Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: ssnr.py Proyecto: xut006/aitom
def ssnr_sequential___individual_data_collect(self, r, op):
    if (self is None):
        get_mrc_func = IV.get_mrc
        get_mrc_func = self.cache.get_mrc
    v = get_mrc_func(r['subtomogram'])
    if 'angle' in r:
        v = GR.rotate_pad_mean(v, angle=N.array(r['angle'], dtype=N.float), loc_r=N.array(r['loc'], dtype=N.float))
    if (op is not None) and ('segmentation_tg' in op) and ('template' in r) and ('segmentation' in r['template']):
        phi = IV.read_mrc_vol(r['template']['segmentation'])
        phi_m = (phi > 0.5)
        del phi
        (ang_inv, loc_inv) = AAL.reverse_transform_ang_loc(r['angle'], r['loc'])
        phi_mr = GR.rotate(phi_m, angle=ang_inv, loc_r=loc_inv, default_val=0)
        del phi_m
        del ang_inv, loc_inv
        import aitom.tomominer.pursuit.multi.util as PMU
        v_s = PMU.template_guided_segmentation(v=v, m=phi_mr, op=op['segmentation_tg'])
        del phi_mr
        if v_s is not None:
            v_f = N.isfinite(v_s)
            if v_f.sum() > 0:
                v_s[N.logical_not(v_f)] = v_s[v_f].mean()
                v = v_s
            del v_s
    v = NF.fftshift(NF.fftn(v))
    m = get_mrc_func(r['mask'])
    if 'angle' in r:
        m = GR.rotate_mask(m, angle=N.array(r['angle'], dtype=N.float))
    v[(m < op['mask_cutoff'])] = 0.0
    return {'v': v, 'm': m, }
Ejemplo n.º 2
def random_rotate(v):
    angle = GAL.random_rotation_angle_zyz()
    vr = GR.rotate(v, angle=angle, default_val=0.0)  # loc_r is none
    # print('angle:', angle)
    # print('loc_max:', loc_max)
    # print('loc_r:',type(loc_r),loc_r)
    return vr, angle
Ejemplo n.º 3
def normalize(record, op):
    if os.path.isfile(record['pose']['subtomogram']):
        return {
            'record': record,
    ls = level_set(record=record, op=op['segmentation'])
    if ls is None:
    phi = N.zeros(ls['phi'].shape)
    phi[(ls['phi'] > 0)] = ls['phi'][(ls['phi'] > 0)]
    c = PNU.center_mass(phi)
    mid_co = (N.array(phi.shape) / 2)
    if N.sqrt(N.square(
        (c - mid_co)).sum()) > (N.min(phi.shape) *
    rm = PNU.pca(v=phi, c=c)['v']
    record['pose']['c'] = c.tolist()
    record['pose']['rm'] = rm.tolist()
    phi_pn = GR.rotate(phi, rm=rm, c1=c, default_val=0)
    v_org_pn = GR.rotate_pad_mean(ls['v_org'], rm=rm, c1=c)
    return {
        'ls': ls,
        'phi': phi,
        'phi_pn': phi_pn,
        'v_org_pn': v_org_pn,
        'record': record,
Ejemplo n.º 4
def forward(x0, sc, c, phi, theta, psi, orientation, sigma_c, sigma_l, sigma_d, t1, bm):
    The forward tracing algorithm (recursive)
        x0: index of the starting voxel
        sc: the forward (along y) search cone as a numpy array
        c: a numpy array storing the correlation coefficients from template matching
        phi: a numpy array storing the first ZYZ rotation angle of the template from template matching
        theta: a numpy array storing the second ZYZ rotation angle of the template from template matching
        psi: a numpy array storing the thrid ZYZ rotation angle of the template from template matching
        orientaion: a numpy array storing the template orientations in vector form from template matching
        sigma_c: user-defined parameter for smoothness (smoother lines with smaller sigma_c)
        sigma_l:	user-defined parameter for linearity
        sigma_d: user-defined parameter for distance
        t1: threshold for similarity
        bm: a numpy array storing the binary mask that is to be updated

        bm when search_result.max() <= t1
    # get ZYZ template rotation angles
    angles = (phi[x0], theta[x0], psi[x0])
    # rotate search cone according to template rotation angles
    sc_curr = GR.rotate(sc, angle=angles, default_val=0.0)
    # get x0 location on the search cone for index calculation later
    x0_loc = convert(np.where(sc_curr == sc_curr.min()))
    # convert the format of sc: >0-->True
    sc_mask = sc_curr > 0
    # create a np array the size of the sc to store search results
    # highest similarity in search_result means this voxel is part of the filament
    search_result = np.full(sc_mask.shape, -1.0)

