIDTH_250_HZ
        self.range = Range.RANGE_4_G
        self.resolution = Resolution.RESOLUTION_14_BIT
        self._tap_count = 0

    _disable_x = RWBit(_MSA301_REG_ODR, 7)
    _disable_y = RWBit(_MSA301_REG_ODR, 6)
    _disable_z = RWBit(_MSA301_REG_ODR, 5)

    _xyz_raw = ROBits(48, _MSA301_REG_OUT_X_L, 0, 6)

    # tap INT enable and status
    _single_tap_int_en = RWBit(_MSA301_REG_INTSET0, 5)
    _double_tap_int_en = RWBit(_MSA301_REG_INTSET0, 4)
    _motion_int_status = ROUnaryStruct(_MSA301_REG_MOTIONINT, "B")

    # tap interrupt knobs
    _tap_quiet = RWBit(_MSA301_REG_TAPDUR, 7)
    _tap_shock = RWBit(_MSA301_REG_TAPDUR, 6)
    _tap_duration = RWBits(3, _MSA301_REG_TAPDUR, 0)
    _tap_threshold = RWBits(5, _MSA301_REG_TAPTH, 0)
    reg_tapdur = ROUnaryStruct(_MSA301_REG_TAPDUR, "B")

    # general settings knobs
    power_mode = RWBits(2, _MSA301_REG_POWERMODE, 6)
    bandwidth = RWBits(4, _MSA301_REG_POWERMODE, 1)
    data_rate = RWBits(4, _MSA301_REG_ODR, 0)
    range = RWBits(2, _MSA301_REG_RESRANGE, 0)
    resolution = RWBits(2, _MSA301_REG_RESRANGE, 2)

    def acceleration(self):
        """The x, y, z acceleration values returned in a 3-tuple and are in m / s ^ 2."""
        # read the 6 bytes of acceleration data
        # zh, zl, yh, yl, xh, xl
        raw_data = self._xyz_raw
        acc_bytes = bytearray()
        # shift out bytes, reversing the order
        for shift in range(6):
            bottom_byte = (raw_data >>(8*shift) & 0xFF)

        # unpack three LE, signed shorts
        x, y, z = struct.unpack_from("<hhh", acc_bytes)

        current_range = self.range
        scale = 1.0
        if current_range == 3:
            scale = 512.0
        if current_range == 2:
            scale = 1024.0
        if current_range == 1:
            scale = 2048.0
        if current_range == 0:
            scale = 4096.0

        # shift down to the actual 14 bits and scale based on the range
        x_acc = ((x>>2) / scale) * _STANDARD_GRAVITY
        y_acc = ((y>>2) / scale) * _STANDARD_GRAVITY
        z_acc = ((z>>2) / scale) * _STANDARD_GRAVITY

        return (x_acc, y_acc, z_acc)

    def enable_tap_detection(self, *,
        Enables tap detection with configurable parameters.

        :param int tap_count: 1 to detect only single taps, or 2 to detect only double taps.\
        default is 1

        :param int threshold: A threshold for the tap detection.\
        The higher the value the less sensitive the detection. This changes based on the\
        accelerometer range. Default is 25.

        :param int long_initial_window: This sets the length of the window of time where a\
        spike in acceleration must occour in before being followed by a quiet period.\
        `True` (default) sets the value to 70ms, False to 50ms. Default is `True`

        :param int long_quiet_window: The length of the "quiet" period after an acceleration\
        spike where no more spikes can occour for a tap to be registered.\
        `True` (default) sets the value to 30ms, False to 20ms. Default is `True`.

        :param int double_tap_window: The length of time after an initial tap is registered\
        in which a second tap must be detected to count as a double tap. Setting a lower\
        value will require a faster double tap. The value must be a\
        ``TapDuration``. Default is ``TapDuration.DURATION_250_MS``.

        If you wish to set them yourself rather than using the defaults,
        you must use keyword arguments::


        self._tap_shock = not long_initial_window
        self._tap_quiet = long_quiet_window
        self._tap_threshold = threshold
        self._tap_count = tap_count

        if double_tap_window > 7 or double_tap_window < 0:
            raise ValueError("double_tap_window must be a TapDuration")
        if tap_count == 1:
            self._single_tap_int_en = True
        elif tap_count == 2:
            self._tap_duration = double_tap_window
            self._double_tap_int_en = True
            raise ValueError("tap must be 1 for single tap, or 2 for double tap")

    def tapped(self):
        """`True` if a single or double tap was detected, depending on the value of the\
           ``tap_count`` argument passed to ``enable_tap_detection``"""
        if self._tap_count == 0:
            return False

        motion_int_status = self._motion_int_status

        if motion_int_status == 0: # no interrupts triggered
            return False

        if self._tap_count == 1 and motion_int_status & 1<<5:
            return True
        if self._tap_count == 2 and motion_int_status & 1<<4:
            return True

        return False
class TLA2024:  # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes

    I2C Interface for analog voltage measurements using the TI TLA2024 12-bit 4-channel ADC

        :param ~I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus that the ADC is on.
        :param int address: The I2C address for the ADC. Defaults to ~0x48

    _raw_adc_read = ROUnaryStruct(_DATA_REG, ">h")

    _os = RWBit(_CONFIG_REG, 15, 2, lsb_first=False)
    _mux = RWBits(3, _CONFIG_REG, 12, 2, lsb_first=False)
    _pga = RWBits(3, _CONFIG_REG, 9, 2, lsb_first=False)
    _mode = RWBit(_CONFIG_REG, 8, 2, lsb_first=False)
    _data_rate = RWBits(3, _CONFIG_REG, 5, 2, lsb_first=False)

    def __init__(self,
                 i2c_bus: I2C,
                 address: int = _TLA_DEFAULT_ADDRESS) -> None:

        # pylint:disable=no-member

        self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        self._last_one_shot = None
        self.mode = Mode.CONTINUOUS
        self.mux = Mux.MUX_AIN0_GND
        # default to widest range and highest sample rate
        self.data_rate = DataRate.RATE_3300SPS
        self.range = Range.RANGE_6_144V

    def voltage(self) -> float:
        """The voltage between the two selected inputs"""
        if self.mode == Mode.ONE_SHOT:  # pylint:disable=no-member
            return self._last_one_shot
        return self._read_volts()

    def input_channel(self) -> int:
        """The input channel number (0-4) to measure the voltage at, referenced to GND."""
        return self._mux

    def input_channel(self, channel: int) -> None:
        if channel not in range(4):
            raise AttributeError(
                "input_channel must be set to a number from 0 to 3")
        self._mux = 4 + channel

    def mode(self) -> int:
        """The measurement mode of the sensor. Must be a :py:const:`~Mode`.  See the documentation
        for :py:const:`~Mode` for more information"""
        return self._mode

    def mode(self, mode: int) -> None:
        if not Mode.is_valid(mode):
            raise AttributeError("mode must be a valid Mode")
        if mode == Mode.CONTINUOUS:  # pylint:disable=no-member
            self._mode = mode
        # One Shot mode; switch mode, take a measurement and store it
        self._mode = mode
        self._os = True
        while self._os:

        self._last_one_shot = self._read_volts()

    def range(self) -> int:
        """The measurement range of the ADC, changed by adjusting the Programmable Gain Amplifier
        `range` must be a :py:const:`~Range`.  See the documentation for :py:const:`~Range`
        for more information"""
        return self._pga

    def range(self, measurement_range: int) -> None:
        if not Range.is_valid(measurement_range):
            raise AttributeError("range must be a valid Range")
        self._pga = measurement_range

    def data_rate(self) -> int:
        """Selects the rate at which measurement samples are taken.  Must be a :py:const:`~DataRate`
        . See the documentation for :py:const:`~DataRate` for more information"""
        return self._data_rate

    def data_rate(self, rate: int) -> None:
        if not DataRate.is_valid(rate):  # pylint:disable=no-member
            raise AttributeError("data_rate must be a valid DataRate")
        self._data_rate = rate

    def mux(self) -> int:
        """selects the inputs that voltage will be measured between. Must be a
        :py:const:`~adafruit_tla202x.Mux`. See the :py:const:`~adafruit_tla202x.Mux` documentation
        for more information about the available options"""
        return self._mux

    def mux(self, mux_connection: int) -> None:
        if not Mux.is_valid(mux_connection):  # pylint:disable=no-member
            raise AttributeError("mux must be a valid Mux")
        self._mux = mux_connection

    def read(self, channel: int) -> int:
        """Switch to the given channel and take a single ADC reading in One Shot mode

        :param int channel: The channel number to switch to, from 0-3

        if not self.input_channel == channel:
            self.input_channel = channel
        self.mode = Mode.ONE_SHOT  # pylint:disable=no-member
        return self._read_adc()

    def _read_volts(self) -> float:
        value_lsb = self._read_adc()
        return value_lsb * Range.lsb[self.range] / 1000.0

    def _read_adc(self) -> int:
        value_lsb = self._raw_adc_read
        value_lsb >>= 4

        if value_lsb & (1 << 11):
            value_lsb |= 0xF000
            value_lsb &= ~0xF000
        return value_lsb
class VCNL4040:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    """Driver for the VCNL4040 proximity and ambient light sensor.

    :param busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the VCNL4040 is connected to.


    # Ambient light sensor integration times
    ALS_80MS = const(0x0)
    ALS_160MS = const(0x1)
    ALS_320MS = const(0x2)
    ALS_640MS = const(0x3)

    # Proximity sensor integration times
    PS_1T = const(0x0)
    PS_1_5T = const(0x1)
    PS_2T = const(0x2)
    PS_2_5T = const(0x3)
    PS_3T = const(0x4)
    PS_3_5T = const(0x5)
    PS_4T = const(0x6)
    PS_8T = const(0x7)

    # LED current settings
    LED_50MA = const(0x0)
    LED_75MA = const(0x1)
    LED_100MA = const(0x2)
    LED_120MA = const(0x3)
    LED_140MA = const(0x4)
    LED_160MA = const(0x5)
    LED_180MA = const(0x6)
    LED_200MA = const(0x7)

    # LED duty cycle settings
    LED_1_40 = const(0x0)
    LED_1_80 = const(0x1)
    LED_1_160 = const(0x2)
    LED_1_320 = const(0x3)

    # Proximity sensor interrupt enable/disable options
    PS_INT_DISABLE = const(0x0)
    PS_INT_CLOSE = const(0x1)
    PS_INT_AWAY = const(0x2)
    PS_INT_CLOSE_AWAY = const(0x3)

    # Offsets into interrupt status register for different types
    ALS_IF_L = const(0x0D)
    ALS_IF_H = const(0x0C)
    PS_IF_CLOSE = const(0x09)
    PS_IF_AWAY = const(0x08)

    # ID_LM - Device ID, address
    _device_id = UnaryStruct(0x0C, "<H")
    """The device ID."""

    # PS_Data_LM - PS output data
    proximity = ROUnaryStruct(0x08, "<H")
    """Proximity data.

    This example prints the proximity data. Move your hand towards the sensor to see the values

    .. code-block:: python

        import time
        import board
        import busio
        import adafruit_vcnl4040

        i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
        sensor = adafruit_vcnl4040.VCNL4040(i2c)

        while True:
            print("Proximity:", sensor.proximity)

    # PS_CONF1 - PS duty ratio, integration time, persistence, enable/disable
    # PS_CONF2 - PS output resolution selection, interrupt trigger method
    # PS_CONF3 - PS smart persistence, active force mode
    proximity_shutdown = RWBit(0x03, 0, register_width=2)
    """Proximity sensor shutdown. When ``True``, proximity data is disabled."""
    proximity_integration_time = RWBits(3, 0x03, 1, register_width=2)
    """Proximity sensor integration time setting. Integration times are 1T, 1.5T, 2T, 2.5T, 3T,
    3.5T, 4T, and 8T. Options are: PS_1T, PS_1_5T, PS_2T, PS_2_5T, PS_3T, PS_3_5T, PS_4T, PS_8T.
    proximity_interrupt = RWBits(2, 0x03, 8, register_width=2)
    """Interrupt enable. Interrupt setting are close, away, close and away, or disabled. Options
    proximity_bits = RWBit(0x03, 11, register_width=2)
    """Proximity data output setting. ``0`` when proximity sensor output is 12 bits, ``1`` when
    proximity sensor output is 16 bits."""

