Ejemplo n.º 1
    def recognize_a_line(self, line):

        if line == None or line == False or line == True or line.textstr == None:
            return False

        whole_text = line.textstr
        self.cpr.print("recognizing line:", whole_text)

        # counters
        counter_special_chars = 0
        counter_alphanumerical_chars = 0
        counter_numbers = 0
        counter_chars = len(whole_text)
        counter_alphabetical = 0
        counter_words = 0
        counters_alphabetical_ratios = []
        counters_wordlengths = []
        counters_numbers = []

        character_index = 0
        # special conditions
        ultimo_is_first_word = False
        first_word_no_table_indicator = False
        starts_with_parenthesis = False
        ends_with_parenthesis = False

        last_xstop = 0
        x_box_sizes = []
        x_gaps = []
        for key_index, key in enumerate(line.word['text']):
            word = line.word['text'][key]
            uid_info = line.word['UID'][key]
            word_xstart = line.data['word_x0'][character_index]
            word_xstop = line.data['word_x1'][character_index]
            word_box_size = word_xstop - word_xstart

            if key_index >= 1:
                x_gap = word_xstop - last_xstop

            if word is None or word == "":

            if key_index == 0:
                if word in self.filter_start_words:
                    first_word_no_table_indicator = True
                if word.lower() == "ultimo":
                    ultimo_is_first_word = True
                if word[0] == "(":
                    starts_with_parenthesis = True

            if key_index == len(line.word['text'])-1:
                if word[-1] == ")":
                    ends_with_parenthesis = True

            counter_alphabetical_chars_word = 0
            counter_alphanumerical_chars_word = 0
            counter_numbers_word = 0

            counter_words += 1

            word_list = list(word)
            for char in word_list:
                if Random.is_special_character(char):
                    counter_special_chars += 1
                elif Random.is_alphanumerical_character(char):
                    counter_alphanumerical_chars += 1
                    counter_alphanumerical_chars_word += 1
                if char.isdigit():
                    counter_numbers += 1
                    counter_numbers_word += 1

            counter_alphabetical_word = counter_alphanumerical_chars_word - counter_numbers_word
            ratio_alphabetical_word = np.round(counter_alphabetical_word/len(word), 2)
            character_index += len(uid_info)
            last_xstop = word_xstop

        # get number of spaces
        len_whole_unspace = len(whole_text.replace(" ", ""))
        counter_spaces = counter_chars - len_whole_unspace
        # set alphabetical counter
        counter_alphabetical = counter_alphanumerical_chars - counter_numbers

        if counter_chars == 0:
            self.cpr.printw("no chars shouldn't happen, no recognizion")
            return False

        special_chars_ratio = counter_special_chars/ counter_chars
        alphanumerical_chars_ratio = counter_alphanumerical_chars / counter_chars
        alphabetical_ratio = counter_alphabetical / counter_chars
        spaces_ratio = counter_spaces/ counter_chars
        numbers_ratio = counter_numbers / counter_chars

        maximum_x_gap = None
        mean_x_gap = None
        median_x_gap = None

        if len(x_gaps) >= 1:
            maximum_x_gap = max(x_gaps)
            mean_x_gap = np.mean(x_gaps)
            median_x_gap = np.median(x_gaps)

        many_numbers_in_first_word = False
        many_alphabetical_in_middle_words = False
        many_alphabetical_in_last_word = False

