Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _prepare_cif(self, trajectory_index=None):
        Write the given trajectory to a string of format CIF.
        import CifFile
        from aiida.orm.data.cif \
            import ase_loops, cif_from_ase, pycifrw_from_cif

        cif = ""
        indices = range(self.numsteps)
        if trajectory_index is not None:
            indices = [trajectory_index]
        for idx in indices:
            structure = self.get_step_structure(idx)
            ciffile = pycifrw_from_cif(cif_from_ase(structure.get_ase()),
            cif = cif + ciffile.WriteOut()
        return cif
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _prepare_cif(self, trajectory_index=None, main_file_name=""):
        Write the given trajectory to a string of format CIF.
        import CifFile
        from aiida.orm.data.cif \
            import ase_loops, cif_from_ase, pycifrw_from_cif
        from aiida.common.utils import HiddenPrints

        cif = ""
        indices = range(self.numsteps)
        if trajectory_index is not None:
            indices = [trajectory_index]
        for idx in indices:
            structure = self.get_step_structure(idx)
            ciffile = pycifrw_from_cif(cif_from_ase(structure.get_ase()),
            with HiddenPrints():
                cif = cif + ciffile.WriteOut()
        return cif.encode('utf-8'), {}
Ejemplo n.º 3
def add_metadata_inline(what, node=None, parameters=None, args=None):
    Add metadata of original exported node to the produced TCOD CIF.

    :param what: an original exported node.
    :param node: a :py:class:`aiida.orm.data.cif.CifData` instance.
    :param parameters: a :py:class:`aiida.orm.data.parameter.ParameterData`
        instance, produced by the same calculation as the original exported
    :param args: a :py:class:`aiida.orm.data.parameter.ParameterData`
        instance, containing parameters for the control of metadata
        collection and inclusion in the produced
    :return: dict with :py:class:`aiida.orm.data.cif.CifData`
    :raises ValueError: if tags present in
        ``args.get_dict()['additional_tags']`` are not valid CIF tags.

    .. note:: can be used as inline calculation.
    from aiida.orm.data.cif import pycifrw_from_cif
    CifData = DataFactory('cif')

    if not node:
        node = what

    calc = _get_calculation(what)

    datablocks = []
    loops = {}
    dataname = node.values.keys()[0]
    datablock = dict()
    for tag in node.values[dataname].keys():
        datablock[tag] = node.values[dataname][tag]
    for loop in node.values[dataname].loops:
        loops[loop.keys()[0]] = loop.keys()

    # Unpacking the kwargs from ParameterData
    kwargs = {}
    additional_tags = {}
    datablock_names = None
    if args:
        kwargs = args.get_dict()
        additional_tags = kwargs.pop('additional_tags', {})
        datablock_names = kwargs.pop('datablock_names', None)

    tags = _collect_tags(what, calc, parameters=parameters, **kwargs)

    for datablock in datablocks:
        for k, v in dict(tags.items() + additional_tags.items()).iteritems():
            if not k.startswith('_'):
                raise ValueError("Tag '{}' does not seem to start with "
                                 "an underscode ('_'): all CIF tags must "
                                 "start with underscores".format(k))
            datablock[k] = v

    values = pycifrw_from_cif(datablocks, loops, names=datablock_names)
    cif = CifData(values=values)

    return {'cif': cif}