Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_subscription(self) -> Optional[SubscriptionInformation]:
        """ Creates a new subscription when newly entered payment details are available """

        # if we have a 'desired_tier' this should be used to create the subscription
        # as there are now payment methods available.
        if self.desired_tier is not None:
            tier = self.desired_tier
            update_mode = True
            tier = self.tier
            update_mode = False

        # Create a stripe subscription on the given plan

        plan = TierField.get_stripe_id(tier)
        sub_id, err = stripewrapper.create_subscription(self.customer, plan)
        if err is not None:
            return None

        # if we updated the tier
        if update_mode:
            if self.member.subscription is not None:
            self.tier = self.desired_tier
            self.desired_tier = None

        # finally create the actual subscription object
        instance = SubscriptionInformation.start_new_subscription(self.member,
        if update_mode and instance is not None:
            instance.created_from_update = True
        return instance
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _switch_paid_tier(
        self, desired_tier: str
    ) -> Tuple[Optional[SubscriptionInformation], Optional[str]]:
        """ Switches the paid tier """

        # find the current subscription
        sub = self.member.subscription
        if sub is None or sub.subscription is None:
            return None, 'Cannot find current subscription'
        subscription = sub.subscription

        # update the remote subscription
        plan = TierField.get_stripe_id(desired_tier)
        _, err = stripewrapper.update_subscription(subscription, plan)
        if err is not None:
            return None, 'Unable to switch subscription to new plan'

        # end the current subscription, set the new tier
        self.tier = desired_tier
        self.desired_tier = None

        # Create the new subscription
        instance = SubscriptionInformation.start_new_subscription(
            self.member, subscription, tier=desired_tier)
        return instance, None
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def dispatch_success(self,
                         validated: SubscriptionInformation) -> HttpResponse:
        """ called upon successful setup """

        # if this was not created from an update operation, do nothing
        if not validated.created_from_update:
            return super().dispatch_success(validated)

        # we suceeded
            self.request, 'Tier has been changed to {}'.format(
        return self.redirect_response('update_membership', reverse=True)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class MembershipInformation(AlumniComponentMixin, models.Model):
    """ The (payment-related) membership information of an Alumni Member """

    SETUP_COMPONENT_NAME = 'membership'

    member = models.OneToOneField(Alumni,

    tier = TierField(help_text='Membership Tier')

    starterReason = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True, help_text="")
    customer = models.CharField(
        help_text='The stripe customer id for the user')
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def dispatch_should_not(self) -> HttpResponse:
        if not self.payment_update_mode:
            return super().dispatch_should_not()

        if self.payment_update_error is None:
            tier = self.request.user.alumni.membership.tier
                self.request, 'Tier has been changed to {}'.format(
                'Unable to change tier: {}. Please try again or contact support. '

        # if the subscription was in update mode and we shouldn't set it up
        # then we should immediately redirect to the memebership page
        return self.redirect_response('update_membership', reverse=True)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class SubscriptionInformation(AlumniComponentMixin, models.Model):
    SETUP_COMPONENT_NAME = 'subscription'

    member = models.ForeignKey(Alumni, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    start = models.DateTimeField(
        help_text='The start date for the subscription')
    end = models.DateTimeField(blank=True,
                               help_text='The end date for the subscription')

    subscription = models.CharField(
        help_text='The Stripe Subscription ID for the given subscription')
    external = models.BooleanField(
        default=False, help_text="Subscription is managed externally")

    tier = TierField(help_text='Membership Tier')

    def cancel(self):
        """ Cancels this subscription along with the stripe subscription """
        if self.end is not None:
            raise Exception('Subscription already cancelled')

        if not self.subscription:
            raise Exception('Can not cancel subscription: No subscription')

        # cancel the subscription
        sub, err = stripewrapper.cancel_subscription(self.subscription)
        if err is not None:
            return False

        # and set the end of the subscription


    def set_end(self):
        """ Marks this subscription as having ended """
        if not self.active:
            raise Exception('Subscription is already ended')

        # store now as the end of the subscription
        self.end = timezone.now()

    def active(self):
        """ Property indicating if the subscription is active """

        return self.end is None or (self.end > timezone.now())

    def time_left(self):
        """ Return the time left until the subscription expires or None """

        # if we are not active or are no longer active
        if not self.active or self.end is None:
            return None

        # return the timedelta left
        return timezone.now() - self.end

    def create_starter_subscription(cls, alumni):
        # creates a new starter subscription
        return cls.start_new_subscription(alumni,
                                          length=timedelta(days=2 * 365))

    def start_new_subscription(cls,
        # the new subscription starts now
        start = timezone.now()

