Ejemplo n.º 1
def prepare(priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL):
    Decorator for application prepare setup functions. The prepare function will be called mainly in order to prepare
    the application arguments.
    @param priority: one of priority markers
        The priority to associate with the event.
    if isinstance(priority, Priority): return onDecorator((APP_PREPARE,), priority, callerLocals())
    return onDecorator((APP_PREPARE,), PRIORITY_NORMAL, callerLocals())(priority)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def start(priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL):
    Decorator for application start setup functions. The start function will be called after the application arguments
    have been parsed.
    @param priority: one of priority markers
        The priority to associate with the event.
    if isinstance(priority, Priority): return onDecorator((APP_START,), priority, callerLocals())
    return onDecorator((APP_START,), PRIORITY_NORMAL, callerLocals())(priority)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def deploy(*triggers, priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL):
    Decorator for deploy setup functions. The deploy function will be called every time the  application is started.
    This should manly be used to gather data.
    @param triggers: arguments[ITrigger]
        Triggers to be considered for the deploy call, this will actually condition the deploy call to the provided triggers.
    @param priority: one of priority markers
        The priority to associate with the event.
    if not triggers: return onDecorator((DEPLOY,), priority, callerLocals())
    if len(triggers) == 1 and not isinstance(triggers[0], ITrigger):
        return onDecorator((DEPLOY,), priority, callerLocals())(triggers[0])
    return onDecorator(triggers, priority, callerLocals())
Ejemplo n.º 4
def dump(*triggers, priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL):
    Decorator for deploy setup functions. The deploy function will be called every time the application is started.
    This should manly be used to gather data.
    @param triggers: arguments[ITrigger]
        Triggers to be considered for the deploy call, this will actually condition the deploy call to the provided triggers.
    @param priority: one of priority markers
        The priority to associate with the event.
    if not triggers: return onDecorator((DUMP,), priority, callerLocals())
    if len(triggers) == 1 and not isinstance(triggers[0], ITrigger):
        return onDecorator((DUMP,), priority, callerLocals())(triggers[0])
    return onDecorator(triggers, priority, callerLocals())
Ejemplo n.º 5
def relationshipModel(mappedId, *spec):
    Creates a relationship with the model, this should only be used in case the mapped model database id is different from the
    actual model id.
    @param mappedId: InstrumentedAttribute
        The mapped model id to create the relation with.
    @param spec: arguments containing
        column: string
            The column name containing the foreign key relation, attention if target is provided then
            also column needs to be provided, if None provided it will create one automatically.
        target: string
            The SQL alchemy relationship target name, if None provided it will create one automatically.
    assert isinstance(mappedId,
                      InstrumentedAttribute), 'Invalid mapped id %s' % mappedId
    register = callerLocals()
    assert '__module__' in register, 'This function should only be used inside meta class definitions'
    rtype = typeFor(mappedId.class_)
    assert isinstance(rtype, TypeModel), 'Invalid class %s' % mappedId.class_
    assert isinstance(rtype.propertyId,
                      TypeProperty), 'No property id for %s' % rtype
    assert rtype.propertyId.name != mappedId.property.key, 'Same database id with the model id \'%s\' for %s' % mappedId.class_

    column = target = None
    if spec:
        column, *spec = spec
        assert isinstance(column, str), 'Invalid column %s' % column
        if spec:
            target, = spec
            assert isinstance(target,
                              str) and target, 'Invalid target %s' % target

    if target is None:
        target = modifyFirst(rtype.name, False)
        if column is None:
            column = '%sId' % target
            register[column] = Column('fk_%s_id' % toUnderscore(target),
                                      ForeignKey(mappedId, ondelete='CASCADE'),
        register[target] = relationship(mappedId.class_,

    def fget(self):
        rel = getattr(self, target)
        if rel: return getattr(rel, rtype.propertyId.name)

    columnId = columnFor(getattr(mappedId.class_, rtype.propertyId.name))

    def fset(self, value):
        setattr(self, column, select([mappedId], columnId == value))

    validation = validate(Mandatory, Relation)
    return validation(
Ejemplo n.º 6
def config(name, type=None, doc=None):
    Used for defining a wired configuration attribute. If the type is not provided the configuration attribute needs 
    to contain a class or type that will help the wiring to know exactly the expected type, if the attribute is None or 
    not existing than the attribute is not validate by type.
    @param name: string
        The configurations attribute names to be added to the wiring context.
    @param type: class
        The type of the attribute
    @param doc: string
        The description of the attribute
    assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid attribute name %s' % name
    assert not doc or isinstance(doc, str), 'Invalid description %s' % doc
    if not name.islower():
        raise WireError('Invalid name %r for configuration, needs to be lower case only' % name)
    locals = callerLocals()
    hasValue, value = False, None
    if not type:
        if name in locals:
            v = locals[name]
            if isclass(v): type = v
                hasValue, value = True, v
                if v is not None: type = v.__class__
        if type and not isclass(type): raise WireError('Invalid type %s for %r' % (type, name))
        if not isclass(type): raise WireError('Invalid type %s for %r' % (type, name))
        v = locals[name]
        if isinstance(v, type): hasValue, value = True, v
    type = normalizeConfigType(type)
    Wiring.wiringFor(locals).addConfiguration(name, type, hasValue, value, doc)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def populate(*triggers, priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL):
    Decorator for populate setup functions. The populate function will be called until a True or None value is returned.
    This should manly be used in order to populate default data.
    If the function returns False it means it needs to be called again for the same event, if True or None is returned
    it means the function executed successfully.
    @param triggers: arguments[ITrigger]
        Additional triggers to be considered for the populate, this events will trigger the populate for other situations
        rather just the application first start.
    @param priority: one of priority markers
        The priority to associate with the event.
    if not triggers: return onDecorator((POPULATE,), priority, callerLocals())
    if len(triggers) == 1 and not isinstance(triggers[0], ITrigger):
        return onDecorator((POPULATE,), priority, callerLocals())(triggers[0])
    return onDecorator(chain(triggers, (POPULATE,)), priority, callerLocals())
Ejemplo n.º 8
def publish(*args):
    To be used as decorator whenever publishing GUI files
    decorator = onDecorator((app.POPULATE, app.DEVEL), app.PRIORITY_NORMAL, callerLocals())
    if not args: return decorator
    assert len(args) == 1, 'Expected only one argument that is the decorator function, got %s arguments' % len(args)
    return decorator(args[0])
Ejemplo n.º 9
def populate(*triggers, priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL):
    Decorator for populate setup functions. The populate function will be called until a True or None value is returned.
    This should manly be used in order to populate default data.
    If the function returns False it means it needs to be called again for the same event, if True or None is returned
    it means the function executed successfully.
    @param triggers: arguments[ITrigger]
        Additional triggers to be considered for the populate, this events will trigger the populate for other situations
        rather just the application first start.
    @param priority: one of priority markers
        The priority to associate with the event.
    if not triggers: return onDecorator((POPULATE,), priority, callerLocals())
    if len(triggers) == 1 and not isinstance(triggers[0], ITrigger):
        return onDecorator((POPULATE,), priority, callerLocals())(triggers[0])
    return onDecorator(chain(triggers, (POPULATE,)), priority, callerLocals())
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def decorator(setup):
     from .support import nameEntity, nameInEntity
     registry = callerLocals()
     assert '__name__' in registry, 'The wire call needs to be made directly from the setup module'
     group = registry['__name__']
     for clazz in classes:
         if not createWirings(clazz, setup, group, registry, nameEntity, nameInEntity):
             raise SetupError('Invalid class %s, has no wirings' % clazz)
     return setup
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def decorator(setup):
     from .support import nameEntity, nameInEntity
     registry = callerLocals()
     assert '__name__' in registry, 'The wire call needs to be made directly from the setup module'
     group = registry['__name__']
     for clazz in classes:
         if not createWirings(clazz, setup, group, registry, nameEntity,
             raise SetupError('Invalid class %s, has no wirings' % clazz)
     return setup
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _distribution(args, event):
    Populates the distribution setup.
    if not args: return deploy
    assert len(args) == 1, 'Expected only one argument that is the decorator function, got %s arguments' % len(args)
    function = args[0]
    hasType, type = _process(function)
    if hasType: raise SetupError('No return annotation expected for function %s' % function)
    return update_wrapper(register(SetupDistribution(function, event), callerLocals(2)), function)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def publish(*args):
    To be used as decorator whenever publishing GUI files
    decorator = onDecorator((app.POPULATE, app.DEVEL, app.CHANGED),
                            app.PRIORITY_NORMAL, callerLocals())
    if not args: return decorator
    assert len(
    ) == 1, 'Expected only one argument that is the decorator function, got %s arguments' % len(
    return decorator(args[0])
Ejemplo n.º 14
def enableMultiProcessPool():
    Wraps all the engines in the current assembly with a pool that allows for working on multiple processes.
    def present(engine):
        Used for listening to all sql alchemy engines that are created in order to wrap the engine pool with a pool that can
        handle multiple processors.
        if not isinstance(engine.pool, SingletonProcessWrapper):
            engine.pool = SingletonProcessWrapper(engine.pool)
    support.listenToEntities(Engine, listeners=present, module=callerLocals(), all=True)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def enableMultiProcessPool():
    Wraps all the engines in the current assembly with a pool that allows for working on multiple processes.
    def present(engine):
        Used for listening to all sql alchemy engines that are created in order to wrap the engine pool with a pool that can
        handle multiple processors.
        if not isinstance(engine.pool, SingletonProcessWrapper):
            engine.pool = SingletonProcessWrapper(engine.pool)

Ejemplo n.º 16
def relationshipModel(mappedId, *spec):
    Creates a relationship with the model, this should only be used in case the mapped model database id is different from the
    actual model id.
    @param mappedId: InstrumentedAttribute
        The mapped model id to create the relation with.
    @param spec: arguments containing
        column: string
            The column name containing the foreign key relation, attention if target is provided then
            also column needs to be provided, if None provided it will create one automatically.
        target: string
            The SQL alchemy relationship target name, if None provided it will create one automatically.
    assert isinstance(mappedId, InstrumentedAttribute), 'Invalid mapped id %s' % mappedId
    register = callerLocals()
    assert '__module__' in register, 'This function should only be used inside meta class definitions'
    rtype = typeFor(mappedId.class_)
    assert isinstance(rtype, TypeModel), 'Invalid class %s' % mappedId.class_
    assert isinstance(rtype.propertyId, TypeProperty), 'No property id for %s' % rtype
    assert rtype.propertyId.name != mappedId.property.key, 'Same database id with the model id \'%s\' for %s' % mappedId.class_
    column = target = None
    if spec:
        column, *spec = spec
        assert isinstance(column, str), 'Invalid column %s' % column
        if spec:
            target, = spec
            assert isinstance(target, str) and target, 'Invalid target %s' % target
    if target is None:
        target = modifyFirst(rtype.name, False)
        if column is None:
            column = '%sId' % target
            register[column] = Column('fk_%s_id' % toUnderscore(target), ForeignKey(mappedId, ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False)
        register[target] = relationship(mappedId.class_, uselist=False, lazy='joined', viewonly=True)
    def fget(self):
        rel = getattr(self, target)
        if rel: return getattr(rel, rtype.propertyId.name)
    columnId = columnFor(getattr(mappedId.class_, rtype.propertyId.name))
    def fset(self, value): setattr(self, column, select([mappedId], columnId == value))
    validation = validate(Mandatory, Relation)
    return validation(hybrid_property(fget, fset, expr=joinedExpr(mappedId.class_, rtype.propertyId.name)))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def entity(name, type=None):
    Used for defining a wired entity attribute. If the type is not provided the entity attribute needs to contain a 
    class or type that will help the wiring to know exactly the expected type.
    @param attribute: string
        The entities attribute name to be added to the wiring context.
    @param type: class
        The class of the expected attribute value.
    assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid attribute name %s' % name
    locals = callerLocals()
    if not type:
        if name not in locals: raise WireError('Invalid entity name %r, cannot find it in locals' % name)
        type = locals[name]
    if not isclass(type): raise WireError('Invalid type %s for %r' % (type, name))
    Wiring.wiringFor(locals).addEntity(name, type)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def entity(name, type=None):
    Used for defining a wired entity attribute. If the type is not provided the entity attribute needs to contain a 
    class or type that will help the wiring to know exactly the expected type.
    @param attribute: string
        The entities attribute name to be added to the wiring context.
    @param type: class
        The class of the expected attribute value.
    assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid attribute name %s' % name
    locals = callerLocals()
    if not type:
        if name not in locals:
            raise WireError(
                'Invalid entity name %r, cannot find it in locals' % name)
        type = locals[name]
    if not isclass(type):
        raise WireError('Invalid type %s for %r' % (type, name))
    Wiring.wiringFor(locals).addEntity(name, type)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def config(name, type=None, doc=None):
    Used for defining a wired configuration attribute. If the type is not provided the configuration attribute needs 
    to contain a class or type that will help the wiring to know exactly the expected type, if the attribute is None or 
    not existing than the attribute is not validate by type.
    @param name: string
        The configurations attribute names to be added to the wiring context.
    @param type: class
        The type of the attribute
    @param doc: string
        The description of the attribute
    assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid attribute name %s' % name
    assert not doc or isinstance(doc, str), 'Invalid description %s' % doc
    if not name.islower():
        raise WireError(
            'Invalid name %r for configuration, needs to be lower case only' %
    locals = callerLocals()
    hasValue, value = False, None
    if not type:
        if name in locals:
            v = locals[name]
            if isclass(v): type = v
                hasValue, value = True, v
                if v is not None: type = v.__class__
        if type and not isclass(type):
            raise WireError('Invalid type %s for %r' % (type, name))
        if not isclass(type):
            raise WireError('Invalid type %s for %r' % (type, name))
        v = locals[name]
        if isinstance(v, type): hasValue, value = True, v

    type = normalizeConfigType(type)
    Wiring.wiringFor(locals).addConfiguration(name, type, hasValue, value, doc)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def registerSupport():
    Register the support setup in this module in order to process the support APIs.
    register(SetupDistributionSupport(), callerLocals())