Ejemplo n.º 1
def write_compute_block(
    parameters_compute: dict,
    group_names: list = None,
) -> str:
    Generate the input block with the compute options.

    This takes the user defined computes and generates a block where each one of
    them is defined. They can be applied to different groups which can be
    selected by the user and are checked to exist with the previously defined groups
    in the structure setup.

    :param parameters_compute: computes that will be applied to the calculation
    :type parameters_compute: dict
    :param group_names: list of groups names as defined during structure
        generation, defaults to None
    :type group_names: list, optional
    :return: block with the computes information
    :rtype: str

    if group_names is None:
        group_names = []

    compute_block = generate_header('Start of the Compute information')
    for key, value in parameters_compute.items():
        for entry in value:
            _group = entry.get('group', 'all')
            if _group not in group_names + ['all']:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'group name "{_group}" is not the defined groups')
            compute_block += f'compute {generate_id_tag(key, _group)} {_group} {key} '
            compute_block += f'{join_keywords(entry["type"])}\n'
    compute_block += generate_header('End of the Compute information')
    return compute_block
Ejemplo n.º 2
def write_control_block(parameters_control: dict) -> str:
    Generate the input block with global control options.

    This takes the general options that affect the entire simulation, these
    are then used (or their default values) to generate the control block.

    :param parameters_control: dictionary with the basic control parameters
    :type parameters_control: dict
    :return: control block with general parameters of the simulation.
    :rtype: str

    default_timestep = {
        'si': 1.0e-8,
        'lj': 5.0e-3,
        'real': 1.0,
        'metal': 1.0e-3,
        'cgs': 1.0e-8,
        'electron': 1.0e-3,
        'micro': 2.0,
        'nano': 4.5e-4,

    _time = default_timestep[parameters_control.get('units', 'si')]
    control_block = generate_header('Start of the Control information')
    control_block += 'clear\n'
    control_block += f'units {parameters_control.get("units", "si")}\n'
    control_block += f'newton {parameters_control.get("newton", "on")}\n'
    if 'processors' in parameters_control:
        control_block += f'processors {join_keywords(parameters_control["processors"])}\n'
    control_block += f'timestep {parameters_control.get("timestep", _time)}\n'
    control_block += generate_header('End of the Control information')
    return control_block
Ejemplo n.º 3
def write_restart_block(restart_filename: str) -> str:
    """Generate the block to write the restart file.

    :param restart_filename: Name of the LAMMPS restart file
    :type restart_filename: str
    :return: string block indicating the printing of a restart file.
    :rtype: str

    restart_block = generate_header('Start of the write restart information')
    restart_block += f'write_restart {restart_filename}\n'
    restart_block += generate_header('End of the write restart information')

    return restart_block
Ejemplo n.º 4
def write_potential_block(
    potential: LammpsPotentialData,
    structure: orm.StructureData,
    parameters_potential: dict,
    potential_file: str,
) -> str:
    Generate the input block with potential options.

    This will take into consideration the type of potential, as well as other
    parameters which affect the usage of the potential (such as neighbor information)
    and generate a block that is written in the LAMMPS input file.

    :param potential: md-potential which will be used in the calculation
    :type potential: LammpsPotentialData,
    :param structure: structure used for the calculation
    :type structure: orm.StructureData
    :param parameters_potential: parameters which have to deal with the potential
    :type parameters_potential: dict
    :param potential_file: filename for the potential to be used.
    :type str:
    :return: block with the information needed to setup the potential part of
        the LAMMPS calculation.
    :rtype: str

    default_potential = LammpsPotentialData.default_potential_info

    kind_symbols = [kind.symbol for kind in structure.kinds]

    potential_block = generate_header('Start of Potential information')
    potential_block += f'pair_style {potential.pair_style}'
    potential_block += f' {" ".join(parameters_potential.get("potential_style_options", [""]))}\n'

