Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_data_file_attributes(manifest_with_data):
    Test that Manifest.data_file_attributes returns the correct
    CacheFileAttributes object and raises the correct error when
    you ask for a data file that does not exist
    mfest = Manifest('/my/cache/dir', manifest_with_data)

    a_obj = mfest.data_file_attributes('a')
    assert a_obj.url == 'http://my.url.com/myproject/path/to/a.nwb'
    assert a_obj.version_id == '12345'
    assert a_obj.file_hash == 'abcde'
    expected = safe_system_path('/my/cache/dir/myproject-0/path/to/a.nwb')
    assert a_obj.local_path == pathlib.Path(expected).resolve()

    b_obj = mfest.data_file_attributes('b')
    assert b_obj.url == 'http://my.other.url.com/different/path/b.nwb'
    assert b_obj.version_id == '67890'
    assert b_obj.file_hash == 'fghijk'
    expected = safe_system_path('/my/cache/dir/myproject-0/path/b.nwb')
    assert b_obj.local_path == pathlib.Path(expected).resolve()

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as context:
        _ = mfest.data_file_attributes('c')
    msg = "file_id: c\nIs not a data file listed in manifest:"
    assert msg in context.value.args[0]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_metadata_file_attributes(manifest_for_metadata):
    Test that Manifest.metadata_file_attributes returns the
    correct CacheFileAttributes object and raises the correct
    error when you ask for a metadata file that does not exist

    mfest = Manifest('/my/cache/dir/', manifest_for_metadata)

    a_obj = mfest.metadata_file_attributes('a.txt')
    assert a_obj.url == 'http://my.url.com/path/to/a.txt'
    assert a_obj.version_id == '12345'
    assert a_obj.file_hash == 'abcde'
    expected = safe_system_path('/my/cache/dir/some-project-000/to/a.txt')
    expected = pathlib.Path(expected).resolve()
    assert a_obj.local_path == expected

    b_obj = mfest.metadata_file_attributes('b.txt')
    assert b_obj.url == 'http://my.other.url.com/different/path/to/b.txt'
    assert b_obj.version_id == '67890'
    assert b_obj.file_hash == 'fghijk'
    expected = safe_system_path('/my/cache/dir/some-project-000/path/to/b.txt')
    expected = pathlib.Path(expected).resolve()
    assert b_obj.local_path == expected

