Ejemplo n.º 1
af_extrap2 = af.extrapolate(cdmax, AR=AR, cdmin=cdmin)

# 5 ---------

# 6 ---------

# create new airfoil that uses the same angles of attack at each Reynolds number
af_common1 = af.interpToCommonAlpha()

# default approach uses a union of all defined angles of attack
# alternatively, specify the exact angles to use
alpha = np.arange(-180, 180)
af_common2 = af.interpToCommonAlpha(alpha)

# 6 ---------

# 7 ---------

# extract a data grid from airfoil
alpha, Re, cl, cd = af.createDataGrid()

# cl[i, j] is the lift coefficient for alpha[i] and Re[j]

# 7 ---------

# 8 ---------


# 8 ---------
Ejemplo n.º 2
af_extrap2 = af.extrapolate(cdmax, AR=AR, cdmin=cdmin)

# 5 ---------

# 6 ---------

# create new airfoil that uses the same angles of attack at each Reynolds number
af_common1 = af.interpToCommonAlpha()

# default approach uses a union of all defined angles of attack
# alternatively, specify the exact angles to use
alpha = np.arange(-180, 180)
af_common2 = af.interpToCommonAlpha(alpha)

# 6 ---------

# 7 ---------

# extract a data grid from airfoil
alpha, Re, cl, cd = af.createDataGrid()

# cl[i, j] is the lift coefficient for alpha[i] and Re[j]

# 7 ---------

# 8 ---------


# 8 ---------
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):

        # determine aspect ratio = (rotor radius / chord_75% radius)\
        #    if provided, cdmax is computed from AR'
        bl = params['blade_length']
        dr = params['rotor_diameter']
        hr = 0.5 * dr - bl
        rotor_radius = 0.5 * dr
        chord = params['chord_st'] * bl
        s = params['s_st']
        r = (s * bl + hr) / rotor_radius
        chord_75 = np.interp(0.75, r, chord)
        AR = rotor_radius / chord_75

        # write aerodyn files
        af_name_base = 'cs_'
        af_name_suffix = '_aerodyn'
        tcs = params['cs_polars_tc']

        n_cs_alpha = params['n_cs_alpha']
        pol = params['cs_polars']
        nmet = 0
        # TODO: blend polars determined with different methods
        for i, tc in enumerate(self.blend_var):
            af_name = af_name_base + \
                '%03d_%04d' % (i, tc * 1000) + af_name_suffix
            re_polars = []
            for nre, re in enumerate(self.res):
                # create polar object
                p = Polar(re,
                          pol[:n_cs_alpha[i, nre, nmet], 0, i, nre, nmet],
                          pol[:n_cs_alpha[i, nre, nmet], 1, i, nre, nmet],
                          pol[:n_cs_alpha[i, nre, nmet], 2, i, nre, nmet],
                          pol[:n_cs_alpha[i, nre, nmet], 3, i, nre, nmet])

                # extrapolate polar
                if tc < self.tc_max:
                    p_extrap = p.extrapolate(self.cdmax,
                    p_extrap = p.extrapolate_as_cylinder()
                p_extrap.useCM = self.useCM

                # TODO: output as HAWC2/FAST format
                # See if HAWC can take several af tables with different Re
                # numbers
                unknowns['airfoildata:aoa%02d' % i] = p_extrap.alpha
                unknowns['airfoildata:cl%02d' % i] = p_extrap.cl
                unknowns['airfoildata:cd%02d' % i] = p_extrap.cd
                unknowns['airfoildata:cm%02d' % i] = p_extrap.cm

            # create airfoil object
            af = Airfoil(re_polars)
            af.writeToAerodynFile(af_name + '.dat')

            if self.plot_polars:
                figs = af.plot(single_figure=True)
                titles = ['cl', 'cd', 'cm']
                for (fig, title) in zip(figs, titles):
                    fig.savefig(af_name + '_' + title + '.png', dpi=400)
                    fig.savefig(af_name + '_' + title + '.pdf')
