Ejemplo n.º 1
def show_entry(request, rid, template='afg/entry_page.html', api=False):
        entry = DiaryEntry.objects.get(report_key=rid)
    except DiaryEntry.DoesNotExist:
            entry = DiaryEntry.objects.get(id=int(rid))
        except (ValueError, DiaryEntry.DoesNotExist):
            raise Http404

    phrases = Phrase.objects.filter(entry_count__gt=1, 
            entry_count__lt=10, entries=entry)
# Equivalent query pre-de-normalization:
#    phrases = list(Phrase.objects.raw("""
#            SELECT sub.* FROM
#                (SELECT p.id, p.phrase, COUNT(pe2.diaryentry_id) AS entry_count FROM 
#                afg_phrase_entries pe2, afg_phrase p 
#                INNER JOIN afg_phrase_entries pe1 ON pe1.phrase_id = p.id  
#                WHERE pe1.diaryentry_id=%s AND p.id=pe2.phrase_id
#                GROUP BY p.phrase, p.id) AS sub
#            WHERE entry_count > 1 AND entry_count < 10;
#        """, [entry.id]))

    phrase_ids = [p.id for p in phrases]

    dest_ids = defaultdict(list)
    if phrase_ids:
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        # Using modulus not params here because we need to do funky literalizing of
        # the table
            SELECT pe.phrase_id, d.id FROM afg_phrase_entries pe 
            INNER JOIN afg_diaryentry d ON pe.diaryentry_id=d.id
            WHERE pe.phrase_id IN (SELECT * FROM (VALUES %s) AS phrase_id_set);
            """ % (",".join("(%s)" % i for i in phrase_ids)))
        for row in cursor.fetchall():

    phrase_entries = [(phrase, dest_ids[phrase.id]) for phrase in phrases]

    if api:
        return utils.render_json(request, {
                'entry': entry.to_dict(),
                'phrase_entries': [{
                        'phrase': p.phrase, 
                        'entry_ids': ids,
                     } for p, ids in phrase_entries],

    return utils.render_request(request, template, {
        'entry': entry,
        'phrase_entries': phrase_entries,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def show_entry(request, rid, template='afg/entry_page.html', api=False):
        entry = DiaryEntry.objects.get(report_key=rid)
    except DiaryEntry.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404

    if api:
        return utils.render_json(request, {
                'entry': entry.to_dict(),

    return utils.render_request(request, template, {
        'entry': entry,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def entry_popup(request):
        rids = [r for r in request.GET.get('rids').split(',')]
        clicked = request.GET.get('clicked')
        join_to = request.GET.get('entry')
        texts = [urllib.unquote(t) for t in request.GET.get('texts').split(',')]
    except (KeyError, ValueError):
        raise Http404

    text_mapping = dict(zip(rids, texts))
    entries_mapping = DiaryEntry.objects.in_bulk(rids)
    entries = []
    texts = []
    for k in entries_mapping.keys():

    return utils.render_request(request, "afg/entry_table.html", { 
        'entries': [(entry, _excerpt(entry.summary, [text])) for entry,text in zip(entries, texts)]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def about(request):
    return utils.render_request(request, "about.html")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def search(request, about=False, api=False):
    sqs = SearchQuerySet()
    params = {}

    # Full text search
    q = request.GET.get('q', None)
    if q:
        sqs = sqs.auto_query(q).highlight()
        params['q'] = q

    # prepare fields for faceting; dates are special-cased later.
    summary = None
    date_fields = {}
    for facet in DiaryEntryIndex.search_facet_display:
        field = DiaryEntryIndex.fields[facet]
        if isinstance(field, haystack.fields.DateTimeField):
            date_fields[facet] = field
            sqs = sqs.facet(facet)
    # XXX: Set field-specific range limit for total casualties
    sqs = sqs.raw_params(**{'f.total_casualties_exact.facet.limit': 200})

