Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_bytecode(self):
     g = Graph().traversal()
     bytecode = g.V().out("created").bytecode
     assert 0 == len(bytecode.bindings.keys())
     assert 0 == len(bytecode.source_instructions)
     assert 2 == len(bytecode.step_instructions)
     assert "V" == bytecode.step_instructions[0][0]
     assert "out" == bytecode.step_instructions[1][0]
     assert "created" == bytecode.step_instructions[1][1]
     assert 1 == len(bytecode.step_instructions[0])
     assert 2 == len(bytecode.step_instructions[1])
     bytecode = g.withSack(1).E().groupCount().by("weight").bytecode
     assert 0 == len(bytecode.bindings.keys())
     assert 1 == len(bytecode.source_instructions)
     assert "withSack" == bytecode.source_instructions[0][0]
     assert 1 == bytecode.source_instructions[0][1]
     assert 3 == len(bytecode.step_instructions)
     assert "E" == bytecode.step_instructions[0][0]
     assert "groupCount" == bytecode.step_instructions[1][0]
     assert "by" == bytecode.step_instructions[2][0]
     assert "weight" == bytecode.step_instructions[2][1]
     assert 1 == len(bytecode.step_instructions[0])
     assert 1 == len(bytecode.step_instructions[1])
     assert 2 == len(bytecode.step_instructions[2])
     bytecode = g.V(('a', [1, 2, 3])).out(('b', 'created')).where(
         __.in_(('c', 'created'), ('d', 'knows')).count().is_(
             ('e', P.gt(2)))).bytecode
     assert 'V' == bytecode.step_instructions[0][0]
     assert 'out' == bytecode.step_instructions[1][0]
     assert 'where' == bytecode.step_instructions[2][0]
     assert ('b', 'created') == bytecode.step_instructions[1][1]
     assert isinstance(hash(bytecode.step_instructions[1][1]), int)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 async def test_side_effects(self, remote_connection):
     g = Graph().traversal().withRemote(remote_connection)
     t = await g.V().hasLabel("project").name.iterate()
     keys = await t.side_effects.keys()
     assert 0 == len(keys)
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         m = await t.side_effects["m"]
     t = g.V().out("created").groupCount("m").by("name")
     results = await t.toSet()
     assert 2 == len(results)
     assert Vertex(3) in results
     assert Vertex(5) in results
     keys = await t.side_effects.keys()
     assert 1 == len(keys)
     assert "m" in keys
     m = await t.side_effects["m"]
     assert isinstance(m, dict)
     assert 2 == len(m)
     assert 3 == m["lop"]
     assert 1 == m["ripple"]
     assert isinstance(m["lop"], long)
     assert isinstance(m["ripple"], long)
     # ##
     t = g.V().out("created").groupCount("m").by("name").name.aggregate("n")
     results = await t.toSet()
     assert 2 == len(results)
     assert "lop" in results
     assert "ripple" in results
     keys = await t.side_effects.keys()
     assert 2 == len(keys)
     assert "m" in keys
     assert "n" in keys
     n = await t.side_effects.get("n")
     assert isinstance(n, dict)
     assert 2 == len(n)
     assert "lop" in n.keys()
     assert "ripple" in n.keys()
     assert 3 == n["lop"]
     assert 1 == n["ripple"]
     t = g.withSideEffect('m', 32).V().map(lambda: "x: x.sideEffects('m')")
     results = await t.toSet()
     assert 1 == len(results)
     assert 32 == list(results)[0]
     assert 32 == await t.side_effects['m']
     keys = await t.side_effects.keys()
     assert 1 == len(keys)
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         x = await t.side_effects["x"]
     await remote_connection.close()
Ejemplo n.º 3
 async def test_traversals(self, remote_connection):
     g = Graph().traversal().withRemote(remote_connection)
     result = await g.V().count().toList()
     assert long(6) == result[0]
     # #
     assert Vertex(1) == await g.V(1).next()
     assert 1 == await g.V(1).id().next()
     assert Traverser(Vertex(1)) == await g.V(1).nextTraverser()
     result = await g.V(1).toList()
     assert 1 == len(result)
     result = await g.V(1).toList()
     assert isinstance(result, list)
     results = g.V().repeat(out()).times(2).name
     results = await results.toList()
     assert 2 == len(results)
     assert "lop" in results
     assert "ripple" in results
     # # #
     assert 10 == await g.V().repeat(both()).times(5)[0:10].count().next()
     assert 1 == await g.V().repeat(both()).times(5)[0:1].count().next()
     assert 0 == await g.V().repeat(both()).times(5)[0:0].count().next()
     assert 4 == await g.V()[2:].count().next()
     assert 2 == await g.V()[:2].count().next()
     # # #
     results = await g.withSideEffect('a', [
         'josh', 'peter'
     assert 2 == len(results)
     assert 'josh' in results
     assert 'peter' in results
     # # # todo: need a traversal metrics deserializer
     # g.V().out().profile().next()
     await remote_connection.close()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    async def test_side_effect_close(self, remote_connection):
        g = Graph().traversal().withRemote(remote_connection)
        t = g.V().aggregate('a').aggregate('b')
        await t.iterate()

