st.write('1 + 1 = ', 2) st.write('Below is a DataFrame:', data_frame, 'Above is a dataframe.') """**1.2 直接写表格/图表**""" import pandas as pd import numpy as np import altair as alt df = pd.DataFrame( np.random.randn(200, 3), columns=['a', 'b', 'c']) c = alt.Chart(df).mark_circle().encode( x='a', y='b', size='c', color='c', tooltip=['a', 'b', 'c']) st.write(c) """**1.3 直接写代码**""" code = '''def hello(): print("Hello, Streamlit!")''' st.code(code, language='python') """ # 2 数据展示 - Display data
data=data, get_position=["lon", "lat"], auto_highlight=True, radius=100, elevation_scale=50, elevation_range=[0, 1000], pickable=True, extruded=True, ), ], )) st.subheader("Répartition par minute entre %i:00 et %i:00" % (hour, (hour + 1) % 24)) filtered = data[(data[DATE_TIME].dt.hour >= hour) & (data[DATE_TIME].dt.hour < (hour + 1))] hist = np.histogram(filtered[DATE_TIME].dt.minute, bins=60, range=(0, 60))[0] chart_data = pd.DataFrame({"minute": range(60), "pickups": hist}) st.altair_chart(alt.Chart(chart_data).mark_area( interpolate='step-after', ).encode(x=alt.X("minute:Q", scale=alt.Scale(nice=False)), y=alt.Y("pickups:Q"), tooltip=['minute', 'pickups']), use_container_width=True) if st.checkbox("Voir les données brutes", False): st.subheader("Données brutes par minute entre %i:00 et %i:00" % (hour, (hour + 1) % 24)) st.write(data)
""" Error Bars showing Confidence Interval ====================================== This example shows how to show error bars using covidence intervals. The confidence intervals are computed internally in vega by a non-parametric `bootstrap of the mean <>`_. """ # category: bar charts import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data barley = data.barley() points = alt.Chart(barley).mark_point(filled=True).encode( alt.X('mean(yield)', scale=alt.Scale(zero=False), axis=alt.Axis(title='Barley Yield')), y='variety', color=alt.value('black')) error_bars = alt.Chart(barley).mark_rule().encode(x='ci0(yield)', x2='ci1(yield)', y='variety') points + error_bars
def channel_curve_compare(experiment_df, width=800, heights=(50, 400), line_size=5, legend_mark_size=100): """Creates an interactive curve comparison chart for a list of experiments. It lets you tick or untick experiments that you want to compare by clicking on the legend (shift+click for multi), you can select the x range which you want to investigate by selecting it on the top chart and you get shown the actual values on mousehover. The chart is build on top of the Altair which in turn is build on top of Vega-Lite and Vega. That means you can use the objects produces by this script (converting it first to json by .to_json() method) in your html webpage without any problem. Args: experiment_df('pandas.DataFrame'): Dataframe containing ['id','x','CHANNEL_NAME']. It can be obtained from a list of experiments by using the `neptunelib.api.concat_experiments_on_channel` function. If the len of the dataframe exceeds 5000 it will cause the MaxRowsError. Read the Note to learn why and how to disable it. width(int): width of the chart. Default is 800. heights(tuple): heights of the subcharts. The first value controls the top chart, the second controls the bottom chart. Default is (50,400). line_size(int): size of the lines. Default is 5. legend_mark_size(int): size of the marks in legend. Default is 100. Returns: `altair.Chart`: Altair chart object which will be automatically rendered in the notebook. You can also run the `.to_json()` method on it to convert it to the Vega-Lite json format. Examples: Instantiate a session:: from neptunelib.api.session import Session session = Session() Fetch a project and a list of experiments:: project = session.get_projects('neptune-ml')['neptune-ml/Salt-Detection'] experiments = project.get_experiments(state=['aborted'], owner=['neyo'], min_running_time=100000) Construct a channel value dataframe:: from neptunelib.api.utils import concat_experiments_on_channel compare_df = concat_experiments_on_channel(experiments,'unet_0 epoch_val iout loss') Plot interactive chart in notebook:: from neptunelib.viz.experiments import channel_curve_compare channel_curve_compare(compare_df) Note: Because Vega-Lite visualizations keep all the chart data in the HTML the visualizations can consume huge amounts of memory if not handled properly. That is why, by default the hard limit of 5000 rows is set to the len of dataframe. That being said, you can disable it by adding the following line in the notebook or code:: import altair as alt alt.data_transformers.enable('default', max_rows=None) """ assert len(experiment_df.columns ) == 3, 'Experiment dataframe should have 3 columns \ ["id","x", "CHANNEL_NAME"]. \ It has {} namely {}'.format(len(experiment_df.columns), experiment_df.columns) top_height, bottom_height = heights prep_cols, channel_name = _preprocess_columns(experiment_df.columns) experiment_df.columns = prep_cols nearest = alt.selection(type='single', nearest=True, on='mouseover', fields=['x'], empty='none') interval = alt.selection(type='interval', encodings=['x']) legend_selection = alt.selection_multi(fields=['id']) legend = alt.Chart().mark_point(filled=True, size=legend_mark_size).encode( y=alt.Y('id:N'), color=alt.condition( legend_selection, alt.Color('id:N', legend=None), alt.value('lightgray'))).add_selection(legend_selection) selectors = alt.Chart().mark_point().encode( x='x:Q', opacity=alt.value(0), ).add_selection(nearest) top_view = alt.Chart( width=width, height=top_height).mark_line(size=line_size).encode( x=alt.X('x:Q', title=None), y=alt.Y('y:Q', scale=alt.Scale(zero=False), title=None), color=alt.Color('id:N', legend=None), opacity=alt.condition( legend_selection, alt.OpacityValue(1), alt.OpacityValue(0.0))).add_selection(interval) line = alt.Chart().mark_line(size=line_size).encode( x=alt.X('x:Q', title='iteration'), y=alt.Y('y:Q', scale=alt.Scale(zero=False), title=channel_name), color=alt.Color('id:N', legend=None), opacity=alt.condition(legend_selection, alt.OpacityValue(1), alt.OpacityValue(0.0))) points = line.mark_point().encode( color=alt.condition(legend_selection, alt.Color('id:N', legend=None), alt.value('white')), opacity=alt.condition(nearest, alt.value(1), alt.value(0))) text = line.mark_text(align='left', dx=5, dy=-5).encode( text=alt.condition(nearest, 'y:Q', alt.value(' ')), opacity=alt.condition(legend_selection, alt.OpacityValue(1), alt.OpacityValue(0.0))) rules = alt.Chart().mark_rule(color='gray').encode( x='x:Q', ).transform_filter(nearest) bottom_view = alt.layer(line, selectors, points, rules, text, width=width, height=bottom_height).transform_filter(interval) combined = alt.hconcat(alt.vconcat(top_view, bottom_view), legend, data=experiment_df) return combined
