Ejemplo n.º 1
def ValidateStatement(statement):
    """Validate Statement object.

    statement: dict Statement object.
    SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((statement, dict), ))
    for key in statement:
        if statement[key] == 'None': continue
        if key in ('params', ):
            SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((statement[key], list), ))
            if len(statement[key]) > 1:
                msg = (
                    'Map \'params\' must contain a single element in the list.'
                raise ValidationError(msg)
            for param in statement[key]:
        elif key in ('values', ):
            SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((statement[key], list), ))
            if len(statement[key]) > 1:
                msg = (
                    'Map \'values\' must contain a single element in the list.'
                raise ValidationError(msg)
            for value in statement[key]:
            SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((statement[key], (str, unicode)), ))
    return statement
Ejemplo n.º 2
def NewSanityCheck(wsdl_types, obj, xsi_type):
    """Validates any given object against its WSDL definition.

  This method considers None and the empty string to be a valid representation
  of any type.

    wsdl_types: dict WSDL-defined types in the same service as the given type.
    obj: object Object to be validated. Depending on the WSDL-defined type this
         is representing, the data type will vary. It should always be either a
         dictionary, list, or string no matter what WSDL-defined type it is.
    xsi_type: str The type name defined in the WSDL.

    ValidationError: The given WSDL-defined type has no definition in the WSDL
                     types map.
    if obj in (None, ''):
    if not xsi_type in wsdl_types:
        raise ValidationError('This type is not defined in the WSDL: %s.' %
    if wsdl_types[xsi_type]['soap_type'] == 'simple':
        _SanityCheckSimpleType(wsdl_types, obj, xsi_type)
    elif wsdl_types[xsi_type]['soap_type'] == 'complex':
        _SanityCheckComplexType(wsdl_types, obj, xsi_type)
    elif wsdl_types[xsi_type]['soap_type'] == 'array':
        _SanityCheckArray(wsdl_types, obj, xsi_type)
        raise ValidationError(
            'Error in autogenerated WSDL definitions - Unknown '
            'parameter type: %s' % wsdl_types[xsi_type]['soap_type'])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ValidateServer(server, version):
  """Sanity check for API server.

    server: str API server to access for this API call.
    version: str API version being used to access the server.

    ValidationError: if the given API server or version is not valid.
  # Map of supported API servers and versions.
  servers = {'v201203': 'https://www.google.com',
             'v201204': 'https://www.google.com',
             'v201206': 'https://www.google.com',
             'v201208': 'https://www.google.com',
             'v201211': 'https://www.google.com',
             'v201302': 'https://www.google.com',
             'v201306': 'https://www.google.com'}

  if server not in servers.values():
    msg = ('Given API server, \'%s\', is not valid. Expecting '
           '\'https://www.google.com\'.' % server)
    raise ValidationError(msg)

  if version not in servers.keys():
    msg = ('Given API version, \'%s\', is not valid. Expecting one of %s.'
           % (version, sorted(set(servers.keys()))))
    raise ValidationError(msg)

  if server != servers[version]:
    msg = ('Given API version, \'%s\', is not compatible with given server, '
           '\'%s\'.' % (version, server))
    raise ValidationError(msg)
def ValidateService(service, version):
  """Checks if this service is available in the requested version.

    service: str Service being requested.
    version: str Version being requested.
  if service in DEPRECATED_IN and version in DEPRECATED_IN[service]:
    raise ValidationError('%s is not available in %s' % (service, version))

  if service in DEPRECATED_AFTER and version > DEPRECATED_AFTER[service]:
    raise ValidationError('%s is not available in %s' % (service, version))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, headers, config, op_config, url, import_chain, lock,
        """Inits ApiService.

