Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_curry_kwargs():
    def f(a, b, c=10):
        return (a + b) * c

    f = curry(f)
    assert f(1, 2, 3) == 9
    assert f(1)(2, 3) == 9
    assert f(1, 2) == 30
    assert f(1, c=3)(2) == 9
    assert f(c=3)(1, 2) == 9

    def g(a=1, b=10, c=0):
        return a + b + c

    cg = curry(g, b=2)
    assert cg() == 3
    assert cg(b=3) == 4
    assert cg(a=0) == 2
    assert cg(a=0, b=1) == 1
    assert cg(0) == 2  # pass "a" as arg, not kwarg
    assert raises(TypeError, lambda: cg(1, 2))  # pass "b" as arg AND kwarg

    def h(x, func=int):
        return func(x)

    if platform.python_implementation() != 'PyPy'\
            or platform.python_version_tuple()[0] != '3':  # Bug on PyPy3<2.5
        # __init__ must not pick func as positional arg
        assert curry(h)(0.0) == 0
        assert curry(h)(func=str)(0.0) == '0.0'
        assert curry(h, func=str)(0.0) == '0.0'
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_curry_simple():
    cmul = curry(mul)
    double = cmul(2)
    assert callable(double)
    assert double(10) == 20
    assert repr(cmul) == repr(mul)

    cmap = curry(map)
    assert list(cmap(inc)([1, 2, 3])) == [2, 3, 4]

    assert raises(TypeError, lambda: curry())
    assert raises(TypeError, lambda: curry({1: 2}))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_curry_is_idempotent():
    def foo(a, b, c=1):
        return a + b + c

    f = curry(foo, 1, c=2)
    g = curry(f)
    assert isinstance(f, curry)
    assert isinstance(g, curry)
    assert not isinstance(g.func, curry)
    assert not hasattr(g.func, 'func')
    assert f.func == g.func
    assert f.args == g.args
    assert f.keywords == g.keywords
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_curry_comparable():
    def foo(a, b, c=1):
        return a + b + c

    f1 = curry(foo, 1, c=2)
    f2 = curry(foo, 1, c=2)
    g1 = curry(foo, 1, c=3)
    h1 = curry(foo, c=2)
    h2 = h1(c=2)
    h3 = h1()
    assert f1 == f2
    assert not (f1 != f2)
    assert f1 != g1
    assert not (f1 == g1)
    assert f1 != h1
    assert h1 == h2
    assert h1 == h3

    # test function comparison works
    def bar(a, b, c=1):
        return a + b + c

    b1 = curry(bar, 1, c=2)
    assert b1 != f1

    assert {f1, f2, g1, h1, h2, h3, b1, b1()} == {f1, g1, h1, b1}

    # test unhashable input
    unhash1 = curry(foo, [])
    assert raises(TypeError, lambda: hash(unhash1))
    unhash2 = curry(foo, c=[])
    assert raises(TypeError, lambda: hash(unhash2))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_curry_doesnot_transmogrify():
    # Early versions of `curry` transmogrified to `partial` objects if
    # only one positional argument remained even if keyword arguments
    # were present.  Now, `curry` should always remain `curry`.
    def f(x, y=0):
        return x + y

    cf = curry(f)
    assert cf(y=1)(y=2)(y=3)(1) == f(1, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_curry_docstring():
    def f(x, y):
        """ A docstring """
        return x

    g = curry(f)
    assert g.__doc__ == f.__doc__
    assert str(g) == str(f)
    assert f(1, 2) == g(1, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_curry_is_like_partial():
    def foo(a, b, c=1):
        return a + b + c

    p, c = partial(foo, 1, c=2), curry(foo)(1, c=2)
    assert p.keywords == c.keywords
    assert p.args == c.args
    assert p(3) == c(3)

    p, c = partial(foo, 1), curry(foo)(1)
    assert p.keywords == c.keywords
    assert p.args == c.args
    assert p(3) == c(3)
    assert p(3, c=2) == c(3, c=2)

    p, c = partial(foo, c=1), curry(foo)(c=1)
    assert p.keywords == c.keywords
    assert p.args == c.args
    assert p(1, 2) == c(1, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def check_curry(func, args, kwargs, incomplete=True):
         curry(func)(*args, **kwargs)
         curry(func, *args)(**kwargs)
         curry(func, **kwargs)(*args)
         curry(func, *args, **kwargs)()
         if not isinstance(func, type(lambda: None)):
             return None
         return incomplete
     except ValueError:
         return True
     except TypeError:
         return False
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_curry_attributes_readonly():
    def foo(a, b, c=1):
        return a + b + c

    f = curry(foo, 1, c=2)
    assert raises(AttributeError, lambda: setattr(f, 'args', (2, )))
    assert raises(AttributeError, lambda: setattr(f, 'keywords', {'c': 3}))
    assert raises(AttributeError, lambda: setattr(f, 'func', f))
    assert raises(AttributeError, lambda: delattr(f, 'args'))
    assert raises(AttributeError, lambda: delattr(f, 'keywords'))
    assert raises(AttributeError, lambda: delattr(f, 'func'))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_curry_attributes_writable():
    def foo(a, b, c=1):
        return a + b + c

    foo.__qualname__ = 'this.is.foo'
    f = curry(foo, 1, c=2)
    assert f.__qualname__ == 'this.is.foo'
    f.__name__ = 'newname'
    f.__doc__ = 'newdoc'
    f.__module__ = 'newmodule'
    f.__qualname__ = 'newqualname'
    assert f.__name__ == 'newname'
    assert f.__doc__ == 'newdoc'
    assert f.__module__ == 'newmodule'
    assert f.__qualname__ == 'newqualname'
    if hasattr(f, 'func_name'):
        assert f.__name__ == f.func_name
Ejemplo n.º 11
from __future__ import absolute_import

import operator

from aiotoolz.functoolz import curry, num_required_args, has_keywords

def should_curry(f):
    num = num_required_args(f)
    return num is None or num > 1 or num == 1 and has_keywords(f) is not False

        name: curry(f) if should_curry(f) else f
        for name, f in vars(operator).items() if callable(f)
    }, )

# Clean up the namespace.
del curry
del num_required_args
del has_keywords
del operator
del should_curry
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_curry_bad_types():
    assert raises(TypeError, lambda: curry(1))