def selColumn(table, column, cursor=None, cnctn=None, datasrc=None): ''' Function: selColumn Input: table - table from which to select column - column to select cusror - database cursor cntn - database connection datsrc - data source name (e.g., odbc connection name) Output: valuelist - a list of values of column in table Functionality: Selects a column from a table given a cursor or, barring that, a connection or, barring that, a data source. ''' # if the user provided a cursor, we'll want to use that, but if not if not cursor: # if the user provided a connection, we'll want to use that, but if not if not cnctn: # get the connection using the datasource name cnctn = connect('Data Source=%s;Trusted_Connection=true;'%(datasrc)) cursor = cnctn.cursor() # get cursor from connection # select column from table valuelist = selColumnCursor(cursor, table, column) return valuelist # return output
def connect(self): """Connect to wincc mssql database using WinCCOLEDBProvider.1""" if not self.database: warnings.warn("Initial Database not given. Will try to fetch it's\ name. But this will take some time.")"Trying to fetch wincc database name") self.database = self.fetch_wincc_database_name() if not self.database: raise WinCCException("Could not fetch WinCC runtime database. \ Please check databases at host {host}.".format( try:"Trying to connect to %s database %s",, self.database) # Python looses it's current working dir in the next instruction # Reset after connect curr_dir = os.getcwd() self.conn = adodbapi.connect(self.conn_str, provider=self.provider,, database=self.database) os.chdir(curr_dir) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() except (adodbapi.DatabaseError, adodbapi.InterfaceError) as e: print(e) print(traceback.format_exc()) raise WinCCException(message='Connection to host {host} failed.' .format(
def testThatTestcasesRunsInATransaction(self): otherConn=adodbapi.connect(constr) otherCrsr=otherConn.cursor() maybeDropTableStatment=""" IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'tempDeleteMe' AND type = 'U') DROP TABLE tempDeleteMe """ maybeDropProcStatment=""" IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'ut_evilTestCase' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE ut_evilTestCase """ createTableStatement= """ CREATE TABLE tempDeleteMe ( aColumn varchar(500) NULL) """ insertStatement=""" INSERT INTO tempDeleteMe(aColumn) VALUES('Important data, should not be deleted by the testcase') """ otherCrsr.execute(maybeDropTableStatment) otherCrsr.execute(createTableStatement) otherCrsr.execute(insertStatement) otherConn.commit() otherConn.close() otherConn=None otherCrsr=None evilproc=""" CREATE PROCEDURE ut_evilTestCase AS TRUNCATE TABLE tempDeleteMe """ self.crsr.execute(evilproc) self.crsr.callproc('tsu_runTests') self.conn.commit() self.crsr.execute("SELECT aColumn FROM tempDeleteMe") rs=self.crsr.fetchone() assert rs[0]=='Important data, should not be deleted by the testcase' #clean Up otherConn=adodbapi.connect(constr) otherCrsr=otherConn.cursor() otherCrsr.execute(maybeDropTableStatment) otherCrsr.execute(maybeDropProcStatment) otherConn.commit()
def testconnstr(connstr): try: conn = adodbapi.connect(connstr) except Exception as ext: return False conn.close() return True
def load_org_table(): """ Load the correct Org tables for the report date specified """ strReportDate = str(sys.argv[1]) print 'strReportDate:' + strReportDate f = file('AfpReports.cfg') cfg = Config(f) strSqlServerConn = cfg.strSqlServerConn strConn = strSqlServerConn oConn = adodbapi.connect(strConn) strSp = "usp_SetupOrgTablesForReports" lstSpParams = list() lstSpParams.append(strReportDate) oCmdData = oConn.cursor() oCmdData.callproc(strSp, lstSpParams) oConn.commit()
def connect(self): """Connect to wincc mssql database using WinCCOLEDBProvider.1""" if not self.database: warnings.warn("Initial Database not given. Will try to fetch it's\ name. But this will take some time.")"Trying to fetch wincc database name") self.database = self.fetch_wincc_database_name() if not self.database: raise WinCCException("Could not fetch WinCC runtime database. \ Please check databases at host {host}.".format( try:"Trying to connect to %s database %s",, self.database) # Python looses it's current working dir in the next instruction # Reset after connect curr_dir = os.getcwd() self.conn = adodbapi.connect(self.conn_str, provider=self.provider,, database=self.database) os.chdir(curr_dir) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() except (adodbapi.DatabaseError, adodbapi.InterfaceError) as e: print(e) print(traceback.format_exc()) raise WinCCException( message='Connection to host {host} failed.'.format(
def connectToNlpdev(api='adodbapi'): ''' Function: connectToNlpdev Input: api - which odbc api to use. originally we only used adodbapi but had problems with that on VMs so added pyodbc, which seems to work better but I didn't want to chance breaking all the old stuff Output: cnctn - connection to NLPdev database on ghriNLP server Functionality: Creates a connection to NLPdev on ghriNLP History: 12/30/10 - created 7/13/11 - added api input and modified to use pyodbc as well 7/27/11 - added warning logging message for using adodbapi from some machines at GHRI ''' if api == 'adodbapi': logging.warning('Using adodbapi to connect to Nlpdev may not work ' + \ 'on some machines, including GHRI VMs') # make connection with adodbapi cnctn = connect('Data Source=ghriNLP;Initial Catalog=NLPdev;' + \ 'Trusted_Connection=true;') elif api == 'pyodbc': # make connection with pyodbc cnctn = pyoconnect('DSN=ghriNLP;DATABASE=NLPdev;') else: logging.warning('Unrecognized api, using pyodbc') # make connection with pyodbc cnctn = pyoconnect('DSN=ghriNLP;DATABASE=NLPdev;') return cnctn # return output
