Ejemplo n.º 1
def phase_only_gauss_newton(time_bin_indices, time_bin_counts, antenna1,
                            antenna2, jones, vis, flag, model,
                            weight, tol=1e-4, maxiter=100):
    # whiten data
    sqrtweights = np.sqrt(weight)
    vis *= sqrtweights
    model *= sqrtweights[:, :, None]

    eps = 1.0
    k = 0
    while eps > tol and k < maxiter:
        # keep track of old phases
        phases = np.angle(jones)

        # get residual
        residual = residual_vis(time_bin_indices, time_bin_counts, antenna1,
                                antenna2, jones, vis, flag, model)

        # get diag(jhj) and jhr
        jhj, jhr = jhj_and_jhr(time_bin_indices, time_bin_counts, antenna1,
                               antenna2, jones, residual, model, flag)

        # implement update
        phases_new = phases + (jhr/jhj).real
        jones = np.exp(1.0j * phases_new)

        # check convergence/iteration control
        eps = np.abs(phases_new - phases).max()
        k += 1

    return jones, jhj, jhr, k
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_residual_vis_dask(data_factory, corr_shape, jones_shape):
    da = pytest.importorskip("dask.array")
    # simulate noise free data with only DIE's
    n_dir = 3
    n_time = 32
    n_chan = 16
    n_ant = 4
    sigma_n = 0.0
    sigma_f = 0.05
    data_dict = data_factory(sigma_n, sigma_f, n_time, n_chan, n_ant, n_dir,
                             corr_shape, jones_shape)
    vis = data_dict['DATA']
    ant1 = data_dict['ANTENNA1']
    ant2 = data_dict['ANTENNA2']
    model = data_dict['MODEL_DATA']  # what we need to compare to
    jones = data_dict['JONES']
    time = data_dict['TIME']
    flag = data_dict['FLAG']

    # get chunking scheme
    ncpu = 8
    utimes_per_chunk = n_time // ncpu
    row_chunks, time_bin_idx, time_bin_counts = chunkify_rows(
        time, utimes_per_chunk)

    # set up dask arrays
    da_time_bin_idx = da.from_array(time_bin_idx, chunks=(utimes_per_chunk))
    da_time_bin_counts = da.from_array(time_bin_counts,
    da_ant1 = da.from_array(ant1, chunks=row_chunks)
    da_ant2 = da.from_array(ant2, chunks=row_chunks)
    da_vis = da.from_array(vis, chunks=(row_chunks, (n_chan, )) + (corr_shape))
    da_model = da.from_array(model,
                             chunks=(row_chunks, (n_chan, ),
                                     (n_dir, )) + (corr_shape))
    da_jones = da.from_array(jones,
                             chunks=(utimes_per_chunk, n_ant, n_chan, n_dir) +
    da_flag = da.from_array(flag,
                            chunks=(row_chunks, (n_chan, )) + (corr_shape))

    from africanus.calibration.utils import residual_vis as residual_vis_np
    residual = residual_vis_np(time_bin_idx, time_bin_counts, ant1, ant2,
                               jones, vis, flag, model)

    from africanus.calibration.utils.dask import residual_vis
    da_residual = residual_vis(da_time_bin_idx, da_time_bin_counts, da_ant1,
                               da_ant2, da_jones, da_vis, da_flag, da_model)
    residual2 = da_residual.compute()
    assert_array_almost_equal(residual, residual2, decimal=10)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def gauss_newton(time_bin_indices, time_bin_counts, antenna1,
                 antenna2, jones, vis, flag, model,
                 weight, tol=1e-4, maxiter=100):

    # whiten data
    sqrtweights = np.sqrt(weight)
    vis *= sqrtweights
    model *= sqrtweights[:, :, None]

    mode = check_type(jones, vis)

    # can avoid recomputing JHJ in DIAG_DIAG mode
    if mode == DIAG_DIAG:
        jhj = compute_jhj(time_bin_indices, time_bin_counts,
                          antenna1, antenna2, jones, model, flag)
        raise NotImplementedError("Only DIAG_DIAG mode implemented")

    eps = 1.0
    k = 0
    while eps > tol and k < maxiter:
        # keep track of old phases
        phases = np.angle(jones)

