Ejemplo n.º 1
def state_dot_ref_frame(state, control, omega_r, inertia, inertia_inv):
    # sigmas
    a = (1 - state[0] @ state[0]) * np.identity(3) + 2 * ut.cross_product_operator(state[0]) + 2 * \
        np.outer(state[0], state[0])
    sigma_propagation = (1/4) * a  @ (state[1] - omega_r)

    # omegas
    omega_propagation = inertia_inv @ ((-ut.cross_product_operator(state[1]) @ inertia @ state[1]) + control)

    return np.array([sigma_propagation, omega_propagation])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def state_dot_reaction_wheels(state, control, inertia_rw, inertia_inv_rw, hs):
    # sigmas
    a = (1 - state[0] @ state[0]) * np.identity(3) + 2 * ut.cross_product_operator(state[0]) + 2 * \
        np.outer(state[0], state[0])
    sigma_propagation = (1/4) * a  @ state[1]

    # omegas
    cross = ut.cross_product_operator(state[1])
    omega_propagation = inertia_inv_rw @ ((-cross @ inertia_rw @ state[1]) - cross @ hs + control)

    return np.array([sigma_propagation, omega_propagation])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def control_torque_ref_frame(sigma, omega, omega_r, omega_dot_r, inertia, K, P, i, prev_torque, max_torque=None):

    # restrict control torque update to be only once per 100 iterations
    if i % 100 != 0:
        return prev_torque

    # control torque law equation
    val = -K * sigma - P * (omega - omega_r) + ut.cross_product_operator(omega) @ inertia @ omega
    val += inertia @ (omega_dot_r - ut.cross_product_operator(omega) @ omega_r)

    # if a max_torque is specified limit the torque along each dimension to the max torque
    if max_torque is not None:
        val[abs(val) > max_torque] = max_torque * np.sign(val)[abs(val) > max_torque]

    return val
Ejemplo n.º 4
def aerodynamic_torque(v, rho, cubesat: CubeSat):
    Calculates the aerodynamic disturbance torque
    :param v: velocity of spacecraft relative to air in body frame in m/s
    :param rho: atmospheric density in kg/m^3
    :param cubesat: CubeSat model
    :return: np.ndarray. aerodynamic disturbance torque in the cubesat body frame
    # This function uses the equations for the free molecular flow dynamics
    # (i.e. neglecting the affect of reemitted particles on the incident stream)

    vm = np.linalg.norm(v)
    ev = v * (1.0 / vm)

    # calculate net torque
    net_torque = np.zeros(3)
    for face in cubesat.faces:
        mu = np.dot(
            face.normal)  # cosine of angle between velocity and surface normal
        if mu >= 0:
            # units N, see eq'n 2-2 in NASA SP-8058 Spacecraft Aerodynamic Torques
            force = -rho * vm**2 * (
                2 * (1 - face.accommodation_coeff) * mu**2 * face.normal +
                face.accommodation_coeff * mu * ev
            ) * face.area  # units N, see eq'n 2-2 in NASA SP-8058 Spacecraft Aerodynamic Torques
            # This addition is the diffuse term in Chris Robson's thesis. Just use 5 % of vm for now for the diffuse vel
            # note: I think Chris is missing a second cosine in the specular reflection equation
            force += face.accommodation_coeff * rho * vm * (
                0.05 * vm) * face.area * mu * face.normal
            net_torque += ut.cross_product_operator(
                face.centroid - cubesat.center_of_mass) @ force  # units N.m

    return net_torque
Ejemplo n.º 5
def hysteresis_rod_torque_save(b, i, cubesat: CubeSat):
    This function is the same as above but should be used if you want to save the hystersis rods data.
    :param b: external magnetic field in the body frame (Units: Telsa)
    :param i: current index of integration
    :param cubesat: CubeSat model
    h = b / u0
    torque = np.zeros((len(cubesat.hyst_rods), 3))

    # for each hysteresis rod
    for j, rod in enumerate(cubesat.hyst_rods):

        # propagate the magnetic field of the rod
        h_proj = h @ rod.axes_alignment  # calculate component of h along axis of hysteresis rod
        rod.propagate_and_save_magnetization(h_proj, i)

