Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_unique_4(self):
        filename = 'file1.txt'
        filename_list = ['file1.txt', 'file1-2.txt']

                         utils.get_unique_filename(filename, filename_list))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_unique_1(self):
        filename = 'different.txt'
        filename_list = ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt']

                         utils.get_unique_filename(filename, filename_list))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _generate_PWCPinputdata(self,
        This method creates the content of an input file
        in the PW/CP format.
        from aiida.common.utils import get_unique_filename, get_suggestion
        import re
        local_copy_list_to_append = []

        # I put the first-level keys as uppercase (i.e., namelist and card names)
        # and the second-level keys as lowercase
        # (deeper levels are unchanged)
        input_params = _uppercase_dict(parameters.get_dict(),
        input_params = {
            k: _lowercase_dict(v, dict_name=k)
            for k, v in input_params.iteritems()

        # I remove unwanted elements (for the moment, instead, I stop; to change when
        # we setup a reasonable logging)
        for blocked in self._blocked_keywords:
            nl = blocked[0].upper()
            flag = blocked[1].lower()
            defaultvalue = None
            if len(blocked) >= 3:
                defaultvalue = blocked[2]
            if nl in input_params:
                # The following lines is meant to avoid putting in input the
                # parameters like celldm(*)
                stripped_inparams = [
                    re.sub("[(0-9)]", "", _) for _ in input_params[nl].keys()
                if flag in stripped_inparams:
                    raise InputValidationError(
                        "You cannot specify explicitly the '{}' flag in the '{}' "
                        "namelist or card.".format(flag, nl))
                if defaultvalue is not None:
                    if nl not in input_params:
                        input_params[nl] = {}
                    input_params[nl][flag] = defaultvalue

        # Set some variables (look out at the case! NAMELISTS should be uppercase,
        # internal flag names must be lowercase)
        if 'CONTROL' not in input_params:
            input_params['CONTROL'] = {}
        input_params['CONTROL']['pseudo_dir'] = self._PSEUDO_SUBFOLDER
        input_params['CONTROL']['outdir'] = self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER
        input_params['CONTROL']['prefix'] = self._PREFIX

        input_params['CONTROL']['verbosity'] = input_params['CONTROL'].get(
            self._default_verbosity)  # Set to high if not specified

        # ============ I prepare the input site data =============
        # ------------ CELL_PARAMETERS -----------
        cell_parameters_card = "CELL_PARAMETERS angstrom\n"
        for vector in structure.cell:
            cell_parameters_card += ("{0:18.10f} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f}"

        # ------------- ATOMIC_SPECIES ------------
        atomic_species_card_list = []

        # Keep track of the filenames to avoid to overwrite files
        # I use a dictionary where the key is the pseudo PK and the value
        # is the filename I used. In this way, I also use the same filename
        # if more than one kind uses the same pseudo.
        pseudo_filenames = {}

        # I keep track of the order of species
        kind_names = []
        # I add the pseudopotential files to the list of files to be copied
        for kind in structure.kinds:
            # This should not give errors, I already checked before that
            # the list of keys of pseudos and kinds coincides
            ps = pseudos[kind.name]
            if kind.is_alloy() or kind.has_vacancies():
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "Kind '{}' is an alloy or has "
                    "vacancies. This is not allowed for pw.x input structures."

                # It it is the same pseudopotential file, use the same filename
                filename = pseudo_filenames[ps.pk]
            except KeyError:
                # The pseudo was not encountered yet; use a new name and
                # also add it to the local copy list
                filename = get_unique_filename(ps.filename,
                pseudo_filenames[ps.pk] = filename
                # I add this pseudo file to the list of files to copy
                     os.path.join(self._PSEUDO_SUBFOLDER, filename)))
            atomic_species_card_list.append("{} {} {}\n".format(
                kind.name.ljust(6), kind.mass, filename))

        # I join the lines, but I resort them using the alphabetical order of
        # species, given by the kind_names list. I also store the mapping_species
        # list, with the order of species used in the file
        mapping_species, sorted_atomic_species_card_list = zip(
            *sorted(zip(kind_names, atomic_species_card_list)))
        # The format of mapping_species required later is a dictionary, whose
        # values are the indices, so I convert to this format
        # Note the (idx+1) to convert to fortran 1-based lists
        mapping_species = {
            sp_name: (idx + 1)
            for idx, sp_name in enumerate(mapping_species)
        # I add the first line
        sorted_atomic_species_card_list = (
            ["ATOMIC_SPECIES\n"] + list(sorted_atomic_species_card_list))
        atomic_species_card = "".join(sorted_atomic_species_card_list)
        # Free memory
        del sorted_atomic_species_card_list
        del atomic_species_card_list

