Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_pseudos_qe(structure, family_name):
    Set the pseudo to use for all atomic kinds, picking pseudos from the
    family with name family_name.

    :note: The structure must already be set.

    :param family_name: the name of the group containing the pseudos
    from collections import defaultdict
    from aiida.orm.data.upf import get_pseudos_from_structure

    # A dict {kind_name: pseudo_object}
    kind_pseudo_dict = get_pseudos_from_structure(structure, family_name)

    # We have to group the species by pseudo, I use the pseudo PK
    # pseudo_dict will just map PK->pseudo_object
    pseudo_dict = {}
    # Will contain a list of all species of the pseudo with given PK
    pseudo_species = defaultdict(list)

    for kindname, pseudo in kind_pseudo_dict.iteritems():
        pseudo_dict[pseudo.pk] = pseudo

    pseudos = {}
    for pseudo_pk in pseudo_dict:
        pseudo = pseudo_dict[pseudo_pk]
        kinds = pseudo_species[pseudo_pk]
        for kind in kinds:
            pseudos[kind] = pseudo

    return pseudos
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_pseudos(structure, family_name):
    from collections import defaultdict
    from aiida.orm.data.upf import get_pseudos_from_structure

    # A dict {kind_name: pseudo_object}
    kind_pseudo_dict = get_pseudos_from_structure(structure, family_name)

    # We have to group the species by pseudo, I use the pseudo PK
    # pseudo_dict will just map PK->pseudo_object
    pseudo_dict = {}
    # Will contain a list of all species of the pseudo with given PK
    pseudo_species = defaultdict(list)

    for kindname, pseudo in kind_pseudo_dict.iteritems():
        pseudo_dict[pseudo.pk] = pseudo

    pseudos = {}
    for pseudo_pk in pseudo_dict:
        pseudo = pseudo_dict[pseudo_pk]
        kinds = pseudo_species[pseudo_pk]
        for kind in kinds:
            pseudos[kind] = pseudo

    return pseudos
def get_pseudos(structure, family_name):
    Set the pseudo to use for all atomic kinds, picking pseudos from the
    family with name family_name.
    :note: The structure must already be set.
    :param family_name: the name of the group containing the pseudos
    from collections import defaultdict
    from aiida.orm.data.upf import get_pseudos_from_structure

    # A dict {kind_name: pseudo_object}
    kind_pseudo_dict = get_pseudos_from_structure(structure, family_name)

    # We have to group the species by pseudo, I use the pseudo PK
    # pseudo_dict will just map PK->pseudo_object
    pseudo_dict = {}
    # Will contain a list of all species of the pseudo with given PK
    pseudo_species = defaultdict(list)

    for kindname, pseudo in kind_pseudo_dict.iteritems():
        pseudo_dict[pseudo.pk] = pseudo

    pseudos = {}
    for pseudo_pk in pseudo_dict:
        pseudo = pseudo_dict[pseudo_pk]
        kinds = pseudo_species[pseudo_pk]
        for kind in kinds:
            pseudos[kind] = pseudo

    return pseudos
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _get_pseudos(self, structure, family_name):
        kind_pseudo_dict = get_pseudos_from_structure(structure, family_name)
        pseudos = {}
        for p in kind_pseudo_dict.values():
            ps = [k for k, v in kind_pseudo_dict.items() if v == p]
            kinds = "_".join(ps)
            pseudos[kinds] = p

        return pseudos
Ejemplo n.º 5
def validate_and_prepare_pseudos_inputs(structure,
    Use the explicitly passed pseudos dictionary or use the pseudo_family in combination with
    the structure to obtain that dictionary.

