def postprocess(self, kwargs=dict()): # force nfreq=1 self._nfreq = 1 self._background_obj._nfreq = 1 # assemble fiducial+abs abs_bp = self._absrslt.reshape(self._noise_nsamp, self._ntarget, self._estimator.nmode, 1, 1) abs_fid = self._fiducial_bp[:, :, :, 0, 0].reshape(self._fiducial_nsamp, self._ntarget, self._estimator.nmode, 1, 1) # empirical cov xbp = gvec(abs_bp) xfid = gvec(abs_fid) self.covmat = 2. * empcov(xbp) + empcov(xfid) # null noise null_noise = np.zeros((self._ntarget, self._estimator.nmode, 1, 1), dtype=np.float64) if (self._likelihood == 'gauss'): self._engine = gaussfit(np.mean(abs_bp, axis=0), np.mean(abs_fid, axis=0), null_noise, self._covmat, self._background_obj, None, self._solver) elif (self._likelihood == 'hl'): self._engine = hlfit(np.mean(abs_bp, axis=0), np.mean(abs_fid, axis=0), null_noise, self._covmat, self._background_obj, None, self._solver) if (len(self._paramrange)): self._engine.rerange(self._paramrange) rslt = self._paramlist = sorted(self._engine.activelist) return rslt
def lsq(self, predicted): assert (predicted.shape == self._data.shape) diff = gvec(predicted + self._noise - self._data) if (np.isnan(diff).any()): raise ValueError('encounter nan') chi = np.vdot(diff, np.linalg.lstsq(self._covariance, diff, rcond=None)[0]) if np.isnan(chi): return np.nan_to_num(np.inf) return chi
def preprocess(self, aposcale, psbin, lmin=None, lmax=None): """ preprocess routine, converts maps into band-powers. Parameters ---------- aposcale : float Apodization scale in deg. psbin : integer Number of bins, for conducting pseudo-PS estimation. lmin/lmax : integer Lower/Upper multipole limit. """ assert isinstance(aposcale, float) assert isinstance(psbin, int) assert (psbin > 0) assert (aposcale > 0) # STEP I # init PS estimator self.estimator = pstimator(nside=self._nside, mask=self._mask, aposcale=aposcale, psbin=psbin, lmin=lmin, lmax=lmax, targets=self._targets, filt=self._filt) # STEP II # template PS estimations (auto corr. only) if self._template_flag: self.template_bp = dict() for i in range(self._template_nfreq): # allocate for template data_bp = np.zeros((self._ntarget, self._estimator.nmode), dtype=np.float64) noise_bp = np.zeros( (self._noise_nsamp, self._ntarget, self._estimator.nmode), dtype=np.float64) _fi = self._template_freqlist[i] # template workspace twsp = self._estimator.autoWSP(self._templates[_fi], beams=self._template_beams[_fi]) # template auto-corr. stmp = self._estimator.autoBP(self._templates[_fi], wsp=twsp, beams=self._template_beams[_fi]) data_bp = np.array(stmp[1:1 + self._ntarget]) # template noise auto corr. for s in range(self._template_nsamp): ntmp = self._estimator.autoBP( self._template_noises[_fi][s], wsp=twsp, beams=self._template_beams[_fi]) noise_bp[s] = np.array(ntmp[1:1 + self._ntarget]) # mean noise subtraction self._template_bp[_fi] = data_bp - np.mean(noise_bp, axis=0) # STEP III # prepare model, parameter list generated during init models if self._background is not None: self._background_obj = self._background(self._freqlist, self._estimator) if self._foreground is not None: self._foreground_obj = self._foreground(self._freqlist, self._estimator, self._template_bp) # STEP IV-A # data PS estimations (with workspace) # allocate wsp_dict = dict() # data nmt workspace fwsp_dict = dict() # fiducial nmt workspace self.data_bp = np.zeros( (self._ntarget, self._estimator.nmode, self._nfreq, self._nfreq), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(self._nfreq): _fi = self._freqlist[i] # auto corr. wsp_dict[(i, i)] = self._estimator.autoWSP(self._data[_fi], beams=self._beams[_fi]) stmp = self._estimator.autoBP(self._data[_fi], wsp=wsp_dict[(i, i)], beams=self._beams[_fi]) self._data_bp[:, :, i, i] = np.array(stmp[1:1 + self._ntarget]) for j in range(i + 1, self._nfreq): _fj = self._freqlist[j] # cross corr. wsp_dict[(i, j)] = self._estimator.crosWSP( np.r_[self._data[_fi], self._data[_fj]], beams=[self._beams[_fi], self._beams[_fj]]) stmp = self._estimator.crosBP( np.r_[self._data[_fi], self._data[_fj]], wsp=wsp_dict[(i, j)], beams=[self._beams[_fi], self._beams[_fj]]) self._data_bp[:, :, i, j] = np.array(stmp[1:1 + self._ntarget]) self._data_bp[:, :, j, i] = np.array(stmp[1:1 + self._ntarget]) # STEP IV-B # fiducial PS estimation if self._fiducial_flag: # allocate self.fiducial_bp = np.zeros( (self._fiducial_nsamp, self._ntarget, self._estimator.nmode, self._nfreq, self._nfreq), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(self._nfreq): _fi = self._freqlist[i] # auto corr. fwsp_dict[(i, i)] = self._estimator.autoWSP( self._fiducials[_fi][0], beams=self._fiducial_beams[_fi]) for s in range(self._fiducial_nsamp): # auto corr. ftmp = self._estimator.autoBP( self._fiducials[_fi][s], wsp=fwsp_dict[(i, i)], beams=self._fiducial_beams[_fi]) self._fiducial_bp[s, :, :, i, i] = np.array(ftmp[1:1 + self._ntarget]) for j in range(i + 1, self._nfreq): _fj = self._freqlist[j] fwsp_dict[(i, j)] = self._estimator.crosWSP( np.r_[self._fiducials[_fi][0], self._fiducials[_fj][0]], beams=[ self._fiducial_beams[_fi], self._fiducial_beams[_fj] ]) for s in range(self._fiducial_nsamp): # cross corr. ftmp = self._estimator.crosBP( np.r_[self._fiducials[_fi][s], self._fiducials[_fj][s]], wsp=fwsp_dict[(i, j)], beams=[ self._fiducial_beams[_fi], self._fiducial_beams[_fj] ]) self._fiducial_bp[s, :, :, i, j] = np.array( ftmp[1:1 + self._ntarget]) self._fiducial_bp[s, :, :, j, i] = np.array( ftmp[1:1 + self._ntarget]) # STEP IV-C # noise PS estimations if self._noise_flag: # allocate self.noise_bp = np.zeros( (self._noise_nsamp, self._ntarget, self._estimator.nmode, self._nfreq, self._nfreq), dtype=np.float64) for s in range(self._noise_nsamp): for i in range(self._nfreq): _fi = self._freqlist[i] # auto corr. ntmp = self._estimator.autoBP(self._noises[_fi][s], wsp=wsp_dict[(i, i)], beams=self._beams[_fi]) self._noise_bp[s, :, :, i, i] = np.array(ntmp[1:1 + self._ntarget]) for j in range(i + 1, self._nfreq): _fj = self._freqlist[j] # cross corr. ntmp = self._estimator.crosBP( np.r_[self._noises[_fi][s], self._noises[_fj][s]], wsp=wsp_dict[(i, j)], beams=[self._beams[_fi], self._beams[_fj]]) self._noise_bp[s, :, :, i, j] = np.array(ntmp[1:1 + self._ntarget]) self._noise_bp[s, :, :, j, i] = np.array(ntmp[1:1 + self._ntarget]) # STEP V # fiducial+noise PS covariance matrix # fiducial+noise has to be processed in the pixel doamin, in order to yield a proper cov matrix if self._fiducial_flag and self._noise_flag: ncom = min(self._noise_nsamp, self._fiducial_nsamp) # allocate nfid = np.zeros((ncom, self._ntarget, self._estimator.nmode, self._nfreq, self._nfreq), dtype=np.float64) for s in range(ncom): for i in range(self._nfreq): _fi = self._freqlist[i] # auto corr. ntmp = self._estimator.autoBP( self._fiducials[_fi][s] + self._noises[_fi][s], wsp=fwsp_dict[(i, i)], beams=self._fiducial_beams[_fi]) nfid[s, :, :, i, i] = np.array(ntmp[1:1 + self._ntarget]) for j in range(i + 1, self._nfreq): _fj = self._freqlist[j] # cross corr. ntmp = self._estimator.crosBP( np.r_[self._fiducials[_fi][s] + self._noises[_fi][s], self._fiducials[_fj][s] + self._noises[_fj][s]], wsp=fwsp_dict[(i, j)], beams=[ self._fiducial_beams[_fi], self._fiducial_beams[_fj] ]) nfid[s, :, :, i, j] = np.array(ntmp[1:1 + self._ntarget]) nfid[s, :, :, j, i] = np.array(ntmp[1:1 + self._ntarget]) # full cov self.covmat = empcov(gvec(nfid))