        # ------------ ATOMIC_POSITIONS -----------
        atomic_positions_card_list = ["ATOMIC_POSITIONS angstrom\n"]

        # Check on validity of FIXED_COORDS
        fixed_coords_strings = []
        fixed_coords = settings_dict.pop('FIXED_COORDS', None)
        if fixed_coords is None:
            # No fixed_coords specified: I store a list of empty strings
            fixed_coords_strings = [""] * len(structure.sites)
            if len(fixed_coords) != len(structure.sites):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "Input structure contains {:d} sites, but "
                    "fixed_coords has length {:d}".format(
                        len(structure.sites), len(fixed_coords)))

            for i, this_atom_fix in enumerate(fixed_coords):
                if len(this_atom_fix) != 3:
                    raise InputValidationError(
                        "fixed_coords({:d}) has not length three"
                        "".format(i + 1))
                for fixed_c in this_atom_fix:
                    if not isinstance(fixed_c, bool):
                        raise InputValidationError(
                            "fixed_coords({:d}) has non-boolean "
                            "elements".format(i + 1))

                if_pos_values = [self._if_pos(_) for _ in this_atom_fix]
                    "  {:d} {:d} {:d}".format(*if_pos_values))

        for site, fixed_coords_string in zip(structure.sites,
                "{0} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f} {3:18.10f} {4}\n".format(
                    site.kind_name.ljust(6), site.position[0],
                    site.position[1], site.position[2], fixed_coords_string))
        atomic_positions_card = "".join(atomic_positions_card_list)
        del atomic_positions_card_list  # Free memory

        # velocities (to initialize MD, if set)
        atomic_velocities = settings_dict.pop('ATOMIC_VELOCITIES', None)
        if atomic_velocities is not None:
            # Checking if as many velocities are set as structures:
            if len(atomic_velocities) != len(structure.sites):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "Input structure contains {:d} sites, but "
                    "atomic velocities has length {:d}".format(
                        len(structure.sites), len(atomic_velocities)))
            atomic_velocities_strings = ["ATOMIC_VELOCITIES\n"]
            for site, vel in zip(structure.sites, atomic_velocities):
                # Checking that all 3 dimension are specified:
                if len(vel) != 3:
                    raise InputValidationError(
                        "Velocities({}) for {} has not length three"
                        "".format(vel, site))
                # Appending to atomic_velocities_strings
                    "{0} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f} {3:18.10f}\n".format(
                        site.kind_name.ljust(6), vel[0], vel[1], vel[2]))
            # I append to atomic_positions_card  so that velocities
            # are defined right after positions:
            atomic_positions_card = atomic_positions_card + "".join(
            # Freeing the memory
            del atomic_velocities_strings
        # I set the variables that must be specified, related to the system
        # Set some variables (look out at the case! NAMELISTS should be
        # uppercase, internal flag names must be lowercase)
        if 'SYSTEM' not in input_params:
            input_params['SYSTEM'] = {}
        input_params['SYSTEM']['ibrav'] = 0
        input_params['SYSTEM']['nat'] = len(structure.sites)
        input_params['SYSTEM']['ntyp'] = len(structure.kinds)

        # ============ I prepare the k-points =============
        if self._use_kpoints:
                mesh, offset = kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh()
                has_mesh = True
                force_kpoints_list = settings_dict.pop('FORCE_KPOINTS_LIST',
                if force_kpoints_list:
                    kpoints_list = kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh(print_list=True)
                    num_kpoints = len(kpoints_list)
                    has_mesh = False
                    weights = [1.] * num_kpoints

            except AttributeError:

                    kpoints_list = kpoints.get_kpoints()
                    num_kpoints = len(kpoints_list)
                    has_mesh = False
                    if num_kpoints == 0:
                        raise InputValidationError(
                            "At least one k point must be "
                            "provided for non-gamma calculations")
                except AttributeError:
                    raise InputValidationError(
                        "No valid kpoints have been found")