        # The 'a' key should return some side effects
        results = await t.side_effects.get('a')
        assert results

        # Close result is None
        results = await t.side_effects.close()
        assert not results

        # Shouldn't get any new info from server
        # 'b' isn't in local cache
        results = await t.side_effects.get('b')
        assert not results

        # But 'a' should still be cached locally
        results = await t.side_effects.get('a')
        assert results

        # 'a' should have been added to local keys cache, but not 'b'
        results = await t.side_effects.keys()
        assert len(results) == 1
        a, = results
        assert a == 'a'

        # Try to get 'b' directly from server, should throw error
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            await t.side_effects._get('b')
        await remote_connection.close()
Ejemplo n.º 5
async def test_client_bytecode(client):
    g = Graph().traversal()
    t = g.V()
    message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode})
    result_set = await client.submit(message)
    results = await result_set.all()
    assert len(results) == 6
    await client.close()
Ejemplo n.º 6
async def test_connection(connection):
    g = Graph().traversal()
    t = g.V()
    message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode})
    results_set = await connection.write(message)
    results = await results_set.all()
    assert len(results) == 6
    assert isinstance(results, list)
    await connection.close()
Ejemplo n.º 7
async def test_iterate_result_set(client):
    g = Graph().traversal()
    t = g.V()
    message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode})
    result_set = await client.submit(message)
    results = []
    async for result in result_set:
    assert len(results) == 6
    await client.close()
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_singletons(self):
     g = Graph().traversal()
     bytecode = g.withStrategies(ReadOnlyStrategy()).bytecode
     assert 1 == len(bytecode.source_instructions)
     assert 2 == len(bytecode.source_instructions[0])
     assert "withStrategies" == bytecode.source_instructions[0][0]
     assert ReadOnlyStrategy() == bytecode.source_instructions[0][1]
     assert "ReadOnlyStrategy" == str(bytecode.source_instructions[0][1])
     assert hash(ReadOnlyStrategy()) == hash(bytecode.source_instructions[0][1])
     assert 0 == len(g.traversal_strategies.traversal_strategies)  # these strategies are proxies
     g = g.withStrategies(ReadOnlyStrategy(), IncidentToAdjacentStrategy())
     bytecode = g.bytecode
     assert 1 == len(bytecode.source_instructions)
     assert 3 == len(bytecode.source_instructions[0])
     assert "withStrategies" == bytecode.source_instructions[0][0]
     assert ReadOnlyStrategy() == bytecode.source_instructions[0][1]
     assert IncidentToAdjacentStrategy() == bytecode.source_instructions[0][2]
     bytecode = g.V().bytecode
     assert 1 == len(bytecode.source_instructions)
     assert 3 == len(bytecode.source_instructions[0])
     assert "withStrategies" == bytecode.source_instructions[0][0]
     assert ReadOnlyStrategy() == bytecode.source_instructions[0][1]
     assert IncidentToAdjacentStrategy() == bytecode.source_instructions[0][2]
     assert 1 == len(bytecode.step_instructions)
     assert "V" == bytecode.step_instructions[0][0]
     bytecode = g.withoutStrategies(ReadOnlyStrategy()).V().bytecode
     assert 2 == len(bytecode.source_instructions)
     assert 3 == len(bytecode.source_instructions[0])
     assert 2 == len(bytecode.source_instructions[1])
     assert "withStrategies" == bytecode.source_instructions[0][0]
     assert ReadOnlyStrategy() == bytecode.source_instructions[0][1]
     assert IncidentToAdjacentStrategy() == bytecode.source_instructions[0][2]
     assert "withoutStrategies" == bytecode.source_instructions[1][0]
     assert ReadOnlyStrategy() == bytecode.source_instructions[1][1]
     assert 1 == len(bytecode.step_instructions)
     assert "V" == bytecode.step_instructions[0][0]
     bytecode = g.withoutStrategies(ReadOnlyStrategy(), LazyBarrierStrategy()).V().bytecode
     assert 2 == len(bytecode.source_instructions)
     assert 3 == len(bytecode.source_instructions[0])
     assert 3 == len(bytecode.source_instructions[1])
     assert "withStrategies" == bytecode.source_instructions[0][0]
     assert ReadOnlyStrategy() == bytecode.source_instructions[0][1]
     assert IncidentToAdjacentStrategy() == bytecode.source_instructions[0][2]
     assert "withoutStrategies" == bytecode.source_instructions[1][0]
     assert ReadOnlyStrategy() == bytecode.source_instructions[1][1]
     assert LazyBarrierStrategy() == bytecode.source_instructions[1][2]
     assert 1 == len(bytecode.step_instructions)
     assert "V" == bytecode.step_instructions[0][0]
Ejemplo n.º 9
async def test_connection(connection):
    log.debug("begin: test_connection")
    g = Graph().traversal()
    t = g.V()
    message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode})
    log.debug(f"{g=}, {t=}, {message=}")
    results_set = await connection.write(message)
    results = await results_set.all()
    assert len(results) == 6
    assert isinstance(results, list)
    # await connection.close()
    log.debug("end: test_connection")