      headers: dict Dictionary object with populated authentication
      config: dict Dictionary object with populated configuration values.
      op_config: dict Dictionary object with additional configuration values for
                 this operation.
      url: str URL for the web service.
      import_chain: str Import chain of the wrapper for web service.
      lock: thread.lock Thread lock
      logger: Logger Instance of Logger
        ToolkitSanityCheck = None
        API_VERSIONS = []
        self._config = config
        self._op_config = op_config
        if config['soap_lib'] == SOAPPY:
            from adspygoogle.common.soappy import MessageHandler
            exec('from %s.soappy import SanityCheck as ToolkitSanityCheck' %
            self._web_services = None
            self._message_handler = MessageHandler
        elif config['soap_lib'] == ZSI:
            exec 'from %s import API_VERSIONS' % import_chain
            exec 'from %s.zsi import SanityCheck as ToolkitSanityCheck' % import_chain
            if op_config['version'] in API_VERSIONS:
                module = '%s_services' % self.__class__.__name__
                    version = op_config['version']
                    if version.find('.') > -1:
                        version = version.replace('.', '_')
                    web_services = __import__(
                        '%s.zsi.%s.%s' % (import_chain, version, module),
                        globals(), locals(), [''])
                except ImportError, e:
                    # If one of library's required modules is missing, re raise exception.
                    if str(e).find(module) < 0:
                        raise ImportError(e)
                    msg = (
                        'The version \'%s\' is not compatible with \'%s\'.' %
                        (op_config['version'], self.__class__.__name__))
                    raise ValidationError(msg)
                msg = 'Invalid API version, not one of %s.' % str(
                raise ValidationError(msg)
            self._web_services = web_services
            self._loc = eval('web_services.%sLocator()' %
Ejemplo n.º 6
def SoappySanityCheck(soappy_service, obj, ns, obj_type, max_occurs='1'):
    """Validates any given object against its WSDL definition.

  This method considers None and the empty string to be a valid representation
  of any type.

    soappy_service: SOAPpy.WSDL.Proxy An object encapsulating a SOAP service.
    obj: Object to be validated. Depending on the WSDL-defined type this object
         represents, the data type will vary. It should always be either a
         dictionary, list, or string no matter what WSDL-defined type it is.
    ns: string The namespace the given type belongs to.
    obj_type: A string specifying the type name defined in the WSDL.
    max_occurs: string The maxOccurs attribute for this object.

    ValidationError: The given type has no definition in the WSDL or the given
                     object is not a valid representation of the type defined in
                     the WSDL.
    if obj in (None, ''):
    elif Utils.IsBaseSoapType(obj_type):
            ValidateTypes(((obj, (str, unicode)), ))
        except ValidationError:
            raise ValidationError(
                'Objects of type \'%s\' should be a string but '
                'value \'%s\' is a \'%s\' instead.' %
                (obj_type, obj, type(obj)))
            soap_type = soappy_service.wsdl.types[ns].types[obj_type].tag
            if soap_type == 'simpleType':
                _SoappySanityCheckSimpleType(obj, obj_type)
            elif soap_type == 'complexType':
                if (SoappyUtils.IsAnArrayType(obj_type, ns, soappy_service)
                        or not max_occurs.isdigit() or int(max_occurs) > 1):
                    _SoappySanityCheckArray(soappy_service, obj, ns, obj_type)
                    _SoappySanityCheckComplexType(soappy_service, obj, ns,
                raise ValidationError(
                    'Unrecognized type definition tag in WSDL: \'%s\'' %
        except KeyError:
            raise ValidationError(
                'This type is not defined in the WSDL: \'%s\'' % obj_type)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ValidateRequiredHeaders(headers, required_headers):
    """Sanity check for required authentication elements.

  The required headers may contain several possible header combinations, only
  one of which must be satisfied to make successful API request. In order for
  any single combination to be satisfied, all of the headers it specifies must
  exist as keys within the headers dict and each entry must contain data.

    headers: A dict containing authentication headers.
    required_headers: A tuple containing valid combinations of headers. Each
                      combination of headers is represented as a tuple of
                      strings. e.g. (('Name', 'Password'), ('Name', 'Token'))

    ValidationError: The given authentication headers are not sufficient to make
                     requests against this API.
    is_valid = False
    for headers_set in required_headers:
        is_valid_set = True
        for key in headers_set:
            if key not in headers or not headers[key]: is_valid_set = False
        if is_valid_set:
            is_valid = True

    if not is_valid:
        msg = ('Required authentication header is missing. Valid options for '
               'headers are %s.' % str(required_headers))
        raise ValidationError(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def ValidateCustomCriteriaSet(criteria_set):
    """Validate CustomCriteriaSet object.

    criteria_set: dict CustomCriteriaSet object.

