def save_movie(lookup, path, genres): try: movie = Movie.get(media_id=lookup.media_id) except Movie.DoesNotExist: movie = Movie.create( media_id=lookup.media_id, title=lookup.title, path=path, year=lookup.year, ) if genres: movie.add_genres(genres) else: assert is not None, "Multiple files for {} ({!r}, {!r}) but not cds".format(lookup.media_id, movie.path, path) movie.path = '|'.join(sorted([movie.path, path]))
def get_movie_or_tv_show(path): try: media = == path).get() except TVShowEpisode.DoesNotExist: media = == path).get() return media
def catalog_videos(database, source, max_lookups): from import MovieLookup from aesop.processor.episode import AnimeLookup, TVShowLookup model, lookup_model = { 'movies': (Movie, MovieLookup), 'tv': (TVShow, TVShowLookup), 'anime': (TVShow, AnimeLookup), }[source.type]"Cataloguing {} videos for {}", source.type, source.path) if model == Movie: query = known_paths = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(m.path.split('|') for m in query)) else: query = known_paths = {m.path for m in query} known_video_types = set(Config.get('processor', 'video types', default='avi, mp4, mkv, ogm').replace(' ', '').split(',')) lookups = [] paths = [] log.debug("Known paths {}", known_paths) removed = 0 for path in set(known_paths): if not os.path.exists(path): known_paths.remove(path)"{} does not exist, removing from database.", path) if model == Movie: Movie.delete().where( (Movie.path == path) | Movie.path.contains(path+'|') | Movie.path.contains('|'+path) ).execute() else: ep = == path).get() show = removed += 1 with database_proxy.transaction(): ep.delete_instance() if not list(show.episodes): show.delete_instance() else: if all([episode.watched for episode in show.episodes]): show.watched = True if show.is_dirty(): start_time = time.time() successes = 0 lookup_failures = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source.path): for path in (os.path.join(root, p) for p in files): if '/.AppleDouble/' in path: log.debug('Skipping {} as it looks like an Apple double.', path) continue if os.path.basename(path).startswith('.'): continue if os.path.splitext(path)[1][1:] not in known_video_types: continue if '/sample/' in path.lower() or os.path.splitext(path)[0].lower().endswith('-sample'): log.debug('Skipping {} as it looks like a sample.', path) continue if path in known_paths: continue with FingersCrossedHandler(default_handler): try: path_lookups = lookup_model.from_path(path) except SkipIt as e: log.error("Skipping path: {} {}", path, str(e)) except Exception as e: lookup_failures += 1 exception = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(e.__class__, e, e.__traceback__)) log.error("Error retrieving information for {}: {}", path, exception) else: lookups.extend(path_lookups) paths.extend([path]*len(path_lookups)) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()"{} lookups to do", len(lookups)) for i in range(0, len(lookups), max_lookups): chunk = lookups[i:i+max_lookups] f = asyncio.gather( *[asyncio.async(c, loop=loop) for c in chunk], loop=loop, return_exceptions=True) completed = loop.run_until_complete(f) with database.transaction(): for path, lookup in zip(paths[i:i+max_lookups], completed): if isinstance(lookup, SkipIt): # logged earlier, no need to log now lookup_failures += 1 elif isinstance(lookup, Exception): lookup_failures += 1 exception = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(lookup.__class__, lookup, lookup.__traceback__)) log.error("Error retrieving information for {}: {}", path, exception) else: genres = [Genre.get_or_create(text=g) for g in lookup.genres] if source.type == 'movies': save_movie(lookup, path, genres) else: save_episode(lookup, path, genres, source.type) successes += 1 end_time = time.time()"Took {:.2f} seconds to do {} lookups", end_time - start_time, len(lookups))"{} lookups failed", lookup_failures) return successes, lookup_failures, removed