def get_cursor(self, instance): """ Return a cursor to execute query against the db Cursor are cached in the self.connections dict """ conn_key = self._conn_key(instance) host = instance.get("host") database = instance.get("database") service_check_tags = ["host:%s" % host, "db:%s" % database] if conn_key not in self.connections: try: conn_str = self._conn_string(instance) conn = adodbapi.connect(conn_str) self.connections[conn_key] = conn self.service_check(self.SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.OK, tags=service_check_tags) except Exception: cx = "%s - %s" % (host, database) message = "Unable to connect to SQL Server for instance %s." % cx self.service_check( self.SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.CRITICAL, tags=service_check_tags, message=message ) password = instance.get("password") tracebk = traceback.format_exc() if password is not None: tracebk = tracebk.replace(password, "*" * 6) raise Exception("%s \n %s" % (message, tracebk)) conn = self.connections[conn_key] cursor = conn.cursor() return cursor
def check(self, instance): try: import adodbapi except ImportError: raise Exception("Unable to import adodbapi module.") host = instance.get('host', ';1433') username = instance.get('username') password = instance.get('password') database = instance.get('database', 'master') dimensions = instance.get('dimensions', {}) conn_key = self._conn_key(host, username, password, database) if conn_key not in self.connections: try: conn_str = self._conn_string(host, username, password, database) conn = adodbapi.connect(conn_str) self.connections[conn_key] = conn except Exception: cx = "%s - %s" % (host, database) raise Exception("Unable to connect to SQL Server for instance %s.\n %s" % (cx, traceback.format_exc())) conn = self.connections[conn_key] cursor = conn.cursor() self._fetch_metrics(cursor, dimensions)
def open_db_connections(self, instance): """ We open the db connections explicitly, so we can ensure they are open before we use them, and are closable, once we are finished. Open db connections keep locks on the db, presenting issues such as the SQL Server Agent being unable to stop. """ conn_key = self._conn_key(instance) timeout = int(instance.get('command_timeout', self.DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT)) try: rawconn = adodbapi.connect(self._conn_string(instance=instance), timeout=timeout) if conn_key not in self.connections: self.connections[conn_key] = {'conn': rawconn, 'timeout': timeout} else: try: # explicitly trying to avoid leaks... self.connections[conn_key]['conn'].close() except Exception as e:"Could not close adodbapi db connection\n{0}".format(e)) self.connections[conn_key]['conn'] = rawconn except Exception as e: self.log.warning("Could not connect to SQL Server\n{0}".format(e))
def execute(self, connection=None): conn = connection or OleDb.connect(CONN_STRING) cursor = execute(str(self), conn) if connection is None: return cursor conn.close() return cursor
def check(self, instance): try: import adodbapi except ImportError: raise Exception("Unable to import adodbapi module.") host = instance.get('host', ';1433') username = instance.get('username') password = instance.get('password') database = instance.get('database', 'master') tags = instance.get('tags', []) conn_key = self._conn_key(host, username, password, database) if conn_key not in self.connections: try: conn_str = self._conn_string(host, username, password, database) conn = adodbapi.connect(conn_str) self.connections[conn_key] = conn except: raise Exception("Unable to connect to SQL Server for instance %s" \ % instance) conn = self.connections[conn_key] cursor = conn.cursor() self._fetch_metrics(cursor, tags)
def query(sql, limit): data = [] error = None idx = 0 cidx = 0 encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() conn = adodbapi.connect(PROVIDER) try: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) for idx, record in enumerate(cursor): if idx >= limit: break line = [] for cidx, column in enumerate(record): if type(column) == str: column = column.decode(encoding) elif type(column) == datetime.datetime: column = int(( column - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) ).total_seconds()) line.append(column) data.append(tuple(line)) except adodbapi.apibase.DatabaseError, e: # ZOMG parts = e.message.split('\n') code = eval(parts[0])[1].decode(encoding) error = '\n'.join(parts[1:]) + '\n' + code
