Ejemplo n.º 1
    def scan(self):
        print("Welcome. This will help you to scan for alienfx-controllers and their lightning zones.")
        afxcontroldevs=AlienFXProber.find_controllers(self.vendorid)  # Get a list of all usb-devices with the given vendor-id
        for controller in afxcontroldevs:
            # Perform zone scanning for each controller found...
            zone = 1  # initial zone from which we start iterating
            vendorstring = "0x" + format(controller.idVendor, '04x')
            devicestring = "0x" + format(controller.idProduct, '04x')
            print("Found device \""+vendorstring + " / " + devicestring + "\". - Testing zones...")
            while zone <= self.maxzone:
                # Iterate all possible zone codes (have a look at reverse-engineering-knowledgebase.txt for possible codes...)
                print("Testing zone \"0x"+format(zone, '04x')+"\"")
                if self.scanzone(zone, "new", controller.idVendor, controller.idProduct):
                    # Zone found
                    print("Zone found :)")
                    # Ask user for a name, store name and zonecode
                    zonename = self.askzonename()
                    self.zonesfound[zonename] = zone  # Store name an zone code in Dictionary
                zone = zone*2
            print("These are your " + str(len(self.zonesfound.items())) + " zonecodes for the current controller (\"VID: "+vendorstring + " / DEV: " + devicestring + "\"):")
            for z in self.zonesfound.items():
                print(z[0]+": 0x"+format(z[1], '04x'))  # Print out each zone found
            print("Current controller finished.")

        print("All controllers done. I hope i was helpful.")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def scan(self):
        print("Welcome. This will help you to scan for alienfx-controllers and their lightning zones.")
        afxcontroldevs=AlienFXProber.find_controllers(self.vendorid)  # Get a list of all usb-devices with the given vendor-id
        for controller in afxcontroldevs:
            # Perform zone scanning for each controller found...
            zone = 1  # initial zone from which we start iterating
            vendorstring = "0x" + format(controller.idVendor, '04x')
            devicestring = "0x" + format(controller.idProduct, '04x')
            print("Found device \""+vendorstring + " / " + devicestring + "\". ")
            if self.askuser("Would you like to test a newer controller? Default=Y\r\n"
                            "Note that choosing a wrong controller will result in packet-errors.\r\n"
                            "In this case you might choose another one instead."):
                crev=2  # newer controller revision
                crev=1  # old controller revision
            print("- Testing zones...")
            while zone <= self.maxzone:
                # Iterate all possible zone codes (have a look at reverse-engineering-knowledgebase.txt for possible codes...)
                print("Testing zone \"0x"+format(zone, '04x')+"\"")
                if self.scanzone(zone, crev, controller.idVendor, controller.idProduct):
                    # Zone found
                    print("Zone found :)")
                    # Ask user for a name, store name and zonecode
                    zonename = self.askzonename()
                    self.zonesfound[zonename] = zone  # Store name an zone code in Dictionary
                zone = zone*2
            print("These are your " + str(len(self.zonesfound.items())) + " zonecodes for the current controller (\"VID: "+vendorstring + " / DEV: " + devicestring + "\"):")
            for z in self.zonesfound.items():
                print(z[0]+": 0x"+format(z[1], '04x'))  # Print out each zone found
            print("Current controller finished.")

        print("All controllers done. I hope i was helpful.")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def scan(self):
            "Welcome. This will help you to scan for alienfx-controllers and their lightning zones."
        afxcontroldevs = AlienFXProber.find_controllers(
        )  # Get a list of all usb-devices with the given vendor-id
        for controller in afxcontroldevs:
            # Perform zone scanning for each controller found...
            zone = 1  # initial zone from which we start iterating
            vendorstring = "0x" + format(controller.idVendor, '04x')
            devicestring = "0x" + format(controller.idProduct, '04x')
            print("Found device \"" + vendorstring + " / " + devicestring +
                  "\". - Testing zones...")
            while zone <= self.maxzone:
                # Iterate all possible zone codes (have a look at reverse-engineering-knowledgebase.txt for possible codes...)
                print("Testing zone \"0x" + format(zone, '04x') + "\"")
                if self.scanzone(zone, "new", controller.idVendor,
                    # Zone found
                    print("Zone found :)")
                    # Ask user for a name, store name and zonecode
                    zonename = self.askzonename()
                        zonename] = zone  # Store name an zone code in Dictionary
                zone = zone * 2

            print("These are your zonecodes for current controller (\"" +
                  vendorstring + " / " + devicestring + "\"):")
            for z in self.zonesfound.items():
                print(z[0] + ": 0x" +
                      format(z[1], '04x'))  # Print out each zone found
            print("Current controller finished.")

        print("All controllers done. I hope i was helpful.")