Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _request(self, n, k):
        """Constructs the query string for this :class:`Query` object for the
        specified paging limits and then returns the response from the REST API
        as a python object.

            n (int): page number of the results to return.
            k (int): number of datasets per page.
        if len(self.responses) == 0:
            #We are making the very first request, finalize the query.

        import json
        from six.moves import urllib
        urlopen = urllib.request.urlopen
        url = "{0}{1},{2}".format(server, self.matchbook(),
                                  self._directives(n, k))
        rawresp = urlopen(url).read().decode("utf-8")
            response = json.loads(rawresp)
        except:  # pragma: no cover
            #We can't easily simulate network failure...
            msg.err("{}\n\n{}".format(url, rawresp))

        #If this is the first request, then save the number of results in the
        if len(self.responses) == 0:
            self._N = int(next(iter(response.keys())).split()[-1])
        self.responses[n] = response
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _get_response(url, session=None, page=None):
        Retrieve JSON data from URL with retries.

            url (str): url to retrieve
            session (requests.Session): optional, a Session object to
                perform the request
            page (int): optional, metadata holding the page number of the request.
                Useful when this method is called using a thread pool.

            tuple: if page is specified, (is_ok, response, page), otherwise (is_ok, response),
                where `is_ok` is True if the request completed successfully, False otherwise,
                `response` contains the JSON response or the error information if the request
                was unsuccessful, `page` is the page number metadata.
        if not session:
            session = requests.Session()
            retries = Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=10, status_forcelist=[500], connect=0)
            session.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
            rawresp = session.get(url)
            is_ok = rawresp.ok
            response = rawresp.json()
        except (ReqConnError, RetryError) as ex:     # pragma: no cover
            is_ok = False
            response = ex.args
            _msg.err("{}\n\n{}".format(url, response))

        if page is not None:
            return is_ok, response, page
        return is_ok, response
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _check_input(string):
    """Check if the input string contains invalid string"""
    forbidden_chars = (
    )  # characters that will cause LUX crash
    if any([c in string for c in forbidden_chars]):
            f"Input {string} contains one or more of the forbidden characters: {forbidden_chars}"
        return False
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
def cast(atype, keyword, value):
    """Casts the specified value to a python type, using the AFLOW type as a

    .. note:: Unfortunately, some of the AFLOW type names are not descriptive or
      unique enough to make general rule casting possible. Instead, we have to
      encode some exceptions directly in this module.
        atype (str): name of the AFLOW type.
        keyword (str): name of the keyword that the value is associated with.
        value: object (usually a string) to cast into python types.
    if value is None:
    castmap = {
        "string": str,
        "strings": _strings,
        "number": _number,
        "numbers": _numbers,
        "forces": _forces,
        "kpoints": _kpoints,
        "positions_cartesian": _forces,
        "positions_fractional": _forces,
        "spind": _numbers,
        "stoich": _stoich,
        "ldau_TLUJ": _ldau_TLUJ,
        "None": lambda v: v,
        None: lambda v: v,

        if keyword not in exceptions:
            return castmap[atype](value)
            return castmap[keyword](value)
        msg.err("Cannot cast {}; unknown format.".format(value))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def set_manual_matchbook(self, matchbook):
        """Statelessly set the matchbook string part of the aflow query
        set the self._matchbook to matchbook and make it final
        matchbook should be a string.

        The method does not enforce type check.
        Use it only when the default keyword method messes up
        if not isinstance(matchbook, str):
                (f"Manual input query must be a string, not {type(matchbook)}."
                 "The matchbook is not set"))
            self._matchbook = None
            self._final = False
            return self

        if _check_input(matchbook):
            self._matchbook = matchbook
            self._final = True
            self._matchbook = None

        return self
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def filter(self, keyword):
        """Adds a search term to the current filter list. Calling :meth:`filter`
        multiple times will join the final filters together using logical *and*.

            keyword (aflow.keywords.Keyword): that encapsulates the AFLUX
              request language logic.

        New version: allowing keyword as a single string containing filters

        if self._final_check():
            self._N = None
            if isinstance(keyword, str):  # normal string
                if _check_input(keyword):
            elif hasattr(keyword, "func"):  # Is a sympy symbol
                expr = _expr_to_strings(keyword)
                msg.err(("Query.filter() takes either "
                         "boolean expression or string,"
                         f" not {type(keyword)}"))
        return self