    # PS_THDL_LM - PS low interrupt threshold setting
    proximity_low_threshold = UnaryStruct(0x06, "<H")
    """Proximity sensor interrupt low threshold setting."""
    # PS_THDH_LM - PS high interrupt threshold setting
    proximity_high_threshold = UnaryStruct(0x07, "<H")
    """Proximity sensor interrupt high threshold setting."""

    interrupt_state = ROUnaryStruct(0x0B, "<H")

    # INT_FLAG - PS interrupt flag
    def proximity_high_interrupt(self):
        """If interrupt is set to ``PS_INT_CLOSE`` or ``PS_INT_CLOSE_AWAY``, trigger event when
        proximity rises above high threshold interrupt."""
        return self._get_and_clear_cached_interrupt_state(self.PS_IF_CLOSE)

    def proximity_low_interrupt(self):
        """If interrupt is set to ``PS_INT_AWAY`` or ``PS_INT_CLOSE_AWAY``, trigger event when
        proximity drops below low threshold."""
        return self._get_and_clear_cached_interrupt_state(self.PS_IF_AWAY)

    led_current = RWBits(3, 0x04, 8, register_width=2)
    """LED current selection setting, in mA. Options are LED_50MA, LED_75MA, LED_100MA, LED_120MA,
    LED_140MA, LED_160MA, LED_180MA, LED_200MA."""

    led_duty_cycle = RWBits(2, 0x03, 6, register_width=2)
    """Proximity sensor LED duty ratio setting. Ratios are 1/40, 1/80, 1/160, and 1/320. Options
    are: LED_1_40, LED_1_80, LED_1_160, LED_1_320."""

    light = ROUnaryStruct(0x09, "<H")
    """Raw ambient light data. The raw ambient light data which will change with integration time
    and gain settings changes. Use ``lux`` to get the correctly scaled value for the current
    integration time and gain settings

    def lux(self):
        """Ambient light data in lux. Represents the raw sensor data scaled according to the current
        integration time and gain settings.

        This example prints the ambient light data. Cover the sensor to see the values change.

        .. code-block:: python

            import time
            import board
            import busio
            import adafruit_vcnl4040

            i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
            sensor = adafruit_vcnl4040.VCNL4040(i2c)

            while True:
                print("Ambient light: %.2f lux"%sensor.lux)
        return self.light * (0.1 / (1 << self.light_integration_time))

    # ALS_CONF - ALS integration time, persistence, interrupt, function enable/disable
    light_shutdown = RWBit(0x00, 0, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light sensor shutdown. When ``True``, ambient light data is disabled."""

    _light_integration_time = RWBits(2, 0x00, 6, register_width=2)

    def light_integration_time(self):
        """Ambient light sensor integration time setting. Longer time has higher sensitivity.
        Can be: ALS_80MS, ALS_160MS, ALS_320MS or ALS_640MS.

        This example sets the ambient light integration time to 640ms and prints the ambient light
        sensor data.

        .. code-block:: python

            import time
            import board
            import busio
            import adafruit_vcnl4040

            i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
            sensor = adafruit_vcnl4040.VCNL4040(i2c)

            sensor.light_integration_time = sensor.ALS_640MS

            while True:
                print("Ambient light:", sensor.light)
        return self._light_integration_time

    def light_integration_time(self, new_it):
        from time import sleep  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

        # IT values are in 0-3 -> 80-640ms
        old_it_ms = (8 << self._light_integration_time) * 10
        new_it_ms = (8 << new_it) * 10
        it_delay_seconds = (old_it_ms + new_it_ms + 1) * 0.001

        self._light_integration_time = new_it

    light_interrupt = RWBit(0x00, 1, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light sensor interrupt enable. ``True`` to enable, and ``False`` to disable."""

    # ALS_THDL_LM - ALS low interrupt threshold setting
    light_low_threshold = UnaryStruct(0x02, "<H")
    """Ambient light interrupt low threshold."""
    # ALS_THDH_LM - ALS high interrupt threshold setting
    light_high_threshold = UnaryStruct(0x01, "<H")
    """Ambient light interrupt high threshold."""
    # INT_FLAG - ALS interrupt flag

    def light_high_interrupt(self):
        """High interrupt event. Triggered when ambient light value exceeds high threshold."""
        return self._get_and_clear_cached_interrupt_state(self.ALS_IF_H)

    def light_low_interrupt(self):
        """Low interrupt event. Triggered when ambient light value drops below low threshold."""
        return self._get_and_clear_cached_interrupt_state(self.ALS_IF_L)

    _raw_white = ROUnaryStruct(0x0A, "<H")

    def white(self):
        """White light data scaled according to the current integration time and gain settings.

        This example prints the white light data. Cover the sensor to see the values change.

        .. code-block:: python

            import time
            import board
            import busio
            import adafruit_vcnl4040

            i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
            sensor = adafruit_vcnl4040.VCNL4040(i2c)

            while True:
                print("White light:", sensor.white)
        return self._raw_white * (0.1 / (1 << self.light_integration_time))

    # PS_MS - White channel enable/disable, PS mode, PS protection setting, LED current
    # White_EN - PS_MS_H, 7th bit - White channel enable/disable
    white_shutdown = RWBit(0x04, 15, register_width=2)
    """White light channel shutdown. When ``True``, white light data is disabled."""

    def __init__(self, i2c, address=0x60):
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c, address)
        if self._device_id != 0x186:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find VCNL4040 - check wiring!")

        self.cached_interrupt_state = {
            self.ALS_IF_L: False,
            self.ALS_IF_H: False,
            self.PS_IF_CLOSE: False,
            self.PS_IF_AWAY: False,

        self.proximity_shutdown = False
        self.light_shutdown = False
        self.white_shutdown = False

    def _update_interrupt_state(self):
        interrupts = [
            self.PS_IF_AWAY, self.PS_IF_CLOSE, self.ALS_IF_H, self.ALS_IF_L
        new_interrupt_state = self.interrupt_state
        for interrupt in interrupts:
            new_state = new_interrupt_state & (1 << interrupt) > 0
            if new_state:
                self.cached_interrupt_state[interrupt] = new_state

    def _get_and_clear_cached_interrupt_state(self, interrupt_offset):
        new_interrupt_state = self.cached_interrupt_state[interrupt_offset]
        self.cached_interrupt_state[interrupt_offset] = False

        return new_interrupt_state
class INA219:
    """Driver for the INA219 current sensor"""

    # Basic API:

    # INA219( i2c_bus, addr)  Create instance of INA219 sensor
    #    :param i2c_bus          The I2C bus the INA219is connected to
    #    :param addr (0x40)      Address of the INA219 on the bus (default 0x40)

    # shunt_voltage               RO : shunt voltage scaled to Volts
    # bus_voltage                 RO : bus voltage (V- to GND) scaled to volts (==load voltage)
    # current                     RO : current through shunt, scaled to mA
    # power                       RO : power consumption of the load, scaled to Watt
    # set_calibration_32V_2A()    Initialize chip for 32V max and up to 2A (default)
    # set_calibration_32V_1A()    Initialize chip for 32V max and up to 1A
    # set_calibration_16V_400mA() Initialize chip for 16V max and up to 400mA

    # Advanced API:
    # config register break-up
    #   reset                     WO : Write Reset.RESET to reset the chip (must recalibrate)
    #   bus_voltage_range         RW : Bus Voltage Range field (use BusVoltageRange.XXX constants)
    #   gain                      RW : Programmable Gain field (use Gain.XXX constants)
    #   bus_adc_resolution        RW : Bus ADC resolution and averaging modes (ADCResolution.XXX)
    #   shunt_adc_resolution      RW : Shunt ADC resolution and averaging modes (ADCResolution.XXX)
    #   mode                      RW : operating modes in config register (use Mode.XXX constants)

    # raw_shunt_voltage           RO : Shunt Voltage register (not scaled)
    # raw_bus_voltage             RO : Bus Voltage field in Bus Voltage register (not scaled)
    # conversion_ready            RO : Conversion Ready bit in Bus Voltage register
    # overflow                    RO : Math Overflow bit in Bus Voltage register
    # raw_power                   RO : Power register (not scaled)
    # raw_current                 RO : Current register (not scaled)
    # calibration                 RW : calibration register (note: value is cached)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, addr=0x40):
        self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c_bus, addr)
        self.i2c_addr = addr

        # Set chip to known config values to start
        self._cal_value = 0
        self._current_lsb = 0
        self._power_lsb = 0

    # config register break-up
    reset = RWBits(1, _REG_CONFIG, 15, 2, False)
    bus_voltage_range = RWBits(1, _REG_CONFIG, 13, 2, False)
    gain = RWBits(2, _REG_CONFIG, 11, 2, False)
    bus_adc_resolution = RWBits(4, _REG_CONFIG, 7, 2, False)
    shunt_adc_resolution = RWBits(4, _REG_CONFIG, 3, 2, False)
    mode = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 0, 2, False)

    # shunt voltage register
    raw_shunt_voltage = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_SHUNTVOLTAGE, ">h")

    # bus voltage register
    raw_bus_voltage = ROBits(13, _REG_BUSVOLTAGE, 3, 2, False)
    conversion_ready = ROBit(_REG_BUSVOLTAGE, 1, 2, False)
    overflow = ROBit(_REG_BUSVOLTAGE, 0, 2, False)

    # power and current registers
    raw_power = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_POWER, ">H")
    raw_current = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_CURRENT, ">h")

    # calibration register
    _raw_calibration = UnaryStruct(_REG_CALIBRATION, ">H")

    def calibration(self):
        """Calibration register (cached value)"""
        return self._cal_value  # return cached value

    def calibration(self, cal_value):
        self._cal_value = (
            cal_value  # value is cached for ``current`` and ``power`` properties
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value

    def shunt_voltage(self):
        """The shunt voltage (between V+ and V-) in Volts (so +-.327V)"""
        # The least signficant bit is 10uV which is 0.00001 volts
        return self.raw_shunt_voltage * 0.00001

    def bus_voltage(self):
        """The bus voltage (between V- and GND) in Volts"""
        # Shift to the right 3 to drop CNVR and OVF and multiply by LSB
        # Each least signficant bit is 4mV
        return self.raw_bus_voltage * 0.004

    def current(self):
        """The current through the shunt resistor in milliamps."""
        # Sometimes a sharp load will reset the INA219, which will
        # reset the cal register, meaning CURRENT and POWER will
        # not be available ... always setting a cal
        # value even if it's an unfortunate extra step
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value
        # Now we can safely read the CURRENT register!
        return self.raw_current * self._current_lsb

    def power(self):
        """The power through the load in Watt."""
        # Sometimes a sharp load will reset the INA219, which will
        # reset the cal register, meaning CURRENT and POWER will
        # not be available ... always setting a cal
        # value even if it's an unfortunate extra step
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value
        # Now we can safely read the CURRENT register!
        return self.raw_power * self._power_lsb

    def set_calibration_32V_2A(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """Configures to INA219 to be able to measure up to 32V and 2A of current. Counter
        overflow occurs at 3.2A.