    # Narrow query set by given facets
    for key,val in request.GET.iteritems():
        if val:
            # Add an "exact" param and split by '__'.  If the field already has
            # e.g. __gte, the __exact addendum is ignored, since we only look
            # at the first two parts.
            field_name, lookup = (key + "__exact").rsplit(r'__')[0:2]
            # "type" is a reserved name for Solr, so munge it to "type_"
            if field_name == "type":
                field_name = "type_"
            field = DiaryEntryIndex.fields.get(field_name, None)
            if field and field.faceted:
                # Dates are handled specially below
                if isinstance(field, haystack.fields.DateTimeField):
                elif isinstance(field, haystack.fields.IntegerField):
                        clean_val = int(val)
                    except ValueError:
                elif isinstance(field, haystack.fields.FloatField):
                        clean_val = float(val)
                    except ValueError:
                    clean_val = sqs.query.clean(val)
                if lookup == 'exact':
                    sqs = sqs.narrow(u'%s:"%s"' % (field.index_fieldname + "_exact", clean_val))
                elif lookup == 'gte':
                    sqs = sqs.narrow(u"%s:[%s TO *]" % (field.index_fieldname, clean_val))
                elif lookup == 'lte':
                    sqs = sqs.narrow(u"%s:[* TO %s]" % (field.index_fieldname, clean_val))
                params[key] = val

    # Narrow query set by given date facets
    for key, field in date_fields.iteritems():
        start_str = request.GET.get(key + '__gte', '')
        end_str = request.GET.get(key + '__lte', '')
        start = None
        end = None
        if start_str:
                start = datetime.datetime(*[int(a) for a in (start_str + '-1-1').split('-')[0:3]])
            except ValueError:
                start = None
        if end_str:
                end = datetime.datetime(*[int(a) for a in ((end_str + '-1-1').split('-')[0:3])])
            except ValueError:
                end = None
        if not start and not end:
            # Legacy (deprecated) date format -- here to preserve old URLs
            day = int(request.GET.get(key + '__day', 0))
            month = int(request.GET.get(key + '__month', 0))
            year = int(request.GET.get(key + '__year', 0))
            if year:
                if month:
                    if day:
                        start = datetime.datetime(year, month, day)
                        end = start + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
                        start = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1)
                        next_month = start + datetime.timedelta(days=31)
                        end = datetime.datetime(next_month.year, next_month.month, 1)
                    start = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1)
                    end = datetime.datetime(year + 1, 1, 1)
        if start:
            sqs = sqs.narrow("%s:[%s TO *]" % (key, start.isoformat() + 'Z'))
            params[key + '__gte'] = start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
            start = DiaryEntryIndex.min_date
        if end:
            sqs = sqs.narrow("%s:[* TO %s]" % (key, end.isoformat() + 'Z'))
            params[key + '__lte'] = end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
            end = DiaryEntryIndex.max_date

        span = max(1, (end - start).days)
        gap = max(1, int(span / 100)) # target 100 facets
        sqs = sqs.date_facet(key, start, end, 'day', gap)

    # sorting
    sort = request.GET.get('sort', '')
    # Legacy sorting
    if request.GET.get('sort_by', ''):
        sort_by = request.GET.get('sort_by', '')
        if sort_by == 'casualties':
            sort_by = 'total_casualties'
        sort_dir = request.GET.get('sort_dir', 'asc')
        direction_indicator = '-' if sort_dir == 'desc' else ''
        sort = direction_indicator + sort_by
    if sort.strip('-') not in DiaryEntryIndex.fields:
        sort = DiaryEntryIndex.offer_to_sort_by[0][1]
    sqs = sqs.order_by(sort)
    params['sort'] = sort

    # Pagination
    p = paginator.Paginator(sqs, 10)
        page = p.page(int(request.GET.get('p', 1)))
    except (ValueError, paginator.InvalidPage, paginator.EmptyPage):
        page = p.page(p.num_pages)

    # Results Summaries and highlighting
    entries = []
    for entry in page.object_list:
        if entry.highlighted:
            excerpt = mark_safe(u"... %s ..." % entry.highlighted['text'][0])
            excerpt = (entry.summary or '')[0:200] + "..."
        entries.append((entry, excerpt))