        # check some middle and last word conditions
        for counter_index, counter in enumerate(counters_wordlengths):
            if counter_index == 0:
                ctr_numbers = counters_numbers[counter_index]
                numbers_ratio_word = np.round(ctr_numbers/counter,2)
                if numbers_ratio_word > 0.8:
                    many_numbers_in_first_word = True
            elif counter_index == len(counters_wordlengths)-1:
                if counter >= 4:
                    alphabetical_ratio_word = counters_alphabetical_ratios[counter_index]
                    if alphabetical_ratio_word >= 0.75:
                        many_alphabetical_in_last_word = True

                if counter >= 4:
                    alphabetical_ratio_word = counters_alphabetical_ratios[counter_index]
                    if alphabetical_ratio_word >= 0.75:
                        many_alphabetical_in_middle_words = True

        self.cpr.print("alle cntr:", counter_chars)
        self.cpr.print("spec cntr:", counter_special_chars, "ratio", special_chars_ratio)
        self.cpr.print("alnr cntr:", counter_alphanumerical_chars, "ratio", alphanumerical_chars_ratio)
        self.cpr.print("albt cntr:", counter_alphabetical, "ratio", alphabetical_ratio)
        self.cpr.print("spce cntr:", counter_spaces, "ratio", spaces_ratio)
        self.cpr.print("nmbr cntr:", counter_numbers, "ratio", numbers_ratio)
        self.cpr.print("x_box_sizes", x_box_sizes)
        self.cpr.print("x_gaps", x_gaps)
        self.cpr.print("x_gap_max_size", maximum_x_gap)
        self.cpr.print("x_gaps_mean", mean_x_gap)
        self.cpr.print("x_gaps_median", median_x_gap)

        if "Gewinn nach Vortrag" in whole_text:

        if ((alphabetical_ratio < 0.75 and \
            numbers_ratio > 0.2 and \
            counter_chars > 5 and \
            counter_words >= 2) and not \
            (starts_with_parenthesis and ends_with_parenthesis)) or ultimo_is_first_word:

            if first_word_no_table_indicator:
                return False

            if mean_x_gap <= 115:
                return False
            if many_alphabetical_in_last_word:
                return False
            if many_alphabetical_in_middle_words and many_numbers_in_first_word:
                return False

            self.cpr.print("possible entry:", whole_text)

            if self.PRINT_TO_CHECKFILE:
                with open("checkfile_tables.txt", "a") as myfile:
                    myfile.write(whole_text+ "||| max x_gap: " + str(maximum_x_gap)+"||| mean x_gap: " + str(mean_x_gap) \
                             + "||| median x_gap: " + str(median_x_gap)+"\n")

            return True

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def extract_line_features(self, line):

        final_line_features = {}

        whole_text = line['text']

        self.cpr.print("recognizing text:", whole_text)

        # counters
        counter_special_chars = 0
        counter_alphanumerical_chars = 0
        counter_numbers = 0
        counter_chars = len(whole_text)
        counter_alphabetical = 0
        counter_words = 0
        counters_alphabetical_ratios = []
        counters_wordlengths = []
        counters_numbers = []

        character_index = 0
        # special conditions
        ultimo_is_first_word = False
        first_word_no_table_indicator = False
        starts_with_parenthesis = False
        ends_with_parenthesis = False

        last_xstop = 0
        x_box_sizes = []
        x_gaps = []
        for word_obj in line['words']:
            word_index = word_obj['word_index']
            word_text = word_obj['text']
            hocr_coordinates = word_obj['hocr_coordinates']

            word_xstart = hocr_coordinates[0]
            word_xstop = hocr_coordinates[2]
            word_box_size = word_xstop - word_xstart

            if word_index >= 1:
                x_gap = word_xstop - last_xstop

            if word_text is None or word_text == "":

            if word_index == 0:
                if word_text in self.filter_start_words:
                    first_word_no_table_indicator = True
                if word_text.lower() == "ultimo":
                    ultimo_is_first_word = True
                if word_text[0] == "(":
                    starts_with_parenthesis = True

            if word_index == len(whole_text) - 1:
                if word_text[-1] == ")":
                    ends_with_parenthesis = True

            counter_alphabetical_chars_word = 0
            counter_alphanumerical_chars_word = 0
            counter_numbers_word = 0

            counter_words += 1

            word_list = list(word_text)
            for char in word_list:
                if Random.is_special_character(char):
                    counter_special_chars += 1
                elif Random.is_alphanumerical_character(char):
                    counter_alphanumerical_chars += 1
                    counter_alphanumerical_chars_word += 1
                if char.isdigit():
                    counter_numbers += 1
                    counter_numbers_word += 1

            counter_alphabetical_word = counter_alphanumerical_chars_word - counter_numbers_word
            ratio_alphabetical_word = np.round(
                counter_alphabetical_word / len(word_text), 2)
            character_index += len(word_text)
            last_xstop = word_xstop

