def createNewFlights():
    # grabs information
    airline_name = session['airline_name']
    flight_num = request.form['flight_num']
    departure_airport = request.form['departure_airport']
    departure_time = request.form['departure_time']
    arrival_airport = request.form['arrival_airport']
    arrival_time = request.form['arrival_time']
    price = request.form['price']
    status = request.form['status']
    airplane_id = request.form['airplane_id']

    # check consistence of time
    if departure_time >= arrival_time:
        error = 'Error: wrong time format or inconsistent departure and arrival time!'
        return render_template('airline_staff/update.html', result=error)

        msg = 'Create successfully!'
        with conn.cursor() as cursor:
            ins = 'INSERT INTO flight VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)'
                (airline_name, flight_num, departure_airport, departure_time,
                 arrival_airport, arrival_time, price, status, airplane_id))
    except MySQLError as e:
        msg = 'Got error {!r}, errno is {}'.format(e, e.args[0])

    return render_template('airline_staff/update.html', result=msg)
def addNewAirport():
    # grabs information
    airport_name = request.form['airport_name']
    airport_city = request.form['airport_city']

        msg = 'Add successfully!'
        with conn.cursor() as cursor:
            ins = 'INSERT INTO airport VALUES(%s, %s)'
            cursor.execute(ins, (airport_name, airport_city))
    except MySQLError as e:
        msg = 'Got error {!r}, errno is {}'.format(e, e.args[0])

    return render_template('airline_staff/update.html', result=msg)
def changeFlightStatus():
    # grabs information
    airline_name = session['airline_name']
    flight_num = request.form['flight_num']
    status = request.form['status']

        msg = "Update successfully!"
        with conn.cursor() as cursor:
            query = '''
				UPDATE flight
				SET status = %s
				WHERE airline_name = %s AND flight_num = %s '''
            cursor.execute(query, (status, airline_name, flight_num))
    except MySQLError as e:
        msg = 'Got error {!r}, errno is {}'.format(e, e.args[0])

    return render_template('airline_staff/update.html', result=msg)
def purchaseTickets():
    # grabs information
    booking_agent_id = session['booking_agent_id']
    customer_email = request.form['customer_email']
    airline_name = request.form['airline_name']
    flight_num = request.form['flight_num']

    # cursor used to send queries
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    # check seat availability
    query = '''
		SELECT COUNT(*) as count, seats
		FROM ticket NATURAL JOIN flight NATURAL JOIN airplane
		WHERE airline_name = %s AND flight_num = %s
		GROUP BY airline_name, flight_num '''
    cursor.execute(query, (airline_name, flight_num))
    data = cursor.fetchone()
    count = data['count'] if data['count'] != None else 0
    seat = data['seat'] if data['seat'] != None else 0

    if count < seat:
        msg = "Purchase successful!"
        # generates ticket_id
        query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM ticket'
        data = cursor.fetchone()
        ticket_id = count + 1
        # executes updates
        ins_ticket = 'INSERT INTO ticket VALUES(%s, %s, %s)'
        cursor.execute(ins_ticket, (ticket_id, airline_name, flight_num))
        ins_purchases = 'INSERT INTO purchases VALUES(%s, %s, %s, CURDATE())'
                       (ticket_id, customer_email, booking_agent_id))
        msg = 'All tickets have been sold out!'

    return render_template('booking_agent/index.html',
Ejemplo n.º 5
def registerAuth():
    # grabs usertype
    usertype = request.form['usertype']

    # cursor used to send queries
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    error = None

    # if usertype is customer
    if usertype == 'customer':
        # grabs information from the forms
        email = request.form['email']
        password = request.form['password']
        name = request.form['name']
        building_number = request.form['building_number']
        street = request.form['street']
        city = request.form['city']
        state = request.form['state']
        phone_number = request.form['phone_number']
        passport_number = request.form['passport_number']
        passport_expiration = request.form['passport_expiration']
        passport_country = request.form['passport_country']
        date_of_birth = request.form['date_of_birth']

        # executes query
        query = 'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE email = %s'
        cursor.execute(query, (email))
        # stores the results in a variable
        data = cursor.fetchone()

        # authenticates the register information
        if data:
            # if the previous query returns data, then user exists
            error = 'User alread exists!'
            # generates the hash value of the password
            password_hash = pbkdf2_sha256.hash(password)
            # inserts into the database
                ins = '''
					INSERT INTO customer 
						VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) '''
                    (email, name, password_hash, building_number, street, city,
                     state, phone_number, passport_number, passport_expiration,
                     passport_country, date_of_birth))
            except MySQLError as e:
                error = 'Got error {!r}, errno is {}'.format(e, e.args[0])

    # if usertype is booking_agent
    elif usertype == 'booking_agent':
        # grabs information from the forms
        email = request.form['email']
        password = request.form['password']
        booking_agent_id = request.form['booking_agent_id']

        # executes query
        query = 'SELECT * FROM booking_agent WHERE email = %s'
        cursor.execute(query, (email))
        # stores the results in a variable
        data = cursor.fetchone()

        # authenticates the register information
        if data:
            # if the previous query returns data, then user exists
            error = 'User already exists!'
            # generates the hash value of the password
            password_hash = pbkdf2_sha256.hash(password)
            # inserts into the database
                ins = 'INSERT INTO booking_agent VALUES(%s, %s, %s)'
                cursor.execute(ins, (email, password_hash, booking_agent_id))
            except MySQLError as e:
                error = 'Got error {!r}, errno is {}'.format(e, e.args[0])

    # if usertype is airline staff
        # grabs information from the forms
        username = request.form['username']
        password = request.form['password']
        first_name = request.form['first_name']
        last_name = request.form['last_name']
        date_of_birth = request.form['date_of_birth']
        airline_name = request.form['airline_name']

        # executes query
        query = 'SELECT * FROM airline_staff WHERE username = %s'
        cursor.execute(query, (username))
        # stores the results in a variable
        data = cursor.fetchone()

        # authenticates the register information
        if data:
            # if the previous query returns data, then user exists
            error = 'User already exists!'
            # generates the hash value of the password
            password_hash = pbkdf2_sha256.hash(password)
            # inserts into the database
                ins = 'INSERT INTO airline_staff VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)'
                cursor.execute(ins, (username, password_hash, first_name,
                                     last_name, date_of_birth, airline_name))
            except MySQLError as e:
                error = 'Got error {!r}, errno is {}'.format(e, e.args[0])

    # close the cursor

    # check register status and redirect url
    if error:
        return render_template('general/register.html', error=error)
        return redirect(url_for('general.login'))