        ..note :: These calculations assume a 0.1 shunt ohm resistor is present
        # By default we use a pretty huge range for the input voltage,
        # which probably isn't the most appropriate choice for system
        # that don't use a lot of power.  But all of the calculations
        # are shown below if you want to change the settings.  You will
        # also need to change any relevant register settings, such as
        # setting the VBUS_MAX to 16V instead of 32V, etc.

        # VBUS_MAX = 32V             (Assumes 32V, can also be set to 16V)
        # VSHUNT_MAX = 0.32          (Assumes Gain 8, 320mV, can also be 0.16, 0.08, 0.04)
        # RSHUNT = 0.1               (Resistor value in ohms)

        # 1. Determine max possible current
        # MaxPossible_I = VSHUNT_MAX / RSHUNT
        # MaxPossible_I = 3.2A

        # 2. Determine max expected current
        # MaxExpected_I = 2.0A

        # 3. Calculate possible range of LSBs (Min = 15-bit, Max = 12-bit)
        # MinimumLSB = MaxExpected_I/32767
        # MinimumLSB = 0.000061              (61uA per bit)
        # MaximumLSB = MaxExpected_I/4096
        # MaximumLSB = 0,000488              (488uA per bit)

        # 4. Choose an LSB between the min and max values
        #    (Preferrably a roundish number close to MinLSB)
        # CurrentLSB = 0.0001 (100uA per bit)
        self._current_lsb = 0.1  # Current LSB = 100uA per bit

        # 5. Compute the calibration register
        # Cal = trunc (0.04096 / (Current_LSB * RSHUNT))
        # Cal = 4096 (0x1000)

        self._cal_value = 4096

        # 6. Calculate the power LSB
        # PowerLSB = 20 * CurrentLSB
        # PowerLSB = 0.002 (2mW per bit)
        self._power_lsb = 0.002  # Power LSB = 2mW per bit

        # 7. Compute the maximum current and shunt voltage values before overflow
        # Max_Current = Current_LSB * 32767
        # Max_Current = 3.2767A before overflow
        # If Max_Current > Max_Possible_I then
        #    Max_Current_Before_Overflow = MaxPossible_I
        # Else
        #    Max_Current_Before_Overflow = Max_Current
        # End If
        # Max_ShuntVoltage = Max_Current_Before_Overflow * RSHUNT
        # Max_ShuntVoltage = 0.32V
        # If Max_ShuntVoltage >= VSHUNT_MAX
        #    Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = VSHUNT_MAX
        # Else
        #    Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = Max_ShuntVoltage
        # End If

        # 8. Compute the Maximum Power
        # MaximumPower = Max_Current_Before_Overflow * VBUS_MAX
        # MaximumPower = 3.2 * 32V
        # MaximumPower = 102.4W

        # Set Calibration register to 'Cal' calculated above
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value

        # Set Config register to take into account the settings above
        self.bus_voltage_range = BusVoltageRange.RANGE_32V
        self.gain = Gain.DIV_8_320MV
        self.bus_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.shunt_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.mode = Mode.SANDBVOLT_CONTINUOUS

    def set_calibration_32V_1A(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """Configures to INA219 to be able to measure up to 32V and 1A of current. Counter overflow
        occurs at 1.3A.

        .. note:: These calculations assume a 0.1 ohm shunt resistor is present"""
        # By default we use a pretty huge range for the input voltage,
        # which probably isn't the most appropriate choice for system
        # that don't use a lot of power.  But all of the calculations
        # are shown below if you want to change the settings.  You will
        # also need to change any relevant register settings, such as
        # setting the VBUS_MAX to 16V instead of 32V, etc.

        # VBUS_MAX = 32V        (Assumes 32V, can also be set to 16V)
        # VSHUNT_MAX = 0.32    (Assumes Gain 8, 320mV, can also be 0.16, 0.08, 0.04)
        # RSHUNT = 0.1            (Resistor value in ohms)

        # 1. Determine max possible current
        # MaxPossible_I = VSHUNT_MAX / RSHUNT
        # MaxPossible_I = 3.2A

        # 2. Determine max expected current
        # MaxExpected_I = 1.0A

        # 3. Calculate possible range of LSBs (Min = 15-bit, Max = 12-bit)
        # MinimumLSB = MaxExpected_I/32767
        # MinimumLSB = 0.0000305             (30.5uA per bit)
        # MaximumLSB = MaxExpected_I/4096
        # MaximumLSB = 0.000244              (244uA per bit)

        # 4. Choose an LSB between the min and max values
        #    (Preferrably a roundish number close to MinLSB)
        # CurrentLSB = 0.0000400 (40uA per bit)
        self._current_lsb = 0.04  # In milliamps

        # 5. Compute the calibration register
        # Cal = trunc (0.04096 / (Current_LSB * RSHUNT))
        # Cal = 10240 (0x2800)

        self._cal_value = 10240

        # 6. Calculate the power LSB
        # PowerLSB = 20 * CurrentLSB
        # PowerLSB = 0.0008 (800uW per bit)
        self._power_lsb = 0.0008

        # 7. Compute the maximum current and shunt voltage values before overflow
        # Max_Current = Current_LSB * 32767
        # Max_Current = 1.31068A before overflow
        # If Max_Current > Max_Possible_I then
        #    Max_Current_Before_Overflow = MaxPossible_I
        # Else
        #    Max_Current_Before_Overflow = Max_Current
        # End If
        # ... In this case, we're good though since Max_Current is less than MaxPossible_I
        # Max_ShuntVoltage = Max_Current_Before_Overflow * RSHUNT
        # Max_ShuntVoltage = 0.131068V
        # If Max_ShuntVoltage >= VSHUNT_MAX
        #    Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = VSHUNT_MAX
        # Else
        #    Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = Max_ShuntVoltage
        # End If

        # 8. Compute the Maximum Power
        # MaximumPower = Max_Current_Before_Overflow * VBUS_MAX
        # MaximumPower = 1.31068 * 32V
        # MaximumPower = 41.94176W

        # Set Calibration register to 'Cal' calculated above
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value

        # Set Config register to take into account the settings above
        self.bus_voltage_range = BusVoltageRange.RANGE_32V
        self.gain = Gain.DIV_8_320MV
        self.bus_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.shunt_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.mode = Mode.SANDBVOLT_CONTINUOUS

    def set_calibration_16V_400mA(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """Configures to INA219 to be able to measure up to 16V and 400mA of current. Counter
        overflow occurs at 1.6A.

        .. note:: These calculations assume a 0.1 ohm shunt resistor is present"""
        # Calibration which uses the highest precision for
        # current measurement (0.1mA), at the expense of
        # only supporting 16V at 400mA max.

        # VBUS_MAX = 16V
        # VSHUNT_MAX = 0.04          (Assumes Gain 1, 40mV)
        # RSHUNT = 0.1               (Resistor value in ohms)

        # 1. Determine max possible current
        # MaxPossible_I = VSHUNT_MAX / RSHUNT
        # MaxPossible_I = 0.4A

        # 2. Determine max expected current
        # MaxExpected_I = 0.4A

        # 3. Calculate possible range of LSBs (Min = 15-bit, Max = 12-bit)
        # MinimumLSB = MaxExpected_I/32767
        # MinimumLSB = 0.0000122              (12uA per bit)
        # MaximumLSB = MaxExpected_I/4096
        # MaximumLSB = 0.0000977              (98uA per bit)

        # 4. Choose an LSB between the min and max values
        #    (Preferrably a roundish number close to MinLSB)
        # CurrentLSB = 0.00005 (50uA per bit)
        self._current_lsb = 0.05  # in milliamps

        # 5. Compute the calibration register
        # Cal = trunc (0.04096 / (Current_LSB * RSHUNT))
        # Cal = 8192 (0x2000)

        self._cal_value = 8192

        # 6. Calculate the power LSB
        # PowerLSB = 20 * CurrentLSB
        # PowerLSB = 0.001 (1mW per bit)
        self._power_lsb = 0.001

        # 7. Compute the maximum current and shunt voltage values before overflow
        # Max_Current = Current_LSB * 32767
        # Max_Current = 1.63835A before overflow
        # If Max_Current > Max_Possible_I then
        #    Max_Current_Before_Overflow = MaxPossible_I
        # Else
        #    Max_Current_Before_Overflow = Max_Current
        # End If
        # Max_Current_Before_Overflow = MaxPossible_I
        # Max_Current_Before_Overflow = 0.4
        # Max_ShuntVoltage = Max_Current_Before_Overflow * RSHUNT
        # Max_ShuntVoltage = 0.04V
        # If Max_ShuntVoltage >= VSHUNT_MAX
        #    Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = VSHUNT_MAX
        # Else
        #    Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = Max_ShuntVoltage
        # End If
        # Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = VSHUNT_MAX
        # Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = 0.04V

        # 8. Compute the Maximum Power
        # MaximumPower = Max_Current_Before_Overflow * VBUS_MAX
        # MaximumPower = 0.4 * 16V
        # MaximumPower = 6.4W

        # Set Calibration register to 'Cal' calculated above
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value

        # Set Config register to take into account the settings above
        self.bus_voltage_range = BusVoltageRange.RANGE_16V
        self.gain = Gain.DIV_1_40MV
        self.bus_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.shunt_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.mode = Mode.SANDBVOLT_CONTINUOUS

    def set_calibration_16V_5A(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """Configures to INA219 to be able to measure up to 16V and 5000mA of current. Counter
        overflow occurs at 8.0A.