    # for every voxel in the search cone, calculate similarity and update search_result
    for idx, val in np.ndenumerate(sc_mask):
        if val is True:
            # x = idx - x0_loc + x0 #convert to the index of x
            x = (x0[0] - x0_loc[0] + idx[0], x0[1] - x0_loc[1] + idx[1], x0[2] - x0_loc[2] + idx[2])
            # z, y, x boundaries
            if (x[0] <= c.shape[0] - 1) and (x[1] <= c.shape[1] - 1) and (x[2] <= c.shape[2] - 1):
                # calculate similarity between x and x0
                s = similarity(x0, x, c[x], sigma_c, sigma_l, sigma_d, orientation)
                if s > t1:
                    # store voxel location when similarity is above threshold t1
                    search_result[idx] = s

    # continue forward()
    if search_result.max() > t1:
        # highest similarity in the search cone
        x = convert(np.where(search_result == search_result.max()))
        # convert coordinate
        x = (x0[0] - x0_loc[0] + x[0], x0[1] - x0_loc[1] + x[1], x0[2] - x0_loc[2] + x[2])
        # update binary mask
        bm[x] = True
        # recursively move
        return forward(x, sc, c, phi, theta, psi, orientation, sigma_c, sigma_l, sigma_d, t1, bm)
    # forward
    # stop searching when all similarity values within sc are below threshold t1
        return bm
Ejemplo n.º 5
def forward(x0, sc):
	The forward tracing algorithm
	@param x0: index of the starting voxel
	@param sc: the forward (along y) search cone as a numpy array

	@returns when search_result.max() <= t1, where t1 is a similarity threshold specified by the user

	updates global binary mask variable bm
    angles = (phi[x0], theta[x0], psi[x0])  #get ZYZ template rotation angles
    sc_curr = GR.rotate(
        sc, angle=angles, default_val=0.0
    )  #rotate search cone according to template rotation angles
    x0_loc = convert(np.where(sc_curr == sc_curr.min(
    )))  #get x0 location on the search cone for index calculation later
    sc_mask = sc_curr > 0  #convert the format of sc: >0-->True
    #create a np array the size of the sc to store search results
    #highest similarity in search_result means this voxel is part of the filament
    search_result = np.full(sc_mask.shape, -1.0)

    #for every voxel in the search cone, calculate similarity and update search_result
    for idx, val in np.ndenumerate(sc_mask):
        if val == True:
            x = (x0[0] - x0_loc[0] + idx[0], x0[1] - x0_loc[1] + idx[1],
                 x0[2] - x0_loc[2] + idx[2]
                 )  #x = idx - x0_loc + x0 #convert to the index of x
            if (x[0] <= c.shape[0] - 1) and (x[1] <= c.shape[1] - 1) and (
                    x[2] <= c.shape[2] - 1):  #z, y, x boundaries
                s = similarity(x0, x, c[x], sigma_c, sigma_l,
                               sigma_d)  #calculate similarity between x and x0
                if s > t1:
                        idx] = s  #store voxel location when similarity is above threshold t1

    if search_result.max() > t1:  #continue forward()
        x = convert(np.where(search_result == search_result.max())
                    )  #highest similarity in the search cone
        x = (x0[0] - x0_loc[0] + x[0], x0[1] - x0_loc[1] + x[1],
             x0[2] - x0_loc[2] + x[2])  #convert coordinate
        bm[x] = True  #update binary mask
        return forward(x, sc)  #recursively move forward

    else:  #stop searching when all similarity values within sc are below threshold t1
Ejemplo n.º 6
def angle_rotate(v, angle):
    vr = GR.rotate(v, angle=angle, default_val=0.0)
    return vr
Ejemplo n.º 7
        'voltage': 300,
        'Cs': 2.0,
        'sigma': 0.4

# generate a density map v that contains a toy structure
v = MU.generate_toy_model(dim_siz=64)  # generate a pseudo density map

# randomly rotate and translate v
loc_proportion = 0.1
loc_max = N.array(v.shape, dtype=float) * loc_proportion
angle = GAL.random_rotation_angle_zyz()
loc_r = (N.random.random(3) - 0.5) * loc_max
vr = GR.rotate(v, angle=angle, loc_r=loc_r, default_val=0.0)

# generate simulated subtomogram vb from v
vb = TSRSC.do_reconstruction(vr, op, verbose=True)
print('vb', 'mean', vb.mean(), 'std', vb.std(), 'var', vb.var())