def onClickedOK(self): myapp.SetEnabled_True() name = (str(self.ui.lineEdit_name.text())) furigana = (str(self.ui.lineEdit_furigana.text())) category = (str(self.ui.comboBox.currentText())) company = (str(self.ui.lineEdit_company.text())) address = (str(self.ui.lineEdit_address.text())) phone = (str(self.ui.lineEdit_phone.text())) mobile = (str(self.ui.lineEdit_mobile.text())) Fax = (str(self.ui.lineEdit_Fax.text())) Email = (str(self.ui.lineEdit_Email.text())) # connect to the database database = r"./data/Database1.mdb" constr = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=%s' % database conn = adodbapi.connect(constr) # create a cursor cur2 = conn.cursor() # update the data tablename = "address" values = """氏名 = '{0}', フリガナ = '{1}', 種別 = '{2}', 会社名 = '{3}', 住所 = '{4}', 電話番号 = '{5}', 携帯 = '{6}', \"Fax\" = '{7}', \"Email\" = '{8}'""" \ .format(name, furigana, category, company, address, phone, mobile, Fax, Email) sql = 'update {0} set {1} where "ID" = {2};'.format( tablename, values, ID) cur2.execute(sql) conn.commit() # close the cursor and connection cur2.close() conn.close() myapp.updateUi()
def check(self, instance): try: import adodbapi except ImportError: raise Exception("Unable to import adodbapi module.") host = instance.get('host', ';1433') username = instance.get('username') password = instance.get('password') database = instance.get('database', 'master') conn_key = self._conn_key(host, username, password, database) dimensions = self._set_dimensions(None, instance) if conn_key not in self.connections: try: conn_str = self._conn_string(host, username, password, database) conn = adodbapi.connect(conn_str) self.connections[conn_key] = conn except Exception: cx = "%s - %s" % (host, database) raise Exception("Unable to connect to SQL Server for instance %s.\n %s" % (cx, traceback.format_exc())) conn = self.connections[conn_key] cursor = conn.cursor() self._fetch_metrics(cursor, dimensions)
def updateUi(self): # connect to the database database = r"./data/Database1.mdb" constr = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=%s' % database conn = adodbapi.connect(constr) # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() # extract all the data tablename = "address" sql = "select * from %s order by フリガナ" % tablename cur.execute(sql) # show the cursor r = 0 self.ui.tableWidget.setRowCount(1000) self.ui.tableWidget.setColumnCount(10) for row in cur: self.ui.tableWidget.setItem(r, 0, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(row.ID)) self.ui.tableWidget.setItem(r, 1, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(row.氏名)) self.ui.tableWidget.setItem(r, 2, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(row.フリガナ)) self.ui.tableWidget.setItem(r, 3, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(row.種別)) self.ui.tableWidget.setItem(r, 4, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(row.会社名)) self.ui.tableWidget.setItem(r, 5, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(row.住所)) self.ui.tableWidget.setItem(r, 6, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(row.電話番号)) self.ui.tableWidget.setItem(r, 7, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(row.携帯)) self.ui.tableWidget.setItem(r, 8, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(row.Fax)) self.ui.tableWidget.setItem(r, 9, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(row.Email)) r += 1 # close the cursor and connection cur.close() conn.close()
def check(self, instance): try: import adodbapi except ImportError: self.log.error("Unable to import adodbapi module.") return host = instance.get('host', ';1433') username = instance.get('username') password = instance.get('password') database = instance.get('database', 'master') conn_key = self._conn_key(host, username, password, database) if conn_key not in self.connections: try: conn_str = self._conn_string(host, username, password, database) conn = adodbapi.connect(conn_str) self.connections[conn_key] = conn except: self.log.exception("Unable to connect to SQL Server for instance %s" \ % instance) return conn = self.connections[conn_key] cursor = conn.cursor() self._fetch_metrics(cursor)
def open_db_connections(self, instance): """ We open the db connections explicitly, so we can ensure they are open before we use them, and are closable, once we are finished. Open db connections keep locks on the db, presenting issues such as the SQL Server Agent being unable to stop. """ conn_key = self._conn_key(instance) timeout = int( instance.get('command_timeout', self.DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT)) try: rawconn = adodbapi.connect(self._conn_string(instance=instance), timeout=timeout) if conn_key not in self.connections: self.connections[conn_key] = { 'conn': rawconn, 'timeout': timeout } else: try: # explicitly trying to avoid leaks... self.connections[conn_key]['conn'].close() except Exception as e: "Could not close adodbapi db connection\n{0}".format( e)) self.connections[conn_key]['conn'] = rawconn except Exception as e: self.log.warning("Could not connect to SQL Server\n{0}".format(e))
def GetGeneralComments(intMaxCommentNo, intCode, intLevel, strReportDate, strConn, oFile, strGeneralCommentID): strStartReportDate = GetCommentStartReportDate(strReportDate, intLevel) oCommentsConn = adodbapi.connect(strConn) strCommentHeader = GetGeneralCommentHeader() oFile.write(strCommentHeader) oData = GetGeneralCommentsData(intMaxCommentNo, intCode, strGeneralCommentID, strStartReportDate, strReportDate, intLevel, oCommentsConn) intRowCount = len(oData) if (intRowCount != 0): oFile.write(GetGeneralCommentHtml()) for x in range(intRowCount): #loop through all valid Factors oComment = oData[x][0] oDemographicComment = oData[x][1] strEncodedComment = oComment.encode('utf8') strEncodedDemographicComment = oDemographicComment.encode('utf8') oFile.write(strEncodedComment + '<br>' + strEncodedDemographicComment + '<br><br>') else: oFile.write(GetNoCommentsForStatementHtml()) oFile.write(GetStatementCommentEndHtml()) oFile.write(GetCommentSeperatorHtml()) oFile.write("</div>") oFile.write("<br class='clear'/>") oFile.write(GetGlobalCommentFooter())
def try_connection(constr): import adodbapi try: s = adodbapi.connect(constr) #connect to server s.close() except adodbapi.DatabaseError, inst: print(inst.args[0]) # should be the error message return False
def connect(self): conn_str = "Provider=%(provider)s; Integrated Security=SSPI; Persist Security Info=False; Initial Catalog=%(database)s;Data Source=%(host)s" provider = 'SQLOLEDB.1' self.conn = adodbapi.connect(conn_str, provider=provider,, database=self.database) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
def connect(self): conn_str = "Provider=%(provider)s;Catalog=%(database)s;Data Source=%(host)s" provider = 'WinCCOLEDBProvider.1' self.conn = adodbapi.connect(conn_str, provider=provider,, database=self.database) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
def open_db_connections(self, db_key, db_name=None): """ We open the db connections explicitly, so we can ensure they are open before we use them, and are closable, once we are finished. Open db connections keep locks on the db, presenting issues such as the SQL Server Agent being unable to stop. """ conn_key = self._conn_key(db_key, db_name) _, host, username, password, database, _ = self._get_access_info( db_key, db_name) cs = self.instance.get('connection_string', '') if 'Trusted_Connection=yes' in cs and (username or password): self.log.warning( "Username and password are ignored when using Windows authentication" ) cs += ';' if cs != '' else '' try: if self.get_connector() == 'adodbapi': cs += self._conn_string_adodbapi(db_key, db_name=db_name) # autocommit: true disables implicit transaction rawconn = adodbapi.connect(cs, { 'timeout': self.timeout, 'autocommit': True }) else: cs += self._conn_string_odbc(db_key, db_name=db_name) rawconn = pyodbc.connect(cs, timeout=self.timeout) self.service_check_handler(AgentCheck.OK, host, database) if conn_key not in self._conns: self._conns[conn_key] = rawconn else: try: # explicitly trying to avoid leaks... self._conns[conn_key].close() except Exception as e:"Could not close adodbapi db connection\n%s", e) self._conns[conn_key] = rawconn except Exception as e: cx = "{} - {}".format(host, database) message = "Unable to connect to SQL Server for instance {}: {}".format( cx, repr(e)) password = self.instance.get('password') if password is not None: message = message.replace(password, "*" * 6) self.service_check_handler(AgentCheck.CRITICAL, host, database, message) raise_from(SQLConnectionError(message), None)
def open_db_connections(self, instance): """ We open the db connections explicitly, so we can ensure they are open before we use them, and are closable, once we are finished. Open db connections keep locks on the db, presenting issues such as the SQL Server Agent being unable to stop. """ conn_key = self._conn_key(instance) timeout = int( instance.get('command_timeout', self.DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT)) host = instance.get('host') database = instance.get('database', self.DEFAULT_DATABASE) service_check_tags = ['host:%s' % host, 'db:%s' % database] try: if self._get_connector(instance) == 'adodbapi': cs = self._conn_string_adodbapi(instance=instance) rawconn = adodbapi.connect(cs, timeout=timeout) else: cs = self._conn_string_odbc(instance=instance) rawconn = pyodbc.connect(cs, timeout=timeout) self.service_check(self.SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.OK, tags=service_check_tags) if conn_key not in self.connections: self.connections[conn_key] = { 'conn': rawconn, 'timeout': timeout } else: try: # explicitly trying to avoid leaks... self.connections[conn_key]['conn'].close() except Exception as e: "Could not close adodbapi db connection\n{0}".format( e)) self.connections[conn_key]['conn'] = rawconn except Exception as e: cx = "%s - %s" % (host, database) message = "Unable to connect to SQL Server for instance %s." % cx self.service_check(self.SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.CRITICAL, tags=service_check_tags, message=message) password = instance.get('password') tracebk = traceback.format_exc() if password is not None: tracebk = tracebk.replace(password, "*" * 6) cxn_failure_exp = SQLConnectionError("%s \n %s" % (message, tracebk)) raise cxn_failure_exp
def adodbapi_connection(server, database, username, password): import adodbapi connectors = ["Provider=SQLOLEDB"] connectors.append("Data Source=%s" % server) connectors.append("Initial Catalog=%s" % database) connectors.append("User Id=%s" % username) connectors.append("Password=%s" % password) return adodbapi.connect(";".join(connectors))
def on_init(self): super().on_init() connstring = self.configuration['connstring'] self.conn = adodbapi.connect(connstring) self.query = self.configuration['query'] if 'separator' in self.configuration: self.separator = self.configuration['separator']
def setUp(self): self.conn = adodbapi.connect(constr) self.crsr = self.conn.cursor() self.crsr.execute( "select count(*) from sysobjects where xtype='P' and name LIKE 'ut[_]%' " ) assert self.crsr.fetchone( )[0] == 0, """Error when setting up testcases, old testcases in database.
