def buildArena(arena_pos): sim = agxPython.getContext().environment.getSimulation() app = agxPython.getContext().environment.getApplication() root = agxPython.getContext().environment.getSceneRoot() arena_size = [width, width, 0.2] h = 0.35 floor = agx.RigidBody( agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Box(arena_size[0] / 2, arena_size[1] / 2, arena_size[2] / 2))) floor.setPosition(arena_pos[0], arena_pos[1], arena_pos[2] - arena_size[2] / 2) floor.setMotionControl(1) sim.add(floor) agxOSG.setDiffuseColor(agxOSG.createVisual(floor, root), agxRender.Color.Gray()) # Octagon sides sides = 8 skip_sides = [9] side_len = width / (1 + np.sqrt(2)) + arena_size[2] / 2 / np.sqrt(2) base_pos = agx.Vec3(arena_pos[0], arena_pos[1], arena_pos[2] - arena_size[2] / 2 + h / 2) for w in range(sides): if w not in skip_sides: theta = -w * np.pi / 4 rot = agx.Quat(theta, agx.Vec3(0, 0, 1)) rot_pos = agx.Vec3( np.sin(theta) * width / 2, -np.cos(theta) * width / 2, 0) wall = agx.RigidBody( agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Box(side_len / 2, arena_size[2] / 2, h / 2))) wall.setPosition(base_pos + rot_pos) wall.setMotionControl(1) wall.setRotation(rot) sim.add(wall) agxOSG.setDiffuseColor(agxOSG.createVisual(wall, root), agxRender.Color.DarkGray()) # Ramp up to the course ramp_dim = [1.4, side_len, 0.2] # *np.cos(np.pi/4) ramp = agx.RigidBody( agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Box(ramp_dim[0] / 2, ramp_dim[1] / 2, ramp_dim[2] / 2))) theta = -np.arcsin(ramp_dim[2] / ramp_dim[0]) / 2 ramp.setPosition( arena_pos[0] - arena_size[0] / 2 - ramp_dim[0] / 2 * np.cos(theta) - ramp_dim[2] / 2 * np.sin(theta), arena_pos[1], arena_pos[2] - arena_size[2] * 3 / 4) # +arena_size[1]/2-ramp_dim[1]/2 ramp.setRotation(agx.Quat(theta, agx.Vec3(0, 1, 0))) ramp.setMotionControl(1) sim.add(ramp) agxOSG.setDiffuseColor(agxOSG.createVisual(ramp, root), agxRender.Color.Gray()) obstacles(sim, root, arena_pos)
def init(self, width, length, rFender): ship = agx.RigidBody() self.add(ship) self.m_body = ship self.m_body.setName('boat') half_length = length * 0.5 half_width = width * 0.5 half_height = 0.25 * half_width b = agxCollide.Geometry(agxCollide.Box(half_length, half_width, half_height)) b.setName('ship') """Capsules""" radius = half_height * 1.2 left_c = agxCollide.Geometry(agxCollide.Capsule(radius, length - 2 * radius)) left_c.setRotation(agx.Quat(math.pi * 0.5, agx.Vec3.Z_AXIS())) left_c.setPosition(0, half_width - radius, - (half_height + radius)) right_capsules = agxCollide.Geometry(agxCollide.Capsule(radius, length - 2 * radius)) right_capsules.setRotation(agx.Quat(math.pi * 0.5, agx.Vec3.Z_AXIS())) right_capsules.setPosition(0, radius - half_width, - (half_height + radius)) """Fender""" fender_material = agx.Material("fenderMaterial") landing_material = agx.Material("landingMaterial") contact_material = demoutils.sim().getMaterialManager().getOrCreateContactMaterial(fender_material, landing_material) contact_material.setYoungsModulus(5e5) contact_material.setFrictionCoefficient(1.0) contact_material.setDamping(0.4) self.create_fenders(fender_material, rFender, half_width, half_height, half_length) """Top""" t_box = agxCollide.Geometry(agxCollide.Box(half_length * 0.5, half_width * 0.5, half_height)) t_box.setPosition(-0.4, 0, 2 * half_height) tt_box = agxCollide.Geometry(agxCollide.Box(half_length * 0.2, half_width * 0.4, half_height * 1.1)) tt_box.setPosition(0, 0, 4.1 * half_height) """Assemble ship""" ship.add(b) # base ship.add(left_c) # left capsule ship.add(right_capsules) # left fender ship.add(t_box) # box on top of base ship.add(tt_box) # box on top of box on top of base ship.setPosition(-90, 0, 0) self.n = 1 self.m_left_propeller = agx.Vec3(-half_length, half_width - radius, - (half_height + 2 * radius)) self.m_right_propeller = agx.Vec3(-half_length, radius - half_width, - (half_height + 2 * radius))
def rotateBody(body, rotX=0, rotY=0, rotZ=0, rotOrder=['x', 'y', 'z'], rotAngle=0, rotAxis=[0,1,0], rotDegrees=True): agxRotAxis = agxVecify(rotAxis) agxRotAxis.normalize() if(rotDegrees): rotX = np.deg2rad(rotX) rotY = np.deg2rad(rotY) rotZ = np.deg2rad(rotZ) rotAngle = np.deg2rad(rotAngle) if rotAngle: q = agx.Quat(-rotAngle, agxRotAxis) body.setRotation(body.getRotation()*q) for dim in rotOrder: angle = (dim == 'x')*-rotX + (dim == 'y')*-rotY + (dim == 'z')*-rotZ if angle: axis = agxVecify([(dim == 'x')*1, (dim == 'y')*1, (dim == 'z')*1]) q = agx.Quat(angle, axis) body.setRotation(body.getRotation()*q)