    CustomCriteriaSet instance.
    SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((criteria_set, dict), ))
    for key in criteria_set:
        if key in ('children', ):
            SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((criteria_set[key], list), ))
            children = []
            for item in criteria_set[key]:
                if 'xsi_type' in item:
                    if item['xsi_type'] in ('FreeFormCustomCriteria',
                    msg = 'The \'xsi_type\' of node is missing.'
                    raise ValidationError(msg)
            SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((criteria_set[key], (str, unicode)), ))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def ValidateString_ParamMapEntry(param, web_services):
    """Validate String_ParamMapEntry object.

    param: dict Param object.
    web_services: module Web services.

   String_ParamMapEntry instance.
    if ZsiSanityCheck.IsPyClass(param):
        return param

    SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((param, dict), ))
    new_param = ZsiSanityCheck.GetPyClass('String_ParamMapEntry', web_services)
    for key in param:
        SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((param[key], (str, unicode)), ))
        if key in ('value', ):
            if 'xsi_type' in param:
                value = ZsiSanityCheck.GetPyClass(param['xsi_type'],
            elif 'type' in param:
                value = ZsiSanityCheck.GetPyClass(param['type'], web_services)
                msg = ('The type of the param is missing.')
                raise ValidationError(msg)
            value.__dict__.__setitem__('_%s' % key, param[key])
            data = value
            data = param[key]
        new_param.__dict__.__setitem__('_%s' % key, data)
    return new_param
Ejemplo n.º 10
def ValidateRequiredHeaders(headers, required_headers):
    """Sanity check for required authentication elements.

  All required authentication headers have to be set in order to make
  successful API request.

    headers: dict Authentication headers.
    required_headers: tuple Valid combinations of headers.

    ValidationError: The given authentication headers are not sufficient to make
                     requests agaisnt this API.
    is_valid = True
    for headers_set in required_headers:
        is_valid_set = True
        for key in headers_set:
            if key not in headers or not headers[key]: is_valid_set = False
        if not is_valid_set:
            is_valid = False
            is_valid = True

    if not is_valid:
        msg = ('Required authentication header is missing. Valid options for '
               'headers are %s.' % str(required_headers))
        raise ValidationError(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def ValidateAction(action, web_services):
    """Validate Action object.

    action: dict Action to perform.
    web_services: module Web services.

    Action instance.
    if ZsiSanityCheck.IsPyClass(action): return action

    SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((action, dict), ))
    if 'xsi_type' in action:
        new_action = ZsiSanityCheck.GetPyClass(action['xsi_type'],
    elif 'type' in action:
        new_action = ZsiSanityCheck.GetPyClass(action['type'], web_services)
        msg = 'The type of the action is missing.'
        raise ValidationError(msg)
    for key in action:
        SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((action[key], (str, unicode)), ))
        new_action.__dict__.__setitem__('_%s' % key, action[key])
    return new_action
Ejemplo n.º 12
def ValidateString_ValueMapEntry(value, web_services):
    """Validate String_ValueMapEntry object.

    value: dict Value object.
    web_services: module Web services.

   String_ValueMapEntry instance.
    if ZsiSanityCheck.IsPyClass(value):
        return value

    SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((value, dict), ))
    new_value = ZsiSanityCheck.GetPyClass('String_ValueMapEntry', web_services)
    for key in value:
        if key in ('value', ):
            SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((value[key], dict), ))
            if 'xsi_type' in value[key]:
                value_obj = ZsiSanityCheck.GetPyClass(value[key]['xsi_type'],
                msg = ('The \'xsi_type\' of the value is missing.')
                raise ValidationError(msg)
            for sub_key in value[key]:
                value_obj.__dict__.__setitem__('_%s' % sub_key,
            data = value_obj
            SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((value[key], (str, unicode)), ))
            data = value[key]
        new_value.__dict__.__setitem__('_%s' % key, data)
    return new_value
Ejemplo n.º 13
  def _LoadAuthCredentials(self):
    """Load existing authentication credentials from auth.pkl.

      dict Dictionary object with populated authentication credentials.