        # get residual TODO - we can avoid this in DIE case
        residual = residual_vis(time_bin_indices, time_bin_counts, antenna1,
                                antenna2, jones, vis, flag, model)

        jhr = compute_jhr(time_bin_indices, time_bin_counts,
                          antenna1, antenna2,
                          jones, residual, model, flag)

        # implement update
        phases_new = phases + 0.5 * (jhr/jhj).real
        jones = np.exp(1.0j * phases_new)

        # check convergence/iteration control
        eps = np.abs(phases_new - phases).max()
        k += 1

    return jones, jhj, jhr, k
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_residual_vis():
    Tests subtraction of model by subtracting all but one
    direction from noise free simulated data and comparing
    the output to the unsubtracted direction.
    # simulate noise free data with random DDE's
    n_dir = 3
    sigma_n = 0.0
    sigma_f = 0.05
    data_dict = make_dual_pol_data(sigma_n, n_dir, sigma_f)
    time = data_dict['TIME']
    _, time_bin_indices, _, time_bin_counts = unique_time(time)
    ant1 = data_dict['ANTENNA1']
    ant2 = data_dict['ANTENNA2']
    vis = data_dict['DATA']
    model = data_dict['MODEL_DATA']
    jones = data_dict['JONES']
    flag = data_dict['FLAG']
    # split the model and jones terms
    model_unsubtracted = model[:, :, 0:1]
    model_subtract = model[:, :, 1::]
    jones_unsubtracted = jones[:, :, :, 0:1]
    jones_subtract = jones[:, :, :, 1::]
    # subtract all but one direction
    residual = residual_vis(time_bin_indices, time_bin_counts, ant1, ant2,
                            jones_subtract, vis, flag, model_subtract)
    # apply gains to the unsubtracted direction
    jones_tmp = np.transpose(jones_unsubtracted, [3, 0, 1, 2, 4])
    model_tmp = np.transpose(model_unsubtracted, [2, 0, 1, 3])
    time_index = np.unique(time, return_inverse=True)[1]
    vis_unsubtracted = predict_vis(time_index,
    # residual should now be equal to unsubtracted vis
    assert_array_almost_equal(residual, vis_unsubtracted, decimal=5)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_residual_vis(data_factory, corr_shape, jones_shape):
    Tests subtraction of model by subtracting all but one
    direction from noise free simulated data and comparing
    the output to the unsubtracted direction.
    from africanus.calibration.utils import residual_vis, corrupt_vis
    # simulate noise free data with random DDE's
    n_dir = 3
    n_time = 32
    n_chan = 16
    n_ant = 7
    sigma_n = 0.0
    sigma_f = 0.05
    data_dict = data_factory(sigma_n, sigma_f, n_time, n_chan, n_ant, n_dir,
                             corr_shape, jones_shape)
    time = data_dict['TIME']
    _, time_bin_indices, _, time_bin_counts = unique_time(time)
    ant1 = data_dict['ANTENNA1']
    ant2 = data_dict['ANTENNA2']
    vis = data_dict['DATA']
    model = data_dict['MODEL_DATA']
    jones = data_dict['JONES']
    flag = data_dict['FLAG']
    # split the model and jones terms
    model_unsubtracted = model[:, :, 0:1]
    model_subtract = model[:, :, 1::]
    jones_unsubtracted = jones[:, :, :, 0:1]
    jones_subtract = jones[:, :, :, 1::]
    # subtract all but one direction
    residual = residual_vis(time_bin_indices, time_bin_counts, ant1, ant2,
                            jones_subtract, vis, flag, model_subtract)
    # apply gains to the unsubtracted direction
    vis_unsubtracted = corrupt_vis(time_bin_indices, time_bin_counts, ant1,
                                   ant2, jones_unsubtracted,
    # residual should now be equal to unsubtracted vis
    assert_array_almost_equal(residual, vis_unsubtracted, decimal=10)