        .. note:: These calculations assume a 0.02 ohm shunt resistor is present"""
        # Calibration which uses the highest precision for
        # current measurement (0.1mA), at the expense of
        # only supporting 16V at 5000mA max.

        # VBUS_MAX = 16V
        # VSHUNT_MAX = 0.16          (Assumes Gain 3, 160mV)
        # RSHUNT = 0.02              (Resistor value in ohms)

        # 1. Determine max possible current
        # MaxPossible_I = VSHUNT_MAX / RSHUNT
        # MaxPossible_I = 8.0A

        # 2. Determine max expected current
        # MaxExpected_I = 5.0A

        # 3. Calculate possible range of LSBs (Min = 15-bit, Max = 12-bit)
        # MinimumLSB = MaxExpected_I/32767
        # MinimumLSB = 0.0001529              (uA per bit)
        # MaximumLSB = MaxExpected_I/4096
        # MaximumLSB = 0.0012207              (uA per bit)

        # 4. Choose an LSB between the min and max values
        #    (Preferrably a roundish number close to MinLSB)
        # CurrentLSB = 0.00016 (uA per bit)
        self._current_lsb = 0.1524  # in milliamps

        # 5. Compute the calibration register
        # Cal = trunc (0.04096 / (Current_LSB * RSHUNT))
        # Cal = 13434 (0x347a)

        self._cal_value = 13434

        # 6. Calculate the power LSB
        # PowerLSB = 20 * CurrentLSB
        # PowerLSB = 0.003 (3.048mW per bit)
        self._power_lsb = 0.003048

        # 7. Compute the maximum current and shunt voltage values before overflow
        # 8. Compute the Maximum Power

        # Set Calibration register to 'Cal' calcutated above
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value

        # Set Config register to take into account the settings above
        self.bus_voltage_range = BusVoltageRange.RANGE_16V
        self.gain = Gain.DIV_4_160MV
        self.bus_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.shunt_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.mode = Mode.SANDBVOLT_CONTINUOUS
Ejemplo n.º 23
class PCT2075:
    """Driver for the PCT2075 Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Watchdog.

    :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the PCT2075 is connected to.
    :param int address: The I2C device address. Default is :const:`0x37`

    **Quickstart: Importing and using the PCT2075 temperature sensor**

        Here is an example of using the :class:`PCT2075` class.
        First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor

        .. code-block:: python

            import board
            import adafruit_pct2075

        Once this is done you can define your `board.I2C` object and define your sensor object

        .. code-block:: python

            i2c = board.I2C()  # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
            pct = adafruit_pct2075.PCT2075(i2c)

        Now you have access to the temperature using the attribute :attr:`temperature`.

        .. code-block:: python

            temperature = pct.temperature

    def __init__(self,
                 i2c_bus: I2C,
                 address: int = PCT2075_DEFAULT_ADDRESS) -> None:
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

    _temperature = ROUnaryStruct(PCT2075_REGISTER_TEMP, ">h")
    mode = RWBit(PCT2075_REGISTER_CONFIG, 1, register_width=1)
    """Sets the alert mode. In comparator mode, the sensor acts like a thermostat and will activate
    the INT pin according to `high_temp_active_high` when an alert is triggered. The INT pin will be
    deactivated when the temperature falls below :attr:`temperature_hysteresis`.
    In interrupt mode the INT pin is activated once when a temperature fault
    is detected, and once more when the     temperature falls below
    :attr:`temperature_hysteresis`. In interrupt mode, the alert is cleared by
    reading a property"""

    shutdown = RWBit(PCT2075_REGISTER_CONFIG, 0, 1)
    """Set to True to turn off the temperature measurement circuitry in the sensor. While shut down
    the configurations properties can still be read or written but the temperature will not be
    _fault_queue_length = RWBits(2,
    _high_temperature_threshold = UnaryStruct(PCT2075_REGISTER_TOS, ">h")
    _temp_hysteresis = UnaryStruct(PCT2075_REGISTER_THYST, ">h")
    _idle_time = RWBits(5, PCT2075_REGISTER_TIDLE, 0, register_width=1)
    high_temp_active_high = RWBit(PCT2075_REGISTER_CONFIG, 2, register_width=1)
    """Sets the alert polarity. When False the INT pin will be tied to ground when an alert is
    triggered. If set to True it will be disconnected from ground when an alert is triggered."""

    def temperature(self) -> float:
        """Returns the current temperature in degrees Celsius.
        Resolution is 0.125 degrees Celsius"""
        return (self._temperature >> 5) * 0.125

    def high_temperature_threshold(self) -> float:
        """The temperature in degrees celsius that will trigger an alert on the INT pin if it is
        exceeded. Resolution is 0.5 degrees Celsius"""
        return (self._high_temperature_threshold >> 7) * 0.5

    def high_temperature_threshold(self, value: float) -> None:
        self._high_temperature_threshold = int(value * 2) << 7

    def temperature_hysteresis(self) -> float:
        """The temperature hysteresis value defines the bottom
        of the temperature range in degrees Celsius in which
        the temperature is still considered high.
        :attr:`temperature_hysteresis` must be lower than
        Resolution is 0.5 degrees Celsius
        return (self._temp_hysteresis >> 7) * 0.5

    def temperature_hysteresis(self, value: float) -> None:
        if value >= self.high_temperature_threshold:
            raise ValueError(
                "temperature_hysteresis must be less than high_temperature_threshold"
        self._temp_hysteresis = int(value * 2) << 7

    def faults_to_alert(self) -> int:
        """The number of consecutive high temperature faults required to raise an alert. An fault
        is tripped each time the sensor measures the temperature to be greater than
        :attr:`high_temperature_threshold`. The rate at which the sensor measures the temperature
        is defined by :attr:`delay_between_measurements`.

        return self._fault_queue_length

    def faults_to_alert(self, value: int) -> None:
        if value > 4 or value < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "faults_to_alert must be an adafruit_pct2075.FaultCount")
        self._fault_queue_length = value

    def delay_between_measurements(self) -> int:
        """The amount of time between measurements made by the sensor in milliseconds. The value
        must be between 100 and 3100 and a multiple of 100"""
        return self._idle_time * 100

    def delay_between_measurements(self, value: int) -> None:
        if value > 3100 or value < 100 or value % 100 > 0:
            raise AttributeError(
                """"delay_between_measurements must be >= 100 or <= 3100\
            and a multiple of 100""")
        self._idle_time = int(value / 100)
class LSM6DS:  # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

    """Driver for the LSM6DSOX 6-axis accelerometer and gyroscope.

    :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the LSM6DSOX is connected to.
    :param int address: TThe I2C device address. Defaults to :const:`0x6A`


    # ROUnaryStructs:
    _chip_id = ROUnaryStruct(_LSM6DS_WHOAMI, "<b")

    # Structs
    _raw_accel_data = Struct(_LSM6DS_OUTX_L_A, "<hhh")
    _raw_gyro_data = Struct(_LSM6DS_OUTX_L_G, "<hhh")
    # RWBits:

    _accel_range = RWBits(2, _LSM6DS_CTRL1_XL, 2)
    _accel_data_rate = RWBits(4, _LSM6DS_CTRL1_XL, 4)

    _gyro_data_rate = RWBits(4, _LSM6DS_CTRL2_G, 4)
    _gyro_range = RWBits(2, _LSM6DS_CTRL2_G, 2)
    _gyro_range_125dps = RWBit(_LSM6DS_CTRL2_G, 1)

    _sw_reset = RWBit(_LSM6DS_CTRL3_C, 0)
    _bdu = RWBit(_LSM6DS_CTRL3_C, 6)

    _high_pass_filter = RWBits(2, _LSM6DS_CTRL8_XL, 5)
    _i3c_disable = RWBit(_LSM6DS_CTRL9_XL, 1)
    _pedometer_reset = RWBit(_LSM6DS_CTRL10_C, 1)
    _func_enable = RWBit(_LSM6DS_CTRL10_C, 2)
    _ped_enable = RWBit(_LSM6DS_TAP_CFG, 6)
    pedometer_steps = ROUnaryStruct(_LSM6DS_STEP_COUNTER, "<h")
    """The number of steps detected by the pedometer. You must enable with `pedometer_enable`
    before calling. Use `pedometer_reset` to reset the number of steps"""
    CHIP_ID = None

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=LSM6DS_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
        self._cached_accel_range = None
        self._cached_gyro_range = None

        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        if self.CHIP_ID is None:
            raise AttributeError("LSM6DS Parent Class cannot be directly instantiated")
        if self._chip_id != self.CHIP_ID:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Failed to find %s - check your wiring!" % self.__class__.__name__
        if not hasattr(GyroRange, "string"):
        self._bdu = True

        self.accelerometer_data_rate = Rate.RATE_104_HZ  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self.gyro_data_rate = Rate.RATE_104_HZ  # pylint: disable=no-member

        self.accelerometer_range = AccelRange.RANGE_4G  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self.gyro_range = GyroRange.RANGE_250_DPS  # pylint: disable=no-member

    def reset(self):
        "Resets the sensor's configuration into an initial state"
        self._sw_reset = True
        while self._sw_reset:

    def _add_gyro_ranges():
                ("RANGE_125_DPS", 125, 125, 4.375),
                ("RANGE_250_DPS", 0, 250, 8.75),
                ("RANGE_500_DPS", 1, 500, 17.50),
                ("RANGE_1000_DPS", 2, 1000, 35.0),
                ("RANGE_2000_DPS", 3, 2000, 70.0),

    def _add_accel_ranges():
                ("RANGE_2G", 0, 2, 0.061),
                ("RANGE_16G", 1, 16, 0.488),
                ("RANGE_4G", 2, 4, 0.122),
                ("RANGE_8G", 3, 8, 0.244),

    def acceleration(self):
        """The x, y, z acceleration values returned in a 3-tuple and are in m / s ^ 2."""
        raw_accel_data = self._raw_accel_data

        x = self._scale_xl_data(raw_accel_data[0])
        y = self._scale_xl_data(raw_accel_data[1])
        z = self._scale_xl_data(raw_accel_data[2])

        return (x, y, z)

    def gyro(self):
        """The x, y, z angular velocity values returned in a 3-tuple and are in radians / second"""
        raw_gyro_data = self._raw_gyro_data
        x, y, z = [radians(self._scale_gyro_data(i)) for i in raw_gyro_data]
        return (x, y, z)

    def _scale_xl_data(self, raw_measurement):
        return (
            * AccelRange.lsb[self._cached_accel_range]
            * _MILLI_G_TO_ACCEL

    def _scale_gyro_data(self, raw_measurement):
        return raw_measurement * GyroRange.lsb[self._cached_gyro_range] / 1000

    def accelerometer_range(self):
        """Adjusts the range of values that the sensor can measure, from +/- 2G to +/-16G
        Note that larger ranges will be less accurate. Must be an ``AccelRange``"""
        return self._cached_accel_range