      ValidationError: if authentication data is missing.
    auth = {}
    if os.path.exists(self.__class__.auth_pkl):
      fh = open(self.__class__.auth_pkl, 'r')
        auth = pickle.load(fh)

    if not auth:
      msg = 'Authentication data is missing.'
      raise ValidationError(msg)

    if _OAUTH_2_AUTH_KEYS.issubset(set(auth.keys())):
      from oauth2client.client import OAuth2Credentials
      auth['oauth2credentials'] = OAuth2Credentials(
          None, auth['clientId'], auth['clientSecret'], auth['refreshToken'],
          datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 1, 12), _GOOGLE_OAUTH2_ENDPOINT,
          'Google Ads* Python Client Library')
      for auth_key in _OAUTH_2_AUTH_KEYS:
        del auth[auth_key]

    return auth
Ejemplo n.º 14
def GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(service,
    """Get all existing entities by statement.

  All existing entities are retrieved for a given statement and page size. The
  retrieval of entities works across all services. Thus, the same method can
  be used to fetch companies, creatives, ad units, line items, etc. The results,
  even if they span multiple pages, are grouped into a single list of entities.

    service: ApiService an instance of the service to use.
    query: str a statement filter to apply, if any. The default is empty string.
    page_size: int size of the page to use. If page size is less than 0 or
               greater than 500, defaults to 500.
    bind_vars: list Key value pairs of bind variables to use with query.

    list a list of existing entities.

    service_name = service._service_name[0:service._service_name.

    if service_name == 'Inventory':
        service_name = 'AdUnit'
    if service_name[-1] == 'y':
        method_name = service_name[:-1] + 'ies'
        method_name = service_name + 's'
    if service_name == 'Content':
        method_name = service_name
    method_name = 'Get%sByStatement' % method_name

    if page_size <= 0 or page_size > 500:
        page_size = 500

    if (query and (query.upper().find('LIMIT') > -1
                   or query.upper().find('OFFSET') > -1)):
        raise ValidationError('The filter query contains an option that is '
                              'incompatible with this method.')

    offset = 0
    all_entities = []
    while True:
        filter_statement = {
            'query': '%s LIMIT %s OFFSET %s' % (query, page_size, offset),
            'values': bind_vars
        entities = eval('service.%s(filter_statement)[0].get(\'results\')' %

        if not entities: break
        if len(entities) < page_size: break
        offset += page_size
    return all_entities
Ejemplo n.º 15
def GetAllEntitiesByStatement(client, service_name, query='', page_size=500,
                              version=MIN_API_VERSION, http_proxy=None):
  """Get all existing entities by statement.

  All existing entities are retrived for a given statement and page size. The
  retrieval of entities works across all services. Thus, the same method can
  be used to fetch companies, creatives, ad units, line items, etc. The results,
  even if they span multiple pages, are grouped into a single list of entities.

    client: Client an instance of Client.
    service_name: str name of the service to use.
    query: str a statement filter to apply, if any. The default is empty string.
    page_size: int size of the page to use. If page size is less than 0 or
               greater than 500, defaults to 500.
    server: str API server to access for this API call. Possible values
              are: 'https://www.google.com' for live site and
              'https://sandbox.google.com' for sandbox. The default behavior is
              to access sandbox site.
    version: str API version to use.
    http_proxy: str HTTP proxy to use.

    list a list of existing entities.
  service = eval('client.Get%sService(server, version, http_proxy)'
                 % service_name)
  if service_name == 'Inventory':
    service_name = 'AdUnit'
  if service_name[-1] == 'y':
    method_name = service_name[:-1] + 'ies'
    method_name = service_name + 's'
  method_name = 'Get%sByStatement' % method_name

  if page_size <= 0 or page_size > 500:
    page_size = 500

  if (query and
      (query.upper().find('LIMIT') > -1 or query.upper().find('OFFSET') > -1)):
    raise ValidationError('The filter query contains an option that is '
                          'incompatible with this method.')

  offset = 0
  all_entities = []
  while True:
    filter_statement = {'query': '%s LIMIT %s OFFSET %s' % (query, page_size,
    entities = eval('service.%s(filter_statement)[0][\'results\']'
                    % method_name)

    if not entities: break
    if len(entities) < page_size: break
    offset += page_size
  return all_entities
Ejemplo n.º 16
def ValidateStatement(statement, web_services):
    """Validate Statement object.

    statement: dict Statement object.
    web_services: module Web services.