    # test that the correct error is raised when you ask
    # for a metadata file that does not exist

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as context:
        _ = mfest.metadata_file_attributes('c.txt')
    msg = "c.txt\nis not in self.metadata_file_names"
    assert msg in context.value.args[0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_ophys_experiment_dir(self):
     query = '''
             SELECT oe.storage_directory
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             WHERE oe.id = {};
     return safe_system_path(self.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def get_behavior_stimulus_file(self):
     query = '''
             SELECT stim.storage_directory || stim.filename AS stim_file 
             FROM behavior_sessions bs 
             LEFT JOIN well_known_files stim ON stim.attachable_id=bs.id AND stim.attachable_type = 'BehaviorSession' AND stim.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'StimulusPickle') 
             WHERE bs.id= {};
     return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def get_ophys_experiment_dir(self) -> str:
     """Get the storage directory associated with the ophys experiment"""
     query = """
             SELECT oe.storage_directory
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             WHERE oe.id = {};
     return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_dff_file(self):
     query = '''
             SELECT dff.storage_directory || dff.filename AS dff_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             LEFT JOIN well_known_files dff ON dff.attachable_id=oe.id AND dff.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'OphysDffTraceFile')
             WHERE oe.id= {};
     return safe_system_path(self.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def get_rigid_motion_transform_file(self):
     query = '''
             SELECT tra.storage_directory || tra.filename AS transform_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             LEFT JOIN well_known_files tra ON tra.attachable_id=oe.id AND tra.attachable_type = 'OphysExperiment' AND tra.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'OphysMotionXyOffsetData')
             WHERE oe.id= {};
     return safe_system_path(self.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get_nwb_filepath(self):
     query = '''
             SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS nwb_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             LEFT JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id=oe.id AND wkf.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'NWBOphys')
             WHERE oe.id = {};
     return safe_system_path(self.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def get_demix_file(self):
     query = '''
             SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS demix_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             LEFT JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id=oe.id AND wkf.attachable_type = 'OphysExperiment' AND wkf.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'DemixedTracesFile')
             WHERE oe.id= {};
     return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def get_eye_tracking_filepath(self):
     query = '''SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS eye_tracking_file
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                LEFT JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id=oe.ophys_session_id
                AND wkf.attachable_type = 'OphysSession'
                AND wkf.well_known_file_type_id=(SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'EyeTracking Ellipses')
                WHERE oe.id={};
     return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def get_max_projection_file(self):
     query = '''
             SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS maxint_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             LEFT JOIN ophys_cell_segmentation_runs ocsr ON ocsr.ophys_experiment_id = oe.id AND ocsr.current = 't'
             LEFT JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id=ocsr.id AND wkf.attachable_type = 'OphysCellSegmentationRun' AND wkf.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'OphysMaxIntImage')
             WHERE oe.id= {};
     return safe_system_path(self.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def get_segmentation_mask_image_file(self):
     query = '''
             SELECT obj.storage_directory || obj.filename AS OphysSegmentationMaskImage_filename
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             LEFT JOIN ophys_cell_segmentation_runs ocsr ON ocsr.ophys_experiment_id = oe.id AND ocsr.current = 't'
             LEFT JOIN well_known_files obj ON obj.attachable_id=ocsr.id AND obj.attachable_type = 'OphysCellSegmentationRun' AND obj.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'OphysSegmentationMaskImage')
             WHERE oe.id= {};
     return safe_system_path(self.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def get_motion_corrected_image_stack_file(self):
     query = f"""
         select wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename
         from well_known_files wkf
         join well_known_file_types wkft on wkft.id = wkf.well_known_file_type_id
         where wkft.name = 'MotionCorrectedImageStack'
         and wkf.attachable_id = {self.get_ophys_experiment_id()}
     return safe_system_path(self.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def get_average_intensity_projection_image_file(self):
     query = '''
             SELECT avg.storage_directory || avg.filename AS avgint_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             LEFT JOIN ophys_cell_segmentation_runs ocsr ON ocsr.ophys_experiment_id = oe.id AND ocsr.current = 't'
             LEFT JOIN well_known_files avg ON avg.attachable_id=ocsr.id AND avg.attachable_type = 'OphysCellSegmentationRun' AND avg.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'OphysAverageIntensityProjectionImage')
             WHERE oe.id = {};
     return safe_system_path(self.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def get_sync_file(self, ophys_experiment_id=None):
     query = '''
             SELECT sync.storage_directory || sync.filename AS sync_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
             LEFT JOIN well_known_files sync ON sync.attachable_id=os.id AND sync.attachable_type = 'OphysSession' AND sync.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'OphysRigSync')
             WHERE oe.id= {};
     return safe_system_path(self.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def from_stimulus_file(
            cls, stimulus_file: StimulusFile,
            limit_to_images: Optional[List] = None) -> "Templates":
        """Get stimulus templates (movies, scenes) for behavior session."""

        # TODO: Eventually the `grating_images_dict` should be provided by the
        #       BehaviorLimsExtractor/BehaviorJsonExtractor classes.
        #       - NJM 2021/2/23

        gratings_dir = "/allen/programs/braintv/production/visualbehavior"
        gratings_dir = os.path.join(gratings_dir,
        grating_images_dict = {
            "gratings_0.0": {
                "warped": np.asarray(imageio.imread(
                "unwarped": np.asarray(imageio.imread(
                        gratings_dir, "masked_unwarped_grating_0.png"))))
            "gratings_90.0": {
                "warped": np.asarray(imageio.imread(
                "unwarped": np.asarray(imageio.imread(
                        gratings_dir, "masked_unwarped_grating_90.png"))))
            "gratings_180.0": {
                "warped": np.asarray(imageio.imread(
                "unwarped": np.asarray(imageio.imread(
                        gratings_dir, "masked_unwarped_grating_180.png"))))
            "gratings_270.0": {
                "warped": np.asarray(imageio.imread(
                "unwarped": np.asarray(imageio.imread(
                        gratings_dir, "masked_unwarped_grating_270.png"))))

        pkl = stimulus_file.data
        t = get_stimulus_templates(pkl=pkl,
        return Templates(templates=t)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def get_event_detection_filepath(self) -> str:
     """Gets the filepath to the event detection data"""
     query = f'''
         SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS event_detection_filepath
         FROM ophys_experiments oe
         LEFT JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id = oe.id
         JOIN well_known_file_types wkft ON wkf.well_known_file_type_id = wkft.id
         WHERE wkft.name = 'OphysEventTraceFile'
             AND oe.id = {self.get_ophys_experiment_id()};
     '''  # noqa E501
     return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def get_motion_corrected_image_stack_file(self) -> str:
        """Get the filepath for the motion corrected image stack associated
        with a an ophys experiment"""
        query = """
            SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename
            FROM well_known_files wkf
            JOIN well_known_file_types wkft
            ON wkft.id = wkf.well_known_file_type_id
            WHERE wkft.name = 'MotionCorrectedImageStack'
            AND wkf.attachable_id = {};

        return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def get_eye_tracking_filepath(self) -> str:
     """Get the filepath of the eye tracking file (*.h5) associated with the
     ophys experiment"""
     query = f"""
             SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS eye_tracking_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             LEFT JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id = oe.ophys_session_id
             JOIN well_known_file_types wkft ON wkf.well_known_file_type_id = wkft.id
             WHERE wkf.attachable_type = 'OphysSession'
                 AND wkft.name = 'EyeTracking Ellipses'
                 AND oe.id = {self.get_ophys_experiment_id()};
             """  # noqa E501
     return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def get_nwb_filepath(self) -> str:
     """Get the filepath of the nwb file associated with the ophys
     query = """
             SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS nwb_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id = oe.id
             JOIN well_known_file_types wkft
             ON wkf.well_known_file_type_id = wkft.id
             WHERE wkft.name ='BehaviorOphysNwb'
             AND oe.id = {};
     return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def get_demix_file(self) -> str:
     """Get the filepath of the demixed traces file associated with an
     ophys experiment"""
     query = """
             SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS demix_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id = oe.id
             JOIN well_known_file_types wkft
             ON wkft.id = wkf.well_known_file_type_id
             WHERE wkf.attachable_type = 'OphysExperiment'
             AND wkft.name = 'DemixedTracesFile'
             AND oe.id = {};
     return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def get_rigid_motion_transform_file(self) -> str:
     """Get the filepath for the motion transform file (.csv) associated
     with an ophys experiment"""
     query = """
             SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS transform_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id = oe.id
             JOIN well_known_file_types wkft
             ON wkft.id = wkf.well_known_file_type_id
             WHERE wkf.attachable_type = 'OphysExperiment'
             AND wkft.name = 'OphysMotionXyOffsetData'
             AND oe.id = {};
     return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def from_lims(
     cls, db: PostgresQueryMixin,
     ophys_experiment_id: Union[int, str]
 ) -> "EventDetectionFile":
     query = f'''
         SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS event_detection_filepath
         FROM ophys_experiments oe
         LEFT JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id = oe.id
         JOIN well_known_file_types wkft ON wkf.well_known_file_type_id = wkft.id
         WHERE wkft.name = 'OphysEventTraceFile'
             AND oe.id = {ophys_experiment_id};
     '''  # noqa E501
     filepath = safe_system_path(db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
     return cls(filepath=filepath)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def get_sync_file(self, ophys_experiment_id=None) -> str:
     """Get the filepath of the sync timing file associated with the
     ophys experiment"""
     query = """
             SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS sync_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
             JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id = os.id
             JOIN well_known_file_types wkft
             ON wkft.id = wkf.well_known_file_type_id
             WHERE wkf.attachable_type = 'OphysSession'
             AND wkft.name = 'OphysRigSync'
             AND oe.id = {};
     return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def get_behavior_stimulus_file(self) -> str:
     """Get the filepath to the StimulusPickle file for the session
     associated with the ophys experiment id used to initialize the API"""
     query = """
             SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS stim_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
             JOIN behavior_sessions bs ON bs.ophys_session_id = os.id
             LEFT JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id = bs.id
             JOIN well_known_file_types wkft
             ON wkf.well_known_file_type_id = wkft.id
             WHERE wkf.attachable_type = 'BehaviorSession'
             AND wkft.name = 'StimulusPickle'
             AND oe.id = {};
     return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
 def from_lims(
     cls, db: PostgresQueryMixin,
     ophys_experiment_id: Union[int, str]
 ) -> "RigidMotionTransformFile":
     query = """
             SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS transform_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id = oe.id
             JOIN well_known_file_types wkft
             ON wkft.id = wkf.well_known_file_type_id
             WHERE wkf.attachable_type = 'OphysExperiment'
             AND wkft.name = 'OphysMotionXyOffsetData'
             AND oe.id = {};
     filepath = safe_system_path(db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
     return cls(filepath=filepath)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def get_average_intensity_projection_image_file(self) -> str:
     """Get the avg intensity project image filepath associated with an
     ophys experiment"""
     query = """
             SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS avgint_file
             FROM ophys_experiments oe
             JOIN ophys_cell_segmentation_runs ocsr
             ON ocsr.ophys_experiment_id = oe.id
             JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id=ocsr.id
             JOIN well_known_file_types wkft
             ON wkft.id = wkf.well_known_file_type_id
             WHERE ocsr.current = 't'
             AND wkf.attachable_type = 'OphysCellSegmentationRun'
             AND wkft.name = 'OphysAverageIntensityProjectionImage'
             AND oe.id = {};
     return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def get_behavior_stimulus_file(self) -> str:
     """Return the path to the StimulusPickle file for a session.
     :rtype: str
     query = f"""
             stim.storage_directory || stim.filename AS stim_file
             well_known_files stim
             stim.attachable_id = {self.behavior_session_id}
             AND stim.attachable_type = 'BehaviorSession'
             AND stim.well_known_file_type_id IN (
                 SELECT id
                 FROM well_known_file_types
                 WHERE name = 'StimulusPickle');
     return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))
Ejemplo n.º 29
def make_cell_html(image_files, ephys_roi_result, file_name,

    html = "<html><body>"

    specimen = ephys_roi_result['specimens'][0]

    html += "<h3>Specimen %d: %s</h3>" % (specimen['id'], specimen['name'])
    html += "<p>page created at: %s</p>" % get_time_string()

    if relative_sweep_link:
        html += "<p><a href='sweep.html' target='_blank'> Sweep QC Figures </a></p>"
        sweep_qc_link = '/'.join([
            ephys_roi_result['storage_directory'], 'qc_figures', 'sweep.html'
        sweep_qc_link = lims_utilities.safe_system_path(sweep_qc_link)
        html += "<p><a href='%s' target='_blank'> Sweep QC Figures </a></p>" % sweep_qc_link

    fields_to_show = [
        'electrode_0_pa', 'seal_gohm', 'initial_access_resistance_mohm',

    html += "<table>"
    for field in fields_to_show:
        html += "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % (
            field, ephys_roi_result.get(field, None))
    html += "</table>"

    for image_file_set_name in image_files:
        html += "<h3>%s</h3>" % image_file_set_name

        image_set_files = image_files[image_file_set_name]

        for small_img, large_img in zip(image_set_files['small'],
            html += "<a href='%s' target='_blank'><img src='%s'></img></a>" % (
                os.path.basename(large_img), os.path.basename(small_img))
    html += ("</body></html>")

    with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def get_objectlist_file(self) -> str:
        """Get the objectlist.txt filepath associated with an ophys experiment

        NOTE: Although this will be deprecated for visual behavior it will
        still be valid for visual coding.
        query = """
                SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS obj_file
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                LEFT JOIN ophys_cell_segmentation_runs ocsr
                ON ocsr.ophys_experiment_id = oe.id
                JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id = ocsr.id
                JOIN well_known_file_types wkft
                ON wkft.id = wkf.well_known_file_type_id
                WHERE wkft.name = 'OphysSegmentationObjects'
                AND wkf.attachable_type = 'OphysCellSegmentationRun'
                AND ocsr.current = 't'
                AND oe.id = {};
        return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))