Ejemplo n.º 1
        def go(loop):

            handler_coro = create_mock_game()
            shim = yield from aioredux_shim.create_shim(handler_coro, loop=loop)
            transport, protocol = shim
            yield from protocol.close()
Ejemplo n.º 2
        def go(loop):
            app = aioredux_frontend.make_app(static_path, loop=loop)
            srv = yield from loop.create_server(app.make_handler(), host, port)

            # setup (mock) shim
            handler_coro = create_mock_game()
            shim = yield from aioredux_shim.create_shim(handler_coro, loop=loop)

            return (srv, shim)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        def go(loop):
            if loop is not None:
                # this is needed as there is no other way to pass a loop to aioamqp

            rpc_queue_name = 'rpc_queue'
            result_queue_name = str(uuid.uuid4())  # unique queue for websocket

            rpc_success = False

            # make rpc request so shim sees it when it starts
            transport, protocol = yield from aioamqp.connect('localhost')
            rpc_channel = yield from protocol.channel()  # different channel for rpc
            yield from rpc_channel.queue_declare(result_queue_name, exclusive=True)

            def on_response(body, envelope, properties):
                nonlocal rpc_success
                rpc_success = True
                self.assertEqual(json.loads(body.decode('utf8')), {'type': 'MOCK_ACTION_TYPE'})

            rpc_channel = yield from protocol.channel()  # different channel for rpc
            correlation_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            properties = {'reply_to': result_queue_name, 'correlation_id': correlation_id}
            yield from rpc_channel.basic_publish(json.dumps({'type': 'TEST_ACTION'}),

            # setup shim, rpc request should be waiting
            handler_coro = create_mock_game()
            transport, protocol = yield from aioredux_shim.create_shim(handler_coro, loop=loop)

            # rpc response should not be ready
            yield from rpc_channel.basic_consume(result_queue_name, callback=on_response)

            # cleanup
            yield from protocol.close()
            print("GOT SOMETHING!!!!", rpc_success)