    Statement instance.
    if ZsiSanityCheck.IsPyClass(statement):
        return statement

    SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((statement, dict), ))
    new_statement = ZsiSanityCheck.GetPyClass('Statement', web_services)
    for key in statement:
        if key in ('params', ):
            SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((statement[key], list), ))
            if len(statement[key]) > 1:
                msg = (
                    'Map \'params\' must contain a single element in the list.'
                raise ValidationError(msg)
            params = []
            for param in statement[key]:
                    param, web_services))
            data = params
        elif key in ('values', ):
            SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((statement[key], list), ))
            if len(statement[key]) > 1:
                msg = (
                    'Map \'values\' must contain a single element in the list.'
                raise ValidationError(msg)
            values = []
            for value in statement[key]:
                    value, web_services))
            data = values
            SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((statement[key], (str, unicode)), ))
            data = statement[key]
        new_statement.__dict__.__setitem__('_%s' % key, data)
    return new_statement
def ValidateServer(server, version):
  """Sanity check for API server.

    server: str API server to access for this API call.
    version: str API version being used to access the server.

    ValidationError: if the given API server or version is not valid.
  if version not in _VERSION_SERVER_MAP:
    raise ValidationError(
        'Given API version, \'%s\', is not valid. Expecting one of %s.'
        % (version, sorted(_VERSION_SERVER_MAP.keys())))

  if server not in _VERSION_SERVER_MAP[version]:
    raise ValidationError(
        'Given API server, \'%s\', is not a valid server for version \'%s\'. '
        'Expecting one of %s.'
        % (server, version, sorted(_VERSION_SERVER_MAP[version])))
Ejemplo n.º 18
def ValidateHeadersForServer(headers, server):
    """Check if provided headers match the ones expected on the provided server.

  The SOAP headers on Sandbox server are different from production.  See
    fits_sandbox = False

    # The clientEmail SOAP header in Sandbox has to be of specific format, with
    # "client_" prepended (e.g., [email protected]).
    if ('clientEmail' in headers and headers['clientEmail']
            and headers['clientEmail'].find('client_', 0, 7) > -1):
        fits_sandbox = True

    # The developerToken SOAP header in Sandbox has to be same as email SOAP
    # header with appended "++" and the currency code.
    if ('email' in headers and headers['email'] and
            headers['developerToken'].find('%s++' % headers['email'], 0,
                                           len(headers['email']) + 2) > -1):
        fits_sandbox = True
    elif ('authToken' in headers and headers['authToken']
          and headers['developerToken'].find('++')
          == len(headers['developerToken']) - 5):
        fits_sandbox = True
        fits_sandbox = False

    # Sandbox server is identifying by the "sandbox" part in the URL (e.g.,
    # https://sandbox.google.com or https://adwords-sandbox.google.com).
    if server.find('sandbox') > -1:
        if not fits_sandbox:
            msg = (
                'Invalid credentials for \'%s\', see http://code.google.com/apis/adwords/docs/developer/adwords_api_sandbox.html#requestheaders.'
                % server)
            raise ValidationError(msg)
    elif server.find('sandbox') < 0:
        if fits_sandbox:
            msg = (
                'Invalid credentials for \'%s\', see http://code.google.com/apis/adwords/docs/developer/index.html#adwords_api_intro_request.'
                % server)
            raise ValidationError(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def ValidateAction(action):
    """Validate Action object.

    action: dict Action to perform.
    SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((action, dict), ))
    if 'type' not in action:
        msg = 'The \'type\' of the action is missing.'
        raise ValidationError(msg)
    for key in action:
        SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((action[key], (str, unicode)), ))
def ValidateConfigXmlParser(xml_parser):
    """Sanity check for XML parser.

    xml_parser: str XML parser to use.
    if (not isinstance(xml_parser, str)
            or not IsConfigUserInputValid(xml_parser, [PYXML, ETREE])):
        msg = (
            'Invalid input for %s \'%s\', expecting %s or %s of type <str>.' %
            (type(xml_parser), xml_parser, PYXML, ETREE))
        raise ValidationError(msg)
def ValidateConfigSoapLib(soap_lib):
    """Sanity check for SOAP library.