    # Choices
    counts = sqs.facet_counts()
    choices = utils.OrderedDict()
    for key in DiaryEntryIndex.search_facet_display:
        field = DiaryEntryIndex.fields[key]
        choice = None
        if isinstance(field, haystack.fields.CharField):
            facets = sorted((k, k, c) for k, c in counts['fields'][key] if c > 0)
            if facets:
                choice = {
                    'choices': facets,
                    'type': 'text',
                    'value': params.get(key, ''),
        elif isinstance(field, haystack.fields.IntegerField):
            # Integer choices
            facets = sorted([(int(k), c) for k,c in counts['fields'][key] if c > 0])
            if facets:
                choice = {
                    'type': 'min_max',
                    'counts': [c for k,c in facets],
                    'vals': [k for k,c in facets],
                    'min_value': facets[0][0],
                    'max_value': facets[-1][0],
                    'chosen_min': params.get(key + '__gte', ''),
                    'chosen_max': params.get(key + '__lte', ''),
        elif isinstance(field, haystack.fields.DateTimeField):
            facets = sorted(counts['dates'].get(key, {}).iteritems())
            if facets:
                val_counts = []
                vals = []
                last_dt = None
                for d,c in facets:
                    if c > 0:
                            last_dt = _iso_to_datetime(d)
                        except (TypeError, ValueError):
                if vals and last_dt:
                    max_value = min(
                        last_dt + datetime.timedelta(
                            days=int(re.sub('[^\d]', '', counts['dates'][key]['gap']))
                    choice = {
                        'type': 'date',
                        'counts': val_counts,
                        'vals': vals,
                        'min_value': vals[0],
                        'max_value': vals[-1],
                        'chosen_min': params.get(key + '__gte', ''),
                        'chosen_max': params.get(key + '__lte', ''),
        if choice:
            choice['title'] = fix_constraint_name(key)
            choices[key] = choice

    search_url = reverse('afg.search')

    # Links to remove constraints
    constraints = {}
    exclude = set(('sort',))
    for key in params.keys():
        if key not in exclude:
            value = params.pop(key)
            constraints[key] = {
                'value': value,
                'removelink': "%s?%s" % (search_url, urllib.urlencode(params)),
                'title': fix_constraint_name(key)
            params[key] = value

    # Links to change sorting
    sort_links = []
    current_sort = params.pop('sort')
    current_key = sort.strip('-')
    for display, new_key in DiaryEntryIndex.offer_to_sort_by:
        # Change directions only if it's the same sort key
        if current_key == new_key:
            direction = '' if current_sort[0] == '-' else '-'
            direction = '-' if current_sort[0] == '-' else ''
        params['sort'] = direction + new_key
            'link': "%s?%s" % (search_url, urllib.urlencode(params)), 
            'title': display, 
            'desc': current_sort[0] == '-',
            'current': current_key == new_key,
    params['sort'] = current_sort

    if api:
        remapped_choices = {}
        for choice, opts in choices.iteritems():
            if opts['type'] in ('min_max', 'date'):
                remapped_choices[choice] = opts
                remapped_choices[choice] = {
                    'value': opts['value'],
                    'title': opts['title'],
                    'choices': [],
                for disp, val, count in opts['choices']:
                    if disp or val:
                                'value': val,
                                'display': disp,
                                'count': count,

        return utils.render_json(request, {
            'pagination': {
                'p': page.number,
                'num_pages': page.paginator.num_pages,
                'num_results': page.paginator.count,
            'entries': [{
                    'title': e.title,
                    'date': e.date.isoformat(),
                    'release': e.release,
                    'region': e.region,
                    'report_key': e.report_key,
                    'excerpt': x,
                    'total_casualties': e.total_casualties,
                 } for (e,x) in entries],
            'choices': remapped_choices,
            'sort': params['sort'],
            'params': params,

    return utils.render_request(request, "afg/search.html", {'page': page,
        'about': about,
        'entries': entries,
        'params': request.GET,
        'choices': choices,
        'qstring': '%s?%s' % (search_url, urllib.urlencode(params)),
        'constraints': constraints,
        'sort_links': sort_links,
Ejemplo n.º 6
def api(request):
    return utils.render_request(request, "afg/api.html")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def search(request, about=False, api=False):
    params = {}
    for key in request.GET:
        trans = SEARCH_PARAMS.get(key, None)
        if trans and request.GET[key]:
                params[trans[0]] = trans[1](request.GET[key])
            except ValueError:

    # sorting
    sort_by = request.GET.get('sort_by', 'date')
    sort_dir = request.GET.get('sort_dir', 'asc')
    # special handling of full text search
    q = params.pop('q', None)
    if q:
        qs = DiaryEntry.objects.extra(where=['summary_tsv @@ plainto_tsquery(%s)'], params=[q])
        qs = DiaryEntry.objects.all()
    qs = qs.filter(**params)
    direction_indicator = '-' if sort_dir == 'desc' else ''
    if sort_by in ('date', 'total_casualties'):
        qs = qs.order_by(direction_indicator + sort_by)