# save v and vb as 3D grey scale images
TIF.put_mrc(vb, '/tmp/vb.mrc', overwrite=True)
TIF.put_mrc(v, '/tmp/v.mrc', overwrite=True)

# save images of the slices of the corresponding 3D iamges for visual inspection
import aitom.image.io as IIO
import aitom.tomominer.image.vol.util as TIVU
IIO.save_png(TIVU.cub_img(vb)['im'], "/tmp/vb.png")
IIO.save_png(TIVU.cub_img(v)['im'], "/tmp/v.png")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def trace(t1, t2, sigma_c, sigma_l, sigma_d, sc_path, out_path, c_path, phi_path, theta_path, psi_path):
    The main function for filament tracing
        t1: threshold for similarity, defualt=0.000001
        t2: threshold for correlation coefficient, default= 0.0007
        sigma_c: measure for smootheness, default=1.0
        sigma_l: measure for linearity, default=1.0
        sigma_d: measure for distance, default=1.0
        sc_path: file path of search cone, see search cone linked at the top of the script
        out_path: output file path for the tracing result (a binary mask)
        c_path: file path of the correlation coefficients (e.g. c.npy from 007_template_matching.py)
        phi_path: file path of the first ZYZ rotation angle(e.g. phi.npy from 007_template_matching.py)
        theta_path: file path of the second ZYZ rotation angle(e.g. theta.npy from 007_template_matching.py)
        psi_path: file path of the thrid ZYZ rotation angle(e.g. psi.npy from 007_template_matching.py)

        bm, a binary mask storing the search result

    Note that if out_path is not None, trace() would store the search result at the given location
    # forward() and backward() might reach recursion limit

    assert (sc_path is not None) and (c_path is not None), "File path error"
    assert (phi_path is not None) and (theta_path is not None) and (psi_path is not None), "File path error"
    if t1 is None:
        t1 = 0.000001
    if t2 is None:
        t2 = 0.0007
    if sigma_c is None:
        sigma_c = 1.0
    if sigma_l is None:
        sigma_l = 1.0
    if sigma_d is None:
        sigma_d = 1.0

    # load template matching results (see 007_template_matching_tutorial.py)
    print("Loading template matching results...")
    c = np.load(c_path)  # (10, 400, 398)
    phi = np.load(phi_path)
    theta = np.load(theta_path)
    psi = np.load(psi_path)
    print("Map shape: ", c.shape)

    # preprocess cross correlation matrix: negative values => 0.0
    print("Preproces correlation coefficients...")
    c[c < 0.0] = 0.0
    print("Maximum corr = ", c.max())

    print("Preprocessing orientations...")
    # orientation = np.load('./orietnation.npy', allow_pickle=True)#can store orientation.npy for faster testing
    # empty np array to store template orientations
    orientation = np.empty(c.shape, dtype=object)
    # assume template is parallel to the y axis
    v = np.array([0, 1, 0])
    # for all voxels
    for idx, x in np.ndenumerate(c):
        # get ZYZ angle for template orientation
        angle = (phi[idx], theta[idx], psi[idx])
        # convert to rotation matrix
        rm = AA.rotation_matrix_zyz(angle)
        # template orientation in [x, y, z]
        orientation[idx] = rm.dot(v)

        # binary mask to store tracing results
    bm = np.full(c.shape, False, dtype=bool)

    # read in search cone: SC is along the y axis, i.e. [0,1,0]
    print("Preparing search cone...")
    mrc = mrcfile.open(sc_path, mode='r+', permissive=True)
    # rotated already, along the y axis for now #forward search cone
    sc = mrc.data
    print('search cone size', sc.shape)  # (10, 11, 11)
    # mark where x0 is with a negative value
    sc[(5, 0, 5)] = -100.0

    # 180 degree rotation of the search cone
    rm = np.array([[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]])
    # about the XYZ axes
    # rotate to get the backward search cone
    sc_back = GR.rotate(sc, rm=rm, default_val=0.0)

    # tracing: go through corr for all c.max()>=t2
    print("Start tracing actin filaments...")
    while c.max() >= t2:
        # tracing starts with the highest corr
        corr = c.max()
        # get the index of c.max #e.g.(array([5]), array([177]), array([182]))
        x0 = np.where(c == corr)
        assert (x0[0].size == 1), "multiple maximum"
        # convert index to a tuple
        x0 = (x0[0][0], x0[1][0], x0[2][0])
        print("Now at ", x0, " with corr=", corr)
        bm[x0] = True

