def find_optimal_candidates(candidates, velocity_obstacles):
        optimal_satisfied = -1
        optimal_candidates = []
        for d, candidate in candidates:
            valid = True

            i = 0
            for vo in velocity_obstacles:
                if i != candidate.vo1 and i != candidate.vo2 and \
                        det(vo.left, candidate.position - vo.apex) < 0 < \
                        det(vo.right, candidate.position - vo.apex):
                    valid = False

                    if i > optimal_satisfied:
                        optimal_satisfied = i
                        optimal_candidates = [(d, candidate)]
                    elif i == optimal_satisfied:
                        optimal_candidates.append((d, candidate))
                    i += 1

                i += 1

            if valid:
                if i > optimal_satisfied:
                    optimal_satisfied = i
                    optimal_candidates = [(d, candidate)]
                elif i == optimal_satisfied:
                    optimal_candidates.append((d, candidate))
        return optimal_candidates
    def compute_hrvos(self, position, velocity, neighbours):
        velocity_obstacles = []
            key=lambda o: np.linalg.norm(o.get_position() - position))

        # Velocity obstacles from neighbours are added in order of increasing
        # distance so that more distant ones will be discarded first when we
        # cannot satisfy them all
        for neighbour in neighbours:
            neighbour_position = neighbour.get_position()
            neighbour_velocity = neighbour.get_velocity()
            offset = neighbour_position - position
            distance = np.linalg.norm(offset)
            if distance > self.neighbour_range:

            if distance > 2 * self.radius:
                # Robots have not collided
                angle = np.arctan2(offset[1], offset[0])
                opening_angle = np.arcsin(2 * self.radius / distance)

                left = np.array([
                    np.cos(angle + opening_angle),
                    np.sin(angle + opening_angle)
                right = np.array([
                    np.cos(angle - opening_angle),
                    np.sin(angle - opening_angle)

                d = 2 * np.sin(opening_angle) * np.cos(opening_angle)

                if det(offset, velocity - neighbour_velocity) > 0:
                    # vA on left of centre line
                    s = 0.5 * det(velocity - neighbour_velocity, left) / d
                    apex = np.array(neighbour_velocity + s * right - (
                            self.noise * abs(offset) / (
                             2 * self.radius)) * offset / distance)
                    # va on right of centre line
                    s = 0.5 * det(velocity - neighbour_velocity, right) / d
                    apex = np.array(neighbour_velocity + s * left - (
                            self.noise * abs(offset) / (
                             2 * self.radius)) * offset / distance)
                # Robots have collided
                apex = np.array(0.5 * (neighbour_velocity + velocity) - (
                        self.noise + 0.5 * (2 * self.radius - abs(
                         offset) / self.dt)) * offset / distance)
                right = normal(position, neighbour_position)
                left = -right
            velocity_obstacles.append(VelocityObstacle(apex, left, right))

        return velocity_obstacles
    def compute_max_candidates(self, velocity_obstacles, preferred_velocity):
        candidates = []
        for j, vo in enumerate(velocity_obstacles):
            discriminant = self.max_speed ** 2 - det(vo.apex, vo.right) ** 2

            if discriminant > 0:
                t1 = -(, vo.right)) + np.sqrt(discriminant)
                t2 = -(, vo.right)) - np.sqrt(discriminant)

                if t1 >= 0:
                    pos = vo.apex + t1 * vo.right

                        np.linalg.norm(preferred_velocity - pos),
                        Candidate(pos, -1, j)))

                if t2 >= 0:
                    pos = vo.apex + t2 * vo.right

                        np.linalg.norm(preferred_velocity - pos),
                        Candidate(pos, -1, j)))

            discriminant = self.max_speed ** 2 - det(vo.apex, vo.left) ** 2

            if discriminant > 0:
                t1 = -(, vo.left)) + np.sqrt(discriminant)
                t2 = -(, vo.left)) - np.sqrt(discriminant)

                if t1 >= 0:
                    pos = vo.apex + t1 * vo.left

                        np.linalg.norm(preferred_velocity - pos),
                        Candidate(pos, -1, j)))

                if t2 >= 0:
                    pos = vo.apex + t2 * vo.left

                        np.linalg.norm(preferred_velocity - pos),
                        Candidate(pos, -1, j)))
        return candidates
    def compute_projection_candidates(self, velocity_obstacles,
        candidates = []
        for i, vo in enumerate(velocity_obstacles):
            dot_prod = - vo.apex, vo.left)

            if dot_prod > 0 > det(vo.left, preferred_velocity - vo.apex):
                pos = vo.apex + dot_prod * vo.left

                if np.linalg.norm(pos) < self.max_speed:
                        np.linalg.norm(preferred_velocity - pos),
                        Candidate(pos, i, i)))
        return candidates
    def compute_intersect_candidates(self, velocity_obstacles,
        candidates = []
        for i in range(len(velocity_obstacles)):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(velocity_obstacles)):
                vo1 = velocity_obstacles[i]
                vo2 = velocity_obstacles[j]

                d = det(vo1.right, vo2.right)

                if d != 0:
                    s = det(vo2.apex - vo1.apex, vo2.right) / d
                    t = det(vo2.apex - vo1.apex, vo1.right) / d

                    if s >= 0 and t >= 0:
                        pos = vo1.apex + s * vo1.right

                        if np.linalg.norm(pos) < self.max_speed:
                                np.linalg.norm(preferred_velocity - pos),
                                Candidate(pos, i, j)))

                d = det(vo1.left, vo2.right)

                if d != 0:
                    s = det(vo2.apex - vo1.apex, vo2.right) / d
                    t = det(vo2.apex - vo1.apex, vo1.left) / d

                    if s >= 0 and t >= 0:
                        pos = vo1.apex + s * vo1.left

                        if np.linalg.norm(pos) < self.max_speed:
                                np.linalg.norm(preferred_velocity - pos),
                                Candidate(pos, i, j)))

                d = det(vo1.right, vo2.left)

                if d != 0:
                    s = det(vo2.apex - vo1.apex, vo2.left) / d
                    t = det(vo2.apex - vo1.apex, vo1.right) / d

                    if s >= 0 and t >= 0:
                        pos = vo1.apex + s * vo1.right

                        if np.linalg.norm(pos) < self.max_speed:
                                np.linalg.norm(preferred_velocity - pos),
                                Candidate(pos, i, j)))

                d = det(vo1.left, vo2.left)

                if d != 0:
                    s = det(vo2.apex - vo1.apex, vo2.left) / d
                    t = det(vo2.apex - vo1.apex, vo1.left) / d

                    if s >= 0 and t >= 0:
                        pos = vo1.apex + s * vo1.left

                        if np.linalg.norm(pos) < self.max_speed:
                                np.linalg.norm(preferred_velocity - pos),
                                Candidate(pos, i, j)))
        return candidates