Ejemplo n.º 1
            matches.append([int(n0.value), eid0.value])

        n0 = row[5]
        eid0 = row[7]
        cell_type_str = ctype_text.get(n0.ctype, "unknown type")
        if cell_type_str == "number":
            matches.append([int(n0.value), eid0.value])

    # Connect to AgBase
    ab = AgBase()
    user = ab.connect(args.user, args.passwd, args.server)
    if user is None:
        print ("ERROR: Login failed.")

    agFarm = FarmAPI(ab)
    # Find farm ID
    farm = agFarm.get_farm_by_name(user, args.farm)
    if farm is None:
        print ("ERROR: No such farm: %s" % args.farm)

    agAnimal = AnimalAPI(ab)
    agMeasurement = MeasurementAPI(ab)
    # Merge animals
    for m in matches:
        # Now match up the EID-VID pair
        vid, eid = m
        eid_vid_merge(vid, eid)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class getConditionScores:
    def __init__(self):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument('--user', required=True, help="AgBase Username")
        parser.add_argument('--password', required=True, help="AgBase Password")
        #parser.add_argument('--firstDate', required=True, help="First date of the measurements you wish to upload (YYYY/MM/DD)")
        #parser.add_argument('--lastDate', required=True, help="Last date of the measurements you wish to upload (YYYY/MM/DD)")
        parser.add_argument('--server', required=True, help="AgBase Server")
        args = parser.parse_args() 
        self.agbase = AgBase()
        self.algorithm = AlgorithmAPI(self.agbase)
        self.animal = AnimalAPI(self.agbase)
        self.farm = FarmAPI(self.agbase)
        self.herd = HerdAPI(self.agbase)
        self.measurement = MeasurementAPI(self.agbase)
        self.measurement_category = MeasurementCategoryAPI(self.agbase)
        self.user = self.agbase.connect(args.user, args.password , args.server)
        #self.first_date = self.getDate(args.firstDate)
        #self.last_date = self.getDate(args.lastDate)

    def getScores(self):
        self.alg = self.algorithm.get_algorithm("DairyNZ BCS")        
        self.frm = self.farm.get_farm_by_name(self.user,"Demo Farm")
        animalList = []
        moreAnimals = True
        offset = 0
        limit = 500
        while moreAnimals is True: # amimals # more comlicated because there are more then the 1024 limit
            tempAnimalList = self.animal.get_animals(self.frm, None, limit, offset)
            if(len(tempAnimalList) != (limit+offset)):
                moreAnimals = False
            offset += limit    
            for animal in tempAnimalList:
        measurementList = {}  # holds all of the measurements indexed by eid
        length = len(animalList)
        count = 0
        for animal in animalList: # goes through the animal list and sends a query to the datebase
            print "Animal {}/{}".format(count, length)
            count += 1
            measurementList[animal.eid] = self.measurement.get_measurements_for_animal(animal,self.alg)
        count = 0
        for animal in animalList:
            print "Animal {}/{}".format(count, length)
            count += 1
            for measurement in measurementList[animal.eid]:
                print "eid: {}, condition score:  {}, timestamp: {}".format(animal.eid,measurement.w50,measurement.time_stamp)

    def getDate(self, raw_date):
        date_parts = raw_date.split('/',2)
        if(len(date_parts) == 3):
            date = datetime.date(int(date_parts[0]),int(date_parts[1]),int(date_parts[2]))
            print 'date: ', date
            return int((date-datetime.date(1970,1,1)).total_seconds() * 1000)
        return None