def build_model(self):
     connection = database.Database(database=self._database_name)
     self._splunk_search_map = {None: "splunk_search_unknown"}
     count = 0
     for rule_text in connection.db.alerts.distinct(""):
         self._splunk_search_map[rule_text] = ("splunk_search_" +
         count += 1
def main():
    mongo = database.Database()
    labels = label_extraction.LabelExtraction(
        database=mongo, weights=_WEIGHTS).extract_labels()
    for rule_text in mongo.db.alerts.distinct(""):
        tps = 0.0
        fps = 0.0
        count = 0.0
        for alert in mongo.db.alerts.find({"": rule_text}):
            alert_id = alert["alert_id"]
            label = labels[alert_id]
            if label == 1:
                tps += 1.0
            elif label == 0:
                fps += 1.0
            count += 1.0
        print rule_text, count, tps / count, fps / count
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, scot_uri, scot_database='scot3'):
        """Create an instance of the JSONupdate class

            stomp_uri: the base uri to the scot stomp server.
            stomp_port: the port used for communicating with the scot stomp
                server.  Defaults to 61613
            scot_database: the scot database to write new alert data to.
                Defaults to scot_v3

        self._scot_uri = scot_uri
        self._stomp_uri = stomp_uri
        self._stomp_port = stomp_port
        self._db = database.Database(database=scot_database,

        self._stomp_client = Client(host=self._stomp_uri, port=self._stomp_port)
                                     conf={'message':'chat', 'type':'listen'})
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def setUp(self):
     self._alerts_db = database.Database()
     self._model = model_builder.ModelBuilder(self._alerts_db)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def run_pipeline(self):
        """Run the batch pipeline."""
        start_time = time.time()
        if _DEBUG:
            print "Setting up the alerts databases . . ."
        alert_database = database.Database(database=scot_helper.SCOT_DATABASE)

        # Limit the number of alerts if this is a test.
        if self._testing:
            limit = scot_helper.NUM_ALERTS_TESTING
            limit = scot_helper.ALL_ALERTS

        # Wipe out the "triage_feedback" flag of alerts that were requested to
        # be labeled, but never were.
        if not self._testing:
            if _DEBUG:
                print "Resetting alerts to query. . ."
            cursor = alert_database.find({
                "triage_feedback": 1,
                "status": "open"
            feedback_json = {"triage_feedback": 0}
            for alert in cursor:
                alert_id = alert["alert_id"]
                print alert
                #scot_helper.scot_put(alert_id, feedback_json)

        # Extract the labels for the alerts.
        if _DEBUG:
            print "Extracting labels . . ."
        cursor = alert_database.find().sort("created", -1).limit(1)
        most_recent_entry = 0
        for alert in cursor:
            most_recent_entry = alert['created']
        label_extractor = label_extraction.LabelExtraction(
            date=scot_helper.seconds_epoch(most_recent_entry, 3),
        labels = label_extractor.extract_labels()

        if _DEBUG:
            print "Length of label dict: {0}".format(len(labels))

        # Extract features.
        if _DEBUG:
            print "Extracting features . . ."

        # Joe is working on the feature extraction class.  He's adding
        # other feature types to the extract_features method and he'll
        # also save models (e.g., LDA) used in feature
        # extraction.
        feature_extractor = feature_extraction.FeatureExtraction(
        alert_ids = []
        features = []
        for key, value in feature_extractor.features.iteritems():

        if _DEBUG:
            print "Finding indices . . ."
        (unlabeled_indices, labeled_indices,
         y) = self._find_labeled(labels, alert_ids)

        if _DEBUG:
            numerator = numpy.bincount(
            print "Label distribution: {0}".format(numerator /
            print "Unlabeled: {0}, Labeled: {1}".format(
                len(unlabeled_indices), len(labeled_indices))

        # Now that we've extracted the features, vectorize and create
        # your X and y to use to build the models.
        if _DEBUG:
            print "Vectorizing . . ."
        vectorizer = DictVectorizer(sparse=False)
        X = vectorizer.fit_transform(features)

        if _DEBUG:
            print "len(feature names): {0}".format(X.shape[1])

        # Select features.  We could do a model-agnostic feature
        # selection and try to select some generally optimal set.  Or,
        # we can select features that will work best for a specific
        # model, e.g., random forest.

        # Here is where we will likely evaluate the models to
        # determine which one to use for the actual ranking.  It is
        # also where we will evaluate the active learning algorithms.
        # Uh, not sure about that.  It seems like we've moved the
        # evaluation elsewhere to not slow down the pipeline.