    # pylint: disable=no-member
    def accelerometer_range(self, value):
        if not AccelRange.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("range must be an `AccelRange`")
        self._accel_range = value
        self._cached_accel_range = value
        sleep(0.2)  # needed to let new range settle

    def gyro_range(self):
        """Adjusts the range of values that the sensor can measure, from 125 Degrees/s to 2000
        degrees/s. Note that larger ranges will be less accurate. Must be a ``GyroRange``."""
        return self._cached_gyro_range

    def gyro_range(self, value):

    def _set_gyro_range(self, value):
        if not GyroRange.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("range must be a `GyroRange`")

        # range uses `FS_G` enum
        if value <= GyroRange.RANGE_2000_DPS:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            self._gyro_range_125dps = False
            self._gyro_range = value
        # range uses the `FS_125` bit
        if value is GyroRange.RANGE_125_DPS:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            self._gyro_range_125dps = True

        self._cached_gyro_range = value  # needed to let new range settle

    def accelerometer_data_rate(self):
        """Select the rate at which the accelerometer takes measurements. Must be a ``Rate``"""
        return self._accel_data_rate

    def accelerometer_data_rate(self, value):

        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("accelerometer_data_rate must be a `Rate`")

        self._accel_data_rate = value
        # sleep(.2) # needed to let new range settle

    def gyro_data_rate(self):
        """Select the rate at which the gyro takes measurements. Must be a ``Rate``"""
        return self._gyro_data_rate

    def gyro_data_rate(self, value):
        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("gyro_data_rate must be a `Rate`")

        self._gyro_data_rate = value
        # sleep(.2) # needed to let new range settle

    def pedometer_enable(self):
        """ Whether the pedometer function on the accelerometer is enabled"""
        return self._ped_enable and self._func_enable

    def pedometer_enable(self, enable):
        self._ped_enable = enable
        self._func_enable = enable
        self._pedometer_reset = enable

    def high_pass_filter(self):
        """The high pass filter applied to accelerometer data"""
        return self._high_pass_filter

    def high_pass_filter(self, value):
        if not AccelHPF.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("range must be an `AccelHPF`")
        self._high_pass_filter = value
Ejemplo n.º 25
class ICM20X:  # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Library for the ST ICM-20X Wide-Range 6-DoF Accelerometer and Gyro Family

        :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the ICM20X is connected to.
        :param address: The I2C slave address of the sensor


    # Bank 0
    _device_id = ROUnaryStruct(_ICM20X_WHO_AM_I, ">B")
    _bank_reg = UnaryStruct(_ICM20X_REG_BANK_SEL, ">B")
    _reset = RWBit(_ICM20X_PWR_MGMT_1, 7)
    _sleep_reg = RWBit(_ICM20X_PWR_MGMT_1, 6)
    _low_power_en = RWBit(_ICM20X_PWR_MGMT_1, 5)
    _clock_source = RWBits(3, _ICM20X_PWR_MGMT_1, 0)

    _raw_accel_data = Struct(_ICM20X_ACCEL_XOUT_H, ">hhh")  # ds says LE :|
    _raw_gyro_data = Struct(_ICM20X_GYRO_XOUT_H, ">hhh")

    _lp_config_reg = UnaryStruct(_ICM20X_LP_CONFIG, ">B")

    _i2c_master_cycle_en = RWBit(_ICM20X_LP_CONFIG, 6)
    _accel_cycle_en = RWBit(_ICM20X_LP_CONFIG, 5)
    _gyro_cycle_en = RWBit(_ICM20X_LP_CONFIG, 4)

    # Bank 2
    _gyro_dlpf_enable = RWBits(1, _ICM20X_GYRO_CONFIG_1, 0)
    _gyro_range = RWBits(2, _ICM20X_GYRO_CONFIG_1, 1)
    _gyro_dlpf_config = RWBits(3, _ICM20X_GYRO_CONFIG_1, 3)

    _accel_dlpf_enable = RWBits(1, _ICM20X_ACCEL_CONFIG_1, 0)
    _accel_range = RWBits(2, _ICM20X_ACCEL_CONFIG_1, 1)
    _accel_dlpf_config = RWBits(3, _ICM20X_ACCEL_CONFIG_1, 3)

    # this value is a 12-bit register spread across two bytes, big-endian first
    _accel_rate_divisor = UnaryStruct(_ICM20X_ACCEL_SMPLRT_DIV_1, ">H")
    _gyro_rate_divisor = UnaryStruct(_ICM20X_GYRO_SMPLRT_DIV, ">B")
            ),  # magical value that we will use do disable
            ("FREQ_246_0HZ_3DB", 1, 246.0, None),
            ("FREQ_111_4HZ_3DB", 2, 111.4, None),
            ("FREQ_50_4HZ_3DB", 3, 50.4, None),
            ("FREQ_23_9HZ_3DB", 4, 23.9, None),
            ("FREQ_11_5HZ_3DB", 5, 11.5, None),
            ("FREQ_5_7HZ_3DB", 6, 5.7, None),
            ("FREQ_473HZ_3DB", 7, 473, None),
            ),  # magical value that we will use do disable
            ("FREQ_196_6HZ_3DB", 0, 196.6, None),
            ("FREQ_151_8HZ_3DB", 1, 151.8, None),
            ("FREQ_119_5HZ_3DB", 2, 119.5, None),
            ("FREQ_51_2HZ_3DB", 3, 51.2, None),
            ("FREQ_23_9HZ_3DB", 4, 23.9, None),
            ("FREQ_11_6HZ_3DB", 5, 11.6, None),
            ("FREQ_5_7HZ_3DB", 6, 5.7, None),
            ("FREQ_361_4HZ_3DB", 7, 361.4, None),

    def _bank(self):
        return self._bank_reg >> 4

    def _bank(self, value):
        self._bank_reg = value << 4

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address):

        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        self._bank = 0
        if not self._device_id in [_ICM20649_DEVICE_ID, _ICM20948_DEVICE_ID]:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find an ICM20X sensor - check your wiring!")

    def initialize(self):
        """Configure the sensors with the default settings. For use after calling `reset()`"""

        self._sleep = False
        self.accelerometer_range = AccelRange.RANGE_8G  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self.gyro_range = GyroRange.RANGE_500_DPS  # pylint: disable=no-member

        self.accelerometer_data_rate_divisor = 20  # ~53.57Hz
        self.gyro_data_rate_divisor = 10  # ~100Hz

    def reset(self):
        """Resets the internal registers and restores the default settings"""
        self._bank = 0

        self._reset = True
        while self._reset:

    def _sleep(self):
        self._bank = 0
        self._sleep_reg = False

    def _sleep(self, sleep_enabled):
        self._bank = 0
        self._sleep_reg = sleep_enabled

    def acceleration(self):
        """The x, y, z acceleration values returned in a 3-tuple and are in m / s ^ 2."""
        self._bank = 0
        raw_accel_data = self._raw_accel_data

        x = self._scale_xl_data(raw_accel_data[0])
        y = self._scale_xl_data(raw_accel_data[1])
        z = self._scale_xl_data(raw_accel_data[2])

        return (x, y, z)

    def gyro(self):
        """The x, y, z angular velocity values returned in a 3-tuple and are in degrees / second"""
        self._bank = 0
        raw_gyro_data = self._raw_gyro_data
        x = self._scale_gyro_data(raw_gyro_data[0])
        y = self._scale_gyro_data(raw_gyro_data[1])
        z = self._scale_gyro_data(raw_gyro_data[2])

        return (x, y, z)

    def _scale_xl_data(self, raw_measurement):
        return raw_measurement / AccelRange.lsb[self._cached_accel_range] * G_TO_ACCEL

    def _scale_gyro_data(self, raw_measurement):
        return (
            raw_measurement / GyroRange.lsb[self._cached_gyro_range]
        ) * _ICM20X_RAD_PER_DEG

    def accelerometer_range(self):
        """Adjusts the range of values that the sensor can measure, from +/- 4G to +/-30G
        Note that larger ranges will be less accurate. Must be an `AccelRange`"""
        return self._cached_accel_range

    def accelerometer_range(self, value):  # pylint: disable=no-member
        if not AccelRange.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("range must be an `AccelRange`")
        self._bank = 2
        self._accel_range = value
        self._cached_accel_range = value
        self._bank = 0

    def gyro_range(self):
        """Adjusts the range of values that the sensor can measure, from 500 Degrees/second to 4000
        degrees/s. Note that larger ranges will be less accurate. Must be a `GyroRange`"""
        return self._cached_gyro_range

    def gyro_range(self, value):
        if not GyroRange.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("range must be a `GyroRange`")

        self._bank = 2
        self._gyro_range = value
        self._cached_gyro_range = value
        self._bank = 0
        sleep(0.100)  # needed to let new range settle

    def accelerometer_data_rate_divisor(self):
        """The divisor for the rate at which accelerometer measurements are taken in Hz

        Note: The data rates are set indirectly by setting a rate divisor according to the
        following formula: ``accelerometer_data_rate = 1125/(1+divisor)``

        This function sets the raw rate divisor.
        self._bank = 2
        raw_rate_divisor = self._accel_rate_divisor
        self._bank = 0
        # rate_hz = 1125/(1+raw_rate_divisor)
        return raw_rate_divisor

    def accelerometer_data_rate_divisor(self, value):
        # check that value <= 4095
        self._bank = 2
        self._accel_rate_divisor = value

    def gyro_data_rate_divisor(self):
        """The divisor for the rate at which gyro measurements are taken in Hz

        Note: The data rates are set indirectly by setting a rate divisor according to the
        following formula: ``gyro_data_rate = 1100/(1+divisor)``

        This function sets the raw rate divisor.

        self._bank = 2
        raw_rate_divisor = self._gyro_rate_divisor
        self._bank = 0
        # rate_hz = 1100/(1+raw_rate_divisor)
        return raw_rate_divisor

    def gyro_data_rate_divisor(self, value):
        # check that value <= 255
        self._bank = 2
        self._gyro_rate_divisor = value

    def _accel_rate_calc(self, divisor):  # pylint:disable=no-self-use
        return 1125 / (1 + divisor)

    def _gyro_rate_calc(self, divisor):  # pylint:disable=no-self-use
        return 1100 / (1 + divisor)

    def accelerometer_data_rate(self):
        """The rate at which accelerometer measurements are taken in Hz

        Note: The data rates are set indirectly by setting a rate divisor according to the
        following formula: ``accelerometer_data_rate = 1125/(1+divisor)``

        This function does the math to find the divisor from a given rate but it will not be
        exactly as specified.
        return self._accel_rate_calc(self.accelerometer_data_rate_divisor)

    def accelerometer_data_rate(self, value):
        if value < self._accel_rate_calc(4095) or value > self._accel_rate_calc(0):
            raise AttributeError(
                "Accelerometer data rate must be between 0.27 and 1125.0"
        self.accelerometer_data_rate_divisor = value

    def gyro_data_rate(self):
        """The rate at which gyro measurements are taken in Hz

