Ejemplo n.º 1
def convert_shares(b: int, share: ModularInt, instr_id: int, δ: float, M: int,
                   G: ModularGroup, φ: PRF) -> ModularInt:
    φ_prime = Get_phi_prime(instr_id, φ)
    if b == 1: share = share.inv()
    i_b = distributed_d_log(G, share, δ, M, φ_prime)
    additive_share = (G.order - i_b) if b == 0 else i_b
    additive_share = ModularInt(additive_share, G.order)
    return additive_share
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_biterate(self):
        x = ModularInt(0b0000000000000000010101111, 2**8)
        bits = list( biterate(x) )
        self.assertEqual(len(bits), 8)
        correct = [1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1]
        for (correct_bit, bit) in zip(correct, bits):
            self.assertEqual(correct_bit, bit)

        y = ModularInt(1, 2**8)
        bits = list( biterate(y) )
        self.assertEqual(len(bits), 8)
        correct = [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
        for (correct_bit, bit) in zip(correct, bits):
            self.assertEqual(correct_bit, bit)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def gen(λ: int) -> SharingScheme:
    :param λ: Number of bits of security
    :returns: Tuple of (public key, eval key 1, eval key 2)
    (G, e, c) = cryptosystem(λ)

    n = G.divisor
    g = G.generator

    one_enc = enc_elgamal(G, e, 1)
    c_encs = bitwise_enc(G, e, c)

    one_share = tuple(
        ModularInt(x, G.order) for x in additive_share(1, G.order))
    c_share = tuple(ModularInt(x, G.order) for x in additive_share(c, G.order))

    pk = (G, e, one_enc, c_encs)
    ek_0 = (pk, one_share[0], c_share[0])
    ek_1 = (pk, one_share[1], c_share[1])
    φ = PRFGen(G)
    return (pk, ek_0, ek_1, φ)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_enc(self):
        (pk, ekA, ekB, _) = gen(8)

        (G, e, one_enc, c_enc_bits) = pk
        c = ekA[2] + ekB[2]

        w = random.randrange(G.order)

        (w_enc, prod_encs) = enc(pk, w)

        self.assertEqual(w, dec_elgamal(G, c, w_enc))

        correct_prod_bits = list(map(lambda b: w*b, biterate(ModularInt(c,G.order))))
        cand_prod_bits = list(map(lambda b: dec_elgamal(G, c, b), prod_encs))
        self.assertEqual(correct_prod_bits, cand_prod_bits)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def bitwise_enc(G: ModularGroup, e: ModularInt, c: int) -> List[ModularInt]:
    return [enc_elgamal(G, e, c_t) for c_t in biterate(ModularInt(c, G.order))]
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _compare_bits(self, G, e, c, c_enc_bits):
     correct_c_bits = list(biterate(ModularInt(c, G.order)))
     self.assertEqual(len(correct_c_bits), len(c_enc_bits))
     cand_c_bits = map(lambda b: dec_elgamal(G, c, b), c_enc_bits)
     for (correct_bit, cand_bit) in zip(correct_c_bits, cand_c_bits):
         self.assertEqual(correct_bit, cand_bit)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_bit_length(self):
     divisors = [2, 3, 4, 5]
     correct = [1, 2, 2, 3]
     for (div, correct) in zip(divisors, correct):
         self.assertEqual( bit_length(ModularInt(1, div)), correct )