def rotateVector(vec, rotAngle=0, rotAxis=[0,1,0], rotDegrees=True, transform=True): vec = agxVecify(vec, transform) if(rotDegrees): rotAngle = np.deg2rad(rotAngle) agxRotAxis = agxVecify(rotAxis) agxRotAxis.normalize() q = agx.Quat(-rotAngle, agxRotAxis) rotvec = q*vec rotvec = [rotvec.x(), rotvec.y(), rotvec.z()] if transform: rotvec = xyzTransform(rotvec, reverse=True) return np.array(rotvec)
def rotateBodyExp(body, rotX=0, rotY=0, rotZ=0, rotOrder=['x', 'y', 'z'], rotAngle=0, rotAxis=[0,1,0], rotDegrees=True): agxRotAxis = agxVecify(rotAxis) agxRotAxis.normalize() if(rotDegrees): rotX = np.deg2rad(rotX) rotY = np.deg2rad(rotY) rotZ = np.deg2rad(rotZ) rotAngle = np.deg2rad(rotAngle) if rotAngle: q = agx.Quat(rotAngle, agxRotAxis) body.setRotation(q*body.getRotation()) agx_ex = agxVecify([1,0,0]) agx_ey = agxVecify([0,1,0]) agx_ez = agxVecify([0,0,1]) for dim in rotOrder: angle = (dim == 'x')*rotX - (dim == 'y')*rotY - (dim == 'z')*rotZ if angle: axis = (dim == 'x')*agx_ex + (dim == 'y')*agx_ey + (dim == 'z')*agx_ez q = agx.Quat(angle, axis) body.setRotation(body.getRotation()*q)
def seesaw(sim, root, pos, angle, h=0.08): d = 0.8 # Sides dims = [0.6*(width/14), 0.15*(width/14), h*3/2] pos_s = [pos[0]+(d/2+0.3)*np.cos(angle)*(width/14), pos[1]+(d/2+0.3)*np.sin(angle)*(width/14), pos[2]+h/2] sideP = addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos_s) dims = [0.6*(width/14), 0.15*(width/14), h*3/2] pos_s = [pos[0]-(d/2+0.3)*np.cos(angle)*(width/14), pos[1]-(d/2+0.3)*np.sin(angle)*(width/14), pos[2]+h/2] sideN = addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos_s) # Main board dims = [d*(width/14), 0.9*(width/14), 0.004] pos_s = [pos[0]+0.06*np.sin(angle)*(width/14), pos[1]-0.06*np.cos(angle)*(width/14), pos[2]+h] board = addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos_s, Fixed=False) sideP.setRotation(agx.Quat(angle, agx.Vec3(0,0,1))) sideN.setRotation(agx.Quat(angle, agx.Vec3(0,0,1))) board.setRotation(agx.Quat(angle, agx.Vec3(0,0,1))) #Some stops under bot_tilt = 0.17 dims = [d, 0.43, 0.004] dif = 0.215*np.cos(bot_tilt)*(width/14)-0.002*np.sin(bot_tilt)*(width/14) pos_s = [pos[0]+(0.06+dif)*np.sin(angle)*(width/14), pos[1]-(0.06+dif)*np.cos(angle)*(width/14), pos[2]+np.sin(bot_tilt)*dif] bottom1 = addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos_s, color=agxRender.Color.DarkGray()) pos_s = [pos[0]+(0.06-dif)*np.sin(angle)*(width/14), pos[1]-(0.06-dif)*np.cos(angle)*(width/14), pos[2]+np.sin(bot_tilt)*dif] bottom2 = addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos_s, color=agxRender.Color.DarkGray()) bottom1.setRotation(agx.Quat( bot_tilt, agx.Vec3(1,0,0))) bottom1.setRotation(bottom1.getRotation()*agx.Quat(angle, agx.Vec3(0,0,1))) bottom2.setRotation(agx.Quat(-bot_tilt, agx.Vec3(1,0,0))) bottom2.setRotation(bottom2.getRotation()*agx.Quat(angle, agx.Vec3(0,0,1))) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3( np.cos(angle),np.sin(angle),0)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3(pos[0]+(d/2)*np.cos(angle)*(width/14), pos[1]+(d/2)*np.sin(angle)*(width/14), pos[2]+h)) axleP = agx.Hinge(hf, board, sideP) sim.add(axleP) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3( np.cos(angle),np.sin(angle),0)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3(pos[0]*(width/14)-(d/2)*np.cos(angle)*(width/14), pos[1]*(width/14)-(d/2)*np.sin(angle)*(width/14), pos[2]+h)) axleN = agx.Hinge(hf, board, sideN) sim.add(axleN)
def __init__(self, rb: agx.RigidBody): self.instance = rb = rb.getName() if rb else '[None]' = rb.getId() if rb else -1 self.motion_control = rb.getMotionControl() if rb else agx.RigidBody.STATIC self.mass = rb.getMassProperties().getMass() if rb else 0.0 self.inertia = rb.getMassProperties().getPrincipalInertiae() if rb else agx.Vec3() self.cm_offset = rb.getCmFrame().getLocalTranslate() if rb else agx.Vec3() self.linear_velocity = rb.getVelocity() if rb else agx.Vec3() self.angular_velocity = rb.getAngularVelocity() if rb else agx.Vec3() self.linear_velocity_damping = rb.getLinearVelocityDamping() if rb else agx.Vec3f() self.angular_velocity_damping = rb.getAngularVelocityDamping() if rb else agx.Vec3f() self.force = rb.getForce() if rb else agx.Vec3() self.torque = rb.getTorque() if rb else agx.Vec3() self.world_position = rb.getPosition() if rb else agx.Vec3() self.world_rotation = rb.getRotation() if rb else agx.Quat() self.geometries = [] if rb is None: return for geometry in rb.getGeometries(): self.geometries.append( GeometryInfo( geometry ) )