    The pseudos dictionary should now be a dictionary of UPF nodes with the kind as linkname
    As such, if there are multiple kinds with the same element, there will be duplicate UPF nodes
    but multiple links for the same input node are not allowed. Moreover, to couple the UPF nodes
    to the Calculation instance, we have to go through the use_pseudo method, which takes the kind
    name as an additional parameter. When creating a Calculation through a Process instance, one
    cannot call the use methods directly but rather should pass them as keyword arguments. However,
    we can pass the additional parameters by using them as the keys of a dictionary

    :param structure: StructureData node
    :param pseudos: a dictionary where keys are the kind names and value are UpfData nodes
    :param pseudo_family: string name of the pseudopotential family to use
    :raises: ValueError if neither pseudos or pseudo_family is specified or if no UpfData is found for
        every element in the structure
    :returns: a dictionary of UpfData nodes where the key is a tuple with the kind name
    from aiida.orm.data.base import Str
    result_pseudos = {}
    unique_pseudos = {}

    if pseudos and pseudo_family:
        raise ValueError(
            'You cannot specify both "pseudos" and "pseudo_family"')
    elif pseudos is None and pseudo_family is None:
        raise ValueError(
            'Neither an explicit pseudos dictionary nor a pseudo_family was specified'
    elif pseudo_family:
        # This will already raise some exceptions, potentially, like the ones below
        pseudos = get_pseudos_from_structure(structure, str(pseudo_family))

    if isinstance(pseudos, (str, unicode, Str)):
        raise TypeError(
            'You passed "pseudos" as a string - maybe you wanted to pass it as "pseudo_family" instead?'

    for kind in structure.get_kind_names():
        if kind not in pseudos:
            raise ValueError('no pseudo available for element {}'.format(kind))
        elif not isinstance(pseudos[kind], UpfData):
            raise ValueError(
                'pseudo for element {} is not of type UpfData'.format(kind))

    for kind, pseudo in pseudos.iteritems():
        unique_pseudos.setdefault(pseudo, []).append(kind)

    for pseudo, kinds in unique_pseudos.iteritems():
        result_pseudos[tuple(kinds)] = pseudo

    return result_pseudos
Ejemplo n.º 6
def launch(code, structure, pseudo_family, kpoints, max_num_machines,
           max_wallclock_seconds, daemon, mode):
    Run a PwCalculation for a given input structure
    from aiida.orm import load_node
    from aiida.orm.data.parameter import ParameterData
    from aiida.orm.data.upf import get_pseudos_from_structure
    from aiida.orm.utils import CalculationFactory
    from aiida.work.run import run, submit
    from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.resources import get_default_options

    PwCalculation = CalculationFactory('quantumespresso.pw')

    parameters = {
        'CONTROL': {
            'calculation': mode,
        'SYSTEM': {
            'ecutwfc': 30.,
            'ecutrho': 240.,

    inputs = {
        'code': code,
        'structure': structure,
        'pseudo': get_pseudos_from_structure(structure, pseudo_family),
        'kpoints': kpoints,
        'parameters': ParameterData(dict=parameters),
        'settings': ParameterData(dict={}),
        '_options': get_default_options(max_num_machines,

    process = PwCalculation.process()

    if daemon:
        calculation = submit(process, **inputs)
        click.echo('Submitted {}<{}> to the daemon'.format(
            PwCalculation.__name__, calculation.pid))
        click.echo('Running a PwCalculation in the {} mode... '.format(mode))
        results, pk = run(process, _return_pid=True, **inputs)
        calculation = load_node(pk)

        click.echo('PwCalculation<{}> terminated with state: {}'.format(
            pk, calculation.get_state()))
        click.echo('\n{link:25s} {node}'.format(link='Output link',
                                                node='Node pk and type'))
        click.echo('{s}'.format(s='-' * 60))
        for link, node in sorted(calculation.get_outputs(also_labels=True)):
            click.echo('{:25s} <{}> {}'.format(link, node.pk,
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_pseudo(structure, pseudo_family):
    kind_pseudo_dict = get_pseudos_from_structure(structure, pseudo_family)
    pseudo_dict = {}
    pseudo_species = defaultdict(list)
    for kindname, pseudo in kind_pseudo_dict.iteritems():
        pseudo_dict[pseudo.pk] = pseudo
    pseudos = {}
    for pseudo_pk in pseudo_dict:
        pseudo = pseudo_dict[pseudo_pk]
        kinds = pseudo_species[pseudo_pk]
        for kind in kinds:
            pseudos[kind] = pseudo
    return pseudos
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def use_pseudos_from_family(self, family_name):
        Set the pseudo to use for all atomic kinds, picking pseudos from the
        family with name family_name.

