Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get_object(self, obj_or_param) :
     return an object, regardless of what was the input (object or unique parameters)
     unique paramter is name_or_id (either volume name or volume id)
     if isinstance(obj_or_param, Volume) :
          this_Volume = obj_or_param
     else : 
          this_Volume = Volume()
          if misc.is_name(obj_or_param) :
              this_Volume.name = obj_or_param
          else :
              this_Volume.vid = obj_or_param
     return this_Volume
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_hostname_by_fsuuid(self, uuid, _user = "", cached = True) :
        returns hostname of a fileserver by uuid
        self._logger.debug("called with %s, cached=%s" % (uuid, cached))
        if cached :
            # local Cache first
            for hostname in self.memory_cache["fsuuids"] :
                if not is_name(hostname) : 
                if self.memory_cache["fsuuids"][hostname] == uuid :
                    self._logger.debug("returning from local cache: %s" % \
                    return hostname
            # then DB 
            if self._config.DB_CACHE:
                from afs.util.DBManager import DBManager
                from afs.model.FileServer import FileServer
                this_dbmanager = DBManager(self._config)
                fileserver = this_dbmanager.get_from_cache(FileServer, \
                    uuid = uuid)
                self._logger.debug("looking up hostname in db_cache " + \
                   "for uuid=%s" % uuid)
                if fileserver != None :
                    self.memory_cache["fsuuids"][fileserver.servernames[0]] = \
                    return fileserver.servernames[0]

        # not found in local cache and not in DB Cache, or cacheing disabled.
        # get it from live-system
        from afs.lla.VLDBLLA import VLDBLLA
        _vl_lla = VLDBLLA()
        name_or_ip = None
        for fileserver in _vl_lla.getFsServList(\
            _cfg = self._config, _user="" ) :
            if fileserver['uuid'] == uuid :
                name_or_ip = fileserver['name_or_ip']
        if name_or_ip == None :
            raise LookupUtilError("No Server with uuid=%s " + \
                "registered in live-system" % uuid)
        # store it in memory_cache 
        self._logger.debug("get_hostname_by_fsuuid: got " + \
            " name_or_ip = %s from live-system" % name_or_ip)
        name_or_ip = self.get_dns_info(name_or_ip)["names"][0]
        self.memory_cache["fsuuids"][name_or_ip] = uuid                  
        self._logger.debug("returning: %s" % name_or_ip)
        return name_or_ip
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_dns_info(self, name_or_ip) :
        get DNS-info about server
        returns dict{"names" : [], "ipaddrs" : []}
        self._logger.debug("get_dns_info: entering with name_or_ip=%s" % \
        if not is_name(name_or_ip) : # check for matching ipaddress
            for hostname in afs.CONFIG.hosts :
                if name_or_ip in afs.CONFIG.hosts[hostname] :
                    self._logger.debug("%s is hard-mapped to (%s,%s)" % \
                        (name_or_ip, [hostname,],afs.CONFIG.hosts[hostname]))
                    self._logger.debug("returning %s" % ({ "names" : [hostname, ], \
                             "ipaddrs" : afs.CONFIG.hosts[hostname] }) )
                    return { "names" : [hostname, ], \
                             "ipaddrs" : afs.CONFIG.hosts[hostname] }

        # is a hostname
        # hard-mapped, primary Hostname given 
        if name_or_ip in afs.CONFIG.hosts.keys() :
            self._logger.debug("%s is hard-mapped to (%s,%s)" % ( name_or_ip, \
                [name_or_ip, ], afs.CONFIG.hosts[name_or_ip]))
            self._logger.debug("returning %s" % ({"names" : [name_or_ip,], "ipaddrs" : \
                afs.CONFIG.hosts[name_or_ip] }) )
            return {"names" : [name_or_ip,], "ipaddrs" : \
                afs.CONFIG.hosts[name_or_ip] }

        # memory_cache 
        if name_or_ip in self.memory_cache["dns_info"] :
            self._logger.debug("%s in localcache hard-mapped (%s)" % \
                (name_or_ip,self.memory_cache["dns_info"][name_or_ip] ))
            self._logger.debug("returning %s" % (self.memory_cache["dns_info"][name_or_ip]))
            return self.memory_cache["dns_info"][name_or_ip]
        for srv in self.memory_cache["dns_info"] :
            if name_or_ip in self.memory_cache["dns_info"][srv]["names"] :
                self._logger.debug("%s is hard-mapped to %s" % (name_or_ip, \
                    self.memory_cache["dns_info"][srv] ))
                self._logger.debug("returning %s" % (self.memory_cache["dns_info"][srv]) )
                return self.memory_cache["dns_info"][srv]

        # lookup from OS
        try : 
            dns_info = socket.gethostbyaddr(name_or_ip)
            servernames = [dns_info[0]] + dns_info[1]
            ipaddrs = dns_info[2]
        except socket.gaierror :
            if is_name(name_or_ip) :
                raise LookupUtilError("Cannot resolve %s" % name_or_ip)
            else :
                self._logger.warn("Cannot resolve %s" % name_or_ip)
                self._logger.debug("returning %s" % ({"names": [], "ipaddrs" : [name_or_ip,]}) )
                return {"names": [], "ipaddrs" : [name_or_ip,]}

        self._logger.debug("%s resolves to %s" % (name_or_ip, dns_info)) 
        # check if resolved ip-address matches (if hostalias was used)
        for hostname in afs.CONFIG.hosts :
            for ipaddr in ipaddrs :
                # ignore IP if we're asked to do so.
                if ipaddr in afs.CONFIG.ignoreIPList : continue
                if ipaddr in afs.CONFIG.hosts[hostname] :
                    self._logger.debug("%s is hard-mapped to (%s,%s)" % \
                        (ipaddrs, [hostname,],afs.CONFIG.hosts[hostname]))
                    # add this hostalias to list in memory_cache
                    if self.memory_cache["dns_info"].has_key(hostname) :
                        self.memory_cache["dns_info"][hostname]["names"] = \
                            [hostname, ]
                        self.memory_cache["dns_info"][hostname]["ipaddrs"] = \
                    else :
                        self.memory_cache["dns_info"][hostname] = { \
                            "names" : [hostname,], \
                            "ipaddrs" : afs.CONFIG.hosts[hostname]}
                    self._logger.debug("memory_cache = %s" % \
                    ipaddrs = []
                    self._logger.debug("returning %s" % ({ "names" : [hostname], "ipaddrs" : \
                        afs.CONFIG.hosts[hostname] }) )
                    return { "names" : [hostname], "ipaddrs" : \
                        afs.CONFIG.hosts[hostname] }

        if "nxdomain" in servernames[0] : 
            raise LookupUtilError("cannot resolve DNS-entry %s" % name_or_ip)
        # fill up localcache
        self.memory_cache["dns_info"][servernames[0]] = { \
            "names" : servernames, "ipaddrs" : ipaddrs }
        self._logger.debug("memory_cache = %s" % (self.memory_cache))
        self._logger.debug("returning %s" % ({"names": servernames, "ipaddrs" : ipaddrs}) )
        return {"names": servernames, "ipaddrs" : ipaddrs}