def buildArena(sim, root): width = 14 arena_size = [width, width, 0.2] arena_pos = [0, 0, -1] h = 0.7 floor = agx.RigidBody( agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Box(arena_size[0] / 2, arena_size[1] / 2, arena_size[2] / 2))) floor.setPosition(arena_pos[0], arena_pos[1], arena_pos[2] - arena_size[2] / 2) floor.setMotionControl(1) sim.add(floor) agxOSG.setDiffuseColor(agxOSG.createVisual(floor, root), agxRender.Color.Gray()) sides = 8 side_len = width / (1 + np.sqrt(2)) + arena_size[2] / 2 / np.sqrt(2) base_pos = agx.Vec3(arena_pos[0], arena_pos[1], arena_pos[2] - arena_size[2] / 2 + h / 2) for w in range(sides): theta = -w * np.pi / 4 rot = agx.Quat(theta, agx.Vec3(0, 0, 1)) rot_pos = agx.Vec3( np.sin(theta) * width / 2, -np.cos(theta) * width / 2, 0) wall = agx.RigidBody( agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Box(side_len / 2, arena_size[2] / 2, h / 2))) wall.setPosition(base_pos + rot_pos) wall.setMotionControl(1) wall.setRotation(rot) sim.add(wall) agxOSG.setDiffuseColor(agxOSG.createVisual(wall, root), agxRender.Color.DarkGray()) obstacles(sim, root, arena_pos[2])
def __init__(self, sim: agxSDK.Simulation, world_position: agx.Vec3, world_direction: agx.Vec3, num_side_rays: int, rad_range_side: int, max_length: float, rb_origin: agx.RigidBody = None, draw_lines: bool = False): ''' Creates the lidar sensor. The Lidar sensor is placed at the given world_position and directed towards the specified world_direction. It always has at least one ray in the world direction. :param sim: Simulation that the Lines and Listeners are added to :param world_position: World position of the lidar :param world_direction: World direction of the lidar :param num_side_rays: Number of rays created on either side of the middle ray. Can be 0. :param rad_range_side: The range within the side rays are created. :param max_length: The maximum length of the lidar rays :param rb_origin: Rigidbody to lock the lidar body to. Will lock to world if None :param draw_lines: debug rendering of the rays ''' super().__init__(agxSDK.StepEventListener.PRE_COLLIDE) geom = agxCollide.Geometry(agxCollide.Box(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) geom.setName("lidar_geom") geom.setSensor(True) lidar_body = agx.RigidBody(geom) lidar_body.setMotionControl(agx.RigidBody.KINEMATICS) lidar_body.setRotation(agx.Quat(agx.Vec3().Z_AXIS(), world_direction)) lidar_body.setPosition(world_position) if rb_origin is not None: self._relative_transform = lidar_body.getTransform() * rb_origin.getTransform().inverse() rays_dict = collections.OrderedDict() delta = 0 start = 0 if num_side_rays > 0: delta = rad_range_side/num_side_rays start = -rad_range_side for i in range(2*num_side_rays + 1): angle = start + i * delta z = max_length*math.cos(angle) y = max_length*math.sin(angle) ray = agxCollide.Geometry(agxCollide.Line(agx.Vec3(0), agx.Vec3(0, y, z))) ray.setSensor(True) ray.setEnableSerialization(False) ray.addGroup("LidarGeom") ray.setName("Ray") ray.setEnableCollisions(geom, False) lidar_body.add(ray) rays_dict[ray.getUuid()] = [ray, max_length] if i == num_side_rays: self.midRay = ray self.cel = LidarContactSensor(lidar_body, rays_dict, max_length, rb_origin) sim.add(self.cel) sim.add(lidar_body) self._lidar_body = lidar_body self._rb_origin = rb_origin self._rays_dict = rays_dict self._max_length = max_length self._draw_lines = draw_lines render_manager = sim.getRenderManager() if render_manager and self._draw_lines: render_manager.disableFlags(agxRender.RENDER_GEOMETRIES)