    # Restore params now that we've finished filtering on the non-model elements
    if q:
        params['q'] = q
    params['sort_by'] = sort_by
    params['sort_dir'] = sort_dir

    p = paginator.Paginator(qs, 10)
        page = p.page(int(request.GET.get('p', 1)))
    except (ValueError, paginator.InvalidPage, paginator.EmptyPage):
        page = p.page(p.num_pages)

    if q:
        needles = q.split()
        needles = None
    entries = [(entry, _excerpt(entry.summary, needles)) for entry in page.object_list]

    choices = utils.OrderedDict()

    # Date choices
    choices['date__year'] = {
            'title': 'Year',
            'choices': [(d.year, d.year) for d in qs.dates('date', 'year')],
            'value': params.get('date__year', ''),
    if 'date__year' in params or 'date__month' in params:
        choices['date__month'] = {
                'title': 'Month',
                'choices': sorted(set((d.strftime("%B"), d.month) for d in qs.dates('date', 'month'))),
                'value': params.get('date__month', ''),
    if ('date__year' in params and 'date__month' in params) or 'date__day' in params:
        choices['date__day'] = {
                'title': 'Day',
                'choices': [(d.day, d.day) for d in qs.dates('date', 'day')],
                'value': params.get('date__day', ''),

    # General field choices
    for field in ('type', 'region', 'attack_on', 'type_of_unit', 
            'affiliation', 'dcolor', 'classification', 'category'):
        cs = list(q.values()[0] for q in qs.distinct().order_by(field).values(field))
        choices[field] = {
            'title': field.replace('_', ' ').title(), 
            'choices': zip(cs, cs),
            'value': params.get(field, ''),

    min_max_choices = utils.OrderedDict()
    # Integer choices
    for field in ('total_casualties', 'civilian_kia', 'civilian_wia', 'host_nation_kia', 'host_nation_wia', 'friendly_kia', 'friendly_wia', 'enemy_kia', 'enemy_wia', 'enemy_detained'):
            minimum = qs.order_by(field).values(field)[0][field]
            maximum = qs.order_by("-%s" % field).values(field)[0][field]
        except IndexError:
        if minimum == maximum and \
                not params.get(field + '__gte') and \
                not params.get(field + '__lte'):
        min_max_choices[field] = {
                'min': minimum,
                'max': maximum,
                'title': fix_constraint_name(field),
                'min_value': params.get(field + '__gte', ''),
                'max_value': params.get(field + '__lte', ''),

    search_url = reverse('afg.search')

    # Links to remove constraints
    constraints = {}
    exclude = set(('sort_by', 'sort_dir'))
    for field in params.keys():
        if field not in exclude:
            value = params.pop(field)
            constraints[field] = {
                'value': value,
                'removelink': "%s?%s" % (search_url, urllib.urlencode(params)),
                'title': fix_constraint_name(field)
            params[field] = value

    # Links to change sorting
    sort = {}
    for by in ('date', 'total_casualties'):
        sort_by = params.pop('sort_by', 'date')
        sort_dir = params.pop('sort_dir', 'asc')
        params['sort_by'] = by
        if sort_by == by:
            if sort_dir == 'asc':
                params['sort_dir'] = 'desc' 
                sort[by + '_asc'] = True
                sort[by + '_desc'] = True
            params['sort_dir'] = sort_dir
        sort[by] = "%s?%s" % (search_url, urllib.urlencode(params))
        params['sort_by'] = sort_by
        params['sort_dir'] = sort_dir

    if api:
        remapped_choices = {}
        for choice, opts in choices.iteritems():
            remapped_choices[choice] = {
                'value': opts['value'],
                'title': opts['title'],
                'choices': []
            for disp, val in opts['choices']:
                if disp or val:
                            'value': val,
                            'display': disp,

        return utils.render_json(request, {
            'pageination': {
                'p': page.number,
                'num_pages': page.paginator.num_pages,
                'num_results': page.paginator.count,
            'entries': [{
                    'report_key': e.report_key,
                    'excerpt': x
                 } for (e,x) in entries],
            'choices': remapped_choices,
            'min_max_choices': min_max_choices,
            'sort': {
                'sort_by': params['sort_by'],
                'sort_dir': params['sort_dir'],
            'params': params,

    return utils.render_request(request, "afg/search.html", {'page': page,
        'about': about,
        'entries': entries,
        'params': request.GET,
        'choices': choices,
        'min_max_choices': min_max_choices,
        'qstring': '%s?%s' % (search_url, urllib.urlencode(params)),
        'constraints': constraints,
        'sort': sort,
Ejemplo n.º 8
def search(request, about=False):
    params = {}
    for key in request.GET:
        trans = SEARCH_PARAMS.get(key, None)
        if trans and request.GET[key]:
                params[trans[0]] = trans[1](request.GET[key])
            except ValueError:

    # sorting
    sort_by = request.GET.get("sort_by", "date")
    sort_dir = request.GET.get("sort_dir", "asc")
    # special handling of full text search
    q = params.pop("q", None)
    if q:
        qs = DiaryEntry.objects.extra(where=["summary_tsv @@ plainto_tsquery(%s)"], params=[q])
        qs = DiaryEntry.objects.all()
    qs = qs.filter(**params)
    direction_indicator = "-" if sort_dir == "desc" else ""
    if sort_by in ("date", "total_casualties"):
        qs = qs.order_by(direction_indicator + sort_by)

    # Restore params now that we've finished filtering on the non-model elements
    if q:
        params["q"] = q
    params["sort_by"] = sort_by
    params["sort_dir"] = sort_dir

    p = paginator.Paginator(qs, 10)
        page = p.page(int(request.GET.get("p", 1)))
    except (ValueError, paginator.InvalidPage, paginator.EmptyPage):
        page = p.page(p.num_pages)

    if q:
        needles = q.split()
        needles = None
    entries = [(entry, _excerpt(entry.summary, needles)) for entry in page.object_list]

    choices = utils.OrderedDict()

    # Date choices
    choices["date__year"] = {
        "title": "Year",
        "choices": [(d.year, d.year) for d in qs.dates("date", "year")],
        "value": params.get("date__year", ""),
    if "date__year" in params or "date__month" in params:
        choices["date__month"] = {
            "title": "Month",
            "choices": sorted(set((d.strftime("%B"), d.month) for d in qs.dates("date", "month"))),
            "value": params.get("date__month", ""),
    if ("date__year" in params and "date__month" in params) or "date__day" in params:
        choices["date__day"] = {
            "title": "Day",
            "choices": [(d.day, d.day) for d in qs.dates("date", "day")],
            "value": params.get("date__day", ""),

    # General field choices
    for field in ("type", "region", "attack_on", "type_of_unit", "affiliation", "dcolor", "classification", "category"):
        cs = list(q.values()[0] for q in qs.distinct().order_by(field).values(field))
        choices[field] = {
            "title": field.replace("_", " ").title(),
            "choices": zip(cs, cs),
            "value": params.get(field, ""),

    min_max_choices = utils.OrderedDict()
    # Integer choices
    for field in (
            minimum = qs.order_by(field).values(field)[0][field]
            maximum = qs.order_by("-%s" % field).values(field)[0][field]
        except IndexError:
        if minimum == maximum and not params.get(field + "__gte") and not params.get(field + "__lte"):
        min_max_choices[field] = {
            "min": minimum,
            "max": maximum,
            "title": fix_constraint_name(field),
            "min_value": params.get(field + "__gte", ""),
            "max_value": params.get(field + "__lte", ""),

    search_url = reverse("afg.search")

    # Links to remove constraints
    constraints = {}
    exclude = set(("sort_by", "sort_dir"))
    for field in params.keys():
        if field not in exclude:
            value = params.pop(field)
            constraints[field] = {
                "value": value,
                "removelink": "%s?%s" % (search_url, urllib.urlencode(params)),
                "title": fix_constraint_name(field),
            params[field] = value

    # Links to change sorting
    sort = {}
    for by in ("date", "total_casualties"):
        sort_by = params.pop("sort_by", "date")
        sort_dir = params.pop("sort_dir", "asc")
        params["sort_by"] = by
        if sort_by == by:
            if sort_dir == "asc":
                params["sort_dir"] = "desc"
                sort[by + "_asc"] = True
                sort[by + "_desc"] = True
            params["sort_dir"] = sort_dir
        sort[by] = "%s?%s" % (search_url, urllib.urlencode(params))
        params["sort_by"] = sort_by
        params["sort_dir"] = sort_dir

    return utils.render_request(
            "page": page,
            "about": about,
            "entries": entries,
            "params": request.GET,
            "choices": choices,
            "min_max_choices": min_max_choices,
            "qstring": "%s?%s" % (search_url, urllib.urlencode(params)),
            "constraints": constraints,
            "sort": sort,
Ejemplo n.º 9
def index(request):
    return utils.render_request(request, "afg/index.html")