def sqlserver_sql(self,sql): db = adodbapi.connect('Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog='+self.db_user+';Data Source='+self.db_name+';Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;User Id = '+self.db_pw,300) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) rows = cursor.fetchall() db.close() return rows
def try_connection(constr): import adodbapi try: s = adodbapi.connect(constr) #connect to server s.close() except adodbapi.DatabaseError as inst: print((inst.args[0])) # should be the error message return False print(' (successful)') return True
def _DbOpen(): 'Return an open connection to the database' #conStr = r'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=M:/Finance/camel/camel.mdb;' #conn = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Connection') src = 'M:/Finance/camel/camel.mdb' src = '"M:/Finance/SREL PMS/camel.mdb"' constr = 'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE={0};'.format(src) conn = adodbapi.connect(constr) #conn.Open(constr) return conn
def get_con_resources(con_dets, default_dbs, db=None): """ When opening from scratch, e.g. clicking on Report Tables from Start, no db, so must identify one, but when selecting dbe-db in dropdowns, there will be a db. Returns dict with con, cur, dbs, db. """ con_dets_access = con_dets.get(mg.DBE_MS_ACCESS) if not con_dets_access: raise my_exceptions.MissingConDets(mg.DBE_MS_ACCESS) ## get the (only) database and use it to get the connection details if not db: ## use default if possible, or fall back to first default_db_access = default_dbs.get(mg.DBE_MS_ACCESS) ## might be None if default_db_access: db = default_db_access else: db = con_dets_access.keys()[0] if not con_dets_access.get(db): raise Exception(f"No connections for MS Access database {db}") con_dets_access_db = con_dets_access[db] """ DSN syntax - and """ ## Connection keywords e.g. pwd, must be plain strings not unicode strings. database = con_dets_access_db['database'] user = con_dets_access_db['user'] pwd = con_dets_access_db['pwd'] mdw = con_dets_access_db['mdw'] DSN = (f"PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE={database};" f"USER ID={user};PASSWORD={pwd};" f"Jet OLEDB:System Database={mdw};") try: con = adodbapi.connect(DSN) except Exception as e: raise Exception( "Unable to connect to MS Access database using " f"supplied database: {database}, user: {user}, " f"pwd: {pwd}, or mdw: {mdw}.\nCaused by error: {b.ue(e)}") cur = con.cursor() ## must return tuples not dics cur.adoconn = con.adoConn ## (need to access from just the cursor) if not has_tbls(cur, db): raise Exception( _("Selected database \"%s\" didn't have any tables.") % db) con_resources = { mg.DBE_CON: con, mg.DBE_CUR: cur, mg.DBE_DBS: [ db, ], mg.DBE_DB: db } return con_resources
def __init__(self, conninfo, hooks, temp_dir = None): self.hooks = hooks self.tempdir = None self.conn = None try: self.conn = adodbapi.connect(conninfo) self.tempdir = tempdir.TempDir(temp_dir or "fe_tmp_swit", clear_location_if_existing = True) # "_swit" extension to exclude it from our McAfee except: self.cleanup() raise
def main(): con_str = 'Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};'.format(config.PATH_ACCDB) conn = adodbapi.connect(con_str) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("select item_name from item") for c in cur.fetchall(): print(c[0]) #=> `ringo`, `みかん cur.close() conn.close()
def create_connection(self): provider = 'SQLOLEDB.1' host = '' user = '******' pwd = 'sql' database = 'testdb' connection_string = 'Provider=%s;Data Source=%s;Initial Catalog=%s;User ID=%s;Password=%s;'%(provider, host, database, user, pwd) try: return adodbapi.connect(connection_string) except Exception as e: print e
def get_stats(self): host = self.config.get('hostname', 'localhost') database = self.config.get('database') # GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE TO username username = self.config.get('username') password = self.config.get('password') conn_str = self._conn_string(host, username, password, database) try: conn = adodbapi.connect(conn_str) except Exception: self.exit(CRITICAL, message="Unable to connect to SQL Server for instance") cursor = conn.cursor() stats = {} METRICS = [ ('sqlserver.buffer.cache_hit_ratio', 'gauge', 'Buffer cache hit ratio'), ('sqlserver.buffer.page_life_expectancy', 'gauge', 'Page life expectancy'), ('sqlserver.stats.batch_requests', 'gauge', 'Batch Requests/sec'), ('sqlserver.stats.sql_compilations', 'gauge', 'SQL Compilations/sec'), ('sqlserver.stats.sql_recompilations', 'gauge', 'SQL Re-Compilations/sec'), ('sqlserver.stats.connections', 'gauge', 'User connections'), ('sqlserver.stats.lock_waits', 'gauge', 'Lock Waits/sec', '_Total'), ('sqlserver.access.page_splits', 'gauge', 'Page Splits/sec'), ('sqlserver.stats.procs_blocked', 'gauge', 'Processes Blocked'), ('sqlserver.buffer.checkpoint_pages', 'gauge', 'Checkpoint pages/sec') ] for metric in METRICS: # Normalize all rows to the same size for easy of use if len(metric) == 3: metric = metric + ('', None) elif len(metric) == 4: metric = metric + (None,) mname, mtype, counter, instance_n, tag_by = metric # For "ALL" instances, we run a separate method because we have # to loop over multiple results and tag the metrics try: cursor.execute(""" select cntr_value from sys.dm_os_performance_counters where counter_name = ? and instance_name = ? """, (counter, instance_n)) (value,) = cursor.fetchone() stats[counter] = value except Exception: stats[counter] = 0 return stats
def setUp(self): try: conn=win32com.client.Dispatch("ADODB.Connection") except:'SetUpError: Is MDAC installed?') try: conn.Open(adodbapitestconfig.connStrSQLServer) except:'SetUpError: Can not connect to the testdatabase, all other tests will fail...\nAdo error:%s' % conn.Errors(0)) self.conn=adodbapi.connect(adodbapitestconfig.connStrSQLServer) self.engine = 'MSSQL'