    soap_lib: str SOAP library to use.
    if (not isinstance(soap_lib, str)
            or not IsConfigUserInputValid(soap_lib, [SOAPPY, ZSI])):
        msg = (
            'Invalid input for %s \'%s\', expecting %s or %s of type <str>.' %
            (type(soap_lib), soap_lib, SOAPPY, ZSI))
        raise ValidationError(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def _SanityCheckComplexType(wsdl_types, obj, xsi_type):
    """Validates a dict representing a complex type against its WSDL definition.

    wsdl_types: dict WSDL-defined types in the same service as the given type.
    obj: dict Object that should represent an instance of the given type.
    xsi_type: str The complex type name defined in the WSDL.

    ValidationError: The given object is not an acceptable representation of the
                     given WSDL-defined complex type.
    ValidateTypes(((obj, dict), ))
    obj_contained_type, contained_type_key = Utils.GetExplicitType(
        wsdl_types, obj, xsi_type)

    if obj_contained_type and not obj_contained_type == xsi_type:
        if not IsSuperType(wsdl_types, obj_contained_type, xsi_type):
            raise ValidationError(
                'Expecting type of \'%s\' but given type of class '
                '\'%s\'.' % (xsi_type, obj_contained_type))
        xsi_type = obj_contained_type

    parameters = Utils.GenParamOrder(wsdl_types, xsi_type)
    for key in obj:
        if obj[key] is None or (obj_contained_type
                                and key == contained_type_key):
        found = False
        for parameter, param_type in parameters:
            if parameter == key:
                found = True
                if Utils.IsXsdOrSoapenc(param_type):
                    ValidateTypes(((obj[key], (str, unicode)), ))
                    NewSanityCheck(wsdl_types, obj[key], param_type)
        if not found:
            raise ValidationError('Field \'%s\' is not in type \'%s\'.' %
                                  (key, xsi_type))
Ejemplo n.º 23
def _SoappySanityCheckArray(soappy_service, obj, ns, type_name):
    """Validates a list representing an array type against its WSDL definition.

    soappy_service: SOAPpy.WSDL.Proxy The SOAPpy service object containing the
                    descriptions of all WSDL-defined types.
    obj: Object to be validated. Depending on the WSDL-defined type this object
         represents, the data type will vary. It should always be either a
         dictionary, list, or string no matter what WSDL-defined type it is.
    ns: string The namespace the given type belongs to.
    type_name: A string specifying the type name defined in the WSDL.

    ValidationError if the given object is not a valid representation of the
    given list type.
        ValidateTypes(((obj, list), ))
    except ValidationError:
        raise ValidationError('Type \'%s\' should be a list but value '
                              '\'%s\' is a \'%s\' instead.' %
                              (type_name, obj, type(obj)))
    if Utils.IsBaseSoapType(type_name):
        for item in obj:
            if item is None: continue
                ValidateTypes(((item, (str, unicode)), ))
            except ValidationError:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'The items in array \'%s\' must all be strings. '
                    'Value \'%s\' is of type \'%s\'.' %
                    (type_name, item, type(item)))
        for item in obj:
            if item is None: continue
                soappy_service, item, ns,
                SoappyUtils.GetArrayItemTypeName(type_name, ns,
Ejemplo n.º 24
def ValidateServer(server, version):
    """Sanity check for API server.

    server: str API server to access for this API call.
    version: str API version being used to access the server.
    # Map of supported API servers and versions.
    prod = {
        'v13': 'https://adwords.google.com',
        'v200909': 'https://adwords.google.com',
        'v201003': 'https://adwords.google.com',
        'v201008': 'https://adwords.google.com',
        'v201101': 'https://adwords.google.com'
    sandbox = {
        'v13': 'https://sandbox.google.com',
        'v200909': 'https://adwords-sandbox.google.com',
        'v201003': 'https://adwords-sandbox.google.com',
        'v201008': 'https://adwords-sandbox.google.com',
        'v201101': 'https://adwords-sandbox.google.com'

    if server not in prod.values() and server not in sandbox.values():
        msg = ('Given API server, \'%s\', is not valid. Expecting one of %s.' %
               (server, sorted(prod.values() + sandbox.values())[1:]))
        raise ValidationError(msg)

    if version not in prod.keys() and version not in sandbox.keys():
        msg = (
            'Given API version, \'%s\', is not valid. Expecting one of %s.' %
            (version, sorted(set(prod.keys() + sandbox.keys()))))
        raise ValidationError(msg)

    if server != prod[version] and server != sandbox[version]:
        msg = (
            'Given API version, \'%s\', is not compatible with given server, '
            '\'%s\'.' % (version, server))
        raise ValidationError(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def ValidateString_ParamMapEntry(param):
    """Validate String_ParamMapEntry object.