                    _, weights = kpoints.get_kpoints(also_weights=True)
                except AttributeError:
                    weights = [1.] * num_kpoints

            gamma_only = settings_dict.pop("GAMMA_ONLY", False)

            if gamma_only:
                if has_mesh:
                    if tuple(mesh) != (1, 1, 1) or tuple(offset) != (0., 0.,
                        raise InputValidationError(
                            "If a gamma_only calculation is requested, the "
                            "kpoint mesh must be (1,1,1),offset=(0.,0.,0.)")

                    if (len(kpoints_list) != 1
                            or tuple(kpoints_list[0]) != tuple(0., 0., 0.)):
                        raise InputValidationError(
                            "If a gamma_only calculation is requested, the "
                            "kpoints coordinates must only be (0.,0.,0.)")

                kpoints_type = "gamma"

            elif has_mesh:
                kpoints_type = "automatic"

                kpoints_type = "crystal"

            kpoints_card_list = ["K_POINTS {}\n".format(kpoints_type)]

            if kpoints_type == "automatic":
                if any([(i != 0. and i != 0.5) for i in offset]):
                    raise InputValidationError("offset list must only be made "
                                               "of 0 or 0.5 floats")
                the_offset = [0 if i == 0. else 1 for i in offset]
                the_6_integers = list(mesh) + the_offset
                kpoints_card_list.append("{:d} {:d} {:d} {:d} {:d} {:d}\n"

            elif kpoints_type == "gamma":
                # nothing to be written in this case
                for kpoint, weight in zip(kpoints_list, weights):
                        "  {:18.10f} {:18.10f} {:18.10f} {:18.10f}"
                        "\n".format(kpoint[0], kpoint[1], kpoint[2], weight))

            kpoints_card = "".join(kpoints_card_list)
            del kpoints_card_list

        # =================== NAMELISTS AND CARDS ========================
            namelists_toprint = settings_dict.pop('NAMELISTS')
            if not isinstance(namelists_toprint, list):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "The 'NAMELISTS' value, if specified in the settings input "
                    "node, must be a list of strings")
        except KeyError:  # list of namelists not specified; do automatic detection
                control_nl = input_params['CONTROL']
                calculation_type = control_nl['calculation']
            except KeyError:
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "No 'calculation' in CONTROL namelist."
                    "It is required for automatic detection of the valid list "
                    "of namelists. Otherwise, specify the list of namelists "
                    "using the NAMELISTS key inside the 'settings' input node")

                namelists_toprint = self._automatic_namelists[calculation_type]
            except KeyError:
                sugg_string = get_suggestion(calculation_type,
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "Unknown 'calculation' value in "
                    "CONTROL namelist {}. Otherwise, specify the list of "
                    "namelists using the NAMELISTS inside the 'settings' input "

        inputfile = ""
        for namelist_name in namelists_toprint:
            inputfile += "&{0}\n".format(namelist_name)
            # namelist content; set to {} if not present, so that we leave an
            # empty namelist
            namelist = input_params.pop(namelist_name, {})
            for k, v in sorted(namelist.iteritems()):
                inputfile += get_input_data_text(k, v, mapping=mapping_species)
            inputfile += "/\n"

        # Write cards now
        inputfile += atomic_species_card
        inputfile += atomic_positions_card
        if self._use_kpoints:
            inputfile += kpoints_card
        inputfile += cell_parameters_card
        #TODO: write CONSTRAINTS
        #TODO: write OCCUPATIONS

        if input_params:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "The following namelists are specified in input_params, but are "
                "not valid namelists for the current type of calculation: "

        return inputfile, local_copy_list_to_append
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_unique_4(self):
        filename = "file1.txt"
        filename_list = ["file1.txt", "file1-2.txt"]

                         utils.get_unique_filename(filename, filename_list))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_unique_1(self):
        filename = "different.txt"
        filename_list = ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"]

                         utils.get_unique_filename(filename, filename_list))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _generate_PWCPinputdata(cls, parameters, settings, pseudos, structure, kpoints=None, use_fractional=False):
        """Create the input file in string format for a pw.x or cp.x calculation for the given inputs."""
        from aiida.common.utils import get_unique_filename
        import re
        local_copy_list_to_append = []