""" Gantt Chart ----------------- This example shows how to make a simple gantt chart. """ # category: basic charts import altair as alt import pandas as pd data = pd.DataFrame([{ "task": "A", "start": 1, "end": 3 }, { "task": "B", "start": 3, "end": 8 }, { "task": "C", "start": 8, "end": 10 }]) chart = alt.Chart(data).mark_bar().encode( x='start', x2='end', y='task', )
================= This example shows the London tube lines against the background of the borough boundaries. It is based on the vega-lite example at """ # category: geographic import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data boroughs = alt.topo_feature(data.londonBoroughs.url, 'boroughs') tubelines = alt.topo_feature(data.londonTubeLines.url, 'line') centroids = data.londonCentroids.url background = alt.Chart(boroughs).mark_geoshape( stroke='white', strokeWidth=2).encode(color=alt.value('#eee'), ).properties(width=700, height=500) labels = alt.Chart(centroids).mark_text().encode( longitude='cx:Q', latitude='cy:Q', text='bLabel:N', size=alt.value(8), opacity=alt.value(0.6) ).transform_calculate( "bLabel", "indexof (,' ') > 0 ? substring(,0,indexof(, ' ')) :" ) line_scale = alt.Scale(domain=[ "Bakerloo", "Central", "Circle", "District", "DLR", "Hammersmith & City",
def main(): st.title("Uber Pickups in New York City") st.markdown(""" This is a demo of a Streamlit app that shows the Uber pickups geographical distribution in New York City. Use the slider to pick a specific hour and look at how the charts change. [See source code]( """) data = load_data(100000) hour = st.slider("Hour to look at", 0, 23) assert isinstance(hour, int) data = data[data[DATE_TIME].dt.hour == hour] st.subheader("Geo data between %i:00 and %i:00" % (hour, (hour + 1) % 24)) midpoint = (np.average(data["lat"]), np.average(data["lon"])) st.write( pdk.Deck( map_style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", initial_view_state={ "latitude": midpoint[0], "longitude": midpoint[1], "zoom": 11, "pitch": 50, }, layers=[ pdk.Layer( "HexagonLayer", data=data, get_position=["lon", "lat"], radius=100, elevation_scale=4, elevation_range=[0, 1000], pickable=True, extruded=True, ), ], )) st.subheader("Breakdown by minute between %i:00 and %i:00" % (hour, (hour + 1) % 24)) filtered = data[(data[DATE_TIME].dt.hour >= hour) & (data[DATE_TIME].dt.hour < (hour + 1))] hist = np.histogram(filtered[DATE_TIME].dt.minute, bins=60, range=(0, 60))[0] chart_data = pd.DataFrame({"minute": range(60), "pickups": hist}) st.altair_chart(alt.Chart(chart_data).mark_area( interpolate='step-after', ).encode(x=alt.X( "minute:Q", scale=alt.Scale(nice=False)), y=alt.Y("pickups:Q"), tooltip=['minute', 'pickups']), use_container_width=True) show_raw_data = st.checkbox("Show raw data", False) assert isinstance(show_raw_data, bool) if show_raw_data: st.subheader("Raw data by minute between %i:00 and %i:00" % (hour, (hour + 1) % 24)) st.write(data)
def make_la_positive_test_chart(df, positive_lower_bound, positive_upper_bound, testing_lower_bound, testing_upper_bound, chart_title1, chart_title2): num_weeks = len(df.week2.unique()) chart_width = num_weeks * 10 base = (alt.Chart(df) .mark_bar(binSpacing = bin_spacing) .encode( x=alt.X("week2", title="date", sort=None) ) ) positive_bar = ( base .mark_bar(color = navy) .encode( y=alt.Y("pct_positive", title="Percent", axis=alt.Axis(format="%") ), ) ) positive_lower_line = ( alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({"y": [positive_lower_bound]})) .mark_rule(color=maroon, strokeDash=[6, 3]) .encode(y="y") ) positive_upper_line = ( alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({"y": [positive_upper_bound]})) .mark_rule(color=maroon, strokeDash=[6, 3]) .encode(y="y") ) positive_chart = ( (positive_bar + positive_lower_line + positive_upper_line) .properties(title=chart_title1, width = chart_width) ) test_bar = ( base .mark_bar(color = blue) .encode( y=alt.Y("weekly_tests", title="# Weekly Tests",), ) ) num_positive_bar = ( base .mark_bar(color = gray) .encode( y=alt.Y("weekly_cases", title="# Weekly Tests",), ) ) weekly_test_lower_line = ( alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({"y": [testing_lower_bound * 7]})) .mark_rule(color=maroon, strokeDash=[6, 3]) .encode(y="y") ) weekly_test_upper_line = ( alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({"y": [testing_upper_bound * 7]})) .mark_rule(color=maroon, strokeDash=[6, 3]) .encode(y="y") ) test_chart = ( (test_bar + num_positive_bar + weekly_test_lower_line + weekly_test_upper_line) .properties(title=chart_title2, width = chart_width) ) combined_weekly_chart = ( alt.hconcat(positive_chart, test_chart) .configure_title( fontSize=title_font_size, font=font_name, anchor="middle", color="black" ) .configure_axis(gridOpacity=grid_opacity, domainOpacity=domain_opacity) .configure_view(strokeOpacity=stroke_opacity) ) show_svg(combined_weekly_chart)