        # compute the end of the subscription
        end = None
        if length is not None:
            if not isinstance(length, timedelta):
                raise TypeError(
                    'Expected length to be datetime.timedelta or None')

            end = start + length

        # if there is an old subscription, throw an error
        if alumni.subscription is not None:
            raise ValueError('User already has a subscription')

        # If we did not create an alumni membership, create a new one
        if tier is None:
            tier = alumni.membership.tier

        # and create the new subscription
        return cls.objects.create(member=alumni,
Ejemplo n.º 7
class SubscriptionInformation(AlumniComponentMixin, models.Model):
    SETUP_COMPONENT_NAME = 'subscription'

    class Meta:
        ordering = ['-start']

    member: Alumni = models.ForeignKey(Alumni, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    start: datetime = models.DateTimeField(
        help_text='The start date for the subscription')
    end: Optional[datetime] = models.DateTimeField(
        blank=True, null=True, help_text='The end date for the subscription')

    subscription: Optional[str] = models.CharField(
        help_text='The Stripe Subscription ID for the given subscription')
    external: bool = models.BooleanField(
        default=False, help_text="Subscription is managed externally")

    tier: str = TierField(help_text='Membership Tier')

    def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.created_from_update = False

    def component_exists(cls, alumni: Alumni) -> bool:
        """ Checks if an alumni has this component set """

        # if we don't have a subscription the component does not exist
        if not SubscriptionInformation.objects.filter(member=alumni).exists():
            return False

        # if we have no membership, we don't have this component
        obj = MembershipInformation.objects.get(member=alumni)
        if obj is None:
            return False

        # if the desired_tier is already done, then we are done
        return obj.desired_tier is None

    def cancel(self) -> bool:
        """ Cancels this subscription along with the stripe subscription """
        if self.end is not None:
            raise Exception('Subscription already cancelled')

        if not self.subscription:
            raise Exception('Can not cancel subscription: No subscription')

        # cancel the subscription
        _, err = stripewrapper.cancel_subscription(self.subscription)
        if err is not None:
            return False

        # and set the end of the subscription

        return True

    def set_end(self) -> None:
        """ Marks this subscription as having ended """

        self.end = timezone.now()

    def active(self) -> bool:
        """ Property indicating if the subscription is active """

        return self.end is None or (self.end > timezone.now())

    def time_left(self) -> Optional[timedelta]:
        """ Return the time left until the subscription expires or None """

        # if we are not active or are no longer active
        if not self.active or self.end is None:
            return None

        # return the timedelta left
        return timezone.now() - self.end

    def create_starter_subscription(cls,
                                    alumni: Alumni) -> SubscriptionInformation:
        # creates a new starter subscription
        return cls.start_new_subscription(alumni,
                                          length=timedelta(days=2 * 365),

    def start_new_subscription(
            alumni: Alumni,
            subscription: Optional[str],
            length: Optional[timedelta] = None,
            tier: Optional[str] = None) -> SubscriptionInformation:
        # the new subscription starts now
        start = timezone.now()

        # compute the end of the subscription
        end = None
        if length is not None:
            if not isinstance(length, timedelta):
                raise TypeError(
                    'Expected length to be datetime.timedelta or None')

            end = start + length

        # If we did not create an alumni membership, create a new one
        if tier is None:
            tier = alumni.membership.tier

        # and create the new subscription
        return cls.objects.create(member=alumni,
Ejemplo n.º 8
class MembershipInformation(AlumniComponentMixin, models.Model):
    """ The (payment-related) membership information of an Alumni Member """

    SETUP_COMPONENT_NAME = 'membership'

    member: Alumni = models.OneToOneField(Alumni,

    tier: str = TierField(default=TierField.CONTRIBUTOR,
                          help_text='Membership Tier')

    desired_tier: Optional[str] = TierField(
        null=True, blank=True, help_text='Desired Membership Tier')

    customer: Optional[str] = models.CharField(
        help_text='The stripe customer id for the user')

    stripe_check: Optional[bool] = models.BooleanField(
        help_text='Internal Column used by Stripe checking')

    def create_subscription(self) -> Optional[SubscriptionInformation]:
        """ Creates a new subscription when newly entered payment details are available """

        # if we have a 'desired_tier' this should be used to create the subscription
        # as there are now payment methods available.
        if self.desired_tier is not None:
            tier = self.desired_tier
            update_mode = True
            tier = self.tier
            update_mode = False