        # I put the first-level keys as uppercase (i.e., namelist and card names)
        # and the second-level keys as lowercase
        # (deeper levels are unchanged)
        input_params = _uppercase_dict(parameters.get_dict(), dict_name='parameters')
        input_params = {k: _lowercase_dict(v, dict_name=k) for k, v in six.iteritems(input_params)}

        # I remove unwanted elements (for the moment, instead, I stop; to change when we setup a reasonable logging)
        for blocked in cls._blocked_keywords:
            nl = blocked[0].upper()
            flag = blocked[1].lower()
            defaultvalue = None
            if len(blocked) >= 3:
                defaultvalue = blocked[2]
            if nl in input_params:
                # The following lines is meant to avoid putting in input the
                # parameters like celldm(*)
                stripped_inparams = [re.sub('[(0-9)]', '', _)
                                     for _ in input_params[nl].keys()]
                if flag in stripped_inparams:
                    raise exceptions.InputValidationError(
                        "You cannot specify explicitly the '{}' flag in the '{}' "
                        'namelist or card.'.format(flag, nl))
                if defaultvalue is not None:
                    if nl not in input_params:
                        input_params[nl] = {}
                    input_params[nl][flag] = defaultvalue

        # Set some variables (look out at the case! NAMELISTS should be uppercase,
        # internal flag names must be lowercase)
        input_params.setdefault('CONTROL', {})
        input_params['CONTROL']['pseudo_dir'] = cls._PSEUDO_SUBFOLDER
        input_params['CONTROL']['outdir'] = cls._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER
        input_params['CONTROL']['prefix'] = cls._PREFIX
        input_params['CONTROL']['verbosity'] = input_params['CONTROL'].get('verbosity', cls._default_verbosity)  # Set to high if not specified

        # ============ I prepare the input site data =============
        # ------------ CELL_PARAMETERS -----------
        cell_parameters_card = 'CELL_PARAMETERS angstrom\n'
        for vector in structure.cell:
            cell_parameters_card += ('{0:18.10f} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f}'

        # ------------- ATOMIC_SPECIES ------------
        atomic_species_card_list = []

        # Keep track of the filenames to avoid to overwrite files
        # I use a dictionary where the key is the pseudo PK and the value
        # is the filename I used. In this way, I also use the same filename
        # if more than one kind uses the same pseudo.
        pseudo_filenames = {}

        # I keep track of the order of species
        kind_names = []
        # I add the pseudopotential files to the list of files to be copied
        for kind in structure.kinds:
            # This should not give errors, I already checked before that
            # the list of keys of pseudos and kinds coincides
            ps = pseudos[kind.name]
            if kind.is_alloy or kind.has_vacancies:
                raise exceptions.InputValidationError("Kind '{}' is an alloy or has "
                                           'vacancies. This is not allowed for pw.x input structures.'

                # If it is the same pseudopotential file, use the same filename
                filename = pseudo_filenames[ps.pk]
            except KeyError:
                # The pseudo was not encountered yet; use a new name and also add it to the local copy list
                filename = get_unique_filename(ps.filename, list(pseudo_filenames.values()))
                pseudo_filenames[ps.pk] = filename
                local_copy_list_to_append.append((ps.uuid, ps.filename, os.path.join(cls._PSEUDO_SUBFOLDER, filename)))

            atomic_species_card_list.append('{} {} {}\n'.format(kind.name.ljust(6), kind.mass, filename))

        # I join the lines, but I resort them using the alphabetical order of
        # species, given by the kind_names list. I also store the mapping_species
        # list, with the order of species used in the file
        mapping_species, sorted_atomic_species_card_list = list(zip(
            *sorted(zip(kind_names, atomic_species_card_list))))
        # The format of mapping_species required later is a dictionary, whose
        # values are the indices, so I convert to this format
        # Note the (idx+1) to convert to fortran 1-based lists
        mapping_species = {sp_name: (idx + 1) for idx, sp_name
                           in enumerate(mapping_species)}
        # I add the first line
        sorted_atomic_species_card_list = (['ATOMIC_SPECIES\n'] +
        atomic_species_card = ''.join(sorted_atomic_species_card_list)
        # Free memory
        del sorted_atomic_species_card_list
        del atomic_species_card_list

