Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, crv1, crv2, tol=1.0e-10):
        adp_crv1 = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(crv1)
        adp_crv2 = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(crv2)
        tool = Extrema_ExtCC(adp_crv1.object, adp_crv2.object, tol, tol)

        if not tool.IsDone():
            msg = 'Extrema between two curves failed.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        self._nsol = tool.NbExt()
        self._parallel = tool.IsParallel()
        results = []
        for i in range(1, self._nsol + 1):
            di = sqrt(tool.SquareDistance(i))
            gp_pnt1, gp_pnt2 = tool.Points(i)
            p1 = CheckGeom.to_point(gp_pnt1)
            p2 = CheckGeom.to_point(gp_pnt2)
            results.append((di, p1, p2))

        results.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])

        self._dmin = results[0][0]
        self._dmax = results[-1][0]
        self._dist = [row[0] for row in results]
        self._pnts1 = [row[1] for row in results]
        self._pnts2 = [row[2] for row in results]
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, pnt, crv, tol=1.0e-10):
        adp_crv = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(crv)
        tool = Extrema_ExtPC(pnt, adp_crv.object, tol)

        if not tool.IsDone():
            msg = 'Extrema between point and curve failed.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        self._nsol = tool.NbExt()
        results = []
        for i in range(1, self._nsol + 1):
            di = sqrt(tool.SquareDistance(i))
            ext_pnt = tool.Point(i)
            gp_pnt = ext_pnt.Value()
            ui = ext_pnt.Parameter()
            pi = CheckGeom.to_point(gp_pnt)
            results.append((di, ui, pi))

        results.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])

        self._dmin = results[0][0]
        self._dmax = results[-1][0]
        self._dist = [row[0] for row in results]
        self._prms = [row[1] for row in results]
        self._pnts = [row[2] for row in results]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, pnt, crv, direction=None, update=False):
        super(ProjectPointToCurve, self).__init__()

        pnt = CheckGeom.to_point(pnt)
        direction = CheckGeom.to_direction(direction)
        adp_crv = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(crv)
        self._results = []

        if not direction:
            ext = Extrema_ExtPC(pnt, adp_crv.object)
            npts = ext.NbExt()
            for i in range(1, npts + 1):
                poc = ext.Point(i)
                ui = poc.Parameter()
                pi = adp_crv.eval(ui)
                di = sqrt(ext.SquareDistance(i))
                self._results.append([pi, ui, di])
            # Use minimum distance between line and curve to project point
            # along a direction.
            line = Line.by_direction(pnt, direction)
            adp_crv2 = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(line)
            ext = Extrema_ExtCC(adp_crv.object, adp_crv2.object)
            npts = ext.NbExt()
            for i in range(1, npts + 1):
                poc1, poc2 = Extrema_POnCurv(), Extrema_POnCurv()
                ext.Points(i, poc1, poc2)
                ui = poc1.Parameter()
                pi = adp_crv.eval(ui)
                di = sqrt(ext.SquareDistance(i))
                self._results.append([pi, ui, di])

        # Sort by distance and return.
        if self._results:
            self._results.sort(key=lambda lst: lst[2])

        if update:
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, shape, n, d1=None, d2=None, shape1=None, shape2=None):
        adp_crv = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(shape)

        u1 = adp_crv.u1
        u2 = adp_crv.u2

        # Adjust parameters of start/end shapes are provided
        if isinstance(shape1, Shape):
            u1 = _param_on_adp_crv(adp_crv, shape, shape1)

        if isinstance(shape2, Shape):
            u2 = _param_on_adp_crv(adp_crv, shape, shape2)

        super(PointsAlongShapeByNumber, self).__init__(adp_crv, n, u1, u2, d1,
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _distance_point_to_curve(point, curve):
    Find the minimum distance between a point and a curve.
    # OCC extrema.
    adp_crv = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(curve)
    ext_pc = Extrema_ExtPC(point, adp_crv.object)
    if not ext_pc.IsDone():
        return None

    # Find the minimum result.
    n_ext = ext_pc.NbExt()
    for i in range(1, n_ext + 1):
        if ext_pc.IsMin(i):
            d = ext_pc.SquareDistance(i)
            return sqrt(d)

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _reloft_wing_surface(srf, tol):
    Attempt to reloft an OpenVSP wing surface which was not split to achieve
    higher continuity.
    logger.info('\tAttempting to reloft the surface...')
    # Gather isocurves at each section, tessellate, and approximate
    crvs = []
    for u in srf.uknots:
        c0 = srf.u_iso(u)
        adp_crv = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(c0)
        tool = GCPnts_QuasiUniformDeflection(adp_crv.object, tol)
        if not tool.IsDone():
            logger.info('\tTessellation failed. Using original surface.')
            return srf
        pnts = [c0.eval(tool.Parameter(i)) for i in
                range(1, tool.NbPoints() + 1)]
        c = NurbsCurveByApprox(pnts, tol=tol, continuity=Geometry.C1).curve
    return NurbsSurfaceByInterp(crvs, 1).surface
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, pnt, srf, direction=None, update=False, tol=1.0e-7):
        super(ProjectPointToSurface, self).__init__()

        pnt = CheckGeom.to_point(pnt)
        direction = CheckGeom.to_direction(direction)
        adp_srf = AdaptorSurface.to_adaptor(srf)
        self._results = []

        if not direction:
            ext = Extrema_ExtPS(pnt, adp_srf.object, tol, tol)
            npts = ext.NbExt()
            for i in range(1, npts + 1):
                pos = ext.Point(i)
                ui, vi = pos.Parameter(0., 0.)
                pi = adp_srf.eval(ui, vi)
                di = sqrt(ext.SquareDistance(i))
                self._results.append([pi, (ui, vi), di])
            # Use minimum distance between line and surface to project point
            # along a direction.
            line = Line.by_direction(pnt, direction)
            adp_crv = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(line)
            ext = Extrema_ExtCS(adp_crv.object, adp_srf.object, tol, tol)
            npts = ext.NbExt()
            for i in range(1, npts + 1):
                poc, pos = Extrema_POnCurv(), Extrema_POnSurf()
                ext.Points(i, poc, pos)
                ui, vi = pos.Parameter(0., 0.)
                pi = adp_srf.eval(ui, vi)
                di = sqrt(ext.SquareDistance(i))
                self._results.append([pi, (ui, vi), di])

        # Sort by distance and return.
        if self._results:
            self._results.sort(key=lambda lst: lst[2])

        if update:
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self,
        adp_crv = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(shape)

        u1 = adp_crv.u1
        u2 = adp_crv.u2

        # Adjust parameters of start/end shapes are provided
        if isinstance(shape1, Shape):
            u1 = _param_on_adp_crv(adp_crv, shape, shape1)

        if isinstance(shape2, Shape):
            u2 = _param_on_adp_crv(adp_crv, shape, shape2)

              self).__init__(adp_crv, maxd, ref_pln, u1, u2, d1, d2, nmin)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, shape, ds, tol=1.0e-7):
     adp_crv = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(shape)
     u0 = adp_crv.u1
     super(PointAlongShape, self).__init__(adp_crv, u0, ds, tol)