        # recursively search forward
        bm = forward(x0, sc, c, phi, theta, psi, orientation, sigma_c, sigma_l, sigma_d, t1, bm)
        bm = backward(x0, sc_back, c, phi, theta, psi, orientation, sigma_c, sigma_l, sigma_d, t1, bm)
        # set c.max() to -1.0 and go to the next c.max()
        c[x0] = -1.0

    # output bm
    if out_path is not None:
        print("Generating output to ", out_path)
        bm = bm.astype(np.int16)
        mrc = mrcfile.new(out_path, overwrite=True)
    print("TRACING DONE")
    return bm
Ejemplo n.º 9
def scan(op):
    This function contains:
        template and map preprocessing
        template rotations using ZYZ Euler angles
        cross-correlation calculation
    output: c.npy, phi.npy, theta.npy, psi.npy

    if not os.path.isdir(op['out_dir']):        os.makedirs(op['out_dir'])

    re = {} #create output file paths
    re['c'] = os.path.join(op['out_dir'], '%s-c.npy'%(op['id'], ))
    re['phi'] = os.path.join(op['out_dir'], '%s-phi.npy'%(op['id'], ))
    re['theta'] = os.path.join(op['out_dir'], '%s-theta.npy'%(op['id'], ))
    re['psi'] = os.path.join(op['out_dir'], '%s-psi.npy'%(op['id'], ))

    #if the output files already exits, template matching would not run
    if os.path.isfile(re['c']) and os.path.isfile(re['phi']) and os.path.isfile(re['theta']) and os.path.isfile(re['psi']):     return re

    #load template as t and preprocess
    mrc = mrcfile.open(op['template'], mode='r+',permissive=True)
    t = mrc.data
    print('template size',t.shape)
    tm = N.isfinite(t)      # real space mask
    t_mean = t[tm].mean()
    t[N.logical_not(tm)] = t_mean 
    tm = tm.astype(N.float)

    #load map as v
    mrc = mrcfile.open(op['map'], mode='r+',permissive=True)
    v = mrc.data
    v = v.astype(N.float)

    print ('map size', v.shape)           ;       sys.stdout.flush()

    diff_time_v = [] 
    cur_time = time.time()

    c_max = None
    phi_max = None
    theta_max = None
    psi_max = None

    #template rotations
    for i, (phi, theta, psi) in enumerate(op['angles']): 
        #print(i, (phi, theta, psi))
        #template rotation with affine transformation
        tr = GR.rotate(t, angle=(phi, theta, psi), default_val=t_mean) 
        tr = tr.astype(N.float)
        if op['mode'] == 'convolve': #convolution
            #c = FC.convolve(v=v, t=tr)
            c = SNF.convolve(input=v, weights=tr, mode='reflect')
        elif op['mode'] == 'normalized-cor': #correlation
            tmr = GR.rotate(tm, angle=(phi, theta, psi), default_val=0.0)
            tr[tmr < 0.5] = float('NaN')

            c = FC.pearson_correlation_simple(v=v, t=tr) #calculate Pearson cross correlation
            raise Exception('mode')

        #record the maximum cross-correlation coefficient and the orientation
        #c_max - a 3d numpy array of maximum cross-correlation coefficients
        #phi_max, theta_max, psi_max - 3d numpy arrays that store the maximum phi, theta, psi values (template orientation in ZYZ convention)
        if c_max is None:
            c_max = c
            phi_max = N.zeros(c.shape) + phi
            theta_max = N.zeros(c.shape) + theta
            psi_max = N.zeros(c.shape) + psi


            ind = (c > c_max)
            c_max[ind] = c[ind]
            phi_max[ind] = phi
            theta_max[ind] = theta
            psi_max[ind] = psi

        #run time
        diff_time = time.time()-cur_time
        remain_time = N.array(diff_time_v).mean() * (len(op['angles']) - i - 1)
        print ('angle', i+1, 'of', len(op['angles']), '; time used', diff_time, '; time remain', remain_time)                 ;           sys.stdout.flush()

        cur_time = time.time()

    if not os.path.isfile(re['c']):    
        N.save(re['c'], c_max)
        N.save(re['phi'], phi_max)
        N.save(re['theta'], theta_max)
        N.save(re['psi'], psi_max)

    return re

    if os.path.isfile(re['c']) and os.path.isfile(re['phi']) and os.path.isfile(re['theta']) and os.path.isfile(re['psi']):     return re
Ejemplo n.º 10
def scan(op):
    if not os.path.isdir(op['out_dir']):