        # get number of spaces
        len_whole_unspace = len(whole_text.replace(" ", ""))
        counter_spaces = counter_chars - len_whole_unspace
        # set alphabetical counter
        counter_alphabetical = counter_alphanumerical_chars - counter_numbers

        if counter_chars == 0:
            self.cpr.printw("no chars in line:", str(line['line_index']),
                            "no features here")
            return False

        special_chars_ratio = counter_special_chars / counter_chars
        alphanumerical_chars_ratio = counter_alphanumerical_chars / counter_chars
        alphabetical_ratio = counter_alphabetical / counter_chars
        spaces_ratio = counter_spaces / counter_chars
        numbers_ratio = counter_numbers / counter_chars

        maximum_x_gap = None
        mean_x_gap = None
        median_x_gap = None

        if len(x_gaps) >= 1:
            maximum_x_gap = max(x_gaps)
            mean_x_gap = np.mean(x_gaps)
            median_x_gap = np.median(x_gaps)

        many_numbers_in_first_word = False
        many_alphabetical_in_middle_words = False
        many_alphabetical_in_last_word = False

        # check some middle and last word conditions
        for counter_index, counter in enumerate(counters_wordlengths):
            if counter_index == 0:
                ctr_numbers = counters_numbers[counter_index]
                numbers_ratio_word = np.round(ctr_numbers / counter, 2)
                if numbers_ratio_word > 0.8:
                    many_numbers_in_first_word = True
            elif counter_index == len(counters_wordlengths) - 1:
                if counter >= 4:
                    alphabetical_ratio_word = counters_alphabetical_ratios[
                    if alphabetical_ratio_word >= 0.75:
                        many_alphabetical_in_last_word = True

                if counter >= 4:
                    alphabetical_ratio_word = counters_alphabetical_ratios[
                    if alphabetical_ratio_word >= 0.75:
                        many_alphabetical_in_middle_words = True

        final_line_features = LineFeatures(cpr=self.cpr)
        final_line_features.many_alphabetical_in_last_word = many_alphabetical_in_last_word

        final_line_features.counter_special_chars = counter_special_chars
        final_line_features.counter_chars = counter_chars
        final_line_features.counter_spaces = counter_spaces
        final_line_features.counter_numbers = counter_numbers
        final_line_features.counter_alphabetical = counter_alphabetical
        final_line_features.counter_alphanumerical_chars = counter_alphanumerical_chars
        final_line_features.counter_words = counter_words

        final_line_features.counters_numbers = counters_numbers
        final_line_features.counters_wordlengths = counters_wordlengths
        final_line_features.counters_alphabetical_ratios = counters_alphabetical_ratios

        final_line_features.numbers_ratio = numbers_ratio
        final_line_features.alphabetical_ratio = alphabetical_ratio
        final_line_features.alphanumerical_chars_ratio = alphanumerical_chars_ratio
        final_line_features.special_chars_ratio = special_chars_ratio
        final_line_features.spaces_ratio = spaces_ratio

        final_line_features.many_alphabetical_in_last_word = many_alphabetical_in_last_word
        final_line_features.many_alphabetical_in_middle_words = many_alphabetical_in_middle_words
        final_line_features.many_numbers_in_first_word = many_numbers_in_first_word
        final_line_features.x_box_sizes = x_box_sizes
        final_line_features.x_gaps = x_gaps

        final_line_features.maximum_x_gap = maximum_x_gap
        final_line_features.mean_x_gap = mean_x_gap
        final_line_features.median_x_gap = median_x_gap

        return final_line_features