        # Build and save the model.  Use it to predict the class of
        # all unlabeled alerts.
        if _DEBUG:
            print "Building model . . ."
            print "Training matrix shape: {0}".format(
                X[labeled_indices, :].shape)
        # With n_jobs=-1, the number of threads will be set to the
        # number of cores.
        rfc = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1)
        rfc =[labeled_indices, :], y[labeled_indices])

        if _DEBUG:
            print "Saving data to use in evaluation . . ." + "X.npy", X[labeled_indices, :]) + "y.npy", y[labeled_indices])
        outfile = open(_LABELED_DATA_PATH + "feature_names.pkl", "wb")
        pickle.dump(vectorizer.get_feature_names(), outfile)

        if not self._testing:
            if _DEBUG:
                print "Saving alert ids. . ."
            pickle_file = open(_ALERT_IDS_PICKLE_FILE, "wb")
            pickle.dump(alert_ids, pickle_file, -1)

            if _DEBUG:
                print "Saving features. . ."
            pickle_file = open(_FEATURE_PICKLE_FILE, "wb")
            pickle.dump(features, pickle_file, -1)

            if _DEBUG:
                print "Saving labels. . ."
            pickle_file = open(_LABEL_PICKLE_FILE, "wb")
            pickle.dump(labels, pickle_file, -1)

            if _DEBUG:
                print "Saving model . . ."
            pickle_file = open(_MODEL_PICKLE_FILE, "wb")
            pickle.dump(rfc, pickle_file, -1)

        #if _DEBUG:
        #    print "Predicting . . ."
        #predictions = rfc.predict(X[unlabeled_indices, :])

        # Need to get the probabilities also.
        if _DEBUG:
            print "Obtaining probabilities . . ."
        probs = rfc.predict_proba(X[unlabeled_indices, :])

        # Perform active learning.
        if _DEBUG:
            print "Performing active learning . . ."
        active_learner = uncertainty.UncertaintySampling(budget=6, model=rfc)
        query_indices = active_learner.query(X, y, unlabeled_indices)

        if _DEBUG:
            print "query indices: {0}".format(query_indices)

        # Convert query_indices to alert_ids.
        query_alert_ids = self._convert_indices_to_ids(query_indices)
        if _DEBUG:
            print "query alert ids: {0}".format(query_alert_ids)

        # Create a list of tuples of the form (alert_id, alert_json).
        # alert_json contains the ranking, the probabilities, and the
        # query status of alert alert_id.
        if _DEBUG:
            print "Creating the list of alert_ids and json objects . . ."
        self._build_json(probs, query_alert_ids)

        # Determine which rankings to send to SCOT.
        if _DEBUG:
            print "Determining which rankings to send to SCOT . . ."
        rankings_to_send = self._pick_rankings_to_send(query_alert_ids)

        # Use Josh's code to send rankings to SCOT.
        if _DEBUG:
            print "Sending alerts to SCOT if not in testing mode."
        if not self._testing:
            for alert_id, json_data in rankings_to_send:
                scot_helper.scot_put(alert_id, json_data)

        # Teardown.

        print "Total time (in seconds):", time.time() - start_time
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _pick_rankings_to_send(self, query_alert_ids):
        """Pick which rankings to send to SCOT and save in the db."""

        rankings_db = database.Database(database=scot_helper.SCOT_DATABASE,

        # Construct a numpy array of the differences.
        ids_and_diffs = {}
        ranking_diffs = []
        new_alerts = []
        for alert_id, new_ranking in self._alert_rankings.iteritems():
            old_ranking = rankings_db.get_last_sent_ranking(alert_id)
            if old_ranking is None:
                diff = new_ranking - old_ranking
                ids_and_diffs[alert_id] = diff

        ranking_diffs = numpy.array(ranking_diffs)

        # Only send in rankings whose difference is greater than or
        # equal to one standard deviation above the mean.
        if len(ranking_diffs) == 0:
            print "There are no ranking differences."
            mean = ranking_diffs.mean()
            std_dev = ranking_diffs.std()
            if _DEBUG:
                print "mean of ranking diffs: {0}".format(mean)
                print "std dev of ranking diffs: {0}".format(std_dev)
        filtered_diffs = []
        for alert_id, diff in ids_and_diffs.iteritems():
            if (diff - mean) >= std_dev:

        # If the difference of the rankings passed the above filter,
        # it now has to pass another filter.  This time, the actual
        # value of the ranking, not the difference, must be greater
        # than or equal to one standard deviation above the mean.
        rankings = numpy.array(self._alert_rankings.values())
        mean = rankings.mean()
        std_dev = rankings.std()
        if _DEBUG:
            print "mean of rankings: {0}".format(mean)
            print "std dev of rankings: {0}".format(std_dev)
        rankings_to_send = []
        # If an alert is new, meaning we don't have a previous ranking
        # for it, or it is an alert for which we are querying the
        # analysts for a label, send it in no matter what.
        query_new_set = set(new_alerts + query_alert_ids)
        for alert_id in query_new_set:
            rankings_to_send.append((alert_id, self._json_dict[alert_id]))
            if not self._testing:
                ranking = self._alert_rankings[alert_id]
                rankings_db.add_ranking(alert_id, ranking)
        # Also send in rankings that pass the difference and ranking
        # criteria.
        for alert_id in set(filtered_diffs) - set(query_alert_ids):
            ranking = self._alert_rankings[alert_id]
            if (ranking - mean) >= std_dev:
                rankings_to_send.append((alert_id, self._json_dict[alert_id]))
                if not self._testing:
                    rankings_db.add_ranking(alert_id, ranking)

        if _DEBUG:
            print "# of rankings to send: {0}".format(len(rankings_to_send))


        return rankings_to_send
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def setUp(self):
     """Create an instance of the Database class"""
     print "Initializing scot3"
     self.db = database.Database(database="scot3")
     print "Finished initializing"