        # calculate m from b of the rod
        m = rod.axes_alignment * rod.b[i] * rod.volume / u0

        # calculate m x B torque
        torque[j] = ut.cross_product_operator(m) @ b

    return torque
    def _hysteresis_rod_torque(self, b, cubesat: CubeSat, rod_function: str):
        h = b / self._u0
        torque = 0

        # for each hysteresis rod
        for rod in cubesat.hyst_rods:

            # propagate the magnetic field of the rod
            h_proj = h @ rod.axes_alignment  # calculate component of h along axis of hysteresis rod
            if rod_function == 'propagate_magnetization':
                b_current = rod.propagate_magnetization(h_proj)
            elif rod_function == 'propagate_and_save_magnetization':
                b_current = rod.propagate_and_save_magnetization(h_proj)
            elif rod_function == 'peek_magnetization':
                b_current = rod.peek_magnetization(h_proj)
                raise ValueError(f'Unknown rod function {rod_function}')

            # calculate m from b of the rod
            m = rod.axes_alignment * b_current * rod.volume / self._u0

            # calculate m x B torque
            torque += ut.cross_product_operator(m) @ b

        return torque
Ejemplo n.º 7
def solar_pressure(sun_vec, sun_vec_inertial, satellite_vec_inertial,
                   cubesat: CubeSat):
    Calculate the solar pressure torque on the cubesat.
    :param sun_vec: sun unit vector in body frame
    :param sun_vec_inertial: sun vector in inertial frame
    :param satellite_vec_inertial: satellite position vector in inertial frame
    :param cubesat: CubeSat model

    # calculate the solar irradiance using equation 3-53 in Chris Robson's thesis
    const = a_solar_constant / (np.linalg.norm(sun_vec_inertial -

    net_torque = np.zeros(3)
    for face in cubesat.faces:
        cos_theta = face.normal @ sun_vec

        if cos_theta > 0:
            # calculate the solar radiation pressure torque using the equation in SMAD
            # net_torque += const * face.area * (1 + face.reflection_coeff) * cos_theta * \
            #               (ut.cross_product_operator(face.centroid - cubesat.center_of_mass) @
            #                -face.normal)  # force is opposite to area

            # Calculate the solar radiation pressure torque using equation 3.167 in Landis Markley's Fundamentals of
            # Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control textbook. This equation is equivalent to Chris Robson's
            # equations 3-55 to 3-58. Note: I think Chris is missing a second cosine in the specular reflection equation
            force = -const * face.area * cos_theta * \
                    (2*(face.diff_ref_coeff/3 + face.spec_ref_coeff*cos_theta)*face.normal
                     + (1 - face.spec_ref_coeff)*sun_vec)
            net_torque += ut.cross_product_operator(
                face.centroid - cubesat.center_of_mass) @ force

    return net_torque
def triad(v1n, v2n, v1b, v2b):
    # note: first vector should be the one that is known more accurately
    t1n = v1n
    cross = ut.cross_product_operator(v1n) @ v2n
    t2n = cross / np.linalg.norm(cross)
    t3n = ut.cross_product_operator(t1n) @ t2n

    matn = np.array([t1n, t2n, t3n])

    t1b = v1b
    cross = ut.cross_product_operator(v1b) @ v2b
    t2b = cross / np.linalg.norm(cross)
    t3b = ut.cross_product_operator(t1b) @ t2b

    matb = np.array([t1b, t2b, t3b]).T

    return matb @ matn
 def gravity_gradient(self, ue, r0, cubesat: CubeSat):
     Calculates the gravity gradient disturbance torque
     :param ue: Unit vector towards nadir in the cubesat body frame
     :param r0: distance to the center of the earth
     :param cubesat: CubeSat model
     :return: np.ndarray. gravity gradient disturbance torque in the cubesat body frame
     return (self._a_gravity_gradient_constant/(r0**3)) * (ut.cross_product_operator(ue) @ cubesat.inertia @ ue)
 def total_magnetic(self, b, cubesat: CubeSat):
     This function calculates the total magnetic torque exhibited on the satellite from magnetic moments defined in
     the CubeSat model
     :param b: external magnetic field in the body frame (Units: Telsa)
     :param cubesat: CubeSat model
     :return: np.ndarray. magnetic torque in the cubesat body frame
     return ut.cross_product_operator(cubesat.total_magnetic_moment) @ b  # both vectors must be in the body frame
Ejemplo n.º 11
def state_dot_mrp(state, control, inertia, inertia_inv):
    Differential attitude equation for the Modified Rodriguez Parameters (MRP) attitude parametrization, with eulers
    rotational equation of motion.
    :param state: np.ndarray. The current attitude state (first index is attitude, second index is angular velocity)
    :param control: np.ndarray. The current applied torque to the spacecraft in the body frame
    :param inertia: np.ndarray. Moment of inertial tensor of the spacecraft.
    :param inertia_inv: np.ndarray. Inverse of the moment of inertial tensor of the spacecraft.
    :return: np.ndarray. First index is value of attitude differential equation, second is value of angular velocity
    differential equation
    # sigmas
    a = (1 - state[0] @ state[0]) * np.identity(3) + 2 * ut.cross_product_operator(state[0]) + 2 * \
        np.outer(state[0], state[0])
    sigma_propagation = (1/4) * a  @ state[1]

    # omegas
    omega_propagation = inertia_inv @ ((-ut.cross_product_operator(state[1]) @ inertia @ state[1]) + control)

    return np.array([sigma_propagation, omega_propagation])
Ejemplo n.º 12
def state_dot_mrp(time: float, state: np.ndarray, attitude: AttitudeData, orbit: OrbitData, cubesat: CubeSat, disturbance_torques: DisturbanceTorques):
    Differential attitude equation for the Modified Rodriguez Parameters (MRP) attitude parametrization, with eulers
    rotational equation of motion.
    :param state: np.ndarray. The current attitude state (first index is attitude, second index is angular velocity)
    :return: np.ndarray. First index is value of attitude differential equation, second is value of angular velocity
    differential equation
    # sigmas
    a = (1 - state[0] @ state[0]) * np.identity(3) + 2 * ut.cross_product_operator(state[0]) + 2 * \
        np.outer(state[0], state[0])
    sigma_propagation = (1/4) * a  @ state[1]

    control = disturbance_torques.torque(time, state, attitude, orbit, cubesat)

    # omegas
    omega_propagation = cubesat.inertia_inv @ ((-ut.cross_product_operator(state[1]) @ cubesat.inertia @ state[1]) + control)

    return np.array([sigma_propagation, omega_propagation])
Ejemplo n.º 13
def crp_to_dcm(q):
    This function generates the DCM coordinates corresponding to the DCM input

    Taken from Part1/7_Classical-Rodrigues-Parameters-_CRP_.pdf page 82

    note: this function has a SINGULARITY
    :param q: CRP coordinate vector
    :return: DCM
    s = q @ q
    return (1/(1 + s))*((1 - s)*np.identity(3) + 2*np.outer(q, q) - 2*ut.cross_product_operator(q))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def mrp_to_dcm(sigma):
    This function generates the DCM coordinates corresponding to the MRP input

    Taken from Part1/8_Modified-Rodrigues-Parameters-_MRP_.pdf page 97

    :param sigma: MRP coordinate vector
    :return: DCM
    sigma_cross = ut.cross_product_operator(sigma)
    s = sigma @ sigma
    return np.identity(3) + (8*(sigma_cross @ sigma_cross) - 4*(1 - s)*sigma_cross)/(1 + s)**2
Ejemplo n.º 15
def reaction_wheel_control(sigma, omega, inertia_rw, K, P, i, prev_torque, hs, max_torque=None):
    # restrict control torque update to be only once per 100 iterations
    if i % 100 != 0:
        return prev_torque

    # control torque law equation
    val = -K * sigma - P * omega + ut.cross_product_operator(omega) @ (inertia_rw @ omega + hs)

    # if a max_torque is specified limit the torque along each dimension to the max torque
    if max_torque is not None:
        val[abs(val) > max_torque] = max_torque * np.sign(val)[abs(val) > max_torque]

    return val
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_initial_align_gravity_stabilization():
        p = np.random.random(3)
        p = p/np.linalg.norm(p)

        v = np.random.random(3)
        v = v / np.linalg.norm(v)

        dcm = ut.initial_align_gravity_stabilization(p, v)

        cross_track = ut.cross_product_operator(p) @ v
        cross_track = cross_track/np.linalg.norm(cross_track)

        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(dcm @ p, np.array([0, 0, 1]))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(dcm @ cross_track, np.array([0, 1, 0]))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def hysteresis_rod_torque(b, cubesat: CubeSat):
    This function calculates the torque exerted on the spacecraft from any hysteresis rods in the cubesat model
    :param b: external magnetic field in the body frame (Units: Telsa)
    :param cubesat: CubeSat model
    :return: np.ndarray. magnetic torque from hysteresis rods in the cubesat body frame
    h = b / u0
    torque = 0

    # for each hysteresis rod
    for rod in cubesat.hyst_rods:

        # propagate the magnetic field of the rod
        h_proj = h @ rod.axes_alignment  # calculate component of h along axis of hysteresis rod

        # calculate m from b of the rod
        m = rod.axes_alignment * rod.b_current * rod.volume / u0

        # calculate m x B torque
        torque += ut.cross_product_operator(m) @ b

    return torque
Ejemplo n.º 18
dcm[0] = tr.mrp_to_dcm(states[0][0])
mag = np.zeros((len(time), 3))
m = np.zeros((len(time), 3))

# create magnetic field vector
mag_vec_def = np.array([1, 2, 2])
mag_vec_def = mag_vec_def / np.linalg.norm(mag_vec_def) * 50 * (10**-6)

for i in range(len(time) - 1):
    # get magnetometer measurement
    # mag_vec[i+1] = dcm_mag_vec @ mag_vec[i]
    mag[i] = dcm[i] @ mag_vec_def

    # get control torques
    m[i] = cl.b_dot(mag[i], mag[i - 1], K, i, m[i - 1], time_step * 1)
    controls[i] = ut.cross_product_operator(m[i]) @ mag[i]

    # propagate attitude state
    states[i + 1] = it.rk4(st.state_dot_mrp, time_step, states[i], controls[i],
                           inertia, inertia_inv)

    # do 'tidy' up things at the end of integration (needed for many types of attitude coordinates)
    states[i + 1] = ic.mrp_switching(states[i + 1])
    dcm[i + 1] = tr.mrp_to_dcm(states[i + 1][0])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    omegas = states[:, 1]
    sigmas = states[:, 0]

    def _plot(data, title, ylabel):
def omega_dot(omega):
    return np.linalg.inv(inertia) @ (
        -ut.cross_product_operator(omega) @ inertia @ omega)
def sigma_dot(sigma, omega):
    A = (1 - sigma @ sigma) * np.identity(3) + 2 * ut.cross_product_operator(
        sigma) + 2 * np.outer(sigma, sigma)
    return (1 / 4) * A @ omega
Ejemplo n.º 21
for i in range(len(time) - 1):
    # mag_vec = np.array([np.interp(i*0.1, xp, mag_vec_def[:, 0]), np.interp(i*0.1, xp, mag_vec_def[:, 1]), np.interp(i*0.1, xp, mag_vec_def[:, 2])])
    # mag_vec = mag_vec_magnitude*mag_vec/np.linalg.norm(mag_vec)
    # mag[i] = dcm[i] @ mag_vec
    mag[i] = dcm[i] @ mag_vec_def

    # get reference frame
    sigma_br = rf.get_mrp_br(
        dcm_rn, states[i]
        [0])  # note: angular velocities need to be added to reference frame

    # get the hs variable needed for control torque calculation and state propagation
    hs = reaction_wheel_inertia[0] * (wheel_angular_vel[i])

    # get magnetic moment and wheel angular acceleration that create approx zero control torque
    m[i] = -K * (ut.cross_product_operator(mag[i]) @ hs)
    omega_dot = (states[i + 1][1, 0] - states[i][1, 0]) / time_step
    wheel_angular_accel[i] = (ut.cross_product_operator(m[i])
                              @ mag[i]) / reaction_wheel_inertia[0] - omega_dot

    # get real controls corresponding to this
    real_controls[i] = ut.cross_product_operator(
        m[i]) @ mag[i] + reaction_wheel_inertia[0] * (wheel_angular_accel[i] +

    # propagate attitude state
    states[i + 1] = it.rk4(st.state_dot_mrp, time_step, states[i],
                           real_controls[i], inertia, inertia_inv)

    # get wheel angular velocity