Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    global lastRecTime
    if lastRecTime == None:
        if os.path.isfile(PWSHome + '/LastRecTime.pkl'):
            lastRecTime = pickle.load(open(PWSHome + '/LastRecTime.pkl', 'rb'))
            lastRecTime = 0
    outData = allGetSQL.dataGrab()
    rawrectime = outData[12]
    if rawrectime > lastRecTime:
        #        logger.info('This record is new: ' + str(rawrectime))
        inchRain = allGetSQL.inchRainGrab()
        inchRain = "{:.2f}".format(inchRain)
        recTime = outData[0]
        pressure = outData[1]
        pressNA = "{:.2f}".format(0.0295300 * pressure)
        outTemp = "{:.1f}".format(outData[2])
        outHum = int(outData[4])
        outHumidity = str(outHum)
        windSpeed = "{:.1f}".format(outData[5])
        windGust = "{:.1f}".format(outData[17])
        winddir = str(outData[6])
        rawRecTime = outData[12]
        rain = str(outData[13])
        if outData[13] > 0:
            logger.info('rain: ' + rain + ' | inchRain: ' + inchRain)
        url = config.get('PWS_Service', 'Service_URL')
        PID = config.get('PWS_Service', 'PWSID')
        PPW = config.get('PWS_Service', 'PWSPassword')
        softwaretype = 'custom_python'
        recordTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d+%H:%M:%S",
        data_string = str(url + '?ID=' + PID + '&PASSWORD='******'&dateutc=' + recordTime + '&winddir=' + winddir +
                          '&windspeedmph=' + windSpeed + '&windgustmph=' +
                          windGust + '&tempf=' + outTemp + '&baromin=' +
                          pressNA + '&humidity=' + outHumidity +
                          '&dailyrainin=' + inchRain + '&softwaretype=' +
                          softwaretype + '&action=updateraw')
        # data_string = str(url+'?ID='+PID+'&PASSWORD='******'&dateutc='+recordTime+'&winddir='+winddir+'&windspeedmph='+windSpeed+'&tempf='+outTemp+'&baromin='+pressNA+'&humidity='+outHumidity+'&softwaretype='+softwaretype+'&action=updateraw')
        # logger.info(data_string)
            with request.urlopen(data_string) as response:
                gotBack = response.read()
                if b'posted' in gotBack:
                    resp = 'Data logged and posted.'
                    resp = 'Data NOT logged and posted.'
                if float(rain) > 0:
                # logger.info(resp)
        except urllib.error.URLError as e:
            ResponseData = e.reason
            logger.info('Error: ' + str(ResponseData))
        lastRecTime = rawrectime
    pickle.dump(lastRecTime, open(PWSHome + '/LastRecTime.pkl', 'wb+'),
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    global mainTD
    # Retrieve previous state settings from the .pkl file made by
    loadStatus = pickle.load(
        open(allAppHome + '/CurrentStatus.pkl',
             'rb'))  # this .pkl has pin status data in it.
    recStat = str(
        ['state'])  # Was recording left on when main.html was last seen?
    ohdSBP = str(
        ['state'])  # Was ohdSoftBypass left on when main.html was last seen?
    outData = allGetSQL.dataGrab()  # Grab the bulk of the current data
    inchRain = allGetSQL.inchRainGrab()
    shopTemp, shopHumidity, shopCPU = allGetSQL.shopDataGrab()
    recTime = outData[0]
    outTemp = outData[2]
    wsM = outData[5]
    windDir = outData[7]
    outHumidity = outData[4]
    rainRate = outData[14]
    presTrend = outData[15]
    humTrend = outData[16]
    poolTempIn, poolTempOut = allGetSQL.poolDataGrab(0)
    # Put our variables into the template data dictionary:
    templateData = {
        'recTime': recTime,
        'outTemp': outTemp,
        'outHumidity': outHumidity,
        'wsM': wsM,
        'windDir': windDir,
        'inchRain': inchRain,
        'poolTempIn': poolTempIn,
        'poolTempOut': poolTempOut,
        'shopTemp': shopTemp,
        'shopHumidity': shopHumidity,
        'shopCPU': shopCPU,
        'rainRate': rainRate,
        'presTrend': presTrend,
        'humTrend': humTrend,
        'recStat': recStat,
        'ohdSBP': ohdSBP
    mainTD = templateData
    # Pass the template data into the template main.html and show it to the user
    return render_template('main.html', **templateData)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def outstats():
    recTime, pressure, outTemp, outTempC, outHumidity, windSpeed, winddir, wdirStr, extraHumid1, cpuTemp, recNum, fan1, rawRecTime, rain, rainRate, presTrend, humTrend = allGetSQL.dataGrab(
    inchRain = allGetSQL.inchRainGrab()
    #fanSpd = pickle.load(open(outHome + '/fanSpd.pkl', 'rb'))
    pressNA = 0.0295300 * pressure
    # Put it into the template data dictionary:
    templateData = {
        'bmpTempC': outTempC,
        'bmpTempF': outTemp,
        'bmpPressRaw': pressure,
        'bmpPressNA': pressNA,  # NA stands for North America, fyi.
        'bmpHumid': outHumidity,
        'bmpPreHum': extraHumid1,
        'windDir': wdirStr,
        'windDeg': winddir,
        'wsM': windSpeed,
        'inchRain': inchRain,
        'rainRate': rainRate,
        'presTrend': presTrend,
        'humTrend': humTrend,
        'cpuTemp': cpuTemp,
        #      'fanSpd' : fanSpd,
        'recNum': recNum,
        'fan1': fan1,
        'capTime': recTime
    # Pass the template data into the template outStats.html and return it to the user
    return render_template('outStats.html', **templateData)