    param: dict Param object.
    SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((param, dict), ))
    for key in param:
        if param[key] == 'None': continue
        SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((param[key], (str, unicode)), ))
        if key in ('value', ):
            if 'type' not in param:
                msg = ('The \'type\' of the param is missing.')
                raise ValidationError(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def AssignCreativeXsi(creative):
    """Assigns an xsi type to a creative object if one is not present.

    creative: dict CreativeBase object.

    ValidationError: The creative object is lacking enough information to
                     determine what concrete class it represents.
    if 'xsi_type' not in creative:
        if 'typeId' in creative:
            creative['xsi_type'] = GetCreativeXsiTypes()[creative['typeId']]
            raise ValidationError('The type of the creative is missing.')
Ejemplo n.º 27
def AssignAdXsi(ad):
    """Assigns an xsi type to an Ad object if one is not present.

    ad: dict Ad object.

    ValidationError: The ad object is lacking enough information to determine
                     what concrete class it represents.
    if 'xsi_type' not in ad:
        if 'typeId' in ad:
            ad['xsi_type'] = GetAdXsiTypes()[ad['typeId']]
            raise ValidationError('The type of the ad is missing.')
Ejemplo n.º 28
def ValidateServer(server, version):
  """Sanity check for API server.

    server: str API server to access for this API call.
    version: str API version being used to access the server.

    ValidationError: if the given API server or version is not valid.
  # Map of supported API servers and versions.
  prod = {'v1.19': 'https://advertisersapi.doubleclick.net',
          'v1.20': 'https://advertisersapi.doubleclick.net'}
  beta = {'v1.19': 'https://betaadvertisersapi.doubleclick.net',
          'v1.20': 'https://betaadvertisersapi.doubleclick.net'}
  test = {'v1.19': 'https://advertisersapitest.doubleclick.net',
          'v1.20': 'https://advertisersapitest.doubleclick.net'}

  if (server not in prod.values() and server not in beta.values() and
      server not in test.values()):
    msg = ('Given API server, \'%s\', is not valid. Expecting one of %s.'
           % (server,
              sorted(prod.values() + beta.values() + test.values())[1:]))
    raise ValidationError(msg)

  if (version not in prod.keys() and version not in beta.keys() and
      version not in test.keys()):
    msg = ('Given API version, \'%s\', is not valid. Expecting one of %s.'
           % (version, sorted(set(prod.keys() + beta.keys() + test.keys()))))
    raise ValidationError(msg)

  if (server != prod[version] and server != beta[version] and
      server != test[version]):
    msg = ('Given API version, \'%s\', is not compatible with given server, '
           '\'%s\'.' % (version, server))
    raise ValidationError(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def ValidateConfigXmlParser(xml_parser):
    """Checks that the XML parser set in the configuration is a valid choice.

    xml_parser: A string specifying which XML parser to use.

    ValidationError: The given XML parser is not supported by this library.
    if (not isinstance(xml_parser, basestring)
            or not IsConfigUserInputValid(xml_parser, [PYXML, ETREE])):
        msg = (
            'Invalid input for %s \'%s\', expecting %s or %s of type <str>.' %
            (type(xml_parser), xml_parser, PYXML, ETREE))
        raise ValidationError(msg)
def ValidateTypes(vars_tpl):
    """Check types for a set of variables.

    vars_tpl: tuple Set of variables to check.
    for var, var_types in vars_tpl:
        if not isinstance(var_types, tuple):
            var_types = (var_types, )
        for var_type in var_types:
            if IsType(var, var_type):
        msg = ('The \'%s\' is of type %s, expecting one of %s.' %
               (var, type(var), var_types))
        raise ValidationError(msg)