        Note: The data rates are set indirectly by setting a rate divisor according to the
        following formula: ``gyro_data_rate = 1100/(1+divisor)``
        This function does the math to find the divisor from a given rate but it will not
        be exactly as specified.
        return self._gyro_rate_calc(self.gyro_data_rate_divisor)

    def gyro_data_rate(self, value):
        if value < self._gyro_rate_calc(4095) or value > self._gyro_rate_calc(0):
            raise AttributeError("Gyro data rate must be between 4.30 and 1100.0")

        divisor = round(((1125.0 - value) / value))
        self.gyro_data_rate_divisor = divisor

    def accel_dlpf_cutoff(self):
        """The cutoff frequency for the accelerometer's digital low pass filter. Signals
        above the given frequency will be filtered out. Must be an ``AccelDLPFCutoff``.
        Use AccelDLPFCutoff.DISABLED to disable the filter

        **Note** readings immediately following setting a cutoff frequency will be
        inaccurate due to the filter "warming up" """
        self._bank = 2
        return self._accel_dlpf_config

    def accel_dlpf_cutoff(self, cutoff_frequency):
        if not AccelDLPFFreq.is_valid(cutoff_frequency):
            raise AttributeError("accel_dlpf_cutoff must be an `AccelDLPFFreq`")
        self._bank = 2
        # check for shutdown
        if cutoff_frequency is AccelDLPFFreq.DISABLED:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            self._accel_dlpf_enable = False
        self._accel_dlpf_enable = True
        self._accel_dlpf_config = cutoff_frequency

    def gyro_dlpf_cutoff(self):
        """The cutoff frequency for the gyro's digital low pass filter. Signals above the
        given frequency will be filtered out. Must be a ``GyroDLPFFreq``. Use
        GyroDLPFCutoff.DISABLED to disable the filter

        **Note** readings immediately following setting a cutoff frequency will be
        inaccurate due to the filter "warming up" """
        self._bank = 2
        return self._gyro_dlpf_config

    def gyro_dlpf_cutoff(self, cutoff_frequency):
        if not GyroDLPFFreq.is_valid(cutoff_frequency):
            raise AttributeError("gyro_dlpf_cutoff must be a `GyroDLPFFreq`")
        self._bank = 2
        # check for shutdown
        if cutoff_frequency is GyroDLPFFreq.DISABLED:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            self._gyro_dlpf_enable = False
        self._gyro_dlpf_enable = True
        self._gyro_dlpf_config = cutoff_frequency

    def _low_power(self):
        self._bank = 0
        return self._low_power_en

    def _low_power(self, enabled):
        self._bank = 0
        self._low_power_en = enabled
Ejemplo n.º 26
class VEML7700:
    """Driver for the VEML7700 ambient light sensor.

    :param busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the VEML7700 is connected to.


    # Ambient light sensor gain settings
    ALS_GAIN_1 = const(0x0)
    ALS_GAIN_2 = const(0x1)
    ALS_GAIN_1_8 = const(0x2)
    ALS_GAIN_1_4 = const(0x3)

    # Ambient light integration time settings

    ALS_25MS = const(0xC)
    ALS_50MS = const(0x8)
    ALS_100MS = const(0x0)
    ALS_200MS = const(0x1)
    ALS_400MS = const(0x2)
    ALS_800MS = const(0x3)

    # Gain value integers
    gain_values = {
        ALS_GAIN_2: 2,
        ALS_GAIN_1: 1,
        ALS_GAIN_1_4: 0.25,
        ALS_GAIN_1_8: 0.125,

    # Integration time value integers
    integration_time_values = {
        ALS_25MS: 25,
        ALS_50MS: 50,
        ALS_100MS: 100,
        ALS_200MS: 200,
        ALS_400MS: 400,
        ALS_800MS: 800,

    # ALS - Ambient light sensor high resolution output data
    light = ROUnaryStruct(0x04, "<H")
    """Ambient light data.

    This example prints the ambient light data. Cover the sensor to see the values change.

    .. code-block:: python

        import time
        import board
        import busio
        import adafruit_veml7700

        i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
        veml7700 = adafruit_veml7700.VEML7700(i2c)

        while True:
            print("Ambient light:", veml7700.light)

    # WHITE - White channel output data
    white = ROUnaryStruct(0x05, "<H")
    """White light data.

    This example prints the white light data. Cover the sensor to see the values change.

    .. code-block:: python

        import time
        import board
        import busio
        import adafruit_veml7700

        i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
        veml7700 = adafruit_veml7700.VEML7700(i2c)

        while True:
            print("White light:", veml7700.white)

    # ALS_CONF_0 - ALS gain, integration time, interrupt and shutdown.
    light_shutdown = RWBit(0x00, 0, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light sensor shutdown. When ``True``, ambient light sensor is disabled."""
    light_interrupt = RWBit(0x00, 1, register_width=2)
    """Enable interrupt. ``True`` to enable, ``False`` to disable."""
    light_gain = RWBits(2, 0x00, 11, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light gain setting. Gain settings are 2, 1, 1/4 and 1/8. Settings options are:

    This example sets the ambient light gain to 2 and prints the ambient light sensor data.

    .. code-block:: python

        import time
        import board
        import busio
        import adafruit_veml7700

        i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
        veml7700 = adafruit_vcnl4040.VCNL4040(i2c)

        veml7700.light_gain = veml7700.ALS_GAIN_2

        while True:
            print("Ambient light:", veml7700.light)

    light_integration_time = RWBits(4, 0x00, 6, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light integration time setting. Longer time has higher sensitivity. Can be:
    ALS_25MS, ALS_50MS, ALS_100MS, ALS_200MS, ALS_400MS, ALS_800MS.

    This example sets the ambient light integration time to 400ms and prints the ambient light
    sensor data.

    .. code-block:: python

        import time
        import board
        import busio
        import adafruit_veml7700

        i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
        veml7700 = adafruit_vcnl4040.VCNL4040(i2c)

        veml7700.light_integration_time = veml7700.ALS_400MS

        while True:
            print("Ambient light:", veml7700.light)


    # ALS_WH - ALS high threshold window setting
    light_high_threshold = UnaryStruct(0x01, "<H")
    """Ambient light sensor interrupt high threshold setting."""
    # ALS_WL - ALS low threshold window setting
    light_low_threshold = UnaryStruct(0x02, "<H")
    """Ambient light sensor interrupt low threshold setting."""
    # ALS_INT - ALS INT trigger event
    light_interrupt_high = ROBit(0x06, 14, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light high threshold interrupt flag. Triggered when high threshold exceeded."""
    light_interrupt_low = ROBit(0x06, 15, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light low threshold interrupt flag. Triggered when low threshold exceeded."""
    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=0x10):
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        self.light_shutdown = False  # Enable the ambient light sensor

    def integration_time_value(self):
        """Integration time value in integer form. Used for calculating ``resolution``."""
        integration_time = self.light_integration_time
        return self.integration_time_values[integration_time]

    def gain_value(self):
        """Gain value in integer form. Used for calculating ``resolution``."""
        gain = self.light_gain
        return self.gain_values[gain]

    def resolution(self):
        """Calculate the ``resolution`` necessary to calculate lux. Based on integration time and
        gain settings."""
        resolution_at_max = 0.0036
        gain_max = 2
        integration_time_max = 800

        if (self.gain_value() == gain_max
                and self.integration_time_value() == integration_time_max):
            return resolution_at_max
        return (resolution_at_max *
                (integration_time_max / self.integration_time_value()) *
                (gain_max / self.gain_value()))

    def lux(self):
        """Light value in lux.

        This example prints the light data in lux. Cover the sensor to see the values change.

        .. code-block:: python

            import time
            import board
            import busio
            import adafruit_veml7700

            i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
            veml7700 = adafruit_veml7700.VEML7700(i2c)

            while True:
                print("Lux:", veml7700.lux)
        return self.resolution() * self.light
class MPU6050:
    """Driver for the MPU6050 6-DoF accelerometer and gyroscope.

        :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the MPU6050 is connected to.
        :param address: The I2C slave address of the sensor

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_MPU6050_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

        if self._device_id != _MPU6050_DEVICE_ID:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find MPU6050 - check your wiring!")


        self._sample_rate_divisor = 0
        self._filter_bandwidth = Bandwidth.BAND_260_HZ
        self._gyro_range = GyroRange.RANGE_500_DPS
        self._accel_range = Range.RANGE_2_G
        self._clock_source = 1  # set to use gyro x-axis as reference
        self.sleep = False

    def reset(self):
        """Reinitialize the sensor"""
        self._reset = True
        while self._reset is True:

        _signal_path_reset = 0b111  # reset all sensors

    _clock_source = RWBits(3, _MPU6050_PWR_MGMT_1, 0)
    _device_id = ROUnaryStruct(_MPU6050_WHO_AM_I, ">B")

    _reset = RWBit(_MPU6050_PWR_MGMT_1, 7, 1)
    _signal_path_reset = RWBits(3, _MPU6050_SIG_PATH_RESET, 3)

    _gyro_range = RWBits(2, _MPU6050_GYRO_CONFIG, 3)
    _accel_range = RWBits(2, _MPU6050_ACCEL_CONFIG, 3)

    _filter_bandwidth = RWBits(2, _MPU6050_CONFIG, 3)

    _raw_accel_data = StructArray(_MPU6050_ACCEL_OUT, ">h", 3)
    _raw_gyro_data = StructArray(_MPU6050_GYRO_OUT, ">h", 3)
    _raw_temp_data = ROUnaryStruct(_MPU6050_TEMP_OUT, ">h")

    _cycle = RWBit(_MPU6050_PWR_MGMT_1, 5)
    _cycle_rate = RWBits(2, _MPU6050_PWR_MGMT_2, 6, 1)

    sleep = RWBit(_MPU6050_PWR_MGMT_1, 6, 1)
    """Shuts down the accelerometers and gyroscopes, saving power. No new data will
    be recorded until the sensor is taken out of sleep by setting to `False`"""
    sample_rate_divisor = UnaryStruct(_MPU6050_SMPLRT_DIV, ">B")
    """The sample rate divisor. See the datasheet for additional detail"""

    def temperature(self):
        """The current temperature in  º C"""
        raw_temperature = self._raw_temp_data
        temp = (raw_temperature / 340.0) + 36.53
        return temp

    def acceleration(self):
        """Acceleration X, Y, and Z axis data in m/s^2"""
        raw_data = self._raw_accel_data
        raw_x = raw_data[0][0]
        raw_y = raw_data[1][0]
        raw_z = raw_data[2][0]

        accel_range = self._accel_range
        accel_scale = 1
        if accel_range == Range.RANGE_16_G:
            accel_scale = 2048
        if accel_range == Range.RANGE_8_G:
            accel_scale = 4096
        if accel_range == Range.RANGE_4_G:
            accel_scale = 8192
        if accel_range == Range.RANGE_2_G:
            accel_scale = 16384