        # ------------ ATOMIC_POSITIONS -----------
        # Check on validity of FIXED_COORDS
        fixed_coords_strings = []
        fixed_coords = settings.pop('FIXED_COORDS', None)
        if fixed_coords is None:
            # No fixed_coords specified: I store a list of empty strings
            fixed_coords_strings = [''] * len(structure.sites)
            if len(fixed_coords) != len(structure.sites):
                raise exceptions.InputValidationError(
                    'Input structure contains {:d} sites, but '
                    'fixed_coords has length {:d}'.format(len(structure.sites),

            for i, this_atom_fix in enumerate(fixed_coords):
                if len(this_atom_fix) != 3:
                    raise exceptions.InputValidationError(
                        'fixed_coords({:d}) has not length three'
                        ''.format(i + 1))
                for fixed_c in this_atom_fix:
                    if not isinstance(fixed_c, bool):
                        raise exceptions.InputValidationError(
                            'fixed_coords({:d}) has non-boolean '
                            'elements'.format(i + 1))

                if_pos_values = [cls._if_pos(_) for _ in this_atom_fix]
                    '  {:d} {:d} {:d}'.format(*if_pos_values))

        abs_pos = [_.position for _ in structure.sites]
        if use_fractional:
            import numpy as np
            atomic_positions_card_list = ['ATOMIC_POSITIONS crystal\n']
            coordinates = np.dot(np.array(abs_pos), np.linalg.inv(np.array(structure.cell)))
            atomic_positions_card_list = ['ATOMIC_POSITIONS angstrom\n']
            coordinates = abs_pos

        for site, site_coords, fixed_coords_string in zip(
                structure.sites, coordinates, fixed_coords_strings):
                '{0} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f} {3:18.10f} {4}\n'.format(
                    site.kind_name.ljust(6), site_coords[0], site_coords[1],
                    site_coords[2], fixed_coords_string))

        atomic_positions_card = ''.join(atomic_positions_card_list)
        del atomic_positions_card_list

        # Optional ATOMIC_FORCES card
        atomic_forces = settings.pop('ATOMIC_FORCES', None)
        if atomic_forces is not None:

            # Checking that there are as many forces defined as there are sites in the structure
            if len(atomic_forces) != len(structure.sites):
                raise exceptions.InputValidationError(
                    'Input structure contains {:d} sites, but atomic forces has length {:d}'.format(
                        len(structure.sites), len(atomic_forces)

            lines = ['ATOMIC_FORCES\n']
            for site, vector in zip(structure.sites, atomic_forces):

                # Checking that all 3 dimensions are specified:
                if len(vector) != 3:
                    raise exceptions.InputValidationError('Forces({}) for {} has not length three'.format(vector, site))

                lines.append('{0} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f} {3:18.10f}\n'.format(site.kind_name.ljust(6), *vector))

            # Append to atomic_positions_card so that this card will be printed directly after
            atomic_positions_card += ''.join(lines)
            del lines

        # Optional ATOMIC_VELOCITIES card
        atomic_velocities = settings.pop('ATOMIC_VELOCITIES', None)
        if atomic_velocities is not None:

            # Checking that there are as many velocities defined as there are sites in the structure
            if len(atomic_velocities) != len(structure.sites):
                raise exceptions.InputValidationError(
                    'Input structure contains {:d} sites, but atomic velocities has length {:d}'.format(
                        len(structure.sites), len(atomic_velocities)

            lines = ['ATOMIC_VELOCITIES\n']
            for site, vector in zip(structure.sites, atomic_velocities):

                # Checking that all 3 dimensions are specified:
                if len(vector) != 3:
                    raise exceptions.InputValidationError('Velocities({}) for {} has not length three'.format(vector, site))

                lines.append('{0} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f} {3:18.10f}\n'.format(site.kind_name.ljust(6), *vector))

            # Append to atomic_positions_card so that this card will be printed directly after
            atomic_positions_card += ''.join(lines)
            del lines

        # I set the variables that must be specified, related to the system
        # Set some variables (look out at the case! NAMELISTS should be
        # uppercase, internal flag names must be lowercase)
        input_params.setdefault('SYSTEM', {})
        input_params['SYSTEM']['ibrav'] = 0
        input_params['SYSTEM']['nat'] = len(structure.sites)
        input_params['SYSTEM']['ntyp'] = len(structure.kinds)