        :note: The structure must already be set.

        :param family_name: the name of the group containing the pseudos
        from collections import defaultdict

            structure = self._get_reference_structure()
        except AttributeError:
            raise ValueError(
                "Structure is not set yet! Therefore, the method "
                "use_pseudos_from_family cannot automatically set "
                "the pseudos")

        # A dict {kind_name: pseudo_object}
        kind_pseudo_dict = get_pseudos_from_structure(structure, family_name)

        # We have to group the species by pseudo, I use the pseudo PK
        # pseudo_dict will just map PK->pseudo_object
        pseudo_dict = {}
        # Will contain a list of all species of the pseudo with given PK
        pseudo_species = defaultdict(list)

        for kindname, pseudo in kind_pseudo_dict.iteritems():
            pseudo_dict[pseudo.pk] = pseudo

        for pseudo_pk in pseudo_dict:
            pseudo = pseudo_dict[pseudo_pk]
            kinds = pseudo_species[pseudo_pk]
            # I set the pseudo for all species, sorting alphabetically
            self.use_pseudo(pseudo, sorted(kinds))
Ejemplo n.º 9
inputs['settings'] = ParameterData(dict={'cmdline': ['-nk', str(num_pools)]})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='NSCF calculation.')
                        help='The pw codename to use')
                        help='The pseudo family to use')
                        help='The parent  to use')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    code = Code.get_from_string(args.codename)
    structure = load_node(args.parent).inp.structure
    inputs['structure'] = structure
    inputs['pseudo'] = get_pseudos_from_structure(structure, args.pseudo)
    inputs['code'] = code
    inputs['parent_folder'] = load_node(args.parent).out.remote_folder
    process = PwCalculation.process()
    running = submit(process, **inputs)
    print "Created calculation; with pid={}".format(running.pid)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def launch(code, structure, pseudo_family, kpoints, max_num_machines,
           max_wallclock_seconds, daemon, ecutwfc, ecutrho, hubbard_u,
           hubbard_v, hubbard_file_pk, starting_magnetization, smearing, mode):
    Run a PwCalculation for a given input structure
    from aiida.orm.data.parameter import ParameterData
    from aiida.orm.data.upf import get_pseudos_from_structure
    from aiida.orm.utils import CalculationFactory
    from aiida.work.launch import run_get_node, submit
    from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.resources import get_default_options

    PwCalculation = CalculationFactory('quantumespresso.pw')

    parameters = {
        'CONTROL': {
            'calculation': mode,
        'SYSTEM': {
            'ecutwfc': ecutwfc,
            'ecutrho': ecutrho,

        hubbard_file = validate.validate_hubbard_parameters(
            structure, parameters, hubbard_u, hubbard_v, hubbard_file_pk)
    except ValueError as exception:
        raise click.BadParameter(exception.message)

        validate.validate_starting_magnetization(structure, parameters,
    except ValueError as exception:
        raise click.BadParameter(exception.message)

        validate.validate_smearing(parameters, smearing)
    except ValueError as exception:
        raise click.BadParameter(exception.message)

    inputs = {
        'code': code,
        'structure': structure,
        'pseudo': get_pseudos_from_structure(structure, pseudo_family),
        'kpoints': kpoints,
        'parameters': ParameterData(dict=parameters),
        'settings': ParameterData(dict={}),
        'options': get_default_options(max_num_machines,

    if hubbard_file:
        inputs['hubbard_file'] = hubbard_file

    if daemon:
        calculation = submit(PwCalculation, **inputs)
        click.echo('Submitted {}<{}> to the daemon'.format(
            PwCalculation.__name__, calculation.pk))
            'Running a pw.x calculation in the {} mode... '.format(mode))
        results, calculation = run_get_node(PwCalculation, **inputs)
        click.echo('PwCalculation<{}> terminated with state: {}'.format(
            calculation.pk, calculation.get_state()))
        click.echo('\n{link:25s} {node}'.format(link='Output link',
                                                node='Node pk and type'))
        click.echo('{s}'.format(s='-' * 60))
        for link, node in sorted(calculation.get_outputs(also_labels=True)):
            click.echo('{:25s} <{}> {}'.format(link, node.pk,