Ejemplo n.º 1
def prior_dlogp(vars, model, flat_view):
    """Returns the gradient of the prior on the parameters as a vector of size D x 1"""
    terms = at.concatenate(
        [aesara.grad(var.logpt, var).flatten() for var in vars], axis=0)
    dlogp = aesara.clone_replace(terms, flat_view.replacements, strict=False)

    return dlogp
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def forward_pass(self, z0):
     ret = aesara.clone_replace(self.forward, {self.root.z0: z0})
         ret.tag.test_value = np.random.normal(
     except AttributeError:
         ret.tag.test_value = self.root.z0.tag.test_value
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_gen_cloning_with_shape_change(self, datagen):
     gen = generator(datagen)
     gen_r = at_rng().normal(size=gen.shape).T
     X = gen.dot(gen_r)
     res, _ = aesara.scan(lambda x: x.sum(), X, n_steps=X.shape[0])
     assert res.eval().shape == (50, )
     shared = aesara.shared(datagen.data.astype(gen.dtype))
     res2 = aesara.clone_replace(res, {gen: shared**2})
     assert res2.eval().shape == (1000, )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_rvs_to_value_vars_nested():
    # Test that calling rvs_to_value_vars in models with nested transformations
    # does not change the original rvs in place. See issue #5172
    with pm.Model() as m:
        one = pm.LogNormal("one", mu=0)
        two = pm.LogNormal("two", mu=at.log(one))

        # We add potentials or deterministics that are not in topological order
        pm.Potential("two_pot", two)
        pm.Potential("one_pot", one)

        before = aesara.clone_replace(m.free_RVs)

        # This call would change the model free_RVs in place in #5172
        res, _ = rvs_to_value_vars(m.potentials, apply_transforms=True)

        after = aesara.clone_replace(m.free_RVs)

        assert equal_computations(before, after)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def logp_norm(self):
     sized_symbolic_logp = self.approx.sized_symbolic_logp
     if self.use_histogram:
         sized_symbolic_logp = aesara.clone_replace(
     return sized_symbolic_logp / self.approx.symbolic_normalizing_constant
Ejemplo n.º 6
def join_nonshared_inputs(
    point: Dict[str, np.ndarray],
    xs: List[TensorVariable],
    vars: List[TensorVariable],
    make_shared: bool = False,
    Takes a list of Aesara Variables and joins their non shared inputs into a single input.

    point: a sample point
    xs: list of Aesara tensors
    vars: list of variables to join

    tensors, inarray
    tensors: list of same tensors but with inarray as input
    inarray: vector of inputs
    if not vars:
        raise ValueError("Empty list of variables.")

    joined = at.concatenate([var.ravel() for var in vars])

    if not make_shared:
        tensor_type = joined.type
        inarray = tensor_type("inarray")
        if point is None:
            raise ValueError("A point is required when `make_shared` is True")
        joined_values = np.concatenate(
            [point[var.name].ravel() for var in vars])
        inarray = aesara.shared(joined_values, "inarray")

    if aesara.config.compute_test_value != "off":
        inarray.tag.test_value = joined.tag.test_value

    replace = {}
    last_idx = 0
    for var in vars:
        shape = point[var.name].shape
        arr_len = np.prod(shape, dtype=int)
        replace[var] = reshape_t(inarray[last_idx:last_idx + arr_len],
        last_idx += arr_len


    xs_special = [
        aesara.clone_replace(x, replace, rebuild_strict=False) for x in xs
    return xs_special, inarray
Ejemplo n.º 7
def inline_ofg_expansion(fgraph, node):
    This optimization expands internal graph of OpFromGraph.
    Only performed if node.op.is_inline == True
    Doing so can improve optimization at the cost of compilation speed.
    op = node.op
    if not isinstance(op, OpFromGraph):
        return False
    if not op.is_inline:
        return False
    return aesara.clone_replace(
        {u: v
         for u, v in zip(node.op.local_inputs, node.inputs)})
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_rop_lop():
    mx = matrix("mx")
    mv = matrix("mv")
    v = vector("v")
    y = matrix_inverse(mx).sum(axis=0)

    yv = aesara.gradient.Rop(y, mx, mv)
    rop_f = function([mx, mv], yv)

    sy, _ = aesara.scan(
        lambda i, y, x, v: (aesara.gradient.grad(y[i], x) * v).sum(),
        non_sequences=[y, mx, mv],
    scan_f = function([mx, mv], sy)

    rng = np.random.default_rng(utt.fetch_seed())
    vx = np.asarray(rng.standard_normal((4, 4)), aesara.config.floatX)
    vv = np.asarray(rng.standard_normal((4, 4)), aesara.config.floatX)

    v1 = rop_f(vx, vv)
    v2 = scan_f(vx, vv)

    assert _allclose(v1, v2), f"ROP mismatch: {v1} {v2}"

    raised = False
        aesara.gradient.Rop(aesara.clone_replace(y, replace={mx: break_op(mx)}), mx, mv)
    except ValueError:
        raised = True
    if not raised:
        raise Exception(
            "Op did not raised an error even though the function"
            " is not differentiable"

    vv = np.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(4,)), aesara.config.floatX)
    yv = aesara.gradient.Lop(y, mx, v)
    lop_f = function([mx, v], yv)

    sy = aesara.gradient.grad((v * y).sum(), mx)
    scan_f = function([mx, v], sy)

    v1 = lop_f(vx, vv)
    v2 = scan_f(vx, vv)
    assert _allclose(v1, v2), f"LOP mismatch: {v1} {v2}"
Ejemplo n.º 9
def elemwise_dlogL(vars, model, flat_view):
    Returns Jacobian of the log likelihood for each training datum wrt vars
    as a matrix of size N x D
    # select one observed random variable
    obs_var = model.observed_RVs[0]
    # tensor of shape (batch_size,)
    logL = obs_var.logp_elemwiset.sum(axis=tuple(range(1, obs_var.logp_elemwiset.ndim)))
    # calculate fisher information
    terms = []
    for var in vars:
        output, _ = aesara.scan(
            lambda i, logX=logL, v=var: aesara.grad(logX[i], v).flatten(),
    dlogL = aesara.clone_replace(
        at.concatenate(terms, axis=1), flat_view.replacements, strict=False
    return dlogL
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, shapes):

        out_shp = infer_shape(self.local_outputs, self.local_inputs, shapes)