        # ============ I prepare the k-points =============
        if cls._use_kpoints:
                mesh, offset = kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh()
                has_mesh = True
                force_kpoints_list = settings.pop('FORCE_KPOINTS_LIST', False)
                if force_kpoints_list:
                    kpoints_list = kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh(print_list=True)
                    num_kpoints = len(kpoints_list)
                    has_mesh = False
                    weights = [1.] * num_kpoints

            except AttributeError:

                    kpoints_list = kpoints.get_kpoints()
                    num_kpoints = len(kpoints_list)
                    has_mesh = False
                    if num_kpoints == 0:
                        raise exceptions.InputValidationError(
                            'At least one k point must be '
                            'provided for non-gamma calculations')
                except AttributeError:
                    raise exceptions.InputValidationError(
                        'No valid kpoints have been found')

                    _, weights = kpoints.get_kpoints(also_weights=True)
                except AttributeError:
                    weights = [1.] * num_kpoints

            gamma_only = settings.pop('GAMMA_ONLY', False)

            if gamma_only:
                if has_mesh:
                    if tuple(mesh) != (1, 1, 1) or tuple(offset) != (
                            0., 0., 0.):
                        raise exceptions.InputValidationError(
                            'If a gamma_only calculation is requested, the '
                            'kpoint mesh must be (1,1,1),offset=(0.,0.,0.)')

                    if (len(kpoints_list) != 1 or tuple(kpoints_list[0]) != tuple(0., 0., 0.)):
                        raise exceptions.InputValidationError(
                            'If a gamma_only calculation is requested, the '
                            'kpoints coordinates must only be (0.,0.,0.)')

                kpoints_type = 'gamma'

            elif has_mesh:
                kpoints_type = 'automatic'

                kpoints_type = 'crystal'

            kpoints_card_list = ['K_POINTS {}\n'.format(kpoints_type)]

            if kpoints_type == 'automatic':
                if any([(i != 0. and i != 0.5) for i in offset]):
                    raise exceptions.InputValidationError('offset list must only be made '
                                               'of 0 or 0.5 floats')
                the_offset = [0 if i == 0. else 1 for i in offset]
                the_6_integers = list(mesh) + the_offset
                kpoints_card_list.append('{:d} {:d} {:d} {:d} {:d} {:d}\n'

            elif kpoints_type == 'gamma':
                # nothing to be written in this case
                for kpoint, weight in zip(kpoints_list, weights):
                        '  {:18.10f} {:18.10f} {:18.10f} {:18.10f}'
                        '\n'.format(kpoint[0], kpoint[1], kpoint[2], weight))

            kpoints_card = ''.join(kpoints_card_list)
            del kpoints_card_list

        # =================== NAMELISTS AND CARDS ========================
            namelists_toprint = settings.pop('NAMELISTS')
            if not isinstance(namelists_toprint, list):
                raise exceptions.InputValidationError(
                    "The 'NAMELISTS' value, if specified in the settings input "
                    'node, must be a list of strings')
        except KeyError:  # list of namelists not specified; do automatic detection
                control_nl = input_params['CONTROL']
                calculation_type = control_nl['calculation']
            except KeyError:
                raise exceptions.InputValidationError(
                    "No 'calculation' in CONTROL namelist."
                    'It is required for automatic detection of the valid list '
                    'of namelists. Otherwise, specify the list of namelists '
                    "using the NAMELISTS key inside the 'settings' input node.")

                namelists_toprint = cls._automatic_namelists[calculation_type]
            except KeyError:
                raise exceptions.InputValidationError("Unknown 'calculation' value in "
                                           'CONTROL namelist {}. Otherwise, specify the list of '
                                           "namelists using the NAMELISTS inside the 'settings' input "

        inputfile = u''
        for namelist_name in namelists_toprint:
            inputfile += u'&{0}\n'.format(namelist_name)
            # namelist content; set to {} if not present, so that we leave an empty namelist
            namelist = input_params.pop(namelist_name, {})
            for key, value in sorted(namelist.items()):
                inputfile += convert_input_to_namelist_entry(key, value, mapping=mapping_species)
            inputfile += u'/\n'

        # Write cards now
        inputfile += atomic_species_card
        inputfile += atomic_positions_card
        if cls._use_kpoints:
            inputfile += kpoints_card
        inputfile += cell_parameters_card

        if input_params:
            raise exceptions.InputValidationError(
                'The following namelists are specified in input_params, but are '
                'not valid namelists for the current type of calculation: '

        return inputfile, local_copy_list_to_append