def open_db_connections(self, instance, db_key, db_name=None): """ We open the db connections explicitly, so we can ensure they are open before we use them, and are closable, once we are finished. Open db connections keep locks on the db, presenting issues such as the SQL Server Agent being unable to stop. """ conn_key = self._conn_key(instance, db_key, db_name) timeout = int(instance.get('command_timeout', self.DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT)) dsn, host, username, password, database, driver = self._get_access_info(instance, db_key, db_name) custom_tags = instance.get("tags", []) if custom_tags is None: custom_tags = [] service_check_tags = ['host:{}'.format(host), 'db:{}'.format(database)] service_check_tags.extend(custom_tags) service_check_tags = list(set(service_check_tags)) cs = instance.get('connection_string', '') cs += ';' if cs != '' else '' try: if self._get_connector(instance) == 'adodbapi': cs += self._conn_string_adodbapi(db_key, instance=instance, db_name=db_name) # autocommit: true disables implicit transaction rawconn = adodbapi.connect(cs, {'timeout': timeout, 'autocommit': True}) else: cs += self._conn_string_odbc(db_key, instance=instance, db_name=db_name) rawconn = pyodbc.connect(cs, timeout=timeout) self.service_check(self.SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.OK, tags=service_check_tags) if conn_key not in self.connections: self.connections[conn_key] = {'conn': rawconn, 'timeout': timeout} else: try: # explicitly trying to avoid leaks... self.connections[conn_key]['conn'].close() except Exception as e:"Could not close adodbapi db connection\n%s", e) self.connections[conn_key]['conn'] = rawconn except Exception: cx = "{} - {}".format(host, database) message = "Unable to connect to SQL Server for instance {}.".format(cx) self.service_check(self.SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.CRITICAL, tags=service_check_tags, message=message) password = instance.get('password') tracebk = traceback.format_exc() if password is not None: tracebk = tracebk.replace(password, "*" * 6) cxn_failure_exp = SQLConnectionError("{} \n {}".format(message, tracebk)) raise cxn_failure_exp
def onClickedHenshuu(self): rows = self.ui.tableWidget.currentRow() # connect to the database database = r"./data/Database1.mdb" constr = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=%s' % database conn = adodbapi.connect(constr) # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() # extract all the data tablename = "address" sql = "select * from %s order by フリガナ" % tablename cur.execute(sql) # show the cursor global ID r = -1 for row in cur: r += 1 if row.種別 == "取引先": self.種別 = 0 elif row.種別 == "家族": self.種別 = 1 else: self.種別 = 2 if r == rows: ID = row[0] self.henshuu.ui.lineEdit_name.setText(row.氏名) self.henshuu.ui.lineEdit_furigana.setText(row.フリガナ) self.henshuu.ui.comboBox.setCurrentIndex(self.種別) self.henshuu.ui.lineEdit_company.setText(row.会社名) self.henshuu.ui.lineEdit_address.setText(row.住所) self.henshuu.ui.lineEdit_phone.setText(row.電話番号) self.henshuu.ui.lineEdit_mobile.setText(row.携帯) self.henshuu.ui.lineEdit_Fax.setText(row.Fax) self.henshuu.ui.lineEdit_Email.setText(row.Email) try: if r < rows: ID2 = "{}".format(ID3) except NameError: else: finally: self.SetEnabled_False() cur.close() conn.close()
def open_db_connections(self, instance, db_key, db_name=None): """ We open the db connections explicitly, so we can ensure they are open before we use them, and are closable, once we are finished. Open db connections keep locks on the db, presenting issues such as the SQL Server Agent being unable to stop. """ conn_key = self._conn_key(instance, db_key, db_name) timeout = int(instance.get('command_timeout', self.DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT)) dsn, host, username, password, database, driver = self._get_access_info( instance, db_key, db_name) service_check_tags = [ 'host:%s' % host, 'db:%s' % database ] try: if self._get_connector(instance) == 'adodbapi': cs = self._conn_string_adodbapi(db_key, instance=instance, db_name=db_name) # autocommit: true disables implicit transaction rawconn = adodbapi.connect(cs, {'timeout':timeout, 'autocommit':True}) else: cs = self._conn_string_odbc(db_key, instance=instance, db_name=db_name) rawconn = pyodbc.connect(cs, timeout=timeout) self.service_check(self.SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.OK, tags=service_check_tags) if conn_key not in self.connections: self.connections[conn_key] = {'conn': rawconn, 'timeout': timeout} else: try: # explicitly trying to avoid leaks... self.connections[conn_key]['conn'].close() except Exception as e:"Could not close adodbapi db connection\n{0}".format(e)) self.connections[conn_key]['conn'] = rawconn except Exception as e: cx = "%s - %s" % (host, database) message = "Unable to connect to SQL Server for instance %s." % cx self.service_check(self.SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.CRITICAL, tags=service_check_tags, message=message) password = instance.get('password') tracebk = traceback.format_exc() if password is not None: tracebk = tracebk.replace(password, "*" * 6) cxn_failure_exp = SQLConnectionError("%s \n %s" % (message, tracebk)) raise cxn_failure_exp
def Execute(self, sql ): try: self.lock.acquire() ret = self.cur.execute(sql) self.lock.release() except: self.close() self.con = adodbapi.connect( cfg.connectionstring ) self.cur = self.con.cursor() ret = self.cur.execute(sql) self.lock.release() return ret