    if default_potential[potential.pair_style].get('read_from_file'):
        potential_block += f'pair_coeff * * {potential_file} {" ".join(kind_symbols)}\n'
    if not default_potential[potential.pair_style].get('read_from_file'):
        data = [
            line for line in potential.get_content().split('\n')
            if not line.startswith('#') and line
        potential_block += f'pair_coeff * * {" ".join(data)}\n'

    if 'neighbor' in parameters_potential:
        potential_block += f'neighbor {join_keywords(parameters_potential["neighbor"])}\n'
    if 'neighbor_modify' in parameters_potential:
        potential_block += 'neigh_modify'
        potential_block += f' {join_keywords(parameters_potential["neighbor_modify"])}\n'
    potential_block += generate_header('End of Potential information')
    return potential_block
Ejemplo n.º 5
def write_fix_block(
    parameters_fix: dict,
    group_names: list = None,
) -> str:
    Generate the input block with the fix options.

    This takes the user defined fixes and generates a block where each one of
    them is defined. They can be applied to different groups which can be
    selected by the user and are checked to exist with the previously defined groups
    in the structure setup.

    .. note:: fixes which are incompatible with the minimize option are checked by
        the validation schema.

    .. note:: the md mode required one of the integrators (nve, nvt, etc) to be defined
        their existence is checked by the schema.

    :param parameters_fix: fixes that will be applied to the calculation
    :type parameters_fix: dict
    :param group_names: list of groups names as defined during structure
        generation, defaults to None
    :type group_names: list, optional
    :return: block with the fixes information
    :rtype: str

    if group_names is None:
        group_names = []

    fix_block = generate_header('Start of the Fix information')
    for key, value in parameters_fix.items():
        for entry in value:
            _group = entry.get('group', 'all')
            if _group not in group_names + ['all']:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'group name "{_group}" is not the defined groups {group_names + ["all"]}'
            fix_block += f'fix {generate_id_tag(key, _group)} {_group} {key} '
            fix_block += f'{join_keywords(entry["type"])}\n'
    fix_block += generate_header('End of the Fix information')
    return fix_block
Ejemplo n.º 6
def write_md_block(parameters_md: dict) -> str:
    Generate the input block with the MD options.

    If the user wishes to perform an MD run this will take the user defined
    parameters and set them in a LAMMPS compliant form.

    .. note:: For MD to function an integrator must be provided, this is done
        by providing a fix in the fix part of the input. The existence of at least one
        integrator is checked by the schema.

    .. note:: this mode is mutually exclusive with the minimize mode.

    :param parameters_md: user defined parameters for the MD run
    :type parameters_md: dict
    :return: block with the MD options.
    :rtype: str

    integration_options = generate_integration_options(
        style=parameters_md['integration'].get('style', 'nve'),

    md_block = generate_header('Start of the MD information')
    _key = parameters_md['integration'].get('style', 'nve')
    md_block += f'fix {generate_id_tag(_key, "all")} all {_key}{integration_options}\n'
    if 'velocity' in parameters_md:
        md_block += f'{generate_velocity_string(parameters_velocity=parameters_md["velocity"])}'
    md_block += 'reset_timestep 0\n'
    if parameters_md.get('run_style', 'verlet') == 'rspa':
        md_block += f'run_style {parameters_md.get("run_style", "verlet")} '
        md_block += f'{join_keywords(parameters_md["rspa_options"])}\n'
        md_block += f'run_style {parameters_md.get("run_style", "verlet")}\n'
    md_block += f'run {parameters_md.get("max_number_steps", 100)}\n'
    md_block += generate_header('End of the MD information')

    return md_block
Ejemplo n.º 7
def write_final_variables_block(
    fixed_thermo: list,
    final_file: str = 'aiida_lammps.yaml',
) -> str:
    Generate the block to print the final values of the compute variables.

    This takes all the global computes and other thermo values evaluated in
    the simulation and appends them to a final yaml file for recovery.

