Ejemplo n.º 1
    def check(self, textkey, data, config={}):
        if textkey == 'cpu_temp':
            cpu_temp = 0
            runs = 0
            raw_temp = ''
            while cpu_temp == 0 and runs < 3:
                ret, raw_temp = agent_util.execute_command(
                    "cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp")
                t1 = float(raw_temp) / 1000
                t2 = float(raw_temp) / 100
                cpu_temp = float(t2 % t1)
                runs += 1
                self.log.error("Raw: %s - Measured: %s" %
                               (raw_temp.strip(), cpu_temp))
                if cpu_temp == 0:
                        "CPU temp of '%s' doesn't seem right. Measuring again..."
                        % raw_temp.strip())

            if runs >= 3:
                    "Invalid CPU temp of '%s'. Retried 3 times and got same result!"
                    % raw_temp.strip())

            return float("%.1f" % cpu_temp)

        if textkey == 'gpu_temp':
            ret, raw_temp = agent_util.execute_command(
                "/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp")
            gpu_temp = raw_temp.replace("temp=", "")
            gpu_temp = gpu_temp.replace("'C", "")
            return float(gpu_temp)

        return 1337
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_metadata(self, config):
        status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
        msg = None

        iostat_bin = agent_util.which("iostat")
        if not iostat_bin:
            self.log.info("iostat not found")
            status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED
            msg = "Install iostat."
            return {}

        # get our devices to monitor
        devices = []

        if 'freebsd' in platform:
            ret_code, output = agent_util.execute_command("%s -dx" % iostat_bin)
            output = output.splitlines()
            if config.get("debug", False):
                self.log.debug("IO stats command '%s -dx' output:" % iostat_bin)
            for line in output[2:]:
                try: dev, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8 = line.strip().split()
                except: continue

                dev = dev.strip()

            ret_code, output = agent_util.execute_command("%s -d" % iostat_bin)
            output = output.splitlines()
            if config.get("debug", False):
                self.log.debug("IO stats command '%s -d' output:" % iostat_bin)

            for line in output[3:]:
                try: dev, tps, blk_reads, blk_writes, blk_read, blk_write = line.strip().split()
                except: continue

                dev = dev.strip()

        # no devices?  no resources to monitor then
        if not devices:
            status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED
            msg = "No devices found from iostat."

        data = {
            "stats.util": {
                "label": "Percentage of CPU time during which I/O requests were issued to the device",
                "options": devices,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg
        return data
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def check(self, textkey, data, config):
        ret, blocked = agent_util.execute_command("1m=$(date \"+%b %e\");cat /var/log/pihole.log | awk  '/\/etc\/pihole\/gravity.list/ {print $6}' | wc -l")
        ret, queries = agent_util.execute_command("today=$(date \"+%b %e\");cat /var/log/pihole.log | awk '/query/ {print $6}' | wc -l")
        # Should really make this a bit faster/leaner but this is pretty fast and uncomplicated.
        if textkey == 'blocked.today':
            return float(blocked)

        if textkey == 'ad_traffic.today':
            return ((float(blocked) / float(queries)) * 100.0)

        if textkey == 'dns_queries.today':
            return float(queries)

        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def execute_query(sid, config, query):
    "Run an Oracle query via sqlplus and parse the results"

    # Generate a temporary file for the query script
    (file, filename) = tempfile.mkstemp()
    orig_filename = filename
    filename += ".sql"
    f = open(filename, "w")
    f.write("set pages 1000;\n %s\nquit;" % query)

    # Build the SQL*PLUS command and call it
    cmd = "ORACLE_HOME=%s ORACLE_SID=%s " % (config["oracle_home"], sid)
    cmd += os.path.join(config.get("oracle_home"), "bin", "sqlplus")
    cmd += " -S %s/%s @%s" % (config["username"], config["password"], filename)
    status, output = agent_util.execute_command(cmd)

    # Remove our temporary file

    # Parse the output
    results = []
    lines = output.strip().split("\n")
    columns = lines[0].lower().split()
    for line in lines[2:]:
        line = line.strip()
        if not line:
        if line.endswith("rows selected."):
        values = line.split()
        results.append(dict(zip(columns, values)))

    return results
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def check(self, textkey, dev_mount, config):
        dev_mount = dev_mount.split()
        device = dev_mount[0]
        mounted = dev_mount[-1]

        ret_code, output = agent_util.execute_command(get_df_cmd())
        self.log.debug("df output: %s" % str(output))
        output = output.splitlines()

        for line in output[1:]:
            if line.startswith('Filesystem'): continue
            line = line.strip()

            try: df_device, blocks, used, available, capacity, df_mounted = line.split()
                self.log.error("Unable to parse df output: %s" % line)

            if device in [df_device, df_mounted] or mounted in [df_device, df_mounted]:
                if textkey == "usage.percent_used": return int(capacity.rstrip('%'))
                elif textkey == "usage.kb_available": return int(available)
                elif textkey == "filesystem.mounted": return True

        if textkey == "filesystem.mounted": return False
        else: raise Exception("device %r not found" % device)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_metadata(self, config):
        status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
        msg = None

        # check for tomcat configuration block
        if ("username" not in config or "console_url" not in config or "password" not in config):
            self.log.info("tomcat is not configured")
            status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED
            msg = "tomcat is not configured properly"
            return {}