def connect2(self, database): """ Custom connect2 Method, to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server Compact DB. :param database: Connection string to a Microsoft SQL Server Compact :type database: String :return: Returns a connection to the Microsoft SQL Server Compact specified in the connection string :rtype: ADOdb connection object """ self._cxcn = adodbapi.connect(database)
def get_con_cur_for_db(host, user, pwd, db): DSN = get_DSN(provider='SQLOLEDB', host=host, user=user, pwd=pwd, db=db) try: con = adodbapi.connect(DSN) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to connect to MS SQL Server with " f"database {db}; and supplied connection: " f"host: {host}; user: {user}; pwd: {pwd}." f"\nCaused by error: {b.ue(e)}") cur = con.cursor() cur.adoconn = con.adoConn ## (need to access from just the cursor) return con, cur
def getconnectionDB(): ''' Create connection to a local database ''' myhost = r".\SQL2014EXPRESS" mydatabase = "MscMonteCarlo" myuser = "******" mypassword = "******" connStr = """Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; User ID=%s; Password=%s;Initial Catalog=%s;Data Source= %s""" myConnStr = connStr % (myuser, mypassword, mydatabase, myhost) myConn = adodbapi.connect(myConnStr) return myConn
def __init__(self): dir =os.getcwd() database = dir+os.sep+"datalar"+os.sep+"18022014.mdb" #database = "D:\\aproje\\nenra\\datalar\\08022014.mdb" constr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=%s" % database self.tablename = "satdata" # connect to the database self.conn = adodbapi.connect(constr) # create a cursor self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
def create_db(cfg, db_name): log.debug("Creating database: {db_name}".format(db_name=db_name)) conn = adodbapi.connect(cfg.db_connection) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {db_name}".format(db_name=db_name)) cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE {db_name}".format(db_name=db_name)) query = """ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON {db_name}.* to {db_user}@\'{db_host}\' IDENTIFIED BY \'{db_password}\' """.format(db_name=db_name, db_user=cfg.db_user, db_host=cfg.db_host, db_password=cfg.db_password) cursor.execute(query) cursor.close() conn.close()
def setUp(self): try: conn = win32com.client.Dispatch("ADODB.Connection") except:'SetUpError: Is MDAC installed?') try: conn.Open(adodbapitestconfig.connStrSQLServer) except: 'SetUpError: Can not connect to the testdatabase, all other tests will fail...\nAdo error:%s' % conn.Errors(0)) self.conn = adodbapi.connect(adodbapitestconfig.connStrSQLServer) self.engine = 'MSSQL'
def execute_opens(connection, cfile_path): ddf = connect(connection).cursor() ddf.execute('exec xp_syncdb') with open(cfile_path, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as sql_file: line_number = 0 for sql_line in sql_file: ddf.execute(sql_line) line_number += 1 if line_number % 100 == 0: print(f'{line_number} rows executed') ddf.connection.commit() ddf.close()
def obter_pontos_de_venda(): c = adodbapi.connect(obter_ado_connstr(dados_conexao)) cursor = c.cursor() cursor.execute( "select id, nome " "from dbo.ponto_venda " "where ativo=1 order by nome" ) rows = cursor.fetchall() ret = [(x[0], x[1]) for x in rows] c.close() return ret
def getConnection(self, rc=0): if self.conn is not None: return self.conn, self.conn.cursor() try: conn = adodbapi.connect(self.connectionString(), autocommit=True) self.conn = conn except Exception as e: if rc <= 5: time.sleep(10 * rc**2) conn, curs = getConnection(self, rc + 1) else: raise (e) return conn, conn.cursor()
def connectToNewClarity(api='pyodbc'): ''' Function: connectToNewClarity Input: api - which odbc api to use. we never used adodbapi with this database, which is why the default here is pyodbc Output: cnctn - connection to the new Clarity database. Functionality: Creates a connection to the new Clarity reporting database where "new" means after the changes rolled out in November, 2010 History: 7/11/11 - Created 7/13/11 - Removed whichdb input and decided to make two mtehods, renaming this from connectToClarity and I will create connectToOldClarity, too ''' logging.debug('entering connectToNewClarity with api %s'%(api)) if api == 'pyodbc': # make connection with pyodbc logging.debug('pre pyoconnect') try: cnctn = pyoconnect('DSN=epclarity_rpt;DATABASE=Clarity;') except Exception as myerr: logging.error('myerr: %s'%(str(myerr))) raise logging.debug('post pyoconnect') elif api == 'adodbapi': # make connection with adodbapi. I don't think i've every been able # to connect to New Clarity with this api, or maybe it's just on the # VM I've had trouble... logging.warning('Connecting to Clarity with adodbapi untested.') try: cnctn = connect('Data Source=epclarity_rpt;' + \ 'Initial Catalog=Clarity;') except Exception as myerr: if not myerr: logging.error('myerr is None') logging.error('myerr: %s'%(str(myerr))) raise logging.debug('post connect with adodbapi') else: logging.warning('Unrecognized api, using pyodbc') # make connection with pyodbc cnctn = pyoconnect('DSN=epclarity_rpt;DATABASE=Clarity;') # not sure why, but this part doesn't work with this driver #'Trusted_Connection=true;') return cnctn # return output
def create_repo(conninfo, hooks, temp_dir = None): """Creates the correct repository accessir based on certain schema properties. This is the main entry point for accessing the DB. Use the result as a context manager. """ with adodbapi.connect(conninfo) as conn: has_tbl_identity = bool(select(conn, "select * from sys.tables where name='tbl_Identity'")) if has_tbl_identity: return Repository10(conninfo, hooks, temp_dir = temp_dir) else: raise NotImplementedError("accessing TFS 2013 has not yet been implemented.")