    :param fixed_thermo: list of thermo values (including computes)
    :type fixed_thermo: list
    :return: input block with the final variables of the calculation.
    :rtype: str

    _variables = []

    variables_block = generate_header(
        'Start of the Final Variables information')

    for _thermo in fixed_thermo:
        _variables.append(_thermo.replace('[', '_').replace(']', ''))
        variables_block += f'variable final_{_variables[-1]} equal {_thermo}\n'
    variables_block += generate_header(
        'End of the Final Variables information')

    variables_block += generate_header(
        'Start of the Printing Final Variables information')
    variables_block += f'print "#Final results" file {final_file}\n'
    for variable in _variables:
        variables_block += f'print "final_{variable}: ${{final_{variable}}}" append {final_file}\n'
    variables_block += generate_header(
        'End of the Printing Final Variables information')

    return variables_block
Ejemplo n.º 8
def write_minimize_block(parameters_minimize: dict) -> str:
    Generate the input block with the minimization options.

    If the user wishes to do a minimization calculation the parameters will be passed
    to this routine and the necessary block for the input file will be generated.

    .. note:: this mode is mutually exclusive with the md mode.

    :param parameters_minimize: user defined parameters for the minimization
    :type parameters_minimize: dict
    :return: block with the minimization options.
    :rtype: str

    minimize_block = generate_header('Start of the Minimization information')
    minimize_block += f'min_style {parameters_minimize.get("style", "cg")}\n'
    minimize_block += f'minimize {parameters_minimize.get("energy_tolerance", 1e-4)}'
    minimize_block += f' {parameters_minimize.get("force_tolerance", 1e-4)}'
    minimize_block += f' {parameters_minimize.get("max_iterations", 1000)}'
    minimize_block += f' {parameters_minimize.get("max_evaluations", 1000)}\n'
    minimize_block += generate_header('End of the Minimization information')

    return minimize_block
Ejemplo n.º 9
def write_thermo_block(
    parameters_thermo: dict,
    parameters_compute: dict = None,
) -> Union[str, list]:
    """Generate the block with the thermo command.

    This will take all the global computes which were generated during the calculation
    plus the 'common' thermodynamic parameters set by LAMMPS and set them so that
    they are printed to the LAMMPS log file.

    :param parameters_thermo: user defined parameters to control the log data.
    :type parameters_thermo: dict
    :param parameters_compute: computes that will be applied to the calculation
    :type parameters_compute: dict
    :return: block with the thermo options for the calculation, list of thermo printing variables
    :rtype: Union[str, list]

    printing_variables = []

    _file = os.path.join(

    with open(_file, 'r') as handler:
        _compute_variables = json.load(handler)['computes']

    computes_list = []

    for key, value in parameters_compute.items():
        for entry in value:
            _locality = _compute_variables[key]['locality']
            _printable = _compute_variables[key]['printable']

            if _locality == 'global' and _printable:

    computes_printing = parameters_thermo.get('thermo_printing', None)

    if computes_printing is None or not computes_printing:
        fixed_thermo = ['step', 'temp', 'epair', 'emol', 'etotal', 'press']
        fixed_thermo = [
            key for key, value in computes_printing.items() if value
        if 'step' not in fixed_thermo:
            fixed_thermo = ['step'] + fixed_thermo
        if 'etotal' not in fixed_thermo:
            fixed_thermo = fixed_thermo + ['etotal']

    if fixed_thermo.index('step') != 0:
        fixed_thermo = ['step'] + fixed_thermo

    thermo_block = generate_header('Start of the Thermo information')
    thermo_block += f'thermo_style custom {" ".join(fixed_thermo)} {" ".join(computes_list)}\n'
    thermo_block += f'thermo {parameters_thermo.get("printing_rate", 1000)}\n'
    thermo_block += generate_header('End of the Thermo information')

    printing_variables = fixed_thermo + list(
        flatten([compute.split() for compute in computes_list]))

    return thermo_block, printing_variables
Ejemplo n.º 10
def write_dump_block(
    parameters_dump: dict,
    trajectory_filename: str,
    atom_style: str,
    parameters_compute: dict = None,
    kind_symbols: list = None,
) -> str:
    """Generate the block with dumps commands.

    This will check for any compute and/or fix that generates atom dependent data
    and will make sure that it is written to file in a controllable manner, so that
    they can be easily parsed afterwards.