        # Clone the output shape so that shape are computed from outer inputs.
        # Note:
        # Here we can do it more simply like:
        #      ret = [aesara.clone_replace(shp, replace=repl) for shp in out_shp]
        # But  doing it multiple time could duplicate common subgraph between
        # each shape call. Aesara optimizer will clean this up later, but this
        # will ask extra work to the optimizer.
        repl = dict(zip(self.local_inputs, node.inputs))
        cloned = aesara.clone_replace(reduce(tuple.__add__, out_shp),
        ret = []
        used = 0
        for i in range(len(out_shp)):
            nb = len(out_shp[i])
            ret.append(cloned[used:used + nb])
            used += nb

        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 11
def join_nonshared_inputs(xs, vars, shared, make_shared=False):
    Takes a list of aesara Variables and joins their non shared inputs into a single input.

    xs: list of aesara tensors
    vars: list of variables to join

    tensors, inarray
    tensors: list of same tensors but with inarray as input
    inarray: vector of inputs
    if not vars:
        raise ValueError("Empty list of variables.")

    joined = at.concatenate([var.ravel() for var in vars])

    if not make_shared:
        tensor_type = joined.type
        inarray = tensor_type("inarray")
        inarray = aesara.shared(joined.tag.test_value, "inarray")

    ordering = ArrayOrdering(vars)
    inarray.tag.test_value = joined.tag.test_value

    get_var = {var.name: var for var in vars}
    replace = {
        get_var[var]: reshape_t(inarray[slc], shp).astype(dtyp)
        for var, slc, shp, dtyp in ordering.vmap


    xs_special = [aesara.clone_replace(x, replace, strict=False) for x in xs]
    return xs_special, inarray
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _run(self, num_features, num_timesteps, batch_size, mode):
        # determine shapes of inputs and targets depending on the batch size
        if batch_size == 1:
            inputs_size = (num_timesteps, num_features)
            targets_size = (num_timesteps, 1)
            inputs_size = (num_timesteps, batch_size, num_features)
            targets_size = (num_timesteps, batch_size, 1)

        # make inputs and targets shared variables
        inputs = aesara.shared(self.rng.uniform(size=inputs_size).astype(
        targets = aesara.shared(self.rng.uniform(size=targets_size).astype(

        # create symbolic inputs and targets variables
        if batch_size == 1:
            x = matrix("inputs")
            t = matrix("targets")
            x = tensor3("inputs")
            t = tensor3("inputs")
        x.tag.test_value = inputs.get_value(borrow=True)
        t.tag.test_value = targets.get_value(borrow=True)

        # create a set of parameters for a simple RNN
        W_xh = aesara.shared(
            (0.01 * self.rng.uniform(size=(num_features, 10))).astype(
        W_hh = aesara.shared(
            (0.01 * self.rng.uniform(size=(10, 10))).astype(config.floatX),
        W_hy = aesara.shared(
            (0.01 * self.rng.uniform(size=(10, 1))).astype(config.floatX),
        b_h = aesara.shared(np.zeros(10).astype(config.floatX), borrow=True)
        b_y = aesara.shared(np.zeros(1).astype(config.floatX), borrow=True)

        params = [W_xh, W_hh, W_hy, b_h, b_y]

        # recurrent function
        def step(x_t, h_tm1):
            h = tanh(dot(h_tm1, W_hh) + dot(x_t, W_xh) + b_h)
            return h

        # build recurrent graph
        if batch_size == 1:
            h_0 = aet.alloc(0.0, 10).astype(config.floatX)
            h_0 = aet.alloc(0.0, batch_size, 10).astype(config.floatX)
        h, updates = aesara.scan(step, sequences=[x], outputs_info=[h_0])
        # network output
        y = dot(h, W_hy) + b_y

        # Create Gauss-Newton-Matrix object. Not really of any use here, but I
        # need it for Hessian-Free optimization.
        gn = GaussNewtonMatrix(y)

        # compute MSE
        cost = ((t - y)**2).sum(axis=1).mean()

        # Compute the cost at some other point in the parameter
        # space. Not really of any use here, but this is how I do it
        # during certain iterations of CG in the HF algorithm. There,
        # it's in fact `pi + current update proposal`.  For simplicity,
        # I just multiply by 2 here.
        cost_ = aesara.clone_replace(cost,
                                     replace={pi: 2 * pi
                                              for pi in params})

        # Compute Gauss-Newton-Matrix times some vector `v` which is `p` in CG,
        # but for simplicity, I just take the parameters vector because it's
        # already there.
        Gv = gn(v=params, cost=cost, parameters=params, damp=aet.constant(1.0))

        # compile Aesara function
        f = aesara.function([], [cost_] + Gv,
                                x: inputs,
                                t: targets
        # execute
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def forward_pass(self, z0):
     ret = aesara.clone_replace(self.forward, {self.root.z0: z0})
     return ret