Ejemplo n.º 1
def type_id(source, target):
    # calculate type id
    class_ = read_target_node(source, target)
    if source.parent.stereotype('pyegg:pymodule'):
        name = '%s.%s' % (class_base_name(class_), class_.classname.lower())
        name = class_base_name(class_)
    return name
Ejemplo n.º 2
def console_scripts_collect(self, source, target):
    # collect information to define console_script entry points
    tok = token('console_scripts', True, defs={})
    tgv = TaggedValues(source)
    name = tgv.direct('script_name', 'pyegg:console_script', source.name)
    tgt = read_target_node(source, target.target)
    if source.stereotype('pyegg:function') and not source.parent.stereotype('pyegg:pymodule'):
        path = class_base_name(tgt.parent)
        path = class_base_name(tgt)
    tok.defs[name] = '%s:%s' % (path, source.name)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def pyclass(self, source, target):
    """Create python classes.
    if source.stereotype('pyegg:stub'):
    # skip class generation if previous custom handler mark this class as
    # already handled
    custom_handled = token('custom_handled_classes', True, classes=list())
    handled_classes = [str(uuid) for uuid in custom_handled.classes]
    if str(source.uuid) in handled_classes:

    name = source.name
    module = target.anchor
        set_copyright(source, module)
    except AttributeError:
        msg = 'Package "%s" must have either <<pymodule>> or ' + \
              '<<pypackage>> stereotype'
        msg = msg % dotted_path(module)
        raise ValueError(msg)
    if module.classes(name):
        class_ = module.classes(name)[0]
        target.finalize(source, class_)
    class_ = python.Class(name)
    module[str(class_.uuid)] = class_
    if not is_class_a_function(source) \
      and not source.parent.stereotype('pyegg:pymodule'):
        imp = Imports(module.parent['__init__.py'])
        imp.set(class_base_name(class_), [[class_.classname, None]])

    target.finalize(source, class_)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def interfacegeneralization(self, source, target):
    """Create generalization between interfaces .
    inheritance = Inheritance(source)
    targetclass = read_target_node(source, target.target)
    if targetclass:
        tok = token(str(targetclass.uuid), True, depends_on=set())
    for obj in inheritance.values():
        tok.depends_on.add(read_target_node(obj.context, target.target))
        if not obj.context.name in targetclass.bases:
            tgv = TaggedValues(obj.context)
            import_from = tgv.direct('import', 'pyegg:stub')
            if import_from is not UNSET:
                imp = Imports(targetclass.__parent__)
                imp.set(import_from, [[obj.context.name, None]])
        derive_from = read_target_node(obj.context, target.target)
        if not derive_from:
        if targetclass.__parent__ is not derive_from.__parent__:
            imp = Imports(targetclass.__parent__)
                    [[derive_from.classname, None]])
    if targetclass and not targetclass.bases:
Ejemplo n.º 5
def apiexporter(self, source,target):
    """Takes classes with 'api' stereotype and imports them into 
    the pyegg's __init__.py.
    egg = egg_source(source)
    targetegg = read_target_node(egg, target.target)
    init = targetegg['__init__.py']
    imps = Imports(init)
    klass = read_target_node(source, target.target)
    imps.set(class_base_name(klass), [[source.name, None]])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def createpermission(self, source, target):
    targetclass = read_target_node(source, target.target)
    module = targetclass.parent
    targetdir = module.parent
    path = class_base_name(targetclass)
    # prevent python class from being generated
    sts = [st.name for st in source.stereotypes]

    # only if no other steroetypes are attached
    if 'zca:permission' in sts and len(sts) == 1:
        # class also has to be deleted from __init__
        init = targetdir['__init__.py']
        for imp in init.imports():
            if imp.fromimport == path and imp.names[0][0] == source.name:
                del init[imp.__name__]
        del module[targetclass.__name__]

    # and now write the permission definition into confure.zcml
    zcmlpath = targetdir.path
    fullpath = os.path.join(*zcmlpath)

    if 'configure.zcml' not in targetdir.keys():
        zcml = ZCMLFile(fullpath)
        targetdir['configure.zcml'] = zcml
        zcml = targetdir['configure.zcml']
    addZcmlRef(targetdir, zcml)

    id = TaggedValues(source).direct('id', 'zca:permission')
    if id is UNSET:
        permid = dotted_path(source)
        permid = id

    found_directives = zcml.filter(tag='permission', attr='id', value=permid)
    if found_directives:
        directive = found_directives[0]
        directive = SimpleDirective(name='permission', parent=zcml)

    directive.attrs['id'] = permid
    title = TaggedValues(source).direct('title', 'zca:permission')
    if not title is UNSET:
        directive.attrs['title'] = title

    description = TaggedValues(source).direct('description', 'zca:permission')
    if not description is UNSET:
        directive.attrs['description'] = description
Ejemplo n.º 7
def zcarealize(self, source, target):
    klass = source.implementingClassifier
#    if klass.stereotype('pyegg:function'):
#        # XXX: <<function>> <<adapter>> on class
#        return

    ifacename = source.contract.name
    targetclass = read_target_node(klass, target.target)
    targetinterface = read_target_node(source.contract, target.target)
    tok = token(str(targetclass.uuid), True, realizes=[], provides=None)

    ifdef = {'name':source.contract.name}
    if targetinterface:
        ifdef['path'] = dotted_path(source.contract)
    # then its a stub
        tgv = TaggedValues(source.contract)
        impf = tgv.direct('import', 'pyegg:stub')
        if not impf:
            msg = 'Stub class %s needs a TaggedValue for "import"' \
                % dotted_path(klass)
            raise ValueError(msg)
        ifdef['path'] = '.'.join([impf, ifdef['name']])

    if source.stereotype('zca:provides'):
        tok.provides = ifdef

    # import the interface
    tgv = TaggedValues(source.contract)
    import_from = tgv.direct('import', 'pyegg:stub')
    imp = Imports(targetclass.__parent__)

    if targetinterface:    
        tok = token(str(targetclass.uuid), True, depends_on=set())

    # if (targetinterface is None -> Stub) or targetinterface is in another
    # module -> import
    if not targetinterface \
      or targetclass.__parent__ is not targetinterface.__parent__:
        # we have a stub interface
        if import_from is not UNSET:
            basepath = import_from
            imp.set(basepath, [[source.contract.name, None]])
            basepath = class_base_name(targetinterface)
            imp.set(basepath, [[targetinterface.classname, None]])
def createschemaclass(self, source, target):
    """create the schema interface class on the fly.
    klass = read_target_node(source, target.target)
    module = klass.parent
    schemaclassname = 'I' + klass.classname
    found = module.classes(schemaclassname)
    if found:
        schemaclass = found[0]
        schemaclass = python.Class(classname=schemaclassname)
        schemaclass.__name__ = schemaclass.uuid
        module.insertbefore(schemaclass, klass)
    # expose it in __init__
    imp = Imports(module.parent['__init__.py'])
    imp.set(class_base_name(schemaclass), [[schemaclassname, None]])
    # mark the content class for deletion if not needed
    createit = TaggedValues(source).direct('create_contentclass',
                                           'plone:content_type', False)
    if not (createit or klass.functions()):
        token(str(klass.uuid), True, dont_generate=True)
def createschemaclass(self, source, target):
    """create the schema interface class on the fly.
    klass = read_target_node(source, target.target)
    module = klass.parent
    schemaclassname = 'I' + klass.classname
    found = module.classes(schemaclassname)
    if found:
        schemaclass = found[0]
        schemaclass = python.Class(classname=schemaclassname)
        schemaclass.__name__ = schemaclass.uuid
        module.insertbefore(schemaclass, klass)
    # expose it in __init__
    imp = Imports(module.parent['__init__.py'])
    imp.set(class_base_name(schemaclass), [[schemaclassname, None]])
    # mark the content class for deletion if not needed
    createit = TaggedValues(source).direct('create_contentclass',
    if not (createit or klass.functions()):
        token(str(klass.uuid), True, dont_generate=True)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def gsprofiletypes(self, source, target):
    """Create or extend types.xml and corresponding TYPENAME.xml.
    egg = egg_source(source)
    package = read_target_node(egg, target.target)
    default = package['profiles']['default']

    # create types foder if not exists
    if not 'types' in default:
        default['types'] = Directory()

    # read or create types.xml
    if 'types.xml' in default:
        types = default['types.xml']
        types = default['types.xml'] = DTMLTemplate()

    # set template and params if not done yet
    if not types.template:
        types.template = 'agx.generator.plone:templates/types.xml'
        types.params['portalTypes'] = list()

    # calculate type name
    full_name = type_id(source, target.target)

    # add portal type to types.xml
        'name': full_name,
        'meta_type': 'Dexterity FTI',

    # add TYPENAME.xml to types folder
    # read or create TYPENAME.xml
    name = '%s.xml' % full_name
    if name in default['types']:
        type = default['types'][name]
        type = default['types'][name] = DTMLTemplate()

    # set template used for TYPENAME.xml
    type.template = 'agx.generator.plone:templates/type.xml'

    # set template params
    # FTI properties can be added by prefixing param key with 'fti:'
    # XXX: calculate from model
    content_icon = '++resource++%s/%s_icon.png' % (
        egg.name, source.name.lower())

    type.params['ctype'] = dict()

    # general
    type.params['ctype']['name'] = full_name
    type.params['ctype']['meta_type'] = 'Dexterity FTI'
    type.params['ctype']['i18n_domain'] = egg.name
    # basic metadata
    type.params['ctype']['title'] = source.name
    type.params['ctype']['description'] = source.name
    type.params['ctype']['content_icon'] = content_icon
    type.params['ctype']['allow_discussion'] = 'False'
    type.params['ctype']['global_allow'] = 'True'
    # XXX: maybe False for non contained ones?
    type.params['ctype']['filter_content_types'] = 'True'
    type.params['ctype']['allowed_content_types'] = list()

    # dexterity specific
    class_ = read_target_node(source, target.target)
    schema = '%s.%s' % (class_base_name(class_), schemaclass.classname)

    # XXX: check whether container or leaf
    if token(str(class_.uuid), False, dont_generate=False).dont_generate:
        klass = 'plone.dexterity.content.Item'
        klass = '%s.%s' % (class_base_name(class_), class_.classname)

    type.params['ctype']['schema'] = schema
    type.params['ctype']['klass'] = klass
    type.params['ctype']['add_permission'] = 'cmf.AddPortalContent'
    type.params['ctype']['behaviors'] = list()

    # View information
    type.params['ctype']['view_methods'] = ['view']
    type.params['ctype']['default_view'] = 'view'
    type.params['ctype']['default_view_fallback'] = 'False'

    # Method aliases
    type.params['ctype']['aliases'] = list()
        'from': '(Default)',
        'to': '(dynamic view)',
        'from': 'view',
        'to': '(selected layout)',
        'from': 'edit',
        'to': '@@edit',
        'from': 'sharing',
        'to': '@@sharing',

    # Actions
    type.params['ctype']['actions'] = list()
        'action_id': 'edit',
        'title': 'Edit',
        'category': 'object',
        'condition_expr': '',
        'url_expr': 'string:${object_url}/edit',
        'visible': 'True',
        'permissions': ['Modify portal content'],
        'action_id': 'view',
        'title': 'View',
        'category': 'object',
        'condition_expr': '',
        'url_expr': 'string:${object_url}/view',
        'visible': 'True',
        'permissions': ['View'],