Ejemplo n.º 1
def login(request):

    if not verify_ip(request['REMOTE_ADDR']):
        return HTTPForbidden()

    login_url = request.route_url('login')
    referrer = request.url
    if referrer == login_url:
        referrer = '/' # never use the login form itself as came_from
    came_from = request.params.get('came_from', referrer)
    message = ''
    username = ''
    password = ''
    if 'form.submitted' in request.params:
        username = request.params['login']
        password = request.params['password']
        if authenticate(username, password):
            headers = remember(request, username)
            return HTTPFound(location = '/',
                headers = headers)
        message = 'Failed login'

    return dict(
        message = message,
        url = request.application_url + '/login',
        came_from = came_from,
        login = username,
        password = password,
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def update_user(self, json, updater_username):
        TODO: Functional tests required!

        # Step 0: prepare data
        username = json['username'].strip()
        first_name = json['first_name'].strip()
        last_name = json['last_name'].strip()
        group = json['group'].strip()

        machines = json['machines']

        if not group:
            return False, 'Bad group name provided'
            group = 'group:' + group

        email = json['email'].strip()

        if not email_pattern.match(email):
            return False, "Wrong email address!"

        old_password = json['old_password'].strip()
        password = json['change_password'].strip()
        password_rpt = json['change_password_confirm'].strip()


        # Step 1: getting updater user permissions
        info = User.get_user_info_by_name(updater_username)
        if not info[0] or not info[1]['username']: # if updater_username does not exists in DB (this is almost impossible)
            raise SystemError('Wrong updater username provided')
        updater_info = info[1]

        # Step 2: collecting info about editing user
        info = User.get_user_info_by_name(username)
        if not info[0] or not info[1]['username']: # if editing_username does not exists in DB (but this IS possible :)
            return False, 'Wrong changing username provided'
        changing_user_info = info[1]

        # Step 3: setting vars
        change_password = False
        if any([password, password_rpt]) and not all([password, password_rpt]):
            return False, "To change password please fill all fields"
        elif all([password, password_rpt]):
            if password != password_rpt:
                return False, "New passwords does not match"
            elif not 4 <= len(password) <= 16:
                return False, 'Wrong password length! 4 <= x <= 16'
                change_password = True

        # Step 4: testing permissions and applying update
        # There are many cases which must be implemented
        new_password = None
        if updater_info['username'] == changing_user_info['username']:
            # Regular user or superuser changing himself
            if change_password:
                if not old_password:
                    return False, "To change password please fill all fields"
                if not authenticate(updater_info['username'], old_password):
                    return False, "Wrong old password provided"
                new_password = password

            group = None # Disabled change of self group

            User.update_user(username=updater_info['username'], first_name=first_name,
                last_name=last_name, group=group, email=email, password=new_password)

        elif updater_info['group'] not in ['group:admins', 'group:moderators']:
            # Non-privileged user trying to change somebody else
            return False, "You don't have permissions to change this user"

            # Superuser changing somebody else
            if changing_user_info['username'] == 'admin':
                return False, 'Nobody except admin himself can change superadmin profile'

            if updater_info['group'] == 'group:moderators':
                if changing_user_info['group'] in ['group:admins', 'group:moderators']:
                    return False, "You don't have permissions to change this user"
                # IMPORTANT
                if group in ['group:admins', 'group:moderators']:
                    return False, 'You don\'t have permissions to add new moderator or administrator'

            if change_password:
                new_password = password

            User.update_user(username=changing_user_info['username'], first_name=first_name,
                last_name=last_name, group=group, email=email, password=new_password, machines=machines)

        return True, ''