        # setup range dependant scaling
        accel_x = (raw_x / accel_scale) * STANDARD_GRAVITY
        accel_y = (raw_y / accel_scale) * STANDARD_GRAVITY
        accel_z = (raw_z / accel_scale) * STANDARD_GRAVITY

        return (accel_x, accel_y, accel_z)

    def gyro(self):
        """Gyroscope X, Y, and Z axis data in º/s"""
        raw_data = self._raw_gyro_data
        raw_x = raw_data[0][0]
        raw_y = raw_data[1][0]
        raw_z = raw_data[2][0]

        gyro_scale = 1
        gyro_range = self._gyro_range
        if gyro_range == GyroRange.RANGE_250_DPS:
            gyro_scale = 131
        if gyro_range == GyroRange.RANGE_500_DPS:
            gyro_scale = 65.5
        if gyro_range == GyroRange.RANGE_1000_DPS:
            gyro_scale = 32.8
        if gyro_range == GyroRange.RANGE_2000_DPS:
            gyro_scale = 16.4

        # setup range dependant scaling
        gyro_x = (raw_x / gyro_scale)
        gyro_y = (raw_y / gyro_scale)
        gyro_z = (raw_z / gyro_scale)

        return (gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z)

    def cycle(self):
        """Enable or disable perodic measurement at a rate set by `cycle_rate`.
        If the sensor was in sleep mode, it will be waken up to cycle"""
        return self._cycle

    def cycle(self, value):
        self.sleep = not value
        self._cycle = value

    def gyro_range(self):
        """The measurement range of all gyroscope axes. Must be a `GyroRange`"""
        return self._gyro_range

    def gyro_range(self, value):
        if (value < 0) or (value > 3):
            raise ValueError("gyro_range must be a GyroRange")
        self._gyro_range = value

    def accelerometer_range(self):
        """The measurement range of all accelerometer axes. Must be a `Range`"""
        return self._accel_range

    def accelerometer_range(self, value):
        if (value < 0) or (value > 3):
            raise ValueError("accelerometer_range must be a Range")
        self._accel_range = value

    def filter_bandwidth(self):
        """The bandwidth of the gyroscope Digital Low Pass Filter. Must be a `GyroRange`"""
        return self._filter_bandwidth

    def filter_bandwidth(self, value):
        if (value < 0) or (value > 6):
            raise ValueError("filter_bandwidth must be a Bandwidth")
        self._filter_bandwidth = value

    def cycle_rate(self):
        """The rate that measurements are taken while in `cycle` mode. Must be a `Rate`"""
        return self._cycle_rate

    def cycle_rate(self, value):
        if (value < 0) or (value > 3):
            raise ValueError("cycle_rate must be a Rate")
        self._cycle_rate = value
Ejemplo n.º 28
class DPS310:
    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Library for the DPS310 Precision Barometric Pressure Sensor.
    Depending on your board memory availability you could use DPS310_Advanced.

    :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the DPS310 is connected to.
    :param int address: The I2C device address. Defaults to :const:`0x77`

    **Quickstart: Importing and using the DPS310**

        Here is an example of using the :class:`DPS310` class.
        First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor

        .. code-block:: python

            import board
            from adafruit_dps310.basic import DPS310

        Once this is done you can define your `board.I2C` object and define your sensor object

        .. code-block:: python

            i2c = board.I2C()   # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
            dps310 = DPS310(i2c)

        Now you have access to the :attr:`temperature` and :attr:`pressure` attributes.

        .. code-block:: python

            temperature = dps310.temperature
            pressure = dps310.pressure

    # Register definitions
    _device_id = ROUnaryStruct(_DPS310_PRODREVID, ">B")
    _reset_register = UnaryStruct(_DPS310_RESET, ">B")
    _mode_bits = RWBits(3, _DPS310_MEASCFG, 0)  #

    _pressure_osbits = RWBits(4, _DPS310_PRSCFG, 0)

    _temp_osbits = RWBits(4, _DPS310_TMPCFG, 0)

    _temp_measurement_src_bit = RWBit(_DPS310_TMPCFG, 7)

    _pressure_shiftbit = RWBit(_DPS310_CFGREG, 2)
    _temp_shiftbit = RWBit(_DPS310_CFGREG, 3)

    _coefficients_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 7)
    _sensor_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 6)
    _temp_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 5)
    _pressure_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 4)

    _raw_pressure = ROBits(24, _DPS310_PRSB2, 0, 3, lsb_first=False)
    _raw_temperature = ROBits(24, _DPS310_TMPB2, 0, 3, lsb_first=False)

    _calib_coeff_temp_src_bit = ROBit(_DPS310_TMPCOEFSRCE, 7)

    _reg0e = RWBits(8, 0x0E, 0)
    _reg0f = RWBits(8, 0x0F, 0)
    _reg62 = RWBits(8, 0x62, 0)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_DPS310_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

        if self._device_id != _DPS310_DEVICE_ID:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find DPS310 - check your wiring!")
        self._pressure_scale = None
        self._temp_scale = None
        self._c0 = None
        self._c1 = None
        self._c00 = None
        self._c00 = None
        self._c10 = None
        self._c10 = None
        self._c01 = None
        self._c11 = None
        self._c20 = None
        self._c21 = None
        self._c30 = None
        self._oversample_scalefactor = (
        self._sea_level_pressure = 1013.25


    def initialize(self):
        """Initialize the sensor to continuous measurement"""


        self._pressure_osbits = 6
        self._pressure_shiftbit = True
        self._pressure_scale = self._oversample_scalefactor[6]

        self._temp_osbits = 6
        self._temp_scale = self._oversample_scalefactor[6]
        self._temp_shiftbit = True

        self._mode_bits = 7

        # wait until we have at least one good measurement

    # (https://github.com/Infineon/DPS310-Pressure-Sensor#temperature-measurement-issue)
    # similar to DpsClass::correctTemp(void) from infineon's c++ library
    def _correct_temp(self):
        """Correct temperature readings on ICs with a fuse bit problem"""
        self._reg0e = 0xA5
        self._reg0f = 0x96
        self._reg62 = 0x02
        self._reg0e = 0
        self._reg0f = 0

        # perform a temperature measurement
        # the most recent temperature will be saved internally
        # and used for compensation when calculating pressure
        _unused = self._raw_temperature

    def reset(self):
        """Reset the sensor"""
        self._reset_register = 0x89
        # wait for hardware reset to finish
        while not self._sensor_ready:
        # make sure we're using the temperature source used for calibration
        self._temp_measurement_src_bit = self._calib_coeff_temp_src_bit

    def pressure(self):
        """Returns the current pressure reading in kPA"""

        temp_reading = self._raw_temperature
        raw_temperature = self._twos_complement(temp_reading, 24)
        pressure_reading = self._raw_pressure
        raw_pressure = self._twos_complement(pressure_reading, 24)
        _scaled_rawtemp = raw_temperature / self._temp_scale

        _temperature = _scaled_rawtemp * self._c1 + self._c0 / 2.0

        p_red = raw_pressure / self._pressure_scale

        pres_calc = (self._c00 + p_red * (self._c10 + p_red *
                                          (self._c20 + p_red * self._c30)) +
                     _scaled_rawtemp * (self._c01 + p_red *
                                        (self._c11 + p_red * self._c21)))

        final_pressure = pres_calc / 100
        return final_pressure

    def altitude(self):
        """The altitude based on the sea level pressure (:attr:`sea_level_pressure`) -
        which you must enter ahead of time)"""
        return 44330 * (
            1.0 - math.pow(self.pressure / self._sea_level_pressure, 0.1903))

    def temperature(self):
        """The current temperature reading in degrees Celsius"""
        _scaled_rawtemp = self._raw_temperature / self._temp_scale
        _temperature = _scaled_rawtemp * self._c1 + self._c0 / 2.0
        return _temperature

    def sea_level_pressure(self):
        """The local sea level pressure in hectoPascals (aka millibars). This is used
        for calculation of :attr:`altitude`. Values are typically in the range
        980 - 1030."""
        return self._sea_level_pressure

    def sea_level_pressure(self, value):
        self._sea_level_pressure = value

    def wait_temperature_ready(self):
        """Wait until a temperature measurement is available."""

        while self._temp_ready is False:

    def wait_pressure_ready(self):
        """Wait until a pressure measurement is available"""

        while self._pressure_ready is False:

    def _twos_complement(val, bits):
        if val & (1 << (bits - 1)):
            val -= 1 << bits

        return val

    def _read_calibration(self):

        while not self._coefficients_ready:

        buffer = bytearray(19)
        coeffs = [None] * 18
        for offset in range(18):
            buffer = bytearray(2)
            buffer[0] = 0x10 + offset

            with self.i2c_device as i2c:

                i2c.write_then_readinto(buffer, buffer, out_end=1, in_start=1)

                coeffs[offset] = buffer[1]

        self._c0 = (coeffs[0] << 4) | ((coeffs[1] >> 4) & 0x0F)
        self._c0 = self._twos_complement(self._c0, 12)

        self._c1 = self._twos_complement(((coeffs[1] & 0x0F) << 8) | coeffs[2],

        self._c00 = (coeffs[3] << 12) | (coeffs[4] << 4) | (
            (coeffs[5] >> 4) & 0x0F)
        self._c00 = self._twos_complement(self._c00, 20)

        self._c10 = ((coeffs[5] & 0x0F) << 16) | (coeffs[6] << 8) | coeffs[7]
        self._c10 = self._twos_complement(self._c10, 20)

        self._c01 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[8] << 8) | coeffs[9], 16)
        self._c11 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[10] << 8) | coeffs[11], 16)
        self._c20 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[12] << 8) | coeffs[13], 16)
        self._c21 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[14] << 8) | coeffs[15], 16)
        self._c30 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[16] << 8) | coeffs[17], 16)
Ejemplo n.º 29
class LIS331:
    # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Base class for the LIS331 family of 3-axis accelerometers.
    **Cannot be instantiated directly**

        :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the LIS331 is connected to.
        :param address: The I2C slave address of the sensor


    _chip_id = ROUnaryStruct(_LIS331_REG_WHOAMI, "<B")
    _mode_and_odr_bits = RWBits(5, _LIS331_REG_CTRL1, 3)
    _power_mode_bits = RWBits(3, _LIS331_REG_CTRL1, 5)
    _data_rate_lpf_bits = RWBits(2, _LIS331_REG_CTRL1, 3)
    _range_bits = RWBits(2, _LIS331_REG_CTRL4, 4)
    _raw_acceleration = ROByteArray((_LIS331_REG_OUT_X_L | 0x80), "<hhh", 6)