    :param parameters_dump: set of user defined parameters for the writing of data
    :type parameters_dump: dict
    :param trajectory_filename: name of the file where the trajectory is written.
    :type trajectory_filename: str
    :param atom_style: which kind of LAMMPS atomic style is used for the calculation.
    :param parameters_compute: computes that will be applied to the calculation
    :type parameters_compute: dict
    :return: block with the dump options for the calculation
    :rtype: str
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    _file = os.path.join(

    with open(_file, 'r') as handler:
        _compute_variables = json.load(handler)['computes']

    computes_list = []

    for key, value in parameters_compute.items():
        for entry in value:
            _locality = _compute_variables[key]['locality']
            _printable = _compute_variables[key]['printable']

            if _locality == 'local' and _printable:

    num_double = len(
        list(flatten([compute.split() for compute in computes_list])))
    num_double += 3
    if atom_style == 'charge':
        num_double += 1
    dump_block = generate_header('Start of the Dump information')
    dump_block += f'dump aiida all custom {parameters_dump.get("dump_rate", 10)} '
    dump_block += f'{trajectory_filename} id type element x y z '
    dump_block += f'{"q " if atom_style=="charge" else ""}'
    dump_block += f'{" ".join(computes_list)}\n'
    dump_block += 'dump_modify aiida sort id\n'
    dump_block += f'dump_modify aiida element {" ".join(kind_symbols)}\n'
    dump_block += 'dump_modify aiida format line '
    dump_block += f'"%6d %4d %4s {" ".join(["%16.10f"]*num_double)}"\n'
    dump_block += generate_header('End of the Dump information')

    return dump_block
Ejemplo n.º 11
def write_structure_block(
    parameters_structure: dict,
    structure: orm.StructureData,
    structure_filename: str,
    restart_file: str = None,
) -> Union[str, list]:
    Generate the input block with the structure options.

    Takes the AiiDA StructureData as well as as a series of user defined
    parameters to generate the structure related input block.
    This is also responsible of defining the distinct groups that can then
    be used for different compute and/or fixes operations.

    :param parameters_structure: set of user defined parameters relating to the
    :type parameters_structure: dict
    :param structure: structure that will be studied
    :type structure: orm.StructureData
    :param structure_filename: name of the file where the structure will be
        written so that LAMMPS can read it
    :type structure_filename: str
    :param restart_file: Overwrite the structure generation with the restartfile
        this will allow the final state of a previous calculation to be used.
    :return: block with the structural information and list of groups present
    :rtype: Union[str, list]

    group_names = []

    kind_name_id_map = {}
    for site in structure.sites:
        if site.kind_name not in kind_name_id_map:
            kind_name_id_map[site.kind_name] = len(kind_name_id_map) + 1

    structure_block = generate_header('Start of the Structure information')
    structure_block += f'box tilt {parameters_structure.get("box_tilt", "small")}\n'

    structure_block += f'dimension {structure.get_dimensionality()["dim"]}\n'
    structure_block += 'boundary '
    for _bound in ['pbc1', 'pbc2', 'pbc3']:
        structure_block += f'{"p" if structure.attributes[_bound] else "f"} '
    structure_block += '\n'
    structure_block += f'atom_style {parameters_structure["atom_style"]}\n'
    structure_block += f'read_data {structure_filename}\n'
    # Set the groups which will be used for the calculations
    if 'groups' in parameters_structure:
        for _group in parameters_structure['group']:
            # Check if the given type name corresponds to the ones assigned to the atom types
            if 'type' in _group['args']:

                _subset = _group['args'][_group['args'].index('type') + 1:]

                if not all(kind in kind_name_id_map.values()
                           for kind in _subset):
                    raise ValueError('atom type not defined')
            # Set the current group
            structure_block += f'group {_group["name"]} {join_keywords(_group["args"])}\n'
            # Store the name of the group for later usage
    if restart_file is not None:
        structure_block += f'read_restart {restart_file} {parameters_structure["remap"]}'
    structure_block += generate_header('End of the Structure information')

    return structure_block, group_names