def setup_geometries(self, root, material, visual): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements, too-many-locals """ Create bodies and constraints so that we can move the gripper left/right/front/back """ translate_bodies = [agx.RigidBody(), agx.RigidBody()] move_direction = [agx.Vec3(-1, 0, 0), agx.Vec3(0, -1, 0)] for i in range(0, 2): body = translate_bodies[i] body.setLocalPosition(0, 0, 0) body.getMassProperties().setMass(self.props.mass) self.gripper.add(body) if i == 0: frame1 = agx.Frame() frame1.setLocalTranslate(body.getPosition()) frame1.setLocalRotate( agx.Quat(agx.Vec3(0, 0, -1), move_direction[i])) prismatic = agx.Prismatic(body, frame1) else: frame1 = agx.Frame() frame2 = agx.Frame() assert agx.Constraint.calculateFramesFromBody(agx.Vec3(), \ move_direction[i], translate_bodies[0], frame1, body, frame2) prismatic = agx.Prismatic(translate_bodies[0], frame1, body, frame2) self.gripper.add(prismatic) prismatic.getMotor1D().setLockedAtZeroSpeed(True) prismatic.getMotor1D().setForceRange(agx.RangeReal(50)) # N prismatic.getMotor1D().setSpeed(0) prismatic.getMotor1D().setEnable(True) prismatic.setSolveType(agx.Constraint.DIRECT_AND_ITERATIVE) prismatic.setCompliance(1e-15) self.move_constraints.append(prismatic) # Create a Cylindrical constraint that can be used for lifting AND rotating lift_rotate_body = agx.RigidBody() lift_rotate_body.setLocalPosition(0, 0, 0) lift_rotate_body.getMassProperties().setMass(self.props.mass) self.gripper.add(lift_rotate_body) frame1 = agx.Frame() frame2 = agx.Frame() assert agx.Constraint.calculateFramesFromBody( \ agx.Vec3(), agx.Vec3(0, 0, -1), translate_bodies[1], frame1, lift_rotate_body, frame2) self.cylindrical = agx.CylindricalJoint(translate_bodies[1], frame1, lift_rotate_body, frame2) self.cylindrical.setSolveType(agx.Constraint.DIRECT_AND_ITERATIVE) self.cylindrical.setCompliance(1e-15) # Enable the motors and set some properties on the motors for d in [agx.Constraint2DOF.FIRST, agx.Constraint2DOF.SECOND]: self.cylindrical.getMotor1D(d).setEnable(True) self.cylindrical.getMotor1D(d).setLockedAtZeroSpeed(True) self.cylindrical.getMotor1D(d).setSpeed(0) if d == agx.Constraint2DOF.FIRST: self.cylindrical.getMotor1D(d).setForceRange( agx.RangeReal(15)) # N else: self.cylindrical.getMotor1D(d).setForceRange( agx.RangeReal(50)) # Nm self.gripper.add(self.cylindrical) # Create the actual fingers that is used for picking up screws. capsule1 = agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Capsule(self.props.radius, self.props.height)) capsule1.setLocalRotation(agx.EulerAngles(math.radians(90), 0, 0)) capsule1.setMaterial(material) capsule2 = capsule1.clone() capsule1.setLocalPosition(0, -self.props.radius, 0) capsule2.setLocalPosition(0, self.props.radius, 0) self.finger1 = agx.RigidBody() self.finger1.add(capsule1) self.finger1.add(capsule2) self.finger2 = self.finger1.clone() fingers = [self.finger1, self.finger2] # Create the constraints that is used for open/close the picking device direction = [1, -1] self.grip_constraints = [] grip_range = 0.025 self.grip_offs = self.props.radius for i in range(0, 2): finger = fingers[i] finger.setLocalPosition( direction[i] * (self.grip_offs + self.posref.grip1), 0, 0) self.gripper.add(finger) finger.getMassProperties().setMass(self.props.mass) frame1 = agx.Frame() frame2 = agx.Frame() assert agx.Constraint.calculateFramesFromBody( \ agx.Vec3(), agx.Vec3(-1, 0, 0) * direction[i], lift_rotate_body, frame1, finger, frame2) prismatic = agx.Prismatic(lift_rotate_body, frame1, finger, frame2) prismatic.getMotor1D().setForceRange(agx.RangeReal(-20, 20)) prismatic.getMotor1D().setLockedAtZeroSpeed(True) prismatic.getMotor1D().setEnable(True) prismatic.getRange1D().setRange( agx.RangeReal(-self.posref.grip1, grip_range - self.posref.grip1)) prismatic.getRange1D().setEnable(True) prismatic.setSolveType(agx.Constraint.DIRECT_AND_ITERATIVE) prismatic.setCompliance(1e-15) self.gripper.add(prismatic) self.grip_constraints.append(prismatic) self.sim.add(self.gripper) if visual: agxOSG.createVisual(self.gripper, root)
def createBucket(self, spec): length = spec['length'] if 'length' in spec else default['length'] width = spec['width'] if 'width' in spec else default['width'] height = spec['height'] if 'height' in spec else default['height'] thickness = spec['thickness'] if 'thickness' in spec else default[ 'thickness'] topFraction = spec[ 'topFraction'] if 'topFraction' in spec else default['topFraction'] def createSlopedSides(length, height, thickness, topFraction): fracLength = (1.0 - topFraction) * length points = [ agx.Vec3(0.0, 0.0, -thickness), agx.Vec3(-2.0 * fracLength, 0.0, -thickness), agx.Vec3(0.0, 2.0 * height, -thickness), agx.Vec3(0.0, 0.0, thickness), agx.Vec3(-2.0 * fracLength, 0.0, thickness), agx.Vec3(0.0, 2.0 * height, thickness) ] vec3Vector = agx.Vec3Vector() for point in points: vec3Vector.append(point) side = agxUtil.createConvexFromVerticesOnly(vec3Vector) return side def createCuttingEdge(length, width, height, thickness, topFraction): fracLength = (1.0 - topFraction) * length tanSlope = fracLength / height edgeLength = tanSlope * thickness points = [ agx.Vec3(0.0, -width, 0.0), agx.Vec3(2.0 * edgeLength, -width, 0.0), agx.Vec3(2.0 * edgeLength, -width, thickness * 2.0), agx.Vec3(0.0, width, 0.0), agx.Vec3(2.0 * edgeLength, width, 0.0), agx.Vec3(2.0 * edgeLength, width, thickness * 2.0) ] vec3Vector = agx.Vec3Vector() for point in points: vec3Vector.append(point) edge = agxUtil.createConvexFromVerticesOnly(vec3Vector) return edge fracLength = (1.0 - topFraction) * length tanSlope = fracLength / height edgeLength = tanSlope * thickness bucket = agx.RigidBody() bottomPlate = agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Box(length - edgeLength, width, thickness)) leftSide = agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Box(length * topFraction, height, thickness)) rightSide = agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Box(length * topFraction, height, thickness)) backPlate = agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Box(height, width + thickness, thickness)) topPlate = agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Box(length * topFraction, width, thickness)) leftSlopedSide = agxCollide.Geometry( createSlopedSides(length, height, thickness, topFraction)) rightSlopedSide = agxCollide.Geometry( createSlopedSides(length, height, thickness, topFraction)) edge = agxCollide.Geometry( createCuttingEdge(length, width, height, thickness, topFraction)) bucket.add(bottomPlate) bucket.add(leftSide) bucket.add(rightSide) bucket.add(backPlate) bucket.add(topPlate) bucket.add(leftSlopedSide) bucket.add(rightSlopedSide) bucket.add(edge) bottomPlate.setLocalPosition(edgeLength, 0.0, -height + thickness) leftSide.setLocalRotation(agx.Quat(agx.PI_2, agx.Vec3.X_AXIS())) leftSide.setLocalPosition(length * (1.0 - topFraction), width, 0.0) rightSide.setLocalRotation(agx.Quat(agx.PI_2, agx.Vec3.X_AXIS())) rightSide.setLocalPosition(length * (1.0 - topFraction), -width, 0.0) backPlate.setLocalRotation(agx.Quat(agx.PI_2, agx.Vec3.Y_AXIS())) backPlate.setLocalPosition(length + thickness, 0.0, 0.0) topPlate.setLocalPosition(length * (1.0 - topFraction), 0.0, height - thickness) leftSlopedSide.setLocalRotation(agx.Quat(agx.PI_2, agx.Vec3.X_AXIS())) leftSlopedSide.setLocalPosition(length * (1.0 - topFraction * 2.0), width, -height) rightSlopedSide.setLocalRotation(agx.Quat(agx.PI_2, agx.Vec3.X_AXIS())) rightSlopedSide.setLocalPosition(length * (1.0 - topFraction * 2.0), -width, -height) edge.setLocalPosition(-length, 0.0, -height) cuttingEdge = agx.Line(agx.Vec3(-length, width, -height + thickness), agx.Vec3(-length, -width, -height + thickness)) topEdge = agx.Line(agx.Vec3((1.0 - topFraction * 2.0), width, height), agx.Vec3((1.0 - topFraction * 2.0), -width, height)) forwardVector = agx.Vec3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0) return cuttingEdge, topEdge, forwardVector, bucket
def buildBot(sim, root, bot_pos, controller='Arrows', drivetrain = 'FWD', color=False): body_wid = 0.32 body_len = 0.6 body_hei = 0.16 wheel_rad = 0.07 wheel_wid = 0.02 wheel_dmp = -0.02 body = agx.RigidBody( agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Box(body_wid/2, body_len/2, body_hei/2))) body.setPosition(bot_pos[0], bot_pos[1], bot_pos[2] + body_hei/2 + wheel_rad + wheel_dmp ) # body.setMotionControl(1) body.setRotation(agx.Quat(np.pi, agx.Vec3(0,0,1))) sim.add(body) vis_body = agxOSG.createVisual(body, root) if color: agxOSG.setDiffuseColor(vis_body, color) else: agxOSG.setTexture(vis_body, 'flames.png', True, agxOSG.DIFFUSE_TEXTURE, 1.0, 1.0) wheelLF = agx.RigidBody(agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Cylinder(wheel_rad, wheel_wid))) wheelLF.setPosition(bot_pos[0]-(body_wid/2+wheel_wid/2), bot_pos[1]+(body_len/2-wheel_rad*1.8), bot_pos[2]+wheel_rad) # wheelLF.setMotionControl(1) wheelLF.setRotation(agx.Quat(np.pi/2, agx.Vec3(0,0,1))) sim.add(wheelLF) # agxOSG.setDiffuseColor(agxOSG.createVisual(wheelLF, root), agxRender.Color.Red()) wheelRF = agx.RigidBody(agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Cylinder(wheel_rad, wheel_wid))) wheelRF.setPosition(bot_pos[0]+(body_wid/2+wheel_wid/2), bot_pos[1]+(body_len/2-wheel_rad*1.8), bot_pos[2]+wheel_rad) # wheelRF.setMotionControl(1) wheelRF.setRotation(agx.Quat(np.pi/2, agx.Vec3(0,0,1))) sim.add(wheelRF) # agxOSG.setDiffuseColor(agxOSG.createVisual(wheelRF, root), agxRender.Color.Red()) wheelLB = agx.RigidBody(agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Cylinder(wheel_rad, wheel_wid))) wheelLB.setPosition(bot_pos[0]-(body_wid/2+wheel_wid/2), bot_pos[1]-(body_len/2-wheel_rad*1.8), bot_pos[2]+wheel_rad) # wheelLB.setMotionControl(1) wheelLB.setRotation(agx.Quat(np.pi/2, agx.Vec3(0,0,1))) sim.add(wheelLB) # agxOSG.setDiffuseColor(agxOSG.createVisual(wheelLB, root), agxRender.Color.Red()) wheelRB = agx.RigidBody(agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Cylinder(wheel_rad, wheel_wid))) wheelRB.setPosition(bot_pos[0]+(body_wid/2+wheel_wid/2), bot_pos[1]-(body_len/2-wheel_rad*1.8), bot_pos[2]+wheel_rad) # wheelRB.setMotionControl(1) wheelRB.setRotation(agx.Quat(np.pi/2, agx.Vec3(0,0,1))) sim.add(wheelRB) # agxOSG.setDiffuseColor(agxOSG.createVisual(wheelRB, root), agxRender.Color.Red()) for wheel in [wheelLB, wheelLF, wheelRB, wheelRF]: vis_body = agxOSG.createVisual(wheel, root) agxOSG.setTexture(vis_body, 'tire.png', True, agxOSG.DIFFUSE_TEXTURE, 1.0, 1.0) light_rad = 0.02 light_dep = 0.01 headlightL = agx.RigidBody(agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Cylinder(light_rad, light_dep))) headlightL.setPosition( bot_pos[0] + 0.79*body_wid/2, bot_pos[1] + body_len/2+light_dep/2, bot_pos[2] + 0.7*body_hei + wheel_rad + wheel_dmp) # headlightL.setMotionControl(1) # headlightL.setRotation(agx.Quat(np.pi/2, agx.Vec3(0,0,1))) sim.add(headlightL) agxOSG.setTexture(agxOSG.createVisual(headlightL, root), 'light.png', True, agxOSG.DIFFUSE_TEXTURE, 1.0, 1.0) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3(0,1,0)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3( bot_pos[0] + 0.79*body_wid/2, bot_pos[1] + body_len/2, bot_pos[2] + 0.7*body_hei + wheel_rad + wheel_dmp )) HLL = agx.Hinge(hf, body, headlightL) sim.add(HLL) headlightR = agx.RigidBody(agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Cylinder(light_rad, light_dep))) headlightR.setPosition(bot_pos[0] -0.79*body_wid/2, bot_pos[1] + body_len/2+light_dep/2, bot_pos[2] + 0.7*body_hei + wheel_rad + wheel_dmp ) # headlightR.setMotionControl(1) # headlightL.setRotation(agx.Quat(np.pi/2, agx.Vec3(0,0,1))) sim.add(headlightR) agxOSG.setTexture(agxOSG.createVisual(headlightR, root), 'light.png', True, agxOSG.DIFFUSE_TEXTURE, 1.0, 1.0) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3(0,1,0)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3(bot_pos[0] -0.79*body_wid/2, bot_pos[1] + body_len/2, bot_pos[2] + 0.7*body_hei + wheel_rad + wheel_dmp )) HLR = agx.Hinge(hf, body, headlightR) sim.add(HLR) light_wid = 0.012 light_hei = 0.02 light_dep = 0.003 taillightL = agx.RigidBody(agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Box(light_wid, light_dep, light_hei))) taillightL.setPosition(bot_pos[0] -0.79*body_wid/2,bot_pos[1] -(body_len/2+light_dep/2), bot_pos[2] + 0.7*body_hei + wheel_rad + wheel_dmp) # taillightL.setMotionControl(1) # headlightL.setRotation(agx.Quat(np.pi/2, agx.Vec3(0,0,1))) sim.add(taillightL) agxOSG.setDiffuseColor(agxOSG.createVisual(taillightL, root), agxRender.Color.Red()) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3(0,1,0)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3(bot_pos[0] -0.79*body_wid/2, bot_pos[1] -body_len/2, bot_pos[2] + 0.7*body_hei + wheel_rad + wheel_dmp + light_hei/3)) TLL_hi = agx.Hinge(hf, body, taillightL) sim.add(TLL_hi) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3(0,1,0)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3(bot_pos[0] -0.79*body_wid/2, bot_pos[1] -body_len/2, bot_pos[2] + 0.7*body_hei + wheel_rad + wheel_dmp - light_hei/3)) TLL_low = agx.Hinge(hf, body, taillightL) sim.add(TLL_low) taillightR = agx.RigidBody(agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Box(light_wid, light_dep, light_hei))) taillightR.setPosition( bot_pos[0] + 0.79*body_wid/2,bot_pos[1] -(body_len/2+light_dep/2), bot_pos[2] + 0.7*body_hei + wheel_rad + wheel_dmp) # taillightR.setMotionControl(1) # headlightL.setRotation(agx.Quat(np.pi/2, agx.Vec3(0,0,1))) sim.add(taillightR) agxOSG.setDiffuseColor(agxOSG.createVisual(taillightR, root), agxRender.Color.Red()) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3(0,1,0)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3( bot_pos[0] + 0.79*body_wid/2,bot_pos[1]-body_len/2, bot_pos[2] + 0.7*body_hei + wheel_rad + wheel_dmp + light_hei/3)) TLR = agx.Hinge(hf, body, taillightR) sim.add(TLR) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3(0,1,0)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3( bot_pos[0] + 0.79*body_wid/2,bot_pos[1]-body_len/2, bot_pos[2] + 0.7*body_hei + wheel_rad + wheel_dmp - light_hei/3)) TLR = agx.Hinge(hf, body, taillightR) sim.add(TLR) windangle = np.pi/4 windshield = agx.RigidBody( agxCollide.Geometry( agxCollide.Box(0.9*body_wid/2, 0.005, body_hei/3))) windshield.setPosition(bot_pos[0], bot_pos[1]+body_len/5, bot_pos[2] + body_hei + wheel_rad + wheel_dmp + np.cos(windangle)*body_hei/3) # windshield.setTorque(0,0,100) # windshield.setMotionControl(2) windshield.setRotation(agx.Quat(windangle, agx.Vec3(1,0,0))) sim.add(windshield) agxOSG.setTexture(agxOSG.createVisual(windshield, root), 'windshield.jpg', True, agxOSG.DIFFUSE_TEXTURE, 1.0, 1.0) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3(0,0,1)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3(-body_wid/3, body_len/5, bot_pos[2] + body_hei + wheel_rad + wheel_dmp)) windh1 = agx.Hinge(hf, body, windshield) sim.add(windh1) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3(0,0,1)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3(body_wid/3, body_len/5, bot_pos[2] + body_hei + wheel_rad + wheel_dmp)) windh2 = agx.Hinge(hf, body, windshield) sim.add(windh2) x_ax = agx.Vec3(1,0,0) y_ax = agx.Vec3(0,1,0) z_ax = agx.Vec3(0,0,1) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3(-1,0,0)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3(bot_pos[0]-body_wid/2, bot_pos[1]+(body_len/2-wheel_rad*1.8), bot_pos[2]+wheel_rad)) axleLF = agx.Hinge(hf, body, wheelLF) sim.add(axleLF) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3(-1,0,0)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3(bot_pos[0]-body_wid/2, bot_pos[1]-(body_len/2-wheel_rad*1.8), bot_pos[2]+wheel_rad)) axleLB = agx.Hinge(hf, body, wheelLB) sim.add(axleLB) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3( 1,0,0)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3(bot_pos[0]+body_wid/2, bot_pos[1]-(body_len/2-wheel_rad*1.8), bot_pos[2]+wheel_rad)) axleRB = agx.Hinge(hf, body, wheelRB) sim.add(axleRB) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3( 1,0,0)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3(bot_pos[0]+body_wid/2, bot_pos[1]+(body_len/2-wheel_rad*1.8), bot_pos[2]+wheel_rad)) axleRF = agx.Hinge(hf, body, wheelRF) sim.add(axleRF) wheels = [wheelLF, wheelRF] # default FWD if drivetrain == 'FWD': wheels = [wheelLF, wheelRF] elif drivetrain == 'RWD': wheels = [wheelLB, wheelRB] elif drivetrain == 'AWD': wheels = [wheelLF, wheelRF, wheelLB, wheelRB] if controller == 'Numpad': sim.add(WheelControllerNumpad(wheels)) sim.add(Fjoink(body).setHopper(agxSDK.GuiEventListener.KEY_KP_Subtract)) else: sim.add(WheelControllerArrows(wheels)) sim.add(Fjoink(body)) # return a pointer to the body return body
def obstacles(sim, root, h): #start plattform dims = [1.5, 1.5, 0.06] pos = [-6, 0, h + dims[2] / 2] startbox = addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) #timer timer = Timer(startbox) sim.add(timer) dims = [0.1, 1.5, 0.3] pos = [-6.75, 0, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) dims = [0.1, 1.5, 0.3] pos = [-5.25, 0, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) dims = [1.6, 0.1, 0.3] pos = [-6, -0.75, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) # wall dims = [4.0, 0.1, 0.22] pos = [-3.3, -0.6, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) # Random stuff in the first quarter dims = [0.2, 0.2, 0.8] pos = [-4, 0, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) dims = [0.4, 0.25, 0.2] pos = [-3, 1.5, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) for i in range(30): x = -0.5 - random.random() * 4.75 y = -0.5 + random.random() * 6 dims = [ random.random() * 0.6, random.random() * 0.6, random.random() * 0.6 ] pos = agx.Vec3(x, y, 0) if pos.length() < 1.5: pos.setLength(1.5 + random.random() * 3.75) if pos.length() > 7.0: pos.setLength(1.5 + random.random() * 5.5) pos.set(h + dims[2] / 2, 2) addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) # Pole in the middle with walls around dims = [0.28, 1.4] pos = [0, 0, h + dims[1] / 2] can = addcylinder(sim, root, dims, pos, texture='schrodbull.png') can.setRotation(agx.Quat(np.pi / 2, agx.Vec3(1, 0, 0))) pos = [0, 0, h + dims[1]] dims = [0.28, 0.025] pos[2] = pos[2] + dims[1] / 2 lid = addcylinder(sim, root, dims, pos, texture='sodacan_lid.png') lid.setRotation(agx.Quat(np.pi / 2, agx.Vec3(1, 0, 0))) dims = [0.3, 2.0, 0.4] pos = [-1.15, 0, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) dims = [2.6, 0.3, 0.4] pos = [0, -1.15, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) dims = [0.3, 2.0, 0.4] pos = [1.15, 0, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) dims = [0.3, 7.0, 0.4] pos = [0, 3.5, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) # Seesaw board dims = [2.1, 0.25, 0.3] pos = [2.1, 0.4, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) seesaw(sim, root, [3.75, 0.9, h], -0.85 * np.pi, h=0.1) dims = [0.5, 3.8, 0.18] pos = [4.8, 3.15, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) # Ballroom walls dims = [0.25, 4.3, 0.3] pos = [6.0, 0.0, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) dims = [0.25, 1.0, 0.3] pos = [2.1, -1.0, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) dims = [0.25, 1.4, 0.3] pos = [3.0, -0.4, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) dims = [0.25, 2.4, 0.3] pos = [2.5, -3.0, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) dims = [1.1, 0.25, 0.3] pos = [3.1, -3.1, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) dims = [0.66, 0.25, 0.3] pos = [2.3, -1.65, h + dims[2] / 2] wall_1 = addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) dims = [2.8, 0.25, 0.3] pos = [3.95, -2.0, h + dims[2] / 2] wall_2 = addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) dims = [3.91, 0.25, 0.3] pos = [4.65, -3.45, h + dims[2] / 2] wall_3 = addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) wall_1.setRotation(agx.Quat(-np.pi / 4, agx.Vec3(0, 0, 1))) wall_2.setRotation(agx.Quat(-np.pi / 4, agx.Vec3(0, 0, 1))) wall_3.setRotation(agx.Quat(np.pi / 4, agx.Vec3(0, 0, 1))) # Ballroom balls for i in range(200): x = 4.0 + random.random() * 2.8 y = 0.75 - random.random() * 2.5 rad = 0.025 + random.random() * 0.075 pos = agx.Vec3(x, y, h + rad + 3 * random.random() * rad) addball(sim, root, rad, pos, Fixed=False) # Climbing ramp dx = 0.8 bot_tilt = 0.0445 dims = [dx, 2.5, 0.6] bot_tilt = np.arcsin(0.45 / (2.5 * 4)) dif = dims[1] / 2 * np.cos(bot_tilt) - 0.002 * np.sin(bot_tilt) dh = 2 * np.sin(bot_tilt) * dif for i in range(4): angle = (i + 1) * np.pi pos = [2 - dx * i, -4.7 - 0.015 * (-1)**i, -0.3 + h + (i + 1 / 2) * dh] hip = addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) hip.setRotation(agx.Quat(bot_tilt, agx.Vec3(1, 0, 0))) hip.setRotation(hip.getRotation() * agx.Quat(angle, agx.Vec3(0, 0, 1))) addboxx(sim, root, [2 * dx, 1.1, dims[2]], [ 2 - dx * (i + 1 / 2), -4.7 - 1.8 * ((-1)**i), -0.3 + h + (i + 1) * dh ]) # Bridge boxes dims = [1.5, 1.8, 0.45] pos = [-1.5, -3.25, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) dims = [1.5, 1.8, 0.45] pos = [-4.5, -3.25, h + dims[2] / 2] addboxx(sim, root, dims, pos) # Bridge part bridge = addboxx(sim, root, [1.5, 0.5, 0.08], [-3.0, -3.25, h + 0.45 - 0.04]) timer.addCheckpoint(bridge) # Swinging ball over bridge rad = 0.4 pendulum = addball(sim, root, rad, [-3.0, -3.25, h + 0.45 + rad + 0.01], Fixed=False) pendulum.setVelocity(agx.Vec3(0, 5, 0)) hf = agx.HingeFrame() hf.setAxis(agx.Vec3(1, 0, 0)) hf.setCenter(agx.Vec3(-3.0, -3.25, 3.0 + h + 0.45 + rad + 0.01)) axleP = agx.Hinge(hf, pendulum) sim.add(axleP) # addboxx(sim, root, [1.5, 0.5, 0.08], ) # final ramp addboxx(sim, root, [0.1, 2.5, 0.5], [-6.5, -2.05, h + 0.5 / 2]) addboxx(sim, root, [0.1, 2.5, 0.5], [-5.5, -2.05, h + 0.5 / 2]) hip = addboxx(sim, root, [0.9, 1.5, 0.1], [-6.0, -1.53, h + 0.026 + np.sin(0.15) * 1.5 / 2]) hip.setRotation(agx.Quat(0.15, agx.Vec3(1, 0, 0))) addboxx(sim, root, [0.9, 2.0, 0.2], [-6.0, -2.25, h + 0.075]) addboxx(sim, root, [1.4, 0.8, 0.2], [-5.8, -3.7, h + 0.45 - 0.1]) hip = addboxx(sim, root, [0.9, 1.5, 0.1], [-6.0, -3.0, h + 0.026 + np.sin(0.15) * 1.5 / 2]) hip.setRotation(agx.Quat(-0.15, agx.Vec3(1, 0, 0)))