        # Create a stripe subscription on the given plan

        plan = TierField.get_stripe_id(tier)
        sub_id, err = stripewrapper.create_subscription(self.customer, plan)
        if err is not None:
            return None

        # if we updated the tier
        if update_mode:
            if self.member.subscription is not None:
            self.tier = self.desired_tier
            self.desired_tier = None

        # finally create the actual subscription object
        instance = SubscriptionInformation.start_new_subscription(self.member,
        if update_mode and instance is not None:
            instance.created_from_update = True
        return instance

    def cancel_create_subscription(self) -> Optional[SubscriptionInformation]:
        """ Cancels creating a susbcription and goes to the starter tier instead """

        if self.desired_tier is not None:
            update_mode = True
            update_mode = False

        # if we already have a subscription
        sub = self.member.subscription
        the_sub = None
        if sub is not None:
            # if it is starter => done
            if sub.tier != TierField.STARTER:
                raise Exception(
                    'Can not cancel creating subscription: Existing subscription is not Starter Tier. '

            the_sub = sub

        # create the subscription
        if the_sub is None:
            the_sub = SubscriptionInformation.create_starter_subscription(

        # store the new state
        self.tier = TierField.STARTER
        self.desired_tier = None

        # log if we were in update mode
        the_sub.created_from_update = update_mode

        # and return it
        return the_sub

    def change_tier(
            self) -> Tuple[Optional[SubscriptionInformation], Optional[str]]:
        """ Designates this user as changing tier """

        # the tier we want to switch to
        desired_tier = self.desired_tier

        # if the desired tier is none, we are already done
        if desired_tier is None:
            return self.member.subscription, None

        # we are already on the desired tier
        # so remove the desired_tier flag
        if desired_tier == self.tier:
            self.desired_tier = None
            return self.member.subscription, None

        # There are 3*2 = 6 possiblitlies for switche

        # we close the current subscription and start a new starter one
        # Contributor -> Starter
        # Patron -> Starter
        if desired_tier == TierField.STARTER:
            return self._downgrade_to_starter()

        # we need to ask for payment details because we don't have them yet
        # - Starter -> Contributor
        # - Starter -> Patron
        if self.tier == TierField.STARTER:
            return self._upgrade_to_paid(desired_tier)

        # we switch between paid tiers and pro-rate
        # Contributor -> Patron
        # Patron -> Contributor
        return self._switch_paid_tier(desired_tier)

    def _downgrade_to_starter(
            self) -> Tuple[Optional[SubscriptionInformation], Optional[str]]:
        if self.member.category != AlumniCategoryField.REGULAR:
            return None, 'Non-regular Alumni are not allowed to downgrade to the free tier. '

        # cancel the active subscription
        sub = self.member.subscription
        if sub is not None:
            if not sub.cancel():
                return None, 'Unable to cancel active subscription'

        # set the tier to starter
        self.tier = TierField.STARTER
        self.desired_tier = None

        # create a new starter subscription
        instance = SubscriptionInformation.create_starter_subscription(

        # remove all the payment sources
        _, err = stripewrapper.clear_all_payment_sources(self.customer)
        if err is not None:
            return None, 'Unable to remove payment methods'

        # and return the instance
        return instance, None

    def _upgrade_to_paid(self, desired_tier: str) -> Tuple[None, None]:
        """ Upgrades from the free to the desired tier """

        # store the 'desired' tier, so that we know to ask for payment details
        self.desired_tier = desired_tier

        return None, None

    def _switch_paid_tier(
        self, desired_tier: str
    ) -> Tuple[Optional[SubscriptionInformation], Optional[str]]:
        """ Switches the paid tier """

        # find the current subscription
        sub = self.member.subscription
        if sub is None or sub.subscription is None:
            return None, 'Cannot find current subscription'
        subscription = sub.subscription

        # update the remote subscription
        plan = TierField.get_stripe_id(desired_tier)
        _, err = stripewrapper.update_subscription(subscription, plan)
        if err is not None:
            return None, 'Unable to switch subscription to new plan'

        # end the current subscription, set the new tier
        self.tier = desired_tier
        self.desired_tier = None

        # Create the new subscription
        instance = SubscriptionInformation.start_new_subscription(
            self.member, subscription, tier=desired_tier)
        return instance, None

    def allow_tier_and_category(cls, tier: str, category: str) -> bool:
        """ Checks if a given category and tier of alumni is allowed """

        # regular alumni are allowed to pick any category
        if category == AlumniCategoryField.REGULAR:
            return True

        # other types only can't be starter
        return tier != TierField.STARTER