def make_lacounty_hospital_chart(df): chart_width = 350 acute_color = green icu_color = navy ventilator_color = orange base = ( alt.Chart(df) .mark_line() .encode( x=alt.X( "date2:T", title="date", axis=alt.Axis(format=fulldate_format), ), y=alt.Y("pct_available_avg3", title="3-day avg", axis=alt.Axis(format="%") ), color=alt.Color( "equipment", scale=alt.Scale( domain=["Acute Care Beds", "ICU Beds", "Ventilators"], range=[acute_color, icu_color, ventilator_color], ), ), ) ) line1 = ( alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({"y": [0.3]})) .mark_rule(color=maroon, strokeDash=[6, 3]) .encode(y="y") ) hospital_pct_chart = ( (base + line1) .properties( title="Percent of Available Hospital Equipment by Type", width=chart_width, ) .configure_title( fontSize=title_font_size, font=font_name, anchor="middle", color="black" ) .configure_axis( gridOpacity=grid_opacity, domainOpacity=domain_opacity, ticks=False ) .configure_view(strokeOpacity=stroke_opacity) ) hospital_num_chart = ( alt.Chart(df) .mark_line() .encode( x=alt.X( "date2:T", title="date", axis=alt.Axis(format=fulldate_format), ), y=alt.Y("n_available_avg3", title="3-day avg"), color=alt.Color( "equipment", scale=alt.Scale( domain=["Acute Care Beds", "ICU Beds", "Ventilators"], range=[acute_color, icu_color, ventilator_color], ), ), ).properties( title="Number of Available Hospital Equipment by Type", width=chart_width ).configure_title( fontSize=title_font_size, font=font_name, anchor="middle", color="black" ).configure_axis( gridOpacity=grid_opacity, domainOpacity=domain_opacity, ticks=False ).configure_view(strokeOpacity=stroke_opacity) ) hospital_covid_chart = ( alt.Chart(df) .mark_line() .encode( x=alt.X( "date2:T", title="date", axis=alt.Axis(format=fulldate_format), ), y=alt.Y("n_covid_avg7", title="7-day avg"), color=alt.Color( "equipment", scale=alt.Scale( domain=["Acute Care Beds", "ICU Beds", "Ventilators"], range=[acute_color, icu_color, ventilator_color], ), ), ).properties( title="Number of COVID-Occupied / Under Investigation Equipment Use by Type", width=chart_width, ) .configure_title( fontSize=title_font_size, font=font_name, anchor="middle", color="black" ) .configure_axis( gridOpacity=grid_opacity, domainOpacity=domain_opacity, ticks=False ) .configure_view(strokeOpacity=stroke_opacity) ) show_svg(hospital_pct_chart) show_svg(hospital_num_chart) show_svg(hospital_covid_chart)
names=["lon", "lat", "city"]) temperatures = pd.read_csv("data/minard_temperature.txt", sep=" ", names=["lon", "temp", "days", "day"]) troops = pd.read_csv( "data/minard_troops.txt", sep=" ", names=["lon", "lat", "survivors", "direction", "division"]) temperatures["label"] = temperatures.fillna("").apply( axis=1, func=lambda row: "{}° {}".format(row[1], row[3].replace("-", " "))) troops = troops.sort_values(by=["division", "survivors"], ascending=False) troops_chart = alt.Chart(troops).mark_trail().encode( x='lon:Q', y='lat:Q', size=alt.Size('survivors', scale=alt.Scale(range=[1, 75]), legend=None), color=alt.Color('direction'))"troops_first_try.html") troops_chart = alt.Chart(troops).mark_trail().encode( longitude='lon:Q', latitude='lat:Q', size=alt.Size('survivors', scale=alt.Scale(range=[1, 75]), legend=None), detail='division', color=alt.Color('direction', scale=alt.Scale(domain=['A', 'R'], range=['#EBD2A8', '#888888']), legend=None), ).project(type="mercator")"troops.html")
return d X = DNA_base_count(sequence) #X_label = list(X) #X_values = list(X.values()) X ### 2. Print text st.subheader('2. Print text') st.write('There are ' + str(X['A']) + ' adenine (A)') st.write('There are ' + str(X['T']) + ' thymine (T)') st.write('There are ' + str(X['G']) + ' guanine (G)') st.write('There are ' + str(X['C']) + ' cytosine (C)') ### 3. Display DataFrame st.subheader('3. Display DataFrame') df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(X, orient='index') df = df.rename({0: 'count'}, axis='columns') df.reset_index(inplace=True) df = df.rename(columns={'index': 'base'}) st.write(df) ### 4. Display Bar Chart using Altair st.subheader('4. Display Bar chart') p = alt.Chart(df).mark_bar().encode(x='base', y='count') p = # controls width of bar. ) st.write(p)
Edit `/` to customize this app to your heart's desire :heart: If you have any questions, checkout our [documentation]( and [community forums]( In the meantime, below is an example of what you can do with just a few lines of code: """ with st.echo(code_location='below'): total_points = st.slider("Number of points in spiral", 1, 5000, 2000) num_turns = st.slider("Number of turns in spiral", 1, 100, 9) Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y') data = [] points_per_turn = total_points / num_turns for curr_point_num in range(total_points): curr_turn, i = divmod(curr_point_num, points_per_turn) angle = (curr_turn + 1) * 2 * math.pi * i / points_per_turn radius = curr_point_num / total_points x = radius * math.cos(angle) y = radius * math.sin(angle) data.append(Point(x, y)) st.altair_chart( alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame(data), height=500, width=500).mark_circle(color='#0068c9', opacity=0.5).encode(x='x:Q', y='y:Q'))
def run(self, num_clusters, title): # minimal document frequency is 10% of total dataset minimal_df = int(len( * (10) / 100) tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=minimal_df, max_df=0.95, max_features=3000, stop_words=self.stopwords) tfidf_matrix = tfidf.fit_transform( terms = tfidf.get_feature_names() from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity dist = 1 - cosine_similarity(tfidf_matrix) km = KMeans(n_clusters=num_clusters).fit(tfidf_matrix) clusters = km.labels_.tolist() opportunities = { "title":, "summary":, "cluster": clusters, } frame = pd.DataFrame(opportunities, index=[clusters], columns=["title", "cluster"]) frame["cluster"].value_counts() # Reduces the shape of TF-IDF vectors to 2D with # MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALING MDS() mds = MDS(n_components=2, dissimilarity="precomputed", random_state=1) pos = mds.fit_transform(dist) # shape (n_components, n_samples) xs, ys = pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1] # SET UP THE CLUSTER'S DESCRIPTION WITH A DICT cluster_description = {} for i in range(num_clusters): cluster_description[i] = ( terms[km.cluster_centers_.argsort()[:, ::-1][i][0]] + " | " + terms[km.cluster_centers_.argsort()[:, ::-1][i][1]] + " [" + str(frame["cluster"].value_counts()[i]) + " jobs]") # GRAPH WITH ALTAIR PACKAGE view = pd.DataFrame( dict(x=xs, y=ys, cluster=clusters, view["description"] = view["cluster"].map(cluster_description) scales = alt.selection_interval(bind="scales") selection = alt.selection_multi(fields=["description"]) color = alt.condition( selection, alt.Color("description:N", scale=alt.Scale(scheme="category10"), legend=None), alt.value("lightgray"), ) scatter = (alt.Chart(view).mark_point().encode( x="x:Q", y="y:Q", color=color, tooltip="title", shape=alt.Shape("description:N", legend=None), ).properties(width=600, height=600).add_selection(scales)) legend = (alt.Chart(view).mark_point().encode( y=alt.Y("description:N", axis=alt.Axis(orient="right")), color=color, shape=alt.Shape("description:N", legend=None), ).add_selection(selection)) # join CHARTS! chart = ((scatter | legend).configure( background="white").configure_axisLeft( grid=False, labels=False, domain=False, ticks=False, title=None).configure_axisX( grid=False, labels=False, domain=False, ticks=False, title=None).properties( title="1. Clusters").configure_title(fontSize=20, offset=5, orient="top", anchor="middle")) save_url = "output/" + title + "-" + str(num_clusters) + ".html" # MAKING TABLE OF TERMS term_html = '\t<h3 align="center">2. Ranking de Termos por Cluster:</h3>\n\n' # sort cluster centers by proximity to centroid order_centroids = km.cluster_centers_.argsort()[:, ::-1] term_html += '\t<table border="1" class="dataframe"> \n\t<tbody>' for i in range(num_clusters): term_html += "\n\t<tr>" term_html += "\n\t\t<th> Termos do Cluster %d </th>" % i term_html += "<td>" for ind in order_centroids[ i, :10]: # replace 10 with n terms per cluster term_html += " %s " % terms[ind].split() term_html += "</td>" term_html += "<th> Cargos do Cluster %d </th>" % i term_html += "<td>" for title in frame.loc[i]["title"].values.tolist( )[0:4]: # replace 4 with n jobs per cluster term_html += " %s |" % title term_html += "</td></tr>" term_html += "\n\t</tbody></table>" # MAKING TF-IDF RANKING TABLE tfidf_html = '\t<h3 align="center">3. Ranking TF-IDF:</h3>\n\n' first_vector_tfidfvectorizer = tfidf_matrix[0] # TF-IDF values in a pandas data frame df = pd.DataFrame( first_vector_tfidfvectorizer.T.todense(), index=tfidf.get_feature_names(), columns=["tfidf"], ) tfidf_html += str( df.sort_values(by=["tfidf"], ascending=False).to_html()) # UPDATE HTML complete_html = open(save_url, "r").read()[:-15] complete_html += term_html + tfidf_html + "</body></html>" f = open(save_url, "w") f.write(complete_html) f.close() print("\nDone! Output saved at:\n\t" + save_url)
""" Line Chart with Percent axis ---------------------------- This example shows how to format the tick labels of the y-axis of a chart as percentages. """ import altair as alt from altair.expr import datum from vega_datasets import data source = alt.Chart(source).mark_line().encode( alt.X('year:O'), alt.Y('perc:Q', axis=alt.Axis(format='%')), color='sex:N').properties( title='Percent of work-force working as Welders').transform_filter( datum.job == 'Welder')
np.random.seed(42) source = pd.DataFrame(np.cumsum(np.random.randn(100, 3), 0).round(2), columns=['A', 'B', 'C'], index=pd.RangeIndex(100, name='x')) source = source.reset_index().melt('x', var_name='category', value_name='y') # Create a selection that chooses the nearest point & selects based on x-value nearest = alt.selection(type='single', nearest=True, on='mouseover', fields=['x'], empty='none') def make_chart(source) # The basic line line = alt.Chart(source).mark_line(interpolate='basis').encode( x='x:Q', y='y:Q', color='category:N' ) # Transparent selectors across the chart. This is what tells us # the x-value of the cursor selectors = alt.Chart(source).mark_point().encode( x='x:Q', opacity=alt.value(0), ).add_selection( nearest ) # Draw points on the line, and highlight based on selection points = line.mark_point().encode( opacity=alt.condition(nearest, alt.value(1), alt.value(0))
def setup_cases_deaths_chart(df, geog, name): # Define chart titles if geog == "county": chart_title = f"{name} County" if geog == "state": chart_title = f"{name}" if geog == "msa": chart_title = f"{name} MSA" # Add City of LA to this geog if geog == "lacity": chart_title = f"{name}" # Set up base charts base = (alt.Chart( df.drop(columns = "date")) .mark_line() .encode( x=alt.X("date2", title="date", axis=alt.Axis(format=fulldate_format)) ) ) base_2weeks = ( alt.Chart(df[ >= two_weeks_ago].drop(columns = "date")) .mark_line() .encode( x=alt.X("date2", title="date", axis=alt.Axis(format=fulldate_format)) ) ) tier_base = (base.mark_line(strokeDash=[2,3], clip=True)) # Make cases charts cases_line = ( base .encode( y=alt.Y("cases_avg7:Q", title="7-day avg"), color=alt.value(navy), ) ) cases_shaded = ( base_2weeks .mark_area() .encode( y=alt.Y("cases_avg7:Q", title="7-day avg"), color=alt.value(light_gray) ) ) cases_extra_outline = ( base_2weeks .mark_line() .encode( y=alt.Y("cases_avg7:Q", title="7-day avg"), color=alt.value(navy_outline) ) ) tier1_hline = ( tier_base .encode(y=alt.Y("tier1_case_cutoff:Q"), color=alt.value(orange)) ) tier2_hline = ( tier_base .encode(y=alt.Y("tier2_case_cutoff:Q"), color=alt.value(maroon)) ) tier3_hline = ( tier_base .encode(y=alt.Y("tier3_case_cutoff:Q"), color=alt.value(purple)) ) cases_chart = ( (cases_line + cases_shaded + cases_extra_outline + tier1_hline + tier2_hline + tier3_hline) .properties( title=f"{chart_title}: New Cases", width=chart_width, height=chart_height ) ) # Make deaths chart deaths_line = ( base .encode( y=alt.Y("deaths_avg7:Q", title="7-day avg"), color=alt.value(blue), ) ) deaths_shaded = ( base_2weeks .mark_area() .encode( y=alt.Y("deaths_avg7:Q", title="7-day avg"), color=alt.value(light_gray) ) ) deaths_extra_outline = ( base_2weeks .encode( y=alt.Y("deaths_avg7:Q", title="7-day avg"), color=alt.value(blue_outline) ) ) deaths_chart = ( (deaths_line + deaths_shaded + deaths_extra_outline) .properties( title=f"{chart_title}: New Deaths", width=chart_width, height=chart_height ) ) return cases_chart, deaths_chart
layers=[{ "type": "HexagonLayer", "data": data, "radius": 1000, "elevationScale": 4, "elevationRange": [0, 10000], "pickable": True, "extruded": True, }], ) st.subheader("Quebra por minuto entre %i:00 e %i:00" % (hour, (hour + 1) % 24)) filtered = data[(data[DATE_TIME].dt.hour >= hour) & (data[DATE_TIME].dt.hour < (hour + 1))] hist = np.histogram(filtered[DATE_TIME].dt.minute, bins=60, range=(0, 60))[0] chart_data = pd.DataFrame({"minuto": range(60), "obitos": hist}) st.write( alt.Chart(chart_data, height=150).mark_area(interpolate="step-after", line=True).encode( x=alt.X("minuto:Q", scale=alt.Scale(nice=False)), y=alt.Y("obitos:Q"), tooltip=["minuto", "obitos"], )) if st.checkbox("Mostrar dado cru (raw)", False): st.subheader("Dados por minuto entre %i:00 e %i:00" % (hour, (hour + 1) % 24)) st.write(data)
import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data source = data.seattle_weather() brush = alt.selection(type='interval', encodings=['x']) bars = alt.Chart().mark_bar().encode( x='month(date):O', y='mean(precipitation):Q', opacity=alt.condition(brush, alt.OpacityValue(1), alt.OpacityValue(0.7)), ).add_selection( brush ) line = alt.Chart().mark_rule(color='firebrick').encode( y='mean(precipitation):Q', size=alt.SizeValue(3) ).transform_filter( brush ) alt.renderers.enable('altair_viewer') alt.layer(bars, line, data=source)
dfa=df.loc[(df.SeriesName == select_event),[2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018]] dfa=dfa.T dfa.columns=countries dfa = dfa.reset_index() multi_lc = alt.Chart(dfa).transform_fold( option, ).mark_line().encode( x='index:Q', y=alt.Y('value:Q', title=''), color='key:N' ).properties( title=select_event, width=600, height=400 ).interactive() if(len(option)==0): st.line_chart(dfa) else: st.write( multi_lc ) elif navigate_button=='Statistical Analysis': st.header("Statistical Analysis")
def graph_VL_PL_transit_j_cam(df_concat_pl_jo, df_pct_pl_transit, *cam): """ pour creer des graph du nb de veh par heue sur une journee à 1 camera en entree : df_pct_pl_transit : df du pct de pl en transit, issus de resultat.pourcentage_pl_camera df_concat_pl_jo : df du nb de pl par jo classe en transit ou tital, issu de resultat.pourcentage_pl_camera cam : integer : numeros de la camera etudiee. on peut en passer plsueiurs et obtenir une somme des nb veh et une moyenne des %PL en sortie : graph : chart altair avec en x l'heure et en y le nb de veh """ #selection df pour graphique, on peurt demander 'Jours Ouvré' if [ voie for voie, cams in dico_corrsp_camera_site.items() if cams == list(cam) ]: titre = f'Nombre de PL et % de PL en transit sur {[voie for voie, cams in dico_corrsp_camera_site.items() if cams==list(cam)][0]}' else: if len(cam) > 1: titre = f'Nombre de PL et % de PL en transit au droit des caméras {cam}' else: titre = f'Nombre de PL et % de PL en transit au droit de la caméra {cam[0]}' if len(cam) > 1: df_concat_pl_jo_multi_cam = df_concat_pl_jo.loc[ df_concat_pl_jo['camera_id'].isin(cam)].groupby(['heure', 'type']).agg({ 'nb_veh': 'sum' }).reset_index() df_concat_pl_jo_multi_cam[ 'nb_veh'] = df_concat_pl_jo_multi_cam['nb_veh'] / len(cam) df_pct_pl_transit_multi_cam = df_pct_pl_transit.loc[ df_pct_pl_transit['camera_id'].isin(cam)].groupby(['heure']).agg({ 'nb_veh_x': 'sum', 'nb_veh_y': 'sum' }).reset_index() df_pct_pl_transit_multi_cam[ 'pct_pl_transit'] = df_pct_pl_transit_multi_cam[ 'nb_veh_y'] / df_pct_pl_transit_multi_cam['nb_veh_x'] * 100 else: df_concat_pl_jo_multi_cam = df_concat_pl_jo.loc[ df_concat_pl_jo['camera_id'].isin(cam)] df_pct_pl_transit_multi_cam = df_pct_pl_transit.loc[ df_pct_pl_transit['camera_id'].isin(cam)] bar = alt.Chart(df_concat_pl_jo_multi_cam, title=titre).mark_bar(opacity=0.7, size=20).encode( x='heure:O', y=alt.Y('nb_veh:Q', stack=None, axis=alt.Axis(title='Nb de vehicules', grid=False)), color='type') line = alt.Chart(df_pct_pl_transit_multi_cam).mark_line( color='green').encode(x='heure:O', y=alt.Y( 'pct_pl_transit:Q', axis=alt.Axis(title='% de PL en transit'))) (bar + line).resolve_scale(y='independent').properties(width=800) return (bar + line).resolve_scale(y='independent').properties(width=800)
"""Smooth the given signal using a rectangular window.""" window = np.ones(points) / points return np.convolve(signal, window, mode='same') data = pd.DataFrame( { 'dist': segment['Distance / km'], 'elevation': segment['elevation'], 'heart': smooth(segment['hr'], 51), } ) area1 = altair.Chart(data).mark_area( fillOpacity=0.4, strokeWidth=5, line=True ).encode( x=altair.X('dist', title='Distance / km'), y=altair.Y('elevation', title='Elevation / m'), ) line1 = altair.Chart(data).mark_line( strokeWidth=5 ).encode( x=altair.X('dist', title='Distance / km'), y=altair.Y('heart', title='Heart rate / bpm'), color=altair.value('#1b9e77'), ) chart = altair.layer( area1, line1, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT,
def intervalle_confiance_cam(df_pct_pl_transit, df_concat_pl_jo, intervall_conf, *cam): """ fgraph pour intervalle de confiance et affichage données de comptagesde PL. en entrée : intervall_conf : booleen : Terue si on veut le zonage de l'intervalle de confiance, False si on ne le veut pas """ pour_graph_synth, lien_traf_gest_traf_lapi = indice_confiance_cam( df_pct_pl_transit, df_concat_pl_jo, cam) lien_traf_gest_traf_lapi['heure'] = lien_traf_gest_traf_lapi.apply( lambda x: pd.to_datetime(0) + pd.Timedelta(str(x['heure']) + 'H'), axis=1) pour_graph_synth['heure'] = pour_graph_synth.apply( lambda x: pd.to_datetime(0) + pd.Timedelta(str(x['heure']) + 'H'), axis=1) #print(pour_graph_synth,lien_traf_gest_traf_lapi) #print(dico_corrsp_camera_site.items(),[voie for voie, cams in dico_corrsp_camera_site.items() if cams==list(cam)]) if [ voie for voie, cams in dico_corrsp_camera_site.items() if cams == list(cam) ]: titre_interv = f'Nombre de PL et % de PL en transit sur {[voie for voie, cams in dico_corrsp_camera_site.items() if cams==list(cam)][0]}' titre_nb_pl = f'Nombre de PL selon la source sur {[voie for voie, cams in dico_corrsp_camera_site.items() if cams==list(cam)][0]}' else: if len(cam) > 1: titre_interv = f'Nombre de PL et % de PL en transit au droit des caméras {cam}' titre_nb_pl = f'Nombre de PL selon la source au droit des caméras {cam}' else: titre_interv = f'Nombre de PL et % de PL en transit au droit de la caméra {cam[0]}' titre_nb_pl = f'Nombre de PL selon la source au droit de la caméra {cam[0]}' #pour n'affcihier que "Comptage gestionnnaire" si Comptage gestionnnaire=Comptage gestionnnaire recale if ((pour_graph_synth.loc[pour_graph_synth['type'] == 'Comptage gestionnnaire recalé'].nb_veh == pour_graph_synth.loc[pour_graph_synth['type'] == 'Comptage gestionnnaire'].nb_veh).all()): pour_graph_synth = pour_graph_synth.loc[pour_graph_synth.type.isin( ['LAPI', 'Comptage gestionnnaire'])].copy() df_intervalle = pour_graph_synth.copy() else: df_intervalle = pour_graph_synth.loc[pour_graph_synth['type'].isin( ['LAPI', 'Comptage gestionnnaire recalé'])].copy() #pour legende lien_traf_gest_traf_lapi['legend_pct_transit'] = 'Pourcentage PL transit' lien_traf_gest_traf_lapi['legend_i_conf'] = 'Intervalle de confiance' line_trafic = alt.Chart( df_intervalle, title=titre_interv).mark_line().encode( x=alt.X('hoursminutes(heure)', axis=alt.Axis(title='Heure', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14)), y=alt.Y('nb_veh:Q', axis=alt.Axis(title='Nombre de PL', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14)), color=alt.Color('type', sort=(['LAPI', 'Comptage gestionnnaire recale']), legend=alt.Legend(title='source du nombre de PL', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14, labelLimit=400))) area_pct_max = alt.Chart(lien_traf_gest_traf_lapi).mark_area( opacity=0.7, color='green').encode( x='hoursminutes(heure)', y=alt.Y('pct_pl_transit_max:Q', axis=alt.Axis(title='Pourcentage de PL en transit', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14, labelColor='green', titleColor='green'), scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, 100))), y2='pct_pl_transit_min:Q', opacity=alt.Opacity('legend_i_conf')) line_pct = alt.Chart(lien_traf_gest_traf_lapi).mark_line( color='green').encode( x='hoursminutes(heure)', y=alt.Y('pct_pl_transit', axis=alt.Axis(title='Pourcentage de PL en transit', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14, labelColor='green', titleColor='green'), scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, 100))), opacity=alt.Opacity('legend_pct_transit', legend=alt.Legend( title='Analyse du transit LAPI', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14))) pct = (area_pct_max + line_pct) if intervall_conf else line_pct graph_interval = (line_trafic + pct).resolve_scale( y='independent').properties(width=800, height=400).configure_title(fontSize=18) #graph comparaison nb_pl graph_nb_pl = alt.Chart( pour_graph_synth, title=titre_nb_pl).mark_line(opacity=0.7).encode( x=alt.X('hoursminutes(heure)', axis=alt.Axis(title='Heure', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14)), y=alt.Y('nb_veh:Q', axis=alt.Axis(title='Nombre de PL', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14)), color=alt.Color('type', sort=[ 'LAPI', 'Comptage gestionnnaire', 'Comptage gestionnnaire recale' ], title='source du nombre de PL', legend=alt.Legend( titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14, labelLimit=400))).properties( width=800, height=400).configure_title(fontSize=18) return graph_interval, graph_nb_pl
#execute only if "mindate" exists if not mindate: st.error("Please select start date for plot range") else: #update plot ranges via filtering the table to dates newer than mindate only if dateupdate: df = data.loc[data['Date'] >= mindate] else: df = data.loc[data['Date'] >= datetime.datetime.strptime( '2020-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d')] #write a header line and dataframe for visualization st.write("AESO Historical Data", df) #test Altair charting with electricity price over time chart1 = (alt.Chart(df).mark_line(opacity=0.5).encode( x="Date:T", y=alt.Y("Electricity Price $/kwh:Q", stack=None))) # chart2 = ( # alt.Chart(df) # .mark_line(opacity=0.5) # .encode( # x="Date:T", # y=alt.Y("AIL Demand (MW):Q", stack=None) # ) # ) #test plotly charting with AIL Demand over time chart2 = px.scatter(df, x='Date', y='AIL Demand (MW)') st.write('Alberta Electricity Price History') st.altair_chart(chart1, use_container_width=True)
def graph_PL_transit_dir_jo_cam(df_pct_pl_transit, *cam, coeff_uvp=3): """ graph de synthese du nombre de pl en trasit par heure. Base nb pl dir et pct_pl_transit lapi en entree : df_pct_pl_transit : df du pct de pl en transit, issu de resultat.pourcentage_pl_camera coeff_uvp : coefficient de conversion en UVP, cf resultat.PL_transit_dir_jo_cam en sortie : graph : chart altair avec le nb pl, nb pl transit, %PL transit """ #import donnees concat_dir_trafic, df_pct_pl_transit_multi_cam = PL_transit_dir_jo_cam( df_pct_pl_transit, coeff_uvp, cam) #creation du titre if [ voie for voie, cams in dico_corrsp_camera_site.items() if cams == list(cam) ]: titre = f'Nombre de PL et % de PL en transit sur {[voie for voie, cams in dico_corrsp_camera_site.items() if cams==list(cam)][0]}' else: if len(cam) > 1: titre = f'Nombre de PL et % de PL en transit au droit des caméras {cam}' else: titre = f'Nombre de PL et % de PL en transit au droit de la caméra {cam[0]}' #ajout d'un attribut pour legende df_pct_pl_transit_multi_cam['legend'] = 'Pourcentage PL en transit' concat_dir_trafic = concat_dir_trafic.loc[concat_dir_trafic['type'].isin( ['Tous PL', 'PL en transit'])].copy() bar_nb_pl_dir = alt.Chart( concat_dir_trafic, title=titre).mark_bar(opacity=0.7).encode( x=alt.X('heure:O', axis=alt.Axis(title='Heure', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14)), y=alt.Y('nb_pl:Q', stack=None, axis=alt.Axis(title='Nombre de PL', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14)), color=alt.Color('type', legend=alt.Legend(title='Type de PL', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14), sort="descending")) line_pct_pl_lapi = alt.Chart(df_pct_pl_transit_multi_cam).mark_line( color='green').encode(x=alt.X('heure:O', axis=alt.Axis(title='Heure', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14)), y=alt.Y('pct_pl_transit', axis=alt.Axis(title='% PL en transit', labelFontSize=14, labelColor='green', titleFontSize=14, titleColor='green', grid=False), scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, 100))), opacity=alt.Opacity('legend', legend=alt.Legend( title='Donnees LAPI', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14, labelLimit=300))) return (bar_nb_pl_dir + line_pct_pl_lapi).resolve_scale( y='independent').properties(width=800, height=400).configure_title(fontSize=18)
def main(): ## sidebar data = load_data('total_data.pkl') countydf = pd.DataFrame(data.Combined_Key.str.split(',', 2).tolist(), columns=['County', 'State', 'Country']).drop('Country', axis=1) countydf = pd.DataFrame( countydf.groupby('State')['County'].apply( lambda x: x.values.tolist())).reset_index() st.sidebar.title("Navigation") page ="Go to", ('Hybrid Model', 'Data Exploratory')) if page == 'Hybrid Model': '## County Level SIR Simulation Model' statesselected = st.selectbox("Select a County", countydf['State']) countylist = (countydf[countydf['State'] == statesselected]['County'] ).tolist()[0] countyselected = st.selectbox('Select a county for demo', countylist) name = countyselected + ', ' + statesselected.strip() + ', ' + 'US' df2 = data_cleaning(data, name) #data=data[data['Combined_Key']==name] #df2 = load_data('{}.pkl'.format(selected.lower())) #Model training train_df = df2[df2['Date'] < df2.Date.iloc[-7]] test_df = df2[(df2['Date'] > df2.Date.iloc[-7]) & (df2['Date'] < df2.Date.iloc[-1])] # initialize model #'## Training the Model' with st.spinner('Model Training in Progress...'): population = df2.Population[1] model = Train_Dynamic_SIR(epoch=5000, data=train_df, population=population, gamma=1 / 15, c=1, b=-10, a=0.08) # train the model estimate_df = model.train() "## Future Forecast" # initialize parameters for prediction population = model.population I0 = train_df['I'].iloc[-1] R0 = train_df['R'].iloc[-1] S0 = population - I0 - R0 est_beta = model.beta est_alpha = model.a est_b = model.b est_c = model.c forecast_period = 21 #forecast_period = st.slider("Choose the forecast period(days)", 5, 60,step =5, value=21) prediction = Predict_SIR(pred_period=forecast_period, S=S0, I=I0, R=R0, gamma=1 / 14, a=est_alpha, c=est_c, b=est_b, past_days=train_df['Day'].max()) recent = len(df2) Date = df2['Date'][recent - 1] dfdate = df2[df2['Date'] == Date] #Calculating death rate N = dfdate.loc[dfdate['Date'] == Date, 'Population'].iloc[0] confirmed = dfdate.loc[dfdate['Date'] == Date, 'Confirmed'].iloc[0] deaths = round( ((dfdate.loc[dfdate['Date'] == Date, 'Deaths'].iloc[0]) / confirmed) * 100, 3) I0 = dfdate.loc[dfdate['Date'] == Date, 'I'].iloc[0] R0 = dfdate.loc[dfdate['Date'] == Date, 'R'].iloc[0] + dfdate.loc[dfdate['Date'] == Date, 'Deaths'].iloc[0] deaths = st.slider("Input a realistic death rate(%) ", 0.0, 30.0, value=deaths) result = death_rate=deaths) # death_rate is an assumption simulation_period = st.slider('Input Simulation period (days)', 0, 100, step=1, value=21) recovery_day = st.slider('Input recovery period (%)', 1, 28, step=1, value=14) #TEST betalist = model.show_betalist() minbeta = round(min(betalist), 2) maxbeta = round(max(betalist), 2) averagebeta = (minbeta + maxbeta) * 2 beta = prediction.finalbeta() userbeta = round((100 - (beta * 100)), 2) userbeta = st.slider('Input Social distancing factor (%)', 0.00, 100.00, step=0.01, value=userbeta) #NEW CALCULATION maxlimit = (maxbeta * 1.1) - (minbeta * 0.9) / averagebeta D = (maxbeta * 1.1) - (minbeta * 0.9) / (100 * averagebeta) defaultbeta = (maxbeta * 1.1) / (D * averagebeta) #socialdist=st.slider('New change Social distancing',D,maxlimit,step = 0.01,value =defaultbeta) gamma = 1 / recovery_day beta = (100 - userbeta) / 100 st.subheader('SIR simulation for chosen Date '.format( df2['Date'][recent - 1])) st.write(dfdate[[ 'Date', 'Population', 'Confirmed', 'Recovered', 'Deaths', 'Active' ]]) st.write('Curent value of (Beta) Social distancing factor : ', userbeta) st.write('Current Death rate is : ', deaths) rr = round(beta / gamma, 3) st.write('Effective reproduction number(R0) (%): ', rr) S0 = N - I0 - R0 t = np.linspace(0, simulation_period, 500) # The SIR model differential equations. def deriv(y, t, N, beta, gamma): S, I, R = y dSdt = -beta * S * I / N dIdt = beta * S * I / N - gamma * I dRdt = gamma * I return dSdt, dIdt, dRdt # Initial conditions vector y0 = S0, I0, R0 # Integrate the SIR equations over the time grid, t. ret = odeint(deriv, y0, t, args=(N, beta, gamma)) S, I, R = ret.T #plotting_SIR_Simulation(S, I, R ,N,t,simulation_period,deaths) plotting_SIR_Susceptible(S, I, R, N, t, simulation_period) plotting_SIR_Infection(S, I, R, N, t, simulation_period) plotting_SIR_Recovery(S, I, R, N, t, simulation_period) #plotting_SIR_IR(S, I, R ,N,t,simulation_period) else: st.title('Explore County Level Data ') # load data statesselected = st.selectbox("Select a County", countydf['State']) countylist = (countydf[countydf['State'] == statesselected]['County'] ).tolist()[0] countyselected = st.selectbox('Select a county for demo', countylist) name = countyselected + ', ' + statesselected.strip() + ', ' + 'US' df = data_cleaning(data, name) # drawing base = alt.Chart(df).mark_bar().encode( x='monthdate(Date):O', ).properties(width=500) red = alt.value('#f54242') a = base.encode(y='Confirmed').properties(title='Total Confirmed') st.altair_chart(a, use_container_width=True) b = base.encode(y='Deaths', color=red).properties(title='Total Deaths') st.altair_chart(b, use_container_width=True) c = base.encode(y='New Cases').properties(title='Daily New Cases') st.altair_chart(c, use_container_width=True) d = base.encode(y='New deaths', color=red).properties(title='Daily New Deaths') st.altair_chart(d, use_container_width=True) dates = df['Date'] selected_date = st.selectbox('Select a Date to Start', (dates)) forecastdf = df[df['Date'] >= selected_date] if st.checkbox('Show Raw Data'): st.write(forecastdf) if st.checkbox('Visualization Chart'): df_temp = forecastdf.rename(columns={ 'I': 'Active Infection Cases', 'R': 'Recovered Cases' }) e = pd.melt( frame=df_temp, id_vars='Date', value_vars=['Active Infection Cases', 'Recovered Cases'], var_name='type', value_name='count') e = alt.Chart(e).mark_area().encode( x=alt.X('Date:T', title='Date'), y=alt.Y('count:Q', title='Number of Cases'), color=alt.Color( 'type:O', legend=alt.Legend( title=None, orient='top-left'))).configure_axis(grid=False) st.altair_chart(e, use_container_width=True) st.title("About")"This app uses JHU data available in [Github]" "( repository.\n\n")
def graph_TV_jo_cam(df_pct_pl_transit, uvp, coeff_uvp, *cam): """ graph de synthese du nombre de pl en trasit, TV et pl totaux par heure. Base nb pl dir et pct_pl_transit lapi en entree : df_pct_pl_transit : df du nb de vehicules, issus de resultat.pourcentage_pl_camera uvp : booleen : si on veut le graph ne UVP ou non coeff_uvp : float : coefficientd'equivalence PL- UVP. utilse si uvp=True, sinon eu importe mais doit exister cam : integer : les cameras concernees en sortie : bar_nb_pl_dir : chart altair avec le nb pl, nb pl transit, tv """ concat_dir_trafic = PL_transit_dir_jo_cam(df_pct_pl_transit, coeff_uvp, cam)[0] #creation du titre if [ voie for voie, cams in dico_corrsp_camera_site.items() if cams == list(cam) ]: titre = f'Nombre de véhicules sur {[voie for voie, cams in dico_corrsp_camera_site.items() if cams==list(cam)][0]}' else: if len(cam) > 1: titre = f'Nombre de véhicules au droit des caméras {cam}' else: titre = f'Nombre de véhicules au droit de la caméra {cam[0]}' if not uvp: concat_dir_trafic = concat_dir_trafic.loc[concat_dir_trafic.type.isin( ['Tous PL', 'PL en transit', 'Tous Vehicules'])].copy() bar_nb_pl_dir = alt.Chart( concat_dir_trafic, title=titre).mark_bar().encode( x=alt.X('heure:O', axis=alt.Axis(title='Heure', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14)), y=alt.Y('nb_pl:Q', stack=None, axis=alt.Axis(title='Nombre de vehicules', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14)), color=alt.Color( 'type', sort=['Tous vehicules', 'Tous PL', 'PL en transit'], legend=alt.Legend(title='Type de vehicules', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14)), order=alt.Order('type', sort='descending')).properties( width=800, height=400).configure_title(fontSize=18) else: concat_dir_trafic = concat_dir_trafic.loc[concat_dir_trafic.type.isin( ['UVP Tous PL', 'UVP PL en transit', 'UVP Tous Vehicules'])].copy() bar_nb_pl_dir = alt.Chart( concat_dir_trafic, title=titre).mark_bar().encode( x=alt.X('heure:O', axis=alt.Axis(title='Heure', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14)), y=alt.Y('nb_pl:Q', stack=None, axis=alt.Axis(title='Nombre de vehicules', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14)), color=alt.Color('type', sort=[ 'UVP Tous vehicules', 'UVP Tous PL', 'UVP PL en transit' ], legend=alt.Legend(title='Type de vehicules', titleFontSize=14, labelFontSize=14)), order=alt.Order('type', sort='descending')).properties( width=800, height=400).configure_title(fontSize=18) return bar_nb_pl_dir
train_dataset = train_dataset_fp, batch_size, column_names=column_names, label_name=label_name, num_epochs=1, ) # - features, labels = next(iter(train_dataset)) print(features) # - df = pd.DataFrame(features) df["label"] = labels alt.Chart(df).mark_circle().encode(x="petal_length", y="sepal_length", color="label:N").properties(width=200, height=150) # - def pack_features_vector(features, labels): """Pack the features into a single array.""" features = tf.stack(list(features.values()), axis=1) return features, labels train_dataset = features, labels = next(iter(train_dataset)) print(features[:5]) # ## Select the type of model
NORM ='', ('Compare', 'Normalise')) for ticker in ticker_list: temp_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['symbol', 'date', 'price']) temp_df['symbol'] = [ticker] * prices[ticker].shape[0] temp_df['date'] = list(prices[ticker].index) temp_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(temp_df['date'], format='%Y-%m-%d') if NORM == 'Normalise': temp_df['price'] = list(prices[ticker]['Adjusted_close'] * 100 / prices[ticker]['Adjusted_close'].iloc[0]) else: temp_df['price'] = list(prices[ticker]['Adjusted_close']) price_frame = price_frame.append(temp_df) #show multiple securities in one chart chart = at.Chart(price_frame).mark_line().encode(at.X('date:T'), at.Y('price:Q'), color='symbol') st.write(chart.configure_view(continuousHeight=400, continuousWidth=750)) #create excel friendly format if st.button('Create Excel'): excel_df = pd.DataFrame(index=prices[ticker_list[0]].index) for ticker in ticker_list: temp_df = pd.DataFrame(index=prices[ticker].index) if NORM == 'Normalise': temp_df[ticker] = list( prices[ticker]['Adjusted_close'] * 100 / prices[ticker]['Adjusted_close'].iloc[0]) else: temp_df[ticker] = list(prices[ticker]['Adjusted_close']) excel_df = pd.merge(excel_df,
Footnotes are best placed right after the paragraph first used.[^footnote] [^footnote]: But you can also put them at the end of the document. ''' ) st.title("My awesome interactive graph") #altair example interactive chart source = source[source["Origin"].isin(filtered)] brush = alt.selection(type='interval') points = alt.Chart(source).mark_point().encode( x='Horsepower', y='Miles_per_Gallon', color=alt.condition(brush, 'Origin', alt.value('lightgray')) ).add_selection( brush ) bars = alt.Chart(source).mark_bar().encode( y='Origin', color='Origin', x='count(Origin)' ).transform_filter( brush ) points & bars
def vline(chart: alt.Chart, value: float) -> alt.Chart: """Draw a vertical line on an Altair chart object.""" line = alt.Chart().mark_rule(color="grey").encode(x="val:Q") return _add_line(chart, value, line)