    re = {'c': os.path.join(op['out_dir'], '%s-c.npy' % (op['id'],)),
          'phi': os.path.join(op['out_dir'], '%s-phi.npy' % (op['id'],)),
          'theta': os.path.join(op['out_dir'], '%s-theta.npy' % (op['id'],)),
          'psi': os.path.join(op['out_dir'], '%s-psi.npy' % (op['id'],))}

    if os.path.isfile(re['c']) and os.path.isfile(re['phi']) and os.path.isfile(re['theta']) and os.path.isfile(
        return re

    t = N.load(op['template'])
    # real space mask
    tm = N.isfinite(t)
    t_mean = t[tm].mean()
    t[N.logical_not(tm)] = t_mean
    tm = tm.astype(N.float)

    v = N.load(op['map'])

    print('map size', v.shape)

    diff_time_v = []
    cur_time = time.time()

    c_max = None
    phi_max = None
    theta_max = None
    psi_max = None

    for i, (phi, theta, psi) in enumerate(op['angles']):
        tr = GR.rotate(t, angle=(phi, theta, psi), default_val=t_mean)

        if op['mode'] == 'convolve':
            # c = FC.convolve(v=v, t=tr)
            c = SNF.convolve(input=v, weights=tr, mode='reflect')
        elif op['mode'] == 'normalized-cor':
            tmr = GR.rotate(tm, angle=(phi, theta, psi), default_val=0.0)
            tr[tmr < 0.5] = float('NaN')
            c = FNCC.cor(v=v, t=tr)
            raise Exception('mode')

        if c_max is None:
            c_max = c
            phi_max = N.zeros(c.shape) + phi
            theta_max = N.zeros(c.shape) + theta
            psi_max = N.zeros(c.shape) + psi


            ind = (c > c_max)
            c_max[ind] = c[ind]
            phi_max[ind] = phi
            theta_max[ind] = theta
            psi_max[ind] = psi

        diff_time = time.time() - cur_time
        remain_time = N.array(diff_time_v).mean() * (len(op['angles']) - i - 1)
        print('angle', i, 'of', len(op['angles']), '; time used', diff_time, '; time remain', remain_time)

        cur_time = time.time()

    if not os.path.isfile(re['c']):
        N.save(re['c'], c_max)
        N.save(re['phi'], phi_max)
        N.save(re['theta'], theta_max)
        N.save(re['psi'], psi_max)

    return re
Ejemplo n.º 11
# generate simulated images

import aitom.model.util as TMU
v = TMU.generate_toy_model(dim_siz=32)

import aitom.geometry.ang_loc as TGAL
import aitom.geometry.rotate as TGR
import random
import numpy as N

# randomly rotate and translate v
loc_proportion = 0.1
loc_max = N.array(v.shape, dtype=float) * loc_proportion
angle = TGAL.random_rotation_angle_zyz()
loc_r = (N.random.random(3) - 0.5) * loc_max
vr = TGR.rotate(v, angle=angle, loc_r=loc_r, default_val=0.0)

# align vr against v

import aitom.align.util as TAU
al = TAU.align_vols_no_mask(v, vr)
print('rigid transform of alignment', al)

vr_i = TGR.rotate(
    vr, angle=al['angle'], loc_r=al['loc'], default_val=0.0
)  # rotate vr according to the alignment, expected to produce an image similiar to v

# save images of the slices of the corresponding 3D iamges for visual inspection
import aitom.image.io as TIIO
import aitom.image.vol.util as TIVU
Ejemplo n.º 12
# generate simulated images
import aitom.model.util as MU

v = MU.generate_toy_model(dim_siz=32)

import aitom.geometry.ang_loc as GAL
import aitom.geometry.rotate as GR
import numpy as N

# randomly rotate and translate v
loc_proportion = 0.1
loc_max = N.array(v.shape, dtype=float) * loc_proportion
angle = GAL.random_rotation_angle_zyz()
loc_r = (N.random.random(3) - 0.5) * loc_max
vr = GR.rotate(v, angle=angle, loc_r=loc_r, default_val=0.0)

# align vr against v
import aitom.align.fast.util as AFU

al = AFU.align_vols_no_mask(v, vr)
print('rigid transform of alignment', al)

# rotate vr according to the alignment, expected to produce an image similiar to v
vr_i = GR.rotate(vr, angle=al['angle'], loc_r=al['loc'], default_val=0.0)

# save images of the slices of the corresponding 3D iamges for visual inspection
import aitom.image.io as IIO
import aitom.image.vol.util as IVU

IIO.save_png(IVU.cub_img(v)['im'], "v.png")