    _reference_value = UnaryStruct(_LIS331_REG_REFERENCE, "<b")
    _zero_hpf = ROUnaryStruct(_LIS331_REG_HP_FILTER_RESET, "<b")
    _hpf_mode_bits = RWBit(_LIS331_REG_CTRL2, 5)
    _hpf_enable_bit = RWBit(_LIS331_REG_CTRL2, 4)
    _hpf_cutoff = RWBits(2, _LIS331_REG_CTRL2, 0)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_LIS331_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
        if (not isinstance(self, LIS331HH)) and (not isinstance(
                self, H3LIS331)):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Base class LIS331 cannot be instantiated directly. Use LIS331HH or H3LIS331"
        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        if self._chip_id != _LIS331_CHIP_ID:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find %s - check your wiring!" %
        self._range_class = None

    def lpf_cutoff(self):
        """The frequency above which signals will be filtered out"""
        if self.mode == Mode.NORMAL:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            raise RuntimeError(
                "lpf_cuttoff cannot be read while a NORMAL data rate is in use"
        return self._data_rate_lpf_bits

    def lpf_cutoff(self, cutoff_freq):
        if not Frequency.is_valid(cutoff_freq):
            raise AttributeError("lpf_cutoff must be a `Frequency`")

        if self.mode == Mode.NORMAL:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            raise RuntimeError(
                "lpf_cuttoff cannot be set while a NORMAL data rate is in use")

        self._data_rate_lpf_bits = cutoff_freq

    def hpf_reference(self):
        """The reference value to offset measurements when using the High-pass filter. To use,
        ``use_reference`` must be set to true when enabling the high-pass filter. The value
        is a signed 8-bit number from -128 to 127. The value of each increment of 1 depends on the
        currently set measurement range and is approximate:
        #pylint: disable=line-too-long
        | Range                                                       | Incremental value (LSB value) |
        | ``LIS331HHRange.RANGE_6G`` or ``H3LIS331Range.RANGE_100G``  | ~16mg                         |
        | ``LIS331HHRange.RANGE_12G`` or ``H3LIS331Range.RANGE_200G`` | ~31mg                         |
        | ``LIS331HHRange.RANGE_24G`` or ``H3LIS331Range.RANGE_400G`` | ~63mg                         |
        #pylint: enable=line-too-long

        return self._reference_value

    def hpf_reference(self, reference_value):
        if reference_value < -128 or reference_value > 127:
            raise AttributeError("`hpf_reference` must be from -128 to 127")
        self._reference_value = reference_value

    def zero_hpf(self):
        """When the high-pass filter is enabled  with ``use_reference=False``, calling ``zero_hpf``
        will set all measurements to zero immediately, avoiding the normal settling time seen when
        using the high-pass filter without a ``hpf_reference``
        self._zero_hpf  # pylint: disable=pointless-statement

    def enable_hpf(self,
                   use_reference=False):  # pylint: disable=no-member
        """Enable or disable the high-pass filter.

        :param enabled: Enable or disable the filter. Default is `True` to enable
        :param ~RateDivisor cutoff: A `RateDivisor` to set the high-pass cutoff frequency. Default\
        is ``RateDivisor.ODR_DIV_50``. See ``RateDivisor`` for more information
        :param use_reference: Determines if the filtered measurements are offset by a reference\
        value. Default is false.

    See section **4** of the LIS331DLH application note for more information `LIS331DLH application\
        note for more information <https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/\

        self._hpf_mode_bits = use_reference
        self._hpf_cutoff = cutoff
        self._hpf_enable_bit = enabled

    def data_rate(self):
        """Select the rate at which the accelerometer takes measurements. Must be a `Rate`"""
        return self._cached_data_rate

    def data_rate(self, new_rate_bits):
        if not Rate.is_valid(new_rate_bits):
            raise AttributeError("data_rate must be a `Rate`")

        # to determine what to be set we'll look at the mode to so we don't overwrite the filter
        new_mode = self._mode_and_rate(new_rate_bits)[0]
        if new_mode == Mode.NORMAL:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            self._mode_and_odr_bits = new_rate_bits
            self._power_mode_bits = new_mode

        self._cached_data_rate = new_mode << 2 | new_rate_bits

    def mode(self):
        """The `Mode` power mode that the sensor is set to, as determined by the current
        `data_rate`. To set the mode, use `data_rate` and the approprite `Rate`"""
        mode_bits = self._mode_and_rate()[0]
        return mode_bits

    def _mode_and_rate(self, data_rate=None):
        if data_rate is None:
            data_rate = self._cached_data_rate

        pm_value = (data_rate & 0x1C) >> 2
        dr_value = data_rate & 0x3
        if pm_value is Mode.LOW_POWER:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            dr_value = 0
        return (pm_value, dr_value)

    def range(self):
        """Adjusts the range of values that the sensor can measure, Note that larger ranges will be
        less accurate. Must be a `H3LIS331Range` or `LIS331HHRange`"""
        return self._range_bits

    def range(self, new_range):
        if not self._range_class.is_valid(new_range):  # pylint: disable=no-member
            raise AttributeError("range must be a `%s`" %
        self._range_bits = new_range
        self._cached_accel_range = new_range
        sleep(0.010)  # give time for the new rate to settle

    def acceleration(self):
        """The x, y, z acceleration values returned in a 3-tuple and are in m / s ^ 2."""

        raw_acceleration_bytes = self._raw_acceleration

        return (

    def _scale_acceleration(self, value):
        # The measurements are 12 bits left justified to preserve the sign bit
        # so we'll shift them back to get the real value
        right_justified = value >> 4
        lsb_value = self._range_class.lsb[self._cached_accel_range]
        return right_justified * lsb_value
class INA260:
    """Driver for the INA260 power and current sensor.

    :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the INA260 is connected to.
    :param int address: The I2C device address for the sensor. Default is ``0x40``.

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus: I2C, address: int = 0x40) -> None:
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

        if self._manufacturer_id != self.TEXAS_INSTRUMENT_ID:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Failed to find Texas Instrument ID, read " +
                f"{self._manufacturer_id} while expected {self.TEXAS_INSTRUMENT_ID}"
                " - check your wiring!")

        if self._device_id != self.INA260_ID:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Failed to find INA260 ID, read {self._device_id} while expected {self.INA260_ID}"
                " - check your wiring!")

    _raw_current = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_CURRENT, ">h")
    _raw_voltage = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_BUSVOLTAGE, ">H")
    _raw_power = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_POWER, ">H")

    # MASK_ENABLE fields
    overcurrent_limit = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 15, 2, False)
    """Setting this bit high configures the ALERT pin to be asserted if the current measurement
       following a conversion exceeds the value programmed in the Alert Limit Register.
    under_current_limit = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 14, 2, False)
    """Setting this bit high configures the ALERT pin to be asserted if the current measurement
       following a conversion drops below the value programmed in the Alert Limit Register.
    bus_voltage_over_voltage = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 13, 2, False)
    """Setting this bit high configures the ALERT pin to be asserted if the bus voltage measurement
       following a conversion exceeds the value programmed in the Alert Limit Register.
    bus_voltage_under_voltage = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 12, 2, False)
    """Setting this bit high configures the ALERT pin to be asserted if the bus voltage measurement
       following a conversion drops below the value programmed in the Alert Limit Register.
    power_over_limit = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 11, 2, False)
    """Setting this bit high configures the ALERT pin to be asserted if the Power calculation
       made following a bus voltage measurement exceeds the value programmed in the
       Alert Limit Register.
    conversion_ready = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 10, 2, False)
    """Setting this bit high configures the ALERT pin to be asserted when the Conversion Ready Flag,
        Bit 3, is asserted indicating that the device is ready for the next conversion.
    # from 5 to 9 are not used
    alert_function_flag = ROBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 4, 2, False)
    """While only one Alert Function can be monitored at the ALERT pin at time, the
       Conversion Ready can also be enabled to assert the ALERT pin.
       Reading the Alert Function Flag following an alert allows the user to determine if the Alert
       Function was the source of the Alert.

       When the Alert Latch Enable bit is set to Latch mode, the Alert Function Flag bit
       clears only when the Mask/Enable Register is read.
       When the Alert Latch Enable bit is set to Transparent mode, the Alert Function Flag bit
       is cleared following the next conversion that does not result in an Alert condition.
    _conversion_ready_flag = ROBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 3, 2, False)
    """Bit to help coordinate one-shot or triggered conversion. This bit is set after all
        conversion, averaging, and multiplication are complete.
        Conversion Ready flag bit clears when writing the configuration register or
        reading the Mask/Enable register.
    math_overflow_flag = ROBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 2, 2, False)
    """This bit is set to 1 if an arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow error.
    alert_polarity_bit = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 1, 2, False)
    """Active-high open collector when True, Active-low open collector when false (default).
    alert_latch_enable = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 0, 2, False)
    """Configures the latching feature of the ALERT pin and Alert Flag Bits.

    reset_bit = RWBit(_REG_CONFIG, 15, 2, False)
    """Setting this bit t 1 generates a system reset. Reset all registers to default values."""
    averaging_count = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 9, 2, False)
    """The window size of the rolling average used in continuous mode"""
    voltage_conversion_time = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 6, 2, False)
    """The conversion time taken for the bus voltage measurement"""
    current_conversion_time = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 3, 2, False)
    """The conversion time taken for the current measurement"""

    mode = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 0, 2, False)
    """The mode that the INA260 is operating in. Must be one of
    ``Mode.CONTINUOUS``, ``Mode.TRIGGERED``, or ``Mode.SHUTDOWN``

    mask_enable = RWBits(16, _REG_MASK_ENABLE, 0, 2, False)
    """The Mask/Enable Register selects the function that is enabled to control the ALERT pin as
        well as how that pin functions.
        If multiple functions are enabled, the highest significant bit
        position Alert Function (D15-D11) takes priority and responds to the Alert Limit Register.
    alert_limit = RWBits(16, _REG_ALERT_LIMIT, 0, 2, False)
    """The Alert Limit Register contains the value used to compare to the register selected in the
        Mask/Enable Register to determine if a limit has been exceeded.
        The format for this register will match the format of the register that is selected for

    TEXAS_INSTRUMENT_ID = const(0x5449)
    INA260_ID = const(0x227)
    _manufacturer_id = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_MFG_UID, ">H")
    """Manufacturer identification bits"""
    _device_id = ROBits(12, _REG_DIE_UID, 4, 2, False)
    """Device identification bits"""
    revision_id = ROBits(4, _REG_DIE_UID, 0, 2, False)
    """Device revision identification bits"""

    def current(self) -> float:
        """The current (between V+ and V-) in mA"""
        if self.mode == Mode.TRIGGERED:
            while self._conversion_ready_flag == 0:
        return self._raw_current * 1.25

    def voltage(self) -> float:
        """The bus voltage in V"""
        if self.mode == Mode.TRIGGERED:
            while self._conversion_ready_flag == 0:
        return self._raw_voltage * 0.00125

    def power(self) -> int:
        """The power being delivered to the load in mW"""
        if self.mode == Mode.TRIGGERED:
            while self._conversion_ready_flag == 0:
        return self._raw_power * 10