        # check if tomcat is even installed or running
        ret, output = agent_util.execute_command('wget -qO- %s' % config['console_url'])
        if config.get("debug", False):
            self.log.debug("Tomcat command 'wget -qO- %s' output:" % config['console_url'])
        if ret != 0:
            self.log.info("tomcat is not running or installed")
            status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
            msg = "tomcat not found"
            return {}
        data = {}
        for metric, properties in get_all_data(config).items():
            data[metric] = {
                "label": metric,
                "options": sorted(properties["options"].keys()),
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": properties["unit"] or None
        return data
Ejemplo n.º 7
def execute_query(config, query):
    username = config['username'].strip()
    password = config["password"].strip()
    url = config['console_url']
    queryType = 'wget -qO-'
    query = query % (queryType, url, username, password)
    ret, output = agent_util.execute_command(query)
    return str(output)    
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def check(self, textkey, data, config={}):
        exim_bin = agent_util.which("exim", exc=True)
        retcode, output = agent_util.execute_command("%s -bpc" % exim_bin)
        self.log.debug("exim -bpc output: %s" % str(output))
        output = output.splitlines()
        fields = output[0].split()

        return int(fields[0])
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def check(self, textkey, data, config):

        if textkey.startswith("resource."):
            sid = data
            junk, metric, kind = textkey.split(".")
            metric_mapping = {
                "process": "processes",
                "session": "sessions",
                "enqueue_lock": "enqueue_locks",
                "enqueue_resource": "enqueue_resources",
                "ges_lock": "ges_locks",
                "ges_proc": "ges_procs",
                "ges_resource": "ges_ress",
                "max_shared_servers": "max_shared_servers",
                "transactions": "transactions",

            results = execute_query(sid, config, resource_query)
            for r in results:
                if r["resource_name"] == metric_mapping.get(metric, None):
                    if kind == "current":
                        return int(r["current_utilization"])
                    elif kind == "max":
                        return int(r["max_utilization"])

        elif textkey.startswith("tablespace"):
            sid, tablespace = data.split(":")
            results = execute_query(sid, config, tablespace_query)
            for r in results:
                if r["tablespace_name"] == tablespace:
                    if textkey.endswith(".size"):
                        return float(r["sizemb"])
                    elif textkey.endswith(".free"):
                        return float(r["freemb"])
                    elif textkey.endswith(".percent_free"):
                        if float(r["sizemb"]) == 0:
                            return 0.0
                            return float(r["freemb"]) * 100.0 / float(r["sizemb"])

            # If we got here, the target tablespace wasn't found
            return 0

        elif textkey == "tnslistener":
            sid = data
            ip_address = config.get("tns_listener_ip", "")
            cmd = "ORACLE_HOME=%s ORACLE_SID=%s " % (config["oracle_home"], sid)
            cmd += "%s %s" % (os.path.join(config.get("oracle_home"), "bin", "tnsping"), ip_address)
            status, output = agent_util.execute_command(cmd)
            if "OK" in output:
                return 1
                return 0

            # Unknown metric type, return 0 by default
            return 0
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def check(self, textkey, data, config):
        ret, blocked = agent_util.execute_command(
            "1m=$(date \"+%b %e\");cat /var/log/pihole.log | awk  '/\/etc\/pihole\/gravity.list/ {print $6}' | wc -l"
        ret, queries = agent_util.execute_command(
            "today=$(date \"+%b %e\");cat /var/log/pihole.log | awk '/query/ {print $6}' | wc -l"
        # Should really make this a bit faster/leaner but this is pretty fast and uncomplicated.
        if textkey == 'blocked.today':
            return float(blocked)

        if textkey == 'ad_traffic.today':
            return ((float(blocked) / float(queries)) * 100.0)

        if textkey == 'dns_queries.today':
            return float(queries)

        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def check(self, textkey, data, config):
        query = ''
        if (textkey == 'users.unique_login_count'):
            query = 'who | wc -l'

        if (textkey == 'users.total_login_count'):
            query = 'who |cut -c 1-9 |sort -u |wc -l'

        ret, output = agent_util.execute_command('%s' % query)
        return int(output)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_sysctl_dict():
    status, output = agent_util.execute_command("/sbin/sysctl -a")
    if status != 0: raise Exception(output)
    metadata = {}
    for item in output.splitlines():
        m = item.split(" = ")
            metadata[m[0]] = int(m[-1].strip())
    return metadata
Ejemplo n.º 13
def execute_query(config, query):
    cmd = agent_util.which("psql", exc=True)
    if "username" in config: cmd += " -U %s" % config["username"]    
    cmd += " -d %s" % config.get("database", "postgres").strip()
    cmd += (" -c %r" % query)
    cmd = 'su - %s -c "%s"' % (config.get("username", "postgres"), cmd)
    if "password" in config and config["password"].strip():
        cmd = "PGPASSWORD=%s %s" % (config["password"].strip(), cmd)
    status, output = agent_util.execute_command(cmd)
    if status != 0: raise Exception(output)

    output = agent_util.StringIO(output)
    parsed_output = list(csv.reader(output, delimiter="|"))
    return parsed_output
Ejemplo n.º 14
def execute_query(config, query):
    cmd = agent_util.which("mysql", exc=True)
    if "username" in config: cmd += " -u %s" % config["username"]
    if "password" in config and config["password"].strip():
        cmd += " -p%s" % config["password"].strip()
    cmd += (" -Be %r" % str(query))
    if "database" in config:
        cmd += " %s" % config["database"].strip()
    status, output = agent_util.execute_command(cmd)
    if status != 0: raise Exception(output)

    output = agent_util.StringIO(output)
    parsed_output = list(csv.reader(output, delimiter="\t"))
    return parsed_output
 def check(self, textkey, option, config):
     cmd = 'tail -25 /var/log/logstash-forwarder/logstash-forwarder.err'
     retcode, output = agent_util.execute_command(cmd)
     logs_per_min = 0
     last_minute = output.strip().split('\n')
     for item in last_minute:
         if 'processing' in item:
             line = item.split()
             time = ' '.join(line[0:2])
             parts = time.split('.')
             time = datetime.strptime(parts[0], "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
             time = time.replace(microsecond=int(parts[1]))
             if (datetime.now() - timedelta(seconds=60)) > time: continue
             else: logs_per_min = logs_per_min + int(line[-2])
         else: continue
     return logs_per_min
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def check(self, textkey, option, config):
     cmd = 'tail -25 /var/log/logstash-forwarder/logstash-forwarder.err'
     retcode, output = agent_util.execute_command(cmd)
     logs_per_min = 0
     last_minute = output.strip().split('\n')
     for item in last_minute:
         if 'processing' in item:
             line = item.split()
             time = ' '.join(line[0:2])
             parts = time.split('.')
             time = datetime.strptime(parts[0], "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
             time = time.replace(microsecond=int(parts[1]))
             if (datetime.now() - timedelta(seconds=60)) > time: continue
             else: logs_per_min = logs_per_min + int(line[-2])
         else: continue
     return logs_per_min
Ejemplo n.º 17
def execute_query(query, config):
    mongo = agent_util.which("mongo", exc=True)

    query = "printjson(%s)" % query
    cmd = "%s --eval %r" % (mongo, query)

    if "username" in config: cmd += " -u %s" % config["username"]
    if "password" in config and config["password"].strip():
        cmd += " -p%s" % config["password"].strip()

    status, output = agent_util.execute_command(cmd)
    if status != 0: raise Exception(output)

    result = "\n".join(output.split("\n")[2:])
    result = re.sub("Timestamp\((.*?), (.*?)\)", r'{"__timestamp__": {"t": \1, "i": \2}}', result)
    result = re.sub("ISODate\((.*?)\)", r'{"__datetime__": \1}', result)

    result = json.loads(result, object_hook=custom_json_converter)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def get_metadata(self, config):
        status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
        msg = None

        # check if oracle weblogic is installed, running, and on path      
        set_env_command = ("source %s; " % os.path.join(config['wl_home'], "server/bin/setWLSEnv.sh")) if 'wl_home' in config else ""
        installed = agent_util.which("java") and agent_util.execute_command(set_env_command + "java weblogic.Admin")
        if not installed:
            self.log.info("oracle weblogic not installed or not on path")
            status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
            msg = "oracle weblogic not installed or not on path"
            return {}

        if not ("wl_home" in config and "username" in config and "password" in config):
            self.log.info("Weblogic configuration parameters missing")
            return {}

        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(config['wl_home'], "server/bin/setWLSEnv.sh")):
            self.log.info("Weblogic setWLSEnv.sh script not found")
            return {}

        if status is agent_util.SUPPORTED:
            try: output = get_metric(config, "ApplicationRuntime")
                self.log.exception("error getting weblogic metric")
                status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED
                msg = "Double check your Weblogic login username and password as well as wl_home."
        data = {}
        for type, vals in metrics.items():
            try: output = get_metric(config, vals["type"])
            except: continue
            for property, meta in vals["metrics"].items():
                textkey = "%s.%s" % (type, property)
                data[textkey] = {
                    "label": meta["label"],
                    "options": meta.get('options', None),
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg
                if "unit" in meta: data[textkey]["unit"] = meta["unit"]
        return data
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_metric(config, type, property=None):
    if 'wl_home' in config:
        set_env_command = ("source %s; " % os.path.join(config['wl_home'], "server/bin/setWLSEnv.sh")) 
        set_env_command = ""
    cmd = set_env_command + "java weblogic.Admin"
    if "username" in config: cmd += " -username %s" % config["username"]
    if "password" in config and config["password"].strip(): cmd += " -password %s" % config["password"].strip()
    cmd += " GET -pretty -type %s" % type
    if property: cmd += " -property %s" % property
    status, output = agent_util.execute_command(cmd)    
    if status != 0: raise Exception(output)
    output = output.strip().split("\n")[-1]
    if not property:
        if output == "No MBeans found": raise Exception(output)
        else: return output
        parsed_output = output[output.index(":") + 1:].strip()
        return parsed_output
Ejemplo n.º 20
def get_cpu_metrics(cls):
    retcode, output = agent_util.execute_command("cat /proc/stat")
    cls.log.debug("cat /proc/stat output: %s" % str(output))
    output = output.splitlines()
    cpus = {}
    for line in output:
        if not line.startswith("cpu"): continue
        parts = filter(lambda p: p, line.split(" "))
        core = parts[0]
        if core == "cpu": core = "Total"
        user, nice, system, idle, iowait, irq, softirq = map(int, parts[1:8])
        cpus[core] = {
            "user": user,
            "nice": nice,
            "system": system,
            "idle": idle,
            "iowait": iowait,
            "irq": irq,
            "softirq": softirq
    return cpus
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def check(self, textkey, device, config):
        iostat_bin = agent_util.which("iostat")
        ret, output = agent_util.execute_command("%s -dx %s 1 2" % (iostat_bin, device))
        if config.get("debug", False):
            self.log.debug("IO stats command '%s -dx %s 1 2' output:" % (iostat_bin, device))

        self.log.debug("iostat -dx output: %s" % str(output))

        if 'freebsd' in platform:
            output = output.splitlines()
            output = output[3].strip().split()
            util = float(output[7].strip())

            output = output.splitlines()
            output = output[6].strip().split()
            util = float(output[11].strip())

        return util
Ejemplo n.º 22
def execute_query(config, query, data=None):
    if "username" in config:
        username = config['username'] + ':' 
        username = ''
    if ("password" in config and config["password"].strip()):
        password = config["password"].strip() + '@' 
        password = ''
    url = config['console_url'].replace('://', '://' + username + password)

    if (check_for_curl_installation()):
        queryType = 'curl --digest --silent'
        queryType = 'wget -qO-'

    if (data != None):
        query = query % (queryType, url, data)
        query = query % (queryType, url)

    ret, output = agent_util.execute_command(query)
    return str(output);
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def get_metadata(self, config):
        if 'freebsd' in sys.platform:
            status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
            msg = None

            if not agent_util.which("sysctl"):
                self.log.info("sysctl binary not found")
                status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
                msg = "sysctl binary not found"
                return {}

            if status is agent_util.SUPPORTED:
                ret, output = agent_util.execute_command("sysctl -a")
                if config.get("debug", False):
                    self.log.debug("Memory Usage command 'sysctl -a' output:")
                if ret != 0 or not output:
                    status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
                    msg = "error executing 'sysctl -a'"

                if status is agent_util.SUPPORTED:
                    d = self._parse_sysctl(output)

                    required_keys = (

                    # here we're making sure the set of all the keys we need
                    # are in the set of all keys (subset)
                    if not set(d.keys()).issubset(set(required_keys)):
                        status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
                        msg = "could not find all the required sysctl keys"

            data = {
                "ram.percent": {
                    "label": "RAM percent usage",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "percent"
                "ram.kb_used": {
                    "label": "RAM used (kB)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "kB"
                "ram.kb_buffer": {
                    "label": "RAM buffer (kB)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "kB"
                "ram.kb_active": {
                    "label": "RAM active (kB)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "kB"
                "ram.kb_inactive": {
                    "label": "RAM inactive (kB)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "kB"
                "ram.kb_cached": {
                    "label": "RAM cached (kB)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "kB"
            return data

        elif 'aix' in sys.platform:
            status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
            msg = None
            data = {
                "ram.percent": {
                    "label": "RAM percent usage",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg
                "ram.kb_used": {
                    "label": "RAM used (kB)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "kB"
                "swap.percent": {
                    "label": "Swap percent usage",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg
                "swap.kb_used": {
                    "label": "Swap used (kB)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "kB"
            return data

        elif 'sunos' in sys.platform:
            status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
            msg = None
            data = {
                "ram.percent": {
                    "label": "RAM percent usage",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg
                "ram.kb_used": {
                    "label": "RAM used (kB)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "kB"
            return data

            # Default Linux logic
            status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
            msg = None
            if not os.path.exists("/proc/meminfo"):
                status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED
                msg = "Enable procfs."

            data = {
                "ram.percent": {
                    "label": "RAM percent usage",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg
                "ram.kb_used": {
                    "label": "RAM used (kB)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "kB"
                "ram.kb_buffer": {
                    "label": "RAM buffer (kB)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "kB"
                "swap.percent": {
                    "label": "Swap percent usage",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "percent",
                "swap.kb_used": {
                    "label": "Swap used (Kb)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg
                "ram.kb_active": {
                    "label": "RAM active (kB)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "kB"
                "ram.kb_inactive": {
                    "label": "RAM inactive (kB)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "kB"
                "ram.kb_cached": {
                    "label": "RAM cached (kB)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "kB"
                "swap.kb_cached": {
                    "label": "Swap cached (kB)",
                    "options": None,
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg,
                    "unit": "kB"
            return data
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def check(self, textkey, data, config):

        if 'aix' in sys.platform or 'sunos' in sys.platform:
            #ps_cmd = "ps -eo %p' '%a"
            if 'aix' in sys.platform: 
                ps_cmd = "ps axww"
            elif 'sunos' in sys.platform:
                ps_cmd = "ps -eo pid' 'args"
            retcode, output = agent_util.execute_command(ps_cmd)
            output = output.split('\n')

            if textkey.endswith('.full'): textkey = textkey.rstrip('.full')
            if textkey == 'process.running_count':
                return len(output)-1
                count = 0
                pids = []
                for line in output[1:]:
                    if data in line: 
                        count += 1

                if textkey == 'process.named_count': 
                    return count
                elif textkey == 'process.exists':
                    if count: return 1
                    else: return 0
                elif textkey in ["process.named_memory_percentage", "process.named_cpu_percentage"]:
                    all_cpu = 0
                    all_mem = 0                   
                    for pid in pids:                    
                        if 'aix' in sys.platform:
                            ps = "ps -fp %s -o pcpu' 'pmem" % pid
                        elif 'sunos' in sys.platform:
                            ps = "ps -fp %s -o pcpu' 'pmem" % pid
                        ret, output = agent_util.execute_command(ps)
                        output = output.strip().split('\n')
                        if len(output) < 2: continue
                        fields = output[1].split()
                        cpu = float(fields[0])
                        mem = float(fields[1])
                        all_cpu += cpu
                        all_mem += mem
                    if textkey == "process.named_memory_percentage": return all_mem
                    else: return all_cpu

            # Unknown AIX/Solaris textkey
            return None

        # Default Linux/FreeBSD logic
        full = ""
        if textkey.endswith(".full"): 
            textkey = textkey.rstrip(".full")
            full = "-f"

        if textkey == "process.running_count" or textkey == "count":
            num = 0
            for f in os.listdir("/proc"):
                if f.isdigit(): num += 1
            return num
        if textkey == "process.named_count":
            ret, output = agent_util.execute_command("pgrep %s %s" % (full, data))
            if not output.strip(): return 0
            else: return len(output.strip().split("\n"))
        elif textkey == "process.exists":
            ret, output = agent_util.execute_command("pgrep %s %s" % (full, data))
            if not output.strip(): return 0
            else: return 1
        elif textkey in ["process.named_memory_percentage", "process.named_cpu_percentage"]:
            ret, output = agent_util.execute_command("pgrep %s %s" % (full, data))
            if not output.strip(): return 0
            all_cpu = 0
            all_mem = 0
            for pid in output.strip().split("\n"):
                ret, output = agent_util.execute_command("ps -p %s -o %%cpu,%%mem" % pid)
                if not output.strip() or len(output.strip().split("\n")) == 1: continue         
                cpu, mem = [float(n.strip()) for n in output.strip().split("\n")[1].strip()  .split(" ") if n.strip()]
                all_cpu += cpu
                all_mem += mem
            if textkey == "process.named_memory_percentage": return all_mem
            else: return all_cpu
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def check(self, textkey, interface, config):
        interface_found = False

        if 'freebsd' in sys.platform:
            ret, output = agent_util.execute_command("netstat -ib")
            lines = output.splitlines()[1:]

            for line in lines:
                line = line.split()
                si, mtu, network, addr, packets_read, ierr, idrop, bytes_read, packets_written, oerr, bytes_written, coll = line
                packets_read = int(packets_read)
                packets_written = int(packets_written)
                kbytes_read = int(bytes_read) / 1024
                kbytes_written = int(bytes_written) / 1024

                if si == interface and network.startswith("<Link"):
                    interface_found = True

        elif 'aix' in sys.platform:

            ret, output = agent_util.execute_command('netstat -v %s | grep "^Bytes:"' % interface)
            fields = output.split()
            kbytes_written = int(fields[1])/1024
            kbytes_read = int(fields[3])/1024
            ret, output = agent_util.execute_command('netstat -v %s | grep "^Packets:"' % interface)
            fields = output.split()
            packets_written = int(fields[1])/1024
            packets_read = int(fields[3])/1024
            interface_found = True
        elif 'sunos' in sys.platform:

            ret, output = agent_util.execute_command('netstat -i')
            for line in output.split('\n'):
                fields = line.strip().split()
                if not fields: continue
                if fields[0] == interface:
                    interface_found = True
                    packets_read = int(fields[4])
                    packets_written = int(fields[6])
            kbytes_read = 0
            kbytes_written = 0
            ret, output = agent_util.execute_command("kstat -n %s 1 2 | egrep 'bytes64' | uniq" % interface)
            for line in output.split('\n'):
                if not line: continue
                if 'obytes' in line:
                    fields = line.split()
                    kbytes_read = int(fields[1]) / 1024

                elif 'rbytes' in line:
                    fields = line.split()
                    kbytes_written = int(fields[1]) / 1024

            output = open("/proc/net/dev", "r").read()

            self.log.debug("/proc/net/dev output: %s" % str(output))

            output = output.splitlines()

            for line in output[2:]:
                stuff = line.strip().split()
                if not stuff[0].endswith(":"):
                    stuff[0], new_insert = stuff[0].split(":")
                    stuff.insert(1, new_insert)
                else: stuff[0] = stuff[0].rstrip(":")

                iface = stuff[0]
                bytes_read = int(stuff[1])
                bytes_written = int(stuff[9])
                kbytes_read = int(bytes_read) / 1024
                kbytes_written = int(stuff[9]) / 1024
                packets_read = int(stuff[2])
                packets_written = int(stuff[10])

                if interface == iface:
                    interface_found = True

            # Special handling for monthly bandwidth - each time through we bank the
            # difference in the current reading vs. the previous, taking into account
            # cases where we cross a month boundary and when the byte counters wrap
            if textkey.startswith("bandwidth.monthly"):

                if textkey == "bandwidth.monthly.in":
                    current_bytes = bytes_read
                    current_bytes = bytes_written

                # First get the cached values
                c = self.get_cache_results(textkey+":current_bytes", interface)
                previous_bytes = c and c[0][1] or current_bytes
                c = self.get_cache_results(textkey+":banked_bytes", interface)
                banked_bytes = c and c[0][1] or 0
                c = self.get_cache_results(textkey+":current_month", interface)
                current_month = c and c[0][1] or datetime.now().month
                c = self.get_cache_results(textkey+":current_year", interface)
                current_year = c and c[0][1] or datetime.now().year

                now = datetime.now()
                if now.year != current_year or now.month != current_month:
                    # If we"ve crossed a month boundary, zero out bank and reset counters
                    banked_bytes = 0
                    current_year = now.year
                    current_month = now.month
                    previous_bytes = current_bytes

                elif current_bytes < previous_bytes:
                    # The OS counters wrapped, need to handle this
                    banked_bytes += current_bytes
                    previous_bytes = current_bytes

                    # Standard case, just bank the difference between current and last
                    banked_bytes += (current_bytes - previous_bytes)
                    previous_bytes = current_bytes

                # Cache the new values
                self.cache_result(textkey+":current_bytes", interface, current_bytes, replace=True)
                self.cache_result(textkey+":banked_bytes", interface, banked_bytes, replace=True)
                self.cache_result(textkey+":current_month", interface, current_month, replace=True)
                self.cache_result(textkey+":current_year", interface, current_year, replace=True)

                return banked_bytes/1024

        # Because of AIX's interface naming convention, every
        # command provides a different interface name, we need to ignore that
        if "aix" in sys.platform:
            if not interface_found: raise Exception("interface %s not found!?" % interface)

        # try to get the old cache
        cache = self.get_cache_results(textkey, interface)

        # cache our result always
        if textkey == "bandwidth.kbytes.in": result = kbytes_read
        elif textkey == "bandwidth.kbytes.out": result = kbytes_written
        elif textkey == "bandwidth.packets.in": result = packets_read
        elif textkey == "bandwidth.packets.out": result = packets_written
        self.cache_result(textkey, interface, result)

        if not cache: return 0.0

        delta, cached_result = cache[0]

        self.log.debug("kbytes read: %d" % kbytes_read)
        self.log.debug("kbytes written: %d" % kbytes_written)
        self.log.debug("packets read: %d" % packets_read)
        self.log.debug("packets written: %d" % packets_written)

        return (result - cached_result) / float(delta)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def get_metadata(self, config):
        status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
        msg = None

        if not agent_util.which("df", exc=False):
            self.log.info("df binary not found")
            status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
            msg = "df binary not found"
            return {}

        devices = []
        if status is agent_util.SUPPORTED:
            ret_code, output = agent_util.execute_command(get_df_cmd())
            output = output.splitlines()
            if config.get("debug", False):
                self.log.debug("Disk command '%s' output :" % get_df_cmd())

            if "aix" in sys.platform or "sunos" in sys.platform:
                self.device_ignore_list = self.device_ignore_list + ("proc", "swap")
            for line in output[1:]:
                line = line.strip()

                    device, blocks, used, available, capacity, mounted = line.split()
                    if device in self.device_ignore_list: continue
                    devices.append("%s mounted at %s" % (device, mounted))
                    self.log.error("Unable to parse df output: %s" % line)

        if status is agent_util.SUPPORTED and not devices:
            status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED
            msg = "No disks found (or none visible from df)."

        data = {
            "usage.percent_used": {
                "label": "Percentage of disk used",
                "options": devices,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "percent",
            "usage.kb_available": {
                "label": "Disk space available",
                "options": devices,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "kB"
            "filesystem.mounted": {
                "label": "Filesystem mounted",
                "options": devices,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
        return data
Ejemplo n.º 27
def execute_query(query):
    ret, output = agent_util.execute_command(query)
    return str(output);
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def get_metadata(self, config):
        status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
        msg = None
        interfaces = set()

        if 'freebsd' in sys.platform:
            if not agent_util.which("netstat"):
                self.log.info("netstat not found")
                status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
                msg = "Please install netstat."
                return {}

            if status is agent_util.SUPPORTED:
                ret, output = agent_util.execute_command("netstat -ib")
                if config.get("debug", False):
                    self.log.debug("Bandwidth command 'netstat -ib' output:")

                output = output.splitlines()[1:]
                for line in output:
                    stuff = line.strip().split()
                    iface = stuff[0]

        elif 'aix' in sys.platform:
            if not agent_util.which("netstat"):
                self.log.info("netstat not found")
                status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
                msg = "Please install netstat."
                return {}

            # Get the list of network devices
            interfaces = []
            ret, output = agent_util.execute_command("netstat -v | grep 'ETHERNET STATISTICS'")
            output = output.strip().split('\n')
            for line in output:
                fields = line.split()

            metadata = {}
            metadata["bandwidth.kbytes.in"] = {
                "label": "Kilobytes IN per second",
                "options": interfaces,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "kB"

            metadata["bandwidth.kbytes.out"] = {
                "label": "Kilobytes OUT per second",
                "options": interfaces,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "kB"

            metadata["bandwidth.packets.in"] = {
                "label": "Packets IN per second",
                "options": interfaces,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "packets"

            metadata["bandwidth.packets.out"] = {
                "label": "Packets OUT per second",
                "options": interfaces,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "packets"

            return metadata

        elif 'sunos' in sys.platform:
            if not agent_util.which("netstat"):
                self.log.info("netstat not found")
                status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
                msg = "Please install netstat."
                return {}

            # Get the list of network devices
            interfaces = []
            ret, output = agent_util.execute_command("netstat -i")
            output = output.strip().split('\n')
            for line in output:
                fields = line.split()
                if fields[0] in ('lo', 'inet', 'ether', 'Name'): continue

            metadata = {}
            metadata["bandwidth.kbytes.in"] = {
                "label": "Kilobytes IN per second",
                "options": interfaces,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "kB"

            metadata["bandwidth.kbytes.out"] = {
                "label": "Kilobytes OUT per second",
                "options": interfaces,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "kB"

            metadata["bandwidth.packets.in"] = {
                "label": "Packets IN per second",
                "options": interfaces,                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "packets"

            metadata["bandwidth.packets.out"] = {
                "label": "Packets OUT per second",
                "options": interfaces,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "packets"

            return metadata

            # Default Linux options
            if not os.path.exists("/proc/net/dev"):
                self.log.info("/proc/net/dev not found")
                status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
                msg = "/proc/net/dev not found"
                return {}

            if status is agent_util.SUPPORTED:
                # get the interfaces
                output = open("/proc/net/dev", "r").read()
                output = output.splitlines()
                if config.get("debug", False):
                    self.log.debug("Content of file '/proc/net/dev':")

                for line in output[2:]:
                    stuff = line.strip().split()
                    iface, bytes_read = stuff[0].split(":")

        interfaces = list(interfaces)

        if status is agent_util.SUPPORTED and not interfaces:
            status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED
            msg = "No network interfaces found."

        metadata = {}
        metadata["bandwidth.kbytes.in"] = {
            "label": "Kilobytes IN per second",
            "options": interfaces,
            "status": status,
            "error_message": msg,
            "unit": "kB"

        metadata["bandwidth.kbytes.out"] = {
            "label": "Kilobytes OUT per second",
            "options": interfaces,
            "status": status,
            "error_message": msg,
            "unit": "kB"

        metadata["bandwidth.packets.in"] = {
            "label": "Packets IN per second",
            "options": interfaces,
            "status": status,
            "error_message": msg,
            "unit": "packets"

        metadata["bandwidth.packets.out"] = {
            "label": "Packets OUT per second",
            "options": interfaces,
            "status": status,
            "error_message": msg,
            "unit": "packets"

        if 'freebsd' not in sys.platform:
            metadata["bandwidth.monthly.in"] = {
                "label": "Kilobytes IN for the month",
                "options": interfaces,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "kB"
            metadata["bandwidth.monthly.out"] = {
                "label": "Kilobytes OUT for the month",
                "options": interfaces,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "kB"

        return metadata
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def check(self, textkey, data, config={}):

        # AIX-specific logic
        if 'aix' in sys.platform:
            if textkey.startswith('load_average'):
                retcode, output = agent_util.execute_command('uptime')
                fields = output.strip().split()
                if textkey == 'load_average.1': 
                    return float(fields[-3].strip(','))
                elif textkey == 'load_average.5': 
                    return float(fields[-2].strip(','))
                elif textkey == 'load_average.15':
                    return float(fields[-1])
                    return None

                retcode, output = agent_util.execute_command('iostat | grep -p tty')
                output = output.strip().split('\n')
                self.log.debug("iostat output: %s" % output)
                iostatline = False
                enti = False
                entc = 0 
                inuse = 0 
                user = 0 
                system = 0 
                idle = 0
                iowait = 0 
                for line in output:
                    if line.startswith('tty'):
                        iostatline = True
                        if 'entc' in line.split()[-1]: 
                            enti = True
                    fields = line.split()
                    user = float(fields[2])
                    system = float(fields[3])
                    idle = float(fields[4])
                    iowait = float(fields[5])
                    if enti == True:
                        entc = float(fields[-1])
                    inuse = 100. - idle

                if textkey == 'usage_percentage':
                    return inuse
                elif textkey == 'user_usage_percentage':
                    print user
                elif textkey == 'system_usage_percentage':
                    return system
                elif textkey == 'idle_usage_percentage':
                    return idle
                elif textkey == 'iowait_usage_percentage':
                    return iowait
                elif textkey == 'cpu_entitlement_percentage' and enti == True:
                    return entc
            # If we got here, we don't know how to gather this metric
            # for AIX - return None
            return None

        elif 'sunos' in sys.platform:
            retcode, output = agent_util.execute_command('mpstat')
            output = output.split('\n')
            for line in output:
                if 'CPU' in line or not line: continue
                fields = line.split()
                if textkey == 'usage_percentage':
                    return 100.-float(fields[-1])
                elif textkey == 'user_usage_percentage':
                    return float(fields[-4])
                elif textkey == 'system_usage_percentage':
                    return float(fields[-3])
                elif textkey == 'idle_usage_percentage':
                    return float(fields[-1])
                elif textkey == 'iowait_usage_percentage':
                    return float(fields[-2])

            # If we got here we don't know how to gather this metric for Solaris
            return None

        # Default Linux/FreeBSD logic
        usage_textkey_map = {   
            'user_usage_percentage': 'us',
            'system_usage_percentage': 'sy',
            'idle_usage_percentage': 'id',
            'iowait_usage_percentage': 'wa',
            'irq_usage_percentage': 'hi',
            'softirg_usage_percentage': 'si',
            'stealtime_usage_percentage': 'st',
            'nice_usage_percentage': 'ni',
        if textkey.startswith("load_average") or textkey in usage_textkey_map:
            retcode, output = agent_util.execute_command("top -b -n 1")
            if config.get("debug", False):
                self.log.debug("CPU usage command 'top -b -n 1' output :")
            self.log.debug("top -b -n 1 output: %s" % str(output))
            output = output.splitlines()
            if textkey.startswith("load_average"):
                fields = output[0].split()
                if textkey == "load_average.1": index = -3
                elif textkey == "load_average.5": index = -2
                elif textkey == "load_average.15": index = -1
                return float(fields[index].strip(","))
                fields = [f.strip(",") for f in output[2].split()][1:]
                fields = dict([(f[f.index("%") + 1:], float(f[0:f.index("%")])) for f in fields])
                return fields[usage_textkey_map[textkey]]
        elif textkey == 'usage_percentage':
            old_stat = get_cpu_metrics(self)[data]
            current_stat = get_cpu_metrics(self)[data]
            old_usage = old_stat["user"] + old_stat["nice"] + old_stat["system"] + old_stat["idle"]
            current_usage = current_stat["user"] + current_stat["nice"] + current_stat["system"] + current_stat["idle"]
            usage = int(100.0 * ((current_usage - old_usage) - (current_stat["idle"] - old_stat["idle"])) / (current_usage - old_usage))
            return usage
        return 0
    def get_metadata(self, config):
        package_count_status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
        package_date_status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
        package_count_msg = None
        package_date_msg = None

        if IS_DEBIAN or IS_REDHAT:
            package_date_status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
            if IS_DEBIAN:
                    import apt_check
                    if agent_util.execute_command("sudo /usr/bin/apt-get")[0] == 0:
                        package_count_status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
                    package_count_msg = "Insufficient permission - enable sudo access to apt-get for agent user"
                if agent_util.execute_command("sudo /usr/bin/yum --help")[0] == 0:
                    package_count_status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
                    package_count_msg = "Insufficient permission - enable sudo access to yum for agent user"
            package_date_msg = "Unsupported platform" 
            package_count_msg = "Unsupported platform"  
            self.log.info("Unsupported platform")
            return {}  
        metadata = {
            "packages.security": {
                "label": "Security-related packages waiting to be updated",
                "options": None,
                "status": package_count_status,
                "error_message": package_count_msg,
                "unit": "",
                "option_string": False

            "packages.nonsecurity": {
                "label": "Non-security-related packages waiting to be updated",
                "options": None,
                "status": package_count_status,
                "error_message": package_count_msg,
                "unit": "",
                "option_string": False
            "packages.lastupdated": {
                "label": "Days since the last package update was run",
                "options": None,
                "status": package_date_status,
                "error_message": package_date_msg,
                "unit": "",
                "option_string": False
            "packages.check_installation": {
                "label": "Check for Package installation",
                "options": None,
                "status": package_date_status,
                "error_message": package_date_msg,
                "unit": "",
                "option_string": True


        return metadata
    def check(self, textkey, data, config={}):
        if IS_DEBIAN:
            if textkey in ['packages.security', 'packages.nonsecurity']:
                try: import apt_check
                except: return 0
                if agent_util.execute_command("sudo /usr/bin/apt-get update")[0] != 0: return 0           
                upgrades, security_updates = apt_check.check() 
                if textkey == 'packages.security':         
                    return security_updates
                    return upgrades
                if textkey == 'packages.security': 
                    return security_updates
                    return upgrades

            elif textkey == 'packages.lastupdated':

                # Get list of apt history log files, from newest to oldest, search each one til we find an update
                files = agent_util.execute_command("ls -t /var/log/apt/history*")[1].strip().split('\n')
                for f in files:
                    lines = agent_util.execute_command("zgrep -A 1 Upgrade %s | tail -n 2" % f)[1].strip().split('\n')
                    if len(lines) >= 2:
                        d = lines[-1].split(' ')[1]
                        d = datetime.strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%d")
                        age = (datetime.now() - d).days
                        return max(age, 0)

                # if we got here, we didn't find anything.  Return -1 as a marker
                return -1
            elif textkey == 'packages.check_installation':
                if data:
                    command = "dpkg-query -l %s" % data.strip()
                    if agent_util.execute_command(command)[0] != 0: return 0
                    else: return 1

        elif IS_REDHAT:
            if textkey in ['packages.security', 'packages.nonsecurity']:
                retcode, output = agent_util.execute_command("sudo yum check-update --security")
                if '\n\n' not in output: num_sec_packages = 0
                else: num_sec_packages = len(output.split('\n\n')[-1].split('\n'))

                if textkey == 'packages.security':
                    return num_sec_packages
                    retcode, output = agent_util.execute_command("sudo yum check-update")
                    if '\n\n' not in output: num_packages = 0
                    else: num_packages = len(output.split('\n\n')[-1].split('\n'))                        
                    return max(0, num_packages - num_sec_packages)

            elif textkey == 'packages.lastupdated':

                # Get list of apt history log files, from newest to oldest, search each one til we find an update
                files = agent_util.execute_command("ls -t /var/log/yum.log*")[1].strip().split('\n')
                for f in files:
                    lines = agent_util.execute_command("sudo zgrep -A 1 Updated: %s | tail -n 1" % f)[1].strip().split('\n')
                    if len(lines) >= 1:
                        d = lines[-1][:6]
                        d = datetime.strptime(d, "%b %d").replace(year=date.today().year)
                        if d > datetime.now(): d = d.replace(year=date.today().year-1)
                        age = (datetime.now() - d).days
                        return max(age, 0)

            elif textkey == 'packages.check_installation':
                if data:
                    command = "rpm -qi %s" % data.strip()
                    if agent_util.execute_command(command)[0] != 0: return 0
                    else: return 1

                # if we got here, we didn't find anything.  Return -1 as a marker
                return -1

        # If we get here, we aren't running on a system where we can actually determine what's available.  
        # Default to zero.
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def get_metadata(self, config):
        status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
        msg = None

        self.log.info("looking for apache2ctl")
        apache_bin = agent_util.which("apache2ctl")
        if not apache_bin:
            self.log.info("couldn't find apache2ctl, looking for apachectl")
            apache_bin = agent_util.which("apachectl")

        if not apache_bin:
            self.log.info("couldn't find apachectl or apache2ctl")
            status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
            msg = "Couldn't find apachectl or apache2ctl"
            return {}

        if 'freebsd' in platform:
            if not agent_util.which("lynx"):
                status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED
                msg = "Lynx required."

        if status is agent_util.SUPPORTED:
            ret, output = agent_util.execute_command("%s status" % apache_bin)
            if config.get("debug", False):
                self.log.info("Apache command '%s status' output:" % apache_bin)

            if ret != 0 or "Can't load" in output or "failed" in output or "not found" in output:
                self.log.error("couldn't get apache status")
                status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED
                msg = "Couldn't get apache status, make sure Apache is running and the status module is enabled"        

        metadata = {
            "apache.workers_used": {
                "label": "Workers - percent serving requests",
                "options": None,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "%"
            "apache.workers_idle": {
                "label": "Workers - percent idle",
                "options": None,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "%"
            "apache.workers_used_count": {
                "label": "Workers - count serving requests",
                "options": None,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "workers"
            "apache.workers_idle_count": {
                "label": "Workers - count idle",
                "options": None,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "workers"
            "apache.uptime": {
                "label": "Server uptime",
                "options": None,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "seconds"
        # other require an extended status enabled
        if self.get_data("apache.total_accesses") == None:
            ret, output = agent_util.execute_command("%s -V" % apache_bin)
            match = re.search("HTTPD_ROOT=\"(.+?)\"", output)
            try: server_root = match.group(1)
            except: server_root = ""
            match = re.search("SERVER_CONFIG_FILE=\"(.+?)\"", output)
            try: server_config_file = os.path.join(server_root, match.group(1))
            except: server_config_file = "Apache server config file"
            status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED
            msg = "Enable 'ExtendedStatus On' in %s" % server_config_file 
            "apache.total_accesses": {
                "label": "Request count",
                "options": None,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "requests"
            "apache.total_traffic": {
                "label": "Total content served",
                "options": None,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "MB"
            "apache.cpu_load": {
                "label": "Percentage of CPU used by all workers",
                "options": None,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": None
            "apache.connections": {
                "label": "Requests per second",
                "options": None,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "requests"
            "apache.transfer_rate": {
                "label": "Transfer rate",
                "options": None,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "MB/s"
            "apache.avg_request_size": {
                "label": "Request size average",
                "options": None,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "MB"
        return metadata
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def get_data(self, textkey):
        apache_bin = agent_util.which("apache2ctl")
        self.log.debug("apache_bin: %s" % str(apache_bin))
        if not apache_bin: apache_bin = agent_util.which("apachectl", exc=True)

        ret, output = agent_util.execute_command("%s status" % apache_bin)
        if textkey == "apache.uptime":
            if output.find("Server uptime: ") == -1: return None
            output = output[output.index("Server uptime: "):]
            uptime = output[:output.index("\n")].replace("Server uptime: ", "").strip()
            uptime = uptime.replace(" seconds", "*1").replace(" second", "*1") \
                           .replace(" minutes", "*60").replace(" minute", "*60") \
                           .replace(" hours", "*60*60").replace(" hour", "*60*60") \
                           .replace(" days", "*60*60*24").replace(" day", "*60*60*24") \
                           .replace(" ", "+")
            uptime = eval(uptime)
            return uptime
        elif textkey in ("apache.total_accesses", "apache.total_traffic"):
            for line in output.lower().split('\n'):
                if "total accesses" in line:
                    fields = line.split()
                    accesses = int(fields[2])
                    traffic = float(fields[-2])
                    units = fields[-1]

                    # Convert from various units to megabytes
                    if units == 'b': traffic = traffic / (1024 * 1024)
                    elif units == 'kb': traffic = traffic / 1024
                    elif units == 'gb': traffic = traffic * 1024
                    elif units == 'tb': traffic = traffic * 1024 * 1024

                    if textkey == "apache.total_accesses": return accesses
                    else: return traffic
            return None

        elif textkey == "apache.cpu_load":
            for line in output.lower().split('\n'):
                if "cpu usage" in line:
                    fields = line.split()
                    cpu_load = float(fields[-3].rstrip('%'))
                    return cpu_load              
            return None

        elif textkey in ("apache.connections", "apache.transfer_rate", "apache.avg_request_size"):
            for line in output.lower().split('\n'):
                if "requests/sec" in line:
                    fields = line.split()

                    if textkey == "apache.connections":
                        return float(fields[0])
                    elif textkey == "apache.transfer_rate":
                        value = float(fields[3])
                        units = fields[4].split('/')[0]

                        if units == 'b': value = value / (1024 * 1024)
                        elif units == 'kb': value = value / 1024
                        elif units == 'gb': value = value * 1024
                        elif units == 'tb': value = value * 1024 * 1024

                        return value

                    elif textkey == "apache.avg_request_size":
                        value = float(fields[-2])
                        units = fields[-1].split('/')[0]

                        if units == 'b': value = value / (1024 * 1024)
                        elif units == 'kb': value = value / 1024
                        elif units == 'gb': value = value * 1024
                        elif units == 'tb': value = value * 1024 * 1024

                        return value
        elif textkey in ("apache.workers_used", "apache.workers_idle", "apache.workers_used_count", "apache.workers_idle_count"):
            for line in output.lower().split('\n'):
                if "requests currently being processed" in line:
                    fields = line.split()

                    workers = int(fields[0])
                    idle = int(fields[-3])
                    total = workers + idle

                    if total == 0: return 0

                    if textkey == "apache.workers_used":
                        return float(100. * workers / total)
                    elif textkey == "apache.workers_idle": 
                        return float(100. * idle / total)
                    elif textkey == "apache.workers_used_count":
                        return workers
                    elif textkey == "apache.workers_idle_count":
                        return idle

            return None