def test_createTable(): conn = adusql.Connection() try: conn.createTable(DATA, TABLE) except: assert(False) conn.drop(TABLE)
def test_getFuncs(): conn = adusql.Connection() for func in [conn.getParcelCoords, conn.getZipcode]: data = func(PIN) assert(isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame)) assert(len(data) > 0)
def test_update_map(): PIN = 3626039263 adunit = ads.Connection("adunits.db") df = adunit.getParcelCoords(PIN) neighbors = adunit.getNeighbors(df) result = update_map.update_map(df, neighbors) assert(isinstance(result, object))
def test_insert_select(): conn = adusql.Connection() try: conn.createTable(DATA, TABLE) conn.insert(DATA, TABLE) except: assert(False) data = conn.drop(TABLE) assert(len(data) == 2*SIZE)
def master_callback(value): df = pd.DataFrame() neighbors = pd.DataFrame() global zipc zipc = None if value != None: adunit = ads.Connection("adunits.db") df = adunit.getParcelCoords(value) neighbors = adunit.getNeighbors(df) zipc = df.iloc[0]["zipcode"] return [ update_map(df, neighbors, coords=SEATTLE, zoom=INIT_ZOOM), update_criteria_details(df), update_details(df), neighbor_adu(value, df, neighbors), ]
def update_map(value, coords=C.SEATTLE, zoom=C.INIT_ZOOM): if value != None: adunit = ads.Connection("adunits.db") df = adunit.getParcelCoords(value) df.to_csv("df.csv") # coords = (newCoords.latitude[0], newCoords.longitude[0]) coords = (df.coordY[0], df.coordX[0]) # coords = (df.iloc[0]["coordY"]["coordX"]) # float max digits is not long enough zoom = 18 # def df_to_geojson(df, properties, lat='latitude', lon='longitude'): # geojson = {'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': []} # feature = {'type': 'Feature', # 'properties': {}, # 'geometry': {'type': 'Polygon', # 'coordinates': []}} # for _, row in df.iterrows(): # feature['geometry']['coordinates'].append([row[lon], row[lat]]) # for prop in properties: # feature['properties'][prop] = row[prop] # geojson['features'] = feature # return geojson # cols = ['adu_eligible', 's_hood', 'zone_ind', 'sqftlot', # 'ls_indic', 'lotcov_indic', 'lotcoverage', 'sm_lotcov_ind', 'sm_lotcov', # 'yrbuilt', 'daylightbasement', 'sqftfinbasement', 'shoreline_ind', # 'parcel_flood', 'parcel_landf', 'parcel_peat', # 'parcel_poteslide', 'parcel_riparian', 'parcel_steepslope', # ] # geojson = df_to_geojson(df, cols, lat='coordX', lon='coordY') new_map = folium.Map(location=coords, zoom_start=zoom) # with open('myfile.geojson', 'w') as f: # json.dump(geojson, f) # with open('myfile2.geojson', 'w') as f2: # geojson.write(f2) # f2.close() if value != None: # parcel ="parcel", # overlay=True, control=True, show=True,) # for i in range(0, len(geojson["features"])): # print(len(geojson["features"])) # print(i) # print(geojson["features"][i]["geometry"]) # feature = folium.features.GeoJson(geojson["features"][i]["geometry"], # name=(geojson["features"][i]["properties"]["sqftlot"]), # style_function=style_function, # highlight_function=highlight_function,) # folium.Popup( # "Square feet of lot: " + geojson["features"][i]["properties"]["sqftlot"], max_width=200).add_to(feature) # parcel.add_child(feature) # parcel = folium.features.GeoJson(geojson, style_function=style_function, highlight_function=highlight_function) #### Anag # print(geojson["features"][0]["geometry"]) # folium.Popup() # folium.Marker(coords, popup=folium.Popup("<b><h4>Is this home ADU eligible? </h4></b>" + # str(df.iloc[0]["adu_eligible"]) + "<br><h5><i>Details</i></h5>" + # "<br>Neighborhood: " + str(df.iloc[0]["s_hood"]) + # "<br>Is this a Single Family zoned home? " + str(df.iloc[0]["zone_ind"]) + # "<br>Square feet of lot: " + str(df.iloc[0]["sqftlot"]) + # "<br> ls_indic " + str(df.iloc[0]["ls_indic"]) + # "<br> lotcov_indic " + str(df.iloc[0]["lotcov_indic"]) + # "<br> lotcoverage " + str(df.iloc[0]["lotcoverage"]) + # "<br> sm_lotcov_ind " + str(df.iloc[0]["sm_lotcov_ind"]) + # "<br> sm_lotcov " + str(df.iloc[0]["sm_lotcov"]) + # "<br> Year House Built " + str(df.iloc[0]["yrbuilt"]) + # "<br> Does this home have a daylight basement? " + str(df.iloc[0]["daylightbasement"]) + # "<br> Square foot in basement " + str(df.iloc[0]["sqftfinbasement"]) + # "<br> Does this lot border a shoreline? " + str(df.iloc[0]["shoreline_ind"]) + # "<br><i>Environmentally Critical Areas assessment</i>" + # "<br>Is this parcel on a steep slope? " + str(df.iloc[0]["parcel_steepslope"]) + # "<br>Is this parcel on a previously flooded area? " + str(df.iloc[0]["parcel_flood"]) + # "<br>Is this parcel on a potential slide area? " + str(df.iloc[0]["parcel_poteslide"]), # max_width=2000) # ).add_to(new_map) # locations = geojson["features"]["geometry"]["coordinates"] locations = np.asarray(df[pd.Index(['coordY', 'coordX'])]) # print(locations) #re implement this using switch case def output(): value = "<center><h4>Your home's ADU Eligibility</h4></center>" if (df.iloc[0]["zone_ind"] == 0): value += "<h5> For an AADU, this home is <b>Ineligible</b></h5> This is not a single family zoned home" elif (df.iloc[0]["zone_ind"] == 1): value += "<br><h5> For an AADU, this home is <b>Eligible</b></h5>" value += "<h5> For a DADU, this home is " + "<b>" + str( df.iloc[0]["adu_eligible"]) + "</b></h5>" if (df.iloc[0]["adu_eligible"] == "Ineligible"): value += "<h5><i>Potential Problems for DADUs</i></h5>" if (df.iloc[0]["zone_ind"] == 0): value += "<br> This is not a single family zoned home" if (df.iloc[0]["ls_indic"] == 0): value += "<br> This lot is not large enough to house a DADU" if (df.iloc[0]["lotcov_indic"] == 0): value += "<br> There is insufficient lot coverage on this parcel to build a DADU" if (not pd.isna(df.iloc[0]["ADU"])): value += "<br> There is already at least one existing ADU on this property" if (df.iloc[0]["shoreline_ind"] == 1): value += "<br> This home is next to the shoreline. DADUs cannot be built by shorelines" value += "<h5><i>Potential considerations of concern for ADUs and DADUs: </i></h5>" if (df.iloc[0]["parcel_steepslope"] == 1): value += "<br> Your home may have some steep areas that may make it more costly to permit and build an ADU" if (df.iloc[0]["parcel_flood"] == 1): value += "<br> Your home may have been flooded in the past. This may make it more costly to permit and build an ADU" if (df.iloc[0]["parcel_poteslide"] == 1): value += "<br> Your home may be a potential slide area. This may make it more costly to permit and build an ADU" if (df.iloc[0]["parcel_landf"] == 1): value += "<br> Your home may be located on (or close to a?) a landfill. This may make it more costly to permit and build an ADU" if (df.iloc[0]["parcel_peat"] == 1): value += "<br> Your home may be a peat settlement. This may make it more costly to permit and build an ADU" if (df.iloc[0]["parcel_riparian"] == 1): value += "<br> Your home may be on a riparian corridor. This may make it more costly to permit and build an ADU" value += "<br><br><a href=" ">More details on the eligibility criteria and your home's eligibility here</a>" return value folium.Polygon( locations=locations, color='blue', weight=6, fill_color='red', fill_opacity=0.5, fill=True, popup=folium.Popup(output(), max_width=2000, fill_color="green", show=True), # popup=folium.Popup("<h5> For a DADU, this home is " + "<b>" + # str(df.iloc[0]["adu_eligible"]) + "</b></h5>" + "<h5> For an AADU, this home is <b>Eligible</b></h5>" + "<h5><i>Essential Criteria</i></h5>" + # " Is this a Single Family zoned home? " + str(df.iloc[0]["zone_ind"]) + # "<br> Is this lot large enough to house a DADU? " + str(df.iloc[0]["ls_indic"]) + # "<br> Is lot coverage sufficient for a DADU? " + str(df.iloc[0]["lotcov_indic"]) + # "<br> Existing ADUs or DADUs on this property " + str(df.iloc[0]["ADU"]) + # "<br>Potential considerations of concern: <b>None</b>" + # "<br><br><a href="">More details on the eligibility criteria and your home's eligibility here</a>", # max_width=2000), tooltip='Click me!', ).add_to(new_map) # feature = folium.features.GeoJson(geojson["features"]["geometry"], # name=None, style_function=style_function, highlight_function=highlight_function,) # folium.Popup("Square feet of lot: " + str(geojson["features"]["properties"]["sqftlot"]), max_width=300).add_to(feature) # parcel.add_child(feature) # feature.add_to(new_map) # parcel.add_to(new_map)"map.html") return open("map.html", "r").read()
def test_getAddresses(): conn = adusql.Connection() data = conn.getAddresses() assert(isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame)) assert(len(data) > 0)
def test_getNeighbors(): conn = adusql.Connection() df = conn.getParcelCoords(PIN) data = conn.getNeighbors(df) assert(isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame)) assert(len(data) > 0)
def test_drop(): conn = adusql.Connection() conn.drop(TABLE)
def test_connect(): conn = adusql.Connection() conn.connect() assert(conn.connected)
def test_constructor(): conn = adusql.Connection() assert(not conn.connected)
dbc.NavItem(dbc.NavLink("Neighborhood View", href="/neighborhood")), ], # brand="ADUniverse", brand_href="/", brand_external_link=True, color="primary", dark=True, fluid=True, id="navbar", style={ } ) # Address addressDropdown adunit = ads.Connection() addresses = adunit.getAddresses() addresses = adunit.getAddresses(sqftlot=C.SQFTLOT) AddressDropdown = dcc.Dropdown( id='addressDropdown', options=[ {'label': i, 'value': j} for i, j in zip(addresses.address, addresses.PIN) ], placeholder='Type your house address here...', style={'width': '100%', 'display': 'inline-block', 'vertical-align': 'top'} ) # create empty map zoomed in on Seattle Map(location=SEATTLE, zoom_start=INIT_ZOOM, control_scale=True).save("map.html") MapBlock = html.Iframe(id='map', srcDoc=open("map.html", "r").read(),