# CS 61A World Game Data: try: from adventure_solution import me, Person, Thing, Place except: from adventure import me, Person, Thing, Place motd = """ Welcome to the micro-world of CS 61A! You have a midterm tomorrow, and in hopes of doing well, you quest to seek the TA, Werdna, a mythical creature who is rumored to hold the key to besting the test.""" RubberDucky = Thing('rubber ducky', "Hm. It's yellow and it's rubber and it squeaks. Fascinating.") HearstAve = Place('Hearst Ave.', 'You find yourself on the sidewalk of Hearst Ave.') EuclidAve = Place('Euclid Ave.', "You find yourself on the corner of Euclid Ave. It's not " + "as noisy here!") def werdnas_brain(self, msg): """ A dispatch function for Werdna. Werdna becomes aware of self if you set his brain attribute accordingly (which is why you can use self outside of a class; probably not the best thing to do) ;) """ if self.inventory.count(RubberDucky) != 2: