Ejemplo n.º 1
def moincms(wikibase, outputdir, pattern):
    if pattern: pattern = re.compile(pattern)
    #print (wikibase, outputdir, rewrite)
    req = urllib2.Request(wikibase, headers={'Accept': RDF_IMT})
    resp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    original_wiki_base = dict(resp.info())[ORIG_BASE_HEADER]
    feed = bindery.parse(resp)
    process_list = []
    for item in feed.RDF.channel.items.Seq.li:
        uri = split_fragment(item.resource)[0]
        #print >> sys.stderr, (uri, str(item.resource), split_fragment(item.resource))
        #Deal with the wrapped URI
        if original_wiki_base:
            #print >> sys.stderr, (uri, original_wiki_base.rstrip('/')+'/')
            relative = relativize(uri, original_wiki_base.rstrip('/')+'/').lstrip('/')
            uri = absolutize(relative, wikibase)
        #print >> sys.stderr, (uri, relative)
        if pattern and not pattern.match(relative):
        n = node.factory(uri, relative, outputdir)
        if n.up_to_date():
            #print >> sys.stderr, 'Up to date.  Skipped...'
    #Process nodes needing update according to priority
    for n in sorted(process_list, key=attrgetter('PRIORITY'), reverse=True):
        #print >> sys.stderr, "processing ", n.rest_uri
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_relativize(self):
     for targetUri, againstUri, relativeUri, subPathUri in relativize_test_cases:
         res = iri.relativize(targetUri, againstUri)
         self.assertEqual(relativeUri, res, "target=%r against=%r (subPathOnly=False)" % (targetUri, againstUri))
         if res is not None:
             res = iri.absolutize(res, againstUri)
                 res, targetUri, "target=%r against=%r (subPathOnly=False, Absolutize)" % (targetUri, againstUri)
         res = iri.relativize(targetUri, againstUri, True)
         self.assertEqual(subPathUri, res, "target=%r against=%r (subPathOnly=True)" % (targetUri, againstUri))
         if res is not None:
             res = iri.absolutize(res, againstUri)
                 res, targetUri, "target=%r against=%r (subPathOnly=True, Absolutize)" % (targetUri, againstUri)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def moincms(wikibase, outputdir, pattern):
    if pattern: pattern = re.compile(pattern)
    #print (wikibase, outputdir, rewrite)
    req = urllib2.Request(wikibase, headers={'Accept': RDF_IMT})
    resp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    original_wiki_base = dict(resp.info())[ORIG_BASE_HEADER]
    feed = bindery.parse(resp)
    process_list = []
    for item in feed.RDF.channel.items.Seq.li:
        uri = split_fragment(item.resource)[0]
        #print >> sys.stderr, (uri, str(item.resource), split_fragment(item.resource))
        #Deal with the wrapped URI
        if original_wiki_base:
            #print >> sys.stderr, (uri, original_wiki_base.rstrip('/')+'/')
            relative = relativize(uri,
                                  original_wiki_base.rstrip('/') +
            uri = absolutize(relative, wikibase)
        #print >> sys.stderr, (uri, relative)
        if pattern and not pattern.match(relative):
        n = node.factory(uri, relative, outputdir)
        if n.up_to_date():
            #print >> sys.stderr, 'Up to date.  Skipped...'

    #Process nodes needing update according to priority
    for n in sorted(process_list, key=attrgetter('PRIORITY'), reverse=True):
        #print >> sys.stderr, "processing ", n.rest_uri
Ejemplo n.º 4
def wrapped_uri(original_wiki_base, link):
    abs_link = absolutize(link, original_wiki_base)
    #print >> sys.stderr, 'abs_link: ', abs_link
    rel_link = relativize(abs_link, original_wiki_base)
    #print >> sys.stderr, 'rel_link: ', rel_link
    rest_uri = absolutize(rel_link, REST_WIKI_BASE)
    #print >> sys.stderr, 'rest_uri: ', rest_uri
    return rest_uri
Ejemplo n.º 5
def wrapped_uri(original_wiki_base, link):
    abs_link = absolutize(link, original_wiki_base)
    #print >> sys.stderr, 'abs_link: ', abs_link
    rel_link = relativize(abs_link, original_wiki_base)
    #print >> sys.stderr, 'rel_link: ', rel_link
    rest_uri = absolutize(rel_link, REST_WIKI_BASE)
    #print >> sys.stderr, 'rest_uri: ', rