Ejemplo n.º 1
def per_base(x, windows, is_accessible=None, fill=np.nan):
    """Calculate the per-base value of a windowed statistic.


    x : array_like, shape (n_windows,)
        The statistic to average per-base.
    windows : array_like, int, shape (n_windows, 2)
        The windows used, as an array of (window_start, window_stop)
        positions using 1-based coordinates.
    is_accessible : array_like, bool, shape (len(contig),), optional
        Boolean array indicating accessibility status for all positions in the
    fill : object, optional
        Use this value where there are no accessible bases in a window.


    y : ndarray, float, shape (n_windows,)
        The input array divided by the number of (accessible) bases in each
    n_bases : ndarray, int, shape (n_windows,)
        The number of (accessible) bases in each window


    # calculate window sizes
    if is_accessible is None:
        # N.B., window stops are included
        n_bases = np.diff(windows, axis=1).reshape(-1) + 1
        n_bases = np.array(
            [np.count_nonzero(is_accessible[i - 1:j]) for i, j in windows])

    # deal with multidimensional x
    if x.ndim == 1:
    elif x.ndim == 2:
        n_bases = n_bases[:, None]
        raise NotImplementedError('only arrays of 1 or 2 dimensions supported')

    # calculate density per-base
    with ignore_invalid():
        y = np.where(n_bases > 0, x / n_bases, fill)

    # restore to 1-dimensional
    if n_bases.ndim > 1:
        n_bases = n_bases.reshape(-1)

    return y, n_bases
Ejemplo n.º 2
def per_base(x, windows, is_accessible=None, fill=np.nan):
    """Calculate the per-base value of a windowed statistic.


    x : array_like, shape (n_windows,)
        The statistic to average per-base.
    windows : array_like, int, shape (n_windows, 2)
        The windows used, as an array of (window_start, window_stop)
        positions using 1-based coordinates.
    is_accessible : array_like, bool, shape (len(contig),), optional
        Boolean array indicating accessibility status for all positions in the
    fill : object, optional
        Use this value where there are no accessible bases in a window.


    y : ndarray, float, shape (n_windows,)
        The input array divided by the number of (accessible) bases in each
    n_bases : ndarray, int, shape (n_windows,)
        The number of (accessible) bases in each window


    # calculate window sizes
    if is_accessible is None:
        # N.B., window stops are included
        n_bases = np.diff(windows, axis=1).reshape(-1) + 1
        n_bases = np.array([np.count_nonzero(is_accessible[i-1:j])
                            for i, j in windows])

    # deal with multidimensional x
    if x.ndim == 1:
    elif x.ndim == 2:
        n_bases = n_bases[:, None]
        raise NotImplementedError('only arrays of 1 or 2 dimensions supported')

    # calculate density per-base
    with ignore_invalid():
        y = np.where(n_bases > 0, x / n_bases, fill)

    # restore to 1-dimensional
    if n_bases.ndim > 1:
        n_bases = n_bases.reshape(-1)

    return y, n_bases
Ejemplo n.º 3
def inbreeding_coefficient(g, fill=np.nan):
    """Calculate the inbreeding coefficient for each variant.


    g : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy)
        Genotype array.
    fill : float, optional
        Use this value for variants where the expected heterozygosity is


    f : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)
        Inbreeding coefficient.


    The inbreeding coefficient is calculated as *1 - (Ho/He)* where *Ho* is
    the observed heterozygosity and *He* is the expected heterozygosity.


    >>> import allel
    >>> g = allel.GenotypeArray([[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]],
    ...                          [[1, 1], [1, 2], [-1, -1]]])
    >>> allel.stats.inbreeding_coefficient(g)
    array([        nan,  0.33333333,  1.        , -0.33333333])


    # check inputs
    if not hasattr(g, 'count_het') or not hasattr(g, 'count_called'):
        g = GenotypeArray(g, copy=False)

    # calculate observed and expected heterozygosity
    ho = heterozygosity_observed(g)
    af = g.count_alleles().to_frequencies()
    he = heterozygosity_expected(af, ploidy=g.shape[-1], fill=0)

    # calculate inbreeding coefficient, accounting for variants with no
    # expected heterozygosity
    with ignore_invalid():
        f = np.where(he > 0, 1 - (ho / he), fill)

    return f
Ejemplo n.º 4
def inbreeding_coefficient(g, fill=np.nan):
    """Calculate the inbreeding coefficient for each variant.


    g : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy)
        Genotype array.
    fill : float, optional
        Use this value for variants where the expected heterozygosity is


    f : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)
        Inbreeding coefficient.


    The inbreeding coefficient is calculated as *1 - (Ho/He)* where *Ho* is
    the observed heterozygosity and *He* is the expected heterozygosity.


    >>> import allel
    >>> g = allel.GenotypeArray([[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]],
    ...                          [[1, 1], [1, 2], [-1, -1]]])
    >>> allel.stats.inbreeding_coefficient(g)
    array([        nan,  0.33333333,  1.        , -0.33333333])


    # check inputs
    if not hasattr(g, 'count_het') or not hasattr(g, 'count_called'):
        g = GenotypeArray(g, copy=False)

    # calculate observed and expected heterozygosity
    ho = heterozygosity_observed(g)
    af = g.count_alleles().to_frequencies()
    he = heterozygosity_expected(af, ploidy=g.shape[-1], fill=0)

    # calculate inbreeding coefficient, accounting for variants with no
    # expected heterozygosity
    with ignore_invalid():
        f = np.where(he > 0, 1 - (ho / he), fill)

    return f
Ejemplo n.º 5
        def refimpl(f, ploidy, fill=0):
            """Limited reference implementation for testing purposes."""

            # check allele frequencies sum to 1
            af_sum = np.sum(f, axis=1)

            # assume three alleles
            p = f[:, 0]
            q = f[:, 1]
            r = f[:, 2]

            out = 1 - p**ploidy - q**ploidy - r**ploidy
            with ignore_invalid():
                out[(af_sum < 1) | np.isnan(af_sum)] = fill

            return out
Ejemplo n.º 6
        def refimpl(af, ploidy, fill=0):
            """Limited reference implementation for testing purposes."""

            # check allele frequencies sum to 1
            af_sum = np.sum(af, axis=1)

            # assume three alleles
            p = af[:, 0]
            q = af[:, 1]
            r = af[:, 2]

            out = 1 - p**ploidy - q**ploidy - r**ploidy
            with ignore_invalid():
                out[(af_sum < 1) | np.isnan(af_sum)] = fill

            return out
Ejemplo n.º 7
def heterozygosity_expected(af, ploidy, fill=np.nan):
    """Calculate the expected rate of heterozygosity for each variant
    under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.


    af : array_like, float, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele frequencies array.
    ploidy : int
        Sample ploidy.
    fill : float, optional
        Use this value for variants where allele frequencies do not sum to 1.


    he : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)
        Expected heterozygosity


    >>> import allel
    >>> g = allel.GenotypeArray([[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]],
    ...                          [[1, 1], [1, 2], [-1, -1]]])
    >>> af = g.count_alleles().to_frequencies()
    >>> allel.stats.heterozygosity_expected(af, ploidy=2)
    array([ 0.        ,  0.5       ,  0.66666667,  0.375     ])


    # check inputs
    af = asarray_ndim(af, 2)

    # calculate expected heterozygosity
    out = 1 - np.sum(np.power(af, ploidy), axis=1)

    # fill values where allele frequencies could not be calculated
    af_sum = np.sum(af, axis=1)
    with ignore_invalid():
        out[(af_sum < 1) | np.isnan(af_sum)] = fill

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 8
def heterozygosity_observed(g, fill=np.nan):
    """Calculate the rate of observed heterozygosity for each variant.


    g : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy)
        Genotype array.
    fill : float, optional
        Use this value for variants where all calls are missing.


    ho : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)
        Observed heterozygosity


    >>> import allel
    >>> g = allel.GenotypeArray([[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]],
    ...                          [[1, 1], [1, 2], [-1, -1]]])
    >>> allel.stats.heterozygosity_observed(g)
    array([ 0.        ,  0.33333333,  0.        ,  0.5       ])


    # check inputs
    if not hasattr(g, 'count_het') or not hasattr(g, 'count_called'):
        g = GenotypeArray(g, copy=False)

    # count hets
    n_het = np.asarray(g.count_het(axis=1))
    n_called = np.asarray(g.count_called(axis=1))

    # calculate rate of observed heterozygosity, accounting for variants
    # where all calls are missing
    with ignore_invalid():
        ho = np.where(n_called > 0, n_het / n_called, fill)

    return ho
Ejemplo n.º 9
def heterozygosity_expected(af, ploidy, fill=np.nan):
    """Calculate the expected rate of heterozygosity for each variant
    under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.


    af : array_like, float, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele frequencies array.
    fill : float, optional
        Use this value for variants where allele frequencies do not sum to 1.


    he : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)
        Expected heterozygosity


    >>> import allel
    >>> g = allel.GenotypeArray([[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]],
    ...                          [[1, 1], [1, 2], [-1, -1]]])
    >>> af = g.count_alleles().to_frequencies()
    >>> allel.stats.heterozygosity_expected(af, ploidy=2)
    array([ 0.        ,  0.5       ,  0.66666667,  0.375     ])


    # check inputs
    af = asarray_ndim(af, 2)

    # calculate expected heterozygosity
    out = 1 - np.sum(np.power(af, ploidy), axis=1)

    # fill values where allele frequencies could not be calculated
    af_sum = np.sum(af, axis=1)
    with ignore_invalid():
        out[(af_sum < 1) | np.isnan(af_sum)] = fill

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 10
def heterozygosity_observed(g, fill=np.nan):
    """Calculate the rate of observed heterozygosity for each variant.


    g : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_samples, ploidy)
        Genotype array.
    fill : float, optional
        Use this value for variants where all calls are missing.


    ho : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)
        Observed heterozygosity


    >>> import allel
    >>> g = allel.GenotypeArray([[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]],
    ...                          [[1, 1], [1, 2], [-1, -1]]])
    >>> allel.stats.heterozygosity_observed(g)
    array([ 0.        ,  0.33333333,  0.        ,  0.5       ])


    # check inputs
    if not hasattr(g, 'count_het') or not hasattr(g, 'count_called'):
        g = GenotypeArray(g, copy=False)

    # count hets
    n_het = np.asarray(g.count_het(axis=1))
    n_called = np.asarray(g.count_called(axis=1))

    # calculate rate of observed heterozygosity, accounting for variants
    # where all calls are missing
    with ignore_invalid():
        ho = np.where(n_called > 0, n_het / n_called, fill)

    return ho
Ejemplo n.º 11
def mean_pairwise_difference(ac, an=None, fill=np.nan):
    """Calculate for each variant the mean number of pairwise differences
    between chromosomes sampled from within a single population.


    ac : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array.
    an : array_like, int, shape (n_variants,), optional
        Allele numbers. If not provided, will be calculated from `ac`.
    fill : float
        Use this value where there are no pairs to compare (e.g.,
        all allele calls are missing).


    mpd : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)


    The values returned by this function can be summed over a genome
    region and divided by the number of accessible bases to estimate
    nucleotide diversity, a.k.a. *pi*.


    >>> import allel
    >>> h = allel.HaplotypeArray([[0, 0, 0, 0],
    ...                           [0, 0, 0, 1],
    ...                           [0, 0, 1, 1],
    ...                           [0, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                           [1, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                           [0, 0, 1, 2],
    ...                           [0, 1, 1, 2],
    ...                           [0, 1, -1, -1]])
    >>> ac = h.count_alleles()
    >>> allel.stats.mean_pairwise_difference(ac)
    array([ 0.        ,  0.5       ,  0.66666667,  0.5       ,  0.        ,
            0.83333333,  0.83333333,  1.        ])

    See Also

    sequence_diversity, windowed_diversity


    # This function calculates the mean number of pairwise differences
    # between haplotypes within a single population, generalising to any number
    # of alleles.

    # check inputs
    ac = asarray_ndim(ac, 2)

    # total number of haplotypes
    if an is None:
        an = np.sum(ac, axis=1)
        an = asarray_ndim(an, 1)
        check_dim0_aligned(ac, an)

    # total number of pairwise comparisons for each variant:
    # (an choose 2)
    n_pairs = an * (an - 1) / 2

    # number of pairwise comparisons where there is no difference:
    # sum of (ac choose 2) for each allele (i.e., number of ways to
    # choose the same allele twice)
    n_same = np.sum(ac * (ac - 1) / 2, axis=1)

    # number of pairwise differences
    n_diff = n_pairs - n_same

    # mean number of pairwise differences, accounting for cases where
    # there are no pairs
    with ignore_invalid():
        mpd = np.where(n_pairs > 0, n_diff / n_pairs, fill)

    return mpd
Ejemplo n.º 12
def mean_pairwise_difference_between(ac1, ac2, an1=None, an2=None, fill=np.nan):
    """Calculate for each variant the mean number of pairwise differences
    between chromosomes sampled from two different populations.


    ac1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array from the first population.
    ac2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array from the second population.
    an1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants,), optional
        Allele numbers for the first population. If not provided, will be
        calculated from `ac1`.
    an2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants,), optional
        Allele numbers for the second population. If not provided, will be
        calculated from `ac2`.
    fill : float
        Use this value where there are no pairs to compare (e.g.,
        all allele calls are missing).


    mpd : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)


    The values returned by this function can be summed over a genome
    region and divided by the number of accessible bases to estimate
    nucleotide divergence between two populations, a.k.a. *Dxy*.


    >>> import allel
    >>> h = allel.HaplotypeArray([[0, 0, 0, 0],
    ...                           [0, 0, 0, 1],
    ...                           [0, 0, 1, 1],
    ...                           [0, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                           [1, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                           [0, 0, 1, 2],
    ...                           [0, 1, 1, 2],
    ...                           [0, 1, -1, -1]])
    >>> ac1 = h.count_alleles(subpop=[0, 1])
    >>> ac2 = h.count_alleles(subpop=[2, 3])
    >>> allel.stats.mean_pairwise_difference_between(ac1, ac2)
    array([ 0.  ,  0.5 ,  1.  ,  0.5 ,  0.  ,  1.  ,  0.75,   nan])

    See Also

    sequence_divergence, windowed_divergence


    # This function calculates the mean number of pairwise differences
    # between haplotypes from two different populations, generalising to any
    # number of alleles.

    # check inputs
    ac1 = asarray_ndim(ac1, 2)
    ac2 = asarray_ndim(ac2, 2)
    check_dim0_aligned(ac1, ac2)
    ac1, ac2 = ensure_dim1_aligned(ac1, ac2)

    # total number of haplotypes sampled from each population
    if an1 is None:
        an1 = np.sum(ac1, axis=1)
        an1 = asarray_ndim(an1, 1)
        check_dim0_aligned(ac1, an1)
    if an2 is None:
        an2 = np.sum(ac2, axis=1)
        an2 = asarray_ndim(an2, 1)
        check_dim0_aligned(ac2, an2)

    # total number of pairwise comparisons for each variant
    n_pairs = an1 * an2

    # number of pairwise comparisons where there is no difference:
    # sum of (ac1 * ac2) for each allele (i.e., number of ways to
    # choose the same allele twice)
    n_same = np.sum(ac1 * ac2, axis=1)

    # number of pairwise differences
    n_diff = n_pairs - n_same

    # mean number of pairwise differences, accounting for cases where
    # there are no pairs
    with ignore_invalid():
        mpd = np.where(n_pairs > 0, n_diff / n_pairs, fill)

    return mpd
Ejemplo n.º 13
def mean_pairwise_difference(ac, an=None, fill=np.nan):
    """Calculate for each variant the mean number of pairwise differences
    between chromosomes sampled from within a single population.


    ac : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array.
    an : array_like, int, shape (n_variants,), optional
        Allele numbers. If not provided, will be calculated from `ac`.
    fill : float
        Use this value where there are no pairs to compare (e.g.,
        all allele calls are missing).


    mpd : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)


    The values returned by this function can be summed over a genome
    region and divided by the number of accessible bases to estimate
    nucleotide diversity, a.k.a. *pi*.


    >>> import allel
    >>> h = allel.HaplotypeArray([[0, 0, 0, 0],
    ...                           [0, 0, 0, 1],
    ...                           [0, 0, 1, 1],
    ...                           [0, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                           [1, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                           [0, 0, 1, 2],
    ...                           [0, 1, 1, 2],
    ...                           [0, 1, -1, -1]])
    >>> ac = h.count_alleles()
    >>> allel.mean_pairwise_difference(ac)
    array([0.        , 0.5       , 0.66666667, 0.5       , 0.        ,
           0.83333333, 0.83333333, 1.        ])

    See Also

    sequence_diversity, windowed_diversity


    # This function calculates the mean number of pairwise differences
    # between haplotypes within a single population, generalising to any number
    # of alleles.

    # check inputs
    ac = asarray_ndim(ac, 2)

    # total number of haplotypes
    if an is None:
        an = np.sum(ac, axis=1)
        an = asarray_ndim(an, 1)
        check_dim0_aligned(ac, an)

    # total number of pairwise comparisons for each variant:
    # (an choose 2)
    n_pairs = an * (an - 1) / 2

    # number of pairwise comparisons where there is no difference:
    # sum of (ac choose 2) for each allele (i.e., number of ways to
    # choose the same allele twice)
    n_same = np.sum(ac * (ac - 1) / 2, axis=1)

    # number of pairwise differences
    n_diff = n_pairs - n_same

    # mean number of pairwise differences, accounting for cases where
    # there are no pairs
    with ignore_invalid():
        mpd = np.where(n_pairs > 0, n_diff / n_pairs, fill)

    return mpd
Ejemplo n.º 14
def mean_pairwise_difference_between(ac1,
    """Calculate for each variant the mean number of pairwise differences
    between chromosomes sampled from two different populations.


    ac1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array from the first population.
    ac2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array from the second population.
    an1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants,), optional
        Allele numbers for the first population. If not provided, will be
        calculated from `ac1`.
    an2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants,), optional
        Allele numbers for the second population. If not provided, will be
        calculated from `ac2`.
    fill : float
        Use this value where there are no pairs to compare (e.g.,
        all allele calls are missing).


    mpd : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)


    The values returned by this function can be summed over a genome
    region and divided by the number of accessible bases to estimate
    nucleotide divergence between two populations, a.k.a. *Dxy*.


    >>> import allel
    >>> h = allel.HaplotypeArray([[0, 0, 0, 0],
    ...                           [0, 0, 0, 1],
    ...                           [0, 0, 1, 1],
    ...                           [0, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                           [1, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                           [0, 0, 1, 2],
    ...                           [0, 1, 1, 2],
    ...                           [0, 1, -1, -1]])
    >>> ac1 = h.count_alleles(subpop=[0, 1])
    >>> ac2 = h.count_alleles(subpop=[2, 3])
    >>> allel.mean_pairwise_difference_between(ac1, ac2)
    array([0.  , 0.5 , 1.  , 0.5 , 0.  , 1.  , 0.75,  nan])

    See Also

    sequence_divergence, windowed_divergence


    # This function calculates the mean number of pairwise differences
    # between haplotypes from two different populations, generalising to any
    # number of alleles.

    # check inputs
    ac1 = asarray_ndim(ac1, 2)
    ac2 = asarray_ndim(ac2, 2)
    check_dim0_aligned(ac1, ac2)
    ac1, ac2 = ensure_dim1_aligned(ac1, ac2)

    # total number of haplotypes sampled from each population
    if an1 is None:
        an1 = np.sum(ac1, axis=1)
        an1 = asarray_ndim(an1, 1)
        check_dim0_aligned(ac1, an1)
    if an2 is None:
        an2 = np.sum(ac2, axis=1)
        an2 = asarray_ndim(an2, 1)
        check_dim0_aligned(ac2, an2)

    # total number of pairwise comparisons for each variant
    n_pairs = an1 * an2

    # number of pairwise comparisons where there is no difference:
    # sum of (ac1 * ac2) for each allele (i.e., number of ways to
    # choose the same allele twice)
    n_same = np.sum(ac1 * ac2, axis=1)

    # number of pairwise differences
    n_diff = n_pairs - n_same

    # mean number of pairwise differences, accounting for cases where
    # there are no pairs
    with ignore_invalid():
        mpd = np.where(n_pairs > 0, n_diff / n_pairs, fill)

    return mpd