def __GetConnect123(self): # 得到数据库连接信息,返回conn.cursor() if not self.varDB: raise (NameError, "没有设置数据库信息") # self.conn = connect(server=self.varHost, user=self.varUser, password=self.varPassword, database=self.varDB) self.conn = connect( 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=%s;Initial Catalog=%s;UserID = %s;Password = %s;' % (self.varHost, self.varDB, self.varUser, self.varPassword)) cur = self.conn.cursor() # 创建一个游标对象 if not cur: raise (NameError, "连接数据库失败") # 将DBC信息赋值给cur else: return cur
def connect_winccoledbprovider(self): print("Connecting to remote host '{host}' with provider '{provider}' and opening database '{database}'.".format(, provider=self.provider_winccoledb, database=self.initial_database)) try: self.conn_wincc = adodbapi.connect(self.conn_str_winccoledb, provider=self.provider_winccoledb,, database=self.initial_database) self.c_wincc = self.conn_wincc.cursor() self.connection_established = True #self.set_current_database() self.connection_status_text = 'Connection to host {host} established.'.format( print("Connected to database.") except Exception as e: print("Error when connecting to mssql host {host} with provider '{provider}' and opening database {database}. Quitting...".format(, provider=self.provider_winccoledb, database=self.initial_database)) print(e) self.connection_established = False raise WinCCException(message='Connection to host {host} failed.'.format(
def get_dbs(host, user, pwd, default_dbs, db=None): """ Get dbs and the db to use. Exclude master. NB need to use a separate connection here with db Initial Catalog undefined. """ DSN = get_DSN(provider='SQLOLEDB', host=host, user=user, pwd=pwd, db='') try: con = adodbapi.connect(DSN) except Exception: raise Exception("Unable to connect to MS SQL Server with host: " f"{host}; user: {user}; and pwd: {pwd}") cur = con.cursor() ## must return tuples not dics cur.adoconn = con.adoConn ## (need to access from just the cursor) try: ## MS SQL Server 2000 cur.execute("SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases ORDER BY name") except Exception: ## SQL Server 2005 cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sys.databases ORDER BY name") ## only want dbs with at least one table. all_dbs = [x[0] for x in cur.fetchall() if x[0] != 'master'] dbs = [] for db4list in all_dbs: try: con, cur = get_con_cur_for_db(host, user, pwd, db4list) except Exception: continue if has_tbls(cur, db4list): dbs.append(db4list) if not dbs: raise Exception(_("Unable to find any databases that have tables " "and you have permission to access.")) dbs_lc = [x.lower() for x in dbs] ## Get db (default if possible otherwise first) ## NB db must be accessible from connection if not db: ## Use default if possible, or fall back to first. NB may have no tables default_db_mssql = default_dbs.get(mg.DBE_MS_SQL) ## might be None if default_db_mssql: if default_db_mssql.lower() in dbs_lc: db = default_db_mssql else: db = dbs[0] else: if db.lower() not in dbs_lc: raise Exception( f'Database "{db}" not available from supplied connection') cur.close() con.close() return dbs, db
def RunMultiUserTests(self): self.RunSqlScript("..\..\Src\Cellar\Test\ut_FwCore2.sql") #( Get a dummy connection to the database connection = adodbapi.connect(self.DbConnect.ConnectStr) crsr = connection.cursor() self.RunTests() #( Tear down the dummy connection connection.rollback() connection.close() connection = None crsr = None
def cursor(self): from django.conf import settings if self.connection is None: if settings.DATABASE_NAME == '' or settings.DATABASE_USER == '': from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured raise ImproperlyConfigured, "You need to specify both DATABASE_NAME and DATABASE_USER in your Django settings file." if not settings.DATABASE_HOST: settings.DATABASE_HOST = "" # TODO: Handle DATABASE_PORT. conn_string = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;DATA SOURCE=%s;UID=%s;PWD=%s;DATABASE=%s" % (settings.DATABASE_HOST, settings.DATABASE_USER, settings.DATABASE_PASSWORD, settings.DATABASE_NAME) self.connection = Database.connect(conn_string) cursor = self.connection.cursor() if settings.DEBUG: return util.CursorDebugWrapper(cursor, self) return cursor
def connect(self): """Connect to mssql server using SQLOLEDB.1""" try:"Trying to connect to %s database %s",, self.database) # Python looses it's current working dir in the next instruction # Reset after connect curr_dir = os.getcwd() self.conn = adodbapi.connect(self.conn_str, provider=self.provider,, database=self.database) os.chdir(curr_dir) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() except (adodbapi.DatabaseError, adodbapi.InterfaceError) as e: logging.error(str(e)) raise MsSQLException(message="Connection to host {host} failed.".format(