Ejemplo n.º 1
  def get(self,originaluserIDasString):
        next = None
        PAGESIZE = 30


        # we get it in the form davidedc-2jaidlbSQRSE and we only want 2jaidlbSQRSE
        userIDasString = originaluserIDasString.partition('-')[2]
        logging.info('most weird: sometimes this ends with justcorners.js : ' + userIDasString)
        userIDasString = userIDasString.partition('/')[0]
        if userIDasString != "anonymous":
        	userIDasString = '%023d' % (util.toBase10(userIDasString,62))
        	logging.info('coverting to 23 digits: ' + userIDasString)
        	logging.info('after cleanup, query starts from ' + "-"+userIDasString + ZERO_FILL)
        	logging.info('query ends at ' + '-%023d' % (int(userIDasString) + 1) + ZERO_FILL)
        	userIDasString = '%023d' % (0)
        	logging.info('searching for anonymous sketches, user id is 23 zeroes')

        self.session = True
        user = UserInfo()

		# we'll be using this variable later and it better not be null
        if user.user_id == None:
        	user.user_id = "0";
        logging.info('comparing ' + ('%023d' % int(user.user_id)) + " to " + userIDasString)
        if ('%023d' % int(user.user_id)) != userIDasString:
        	logging.info('user is looking at someone else\'s sketches, showing only public sketches from AuthorSketchesSketch table')
        	bookmark = self.request.get("bookmark")
        	if self.request.get("bookmark"):
        		bookmark = Key(self.request.get("bookmark"))
        		bookmark = Key.from_path('AuthorSketchesSketch',"-"+userIDasString + ZERO_FILL)
        	endKey =  Key.from_path('AuthorSketchesSketch','-%023d' % (int(userIDasString) + 1) + ZERO_FILL)
        	q = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM AuthorSketchesSketch WHERE __key__ >= :1 AND __key__ < :2",bookmark,endKey)
        	logging.info('user is looking at his own sketches, showing private and public sketches from MySketchesSketch table')
        	if self.request.get("bookmark"):
        		bookmark = Key(self.request.get("bookmark"))
        		bookmark = Key.from_path('MySketchesSketch','-%023d' % (int(user.user_id)) + SKETCH_ZEROS)
        	endKey =  Key.from_path('MySketchesSketch','-%023d' % (int(user.user_id) + 1) + SKETCH_ZEROS)
        	q = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM MySketchesSketch WHERE __key__ >= :1 AND __key__ < :2",bookmark,endKey)

        logging.info('starting key  ' + str(bookmark))
        logging.info('end key  ' + str(endKey))

        sketches = q.fetch(PAGESIZE+1)
        logging.info('number of sketches found: ' + str(len(sketches)))
        if len(sketches) == PAGESIZE + 1:
        	next = str(sketches[-1].key())
        	sketches = sketches[:PAGESIZE]
        if next is None:
        	next = ""

        for sketch in sketches:
        	sketch.stringtags = util.shorten(" ".join(sketch.tags),18)
        template_values = {
          'headerTitle':"By submitter",
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def get(self):
        originaluserIDasString = "anonymous"
        # this big blot inserted by Davide Della Casa
        self.session = True
        user = UserInfo()

        if not user.is_current_user_admin:

        next = None
        PAGESIZE = 30


        # we get it in the form davidedc-2jaidlbSQRSE and we only want 2jaidlbSQRSE
        userIDasString = "anonymous"
        userIDasString = '%023d' % (0)
        logging.info('searching for anonymous sketches, user id is 23 zeroes')

        self.session = True
        user = UserInfo()

		# we'll be using this variable later and it better not be null
        if user.user_id == None:
        	user.user_id = "0";
        logging.info('comparing ' + ('%023d' % int(user.user_id)) + " to " + userIDasString)
        logging.info('admin looking at anonymous sketches')
        # note that we can fetch the sketches from the AuthorSketchesSketch table
        # because all anonymous sketches are public.
        bookmark = self.request.get("bookmark")
        if self.request.get("bookmark"):
        	bookmark = Key(self.request.get("bookmark"))
        	bookmark = Key.from_path('AuthorSketchesSketch',"-"+userIDasString + ZERO_FILL)
        endKey =  Key.from_path('AuthorSketchesSketch','-%023d' % (int(userIDasString) + 1) + ZERO_FILL)
        q = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM AuthorSketchesSketch WHERE __key__ >= :1 AND __key__ < :2",bookmark,endKey)

        logging.info('starting key  ' + str(bookmark))
        logging.info('end key  ' + str(endKey))

        sketches = q.fetch(ANONYMOUSSKETCHESFETCHSIZE+1)
        logging.info('number of sketches found: ' + str(len(sketches)))
        if len(sketches) == ANONYMOUSSKETCHESFETCHSIZE + 1:
        	next = str(sketches[-1].key())
        	sketches = sketches[:ANONYMOUSSKETCHESFETCHSIZE]
        if next is None:
        	next = ""

        for sketch in sketches:
        	sketch.stringtags = util.shorten(" ".join(sketch.tags),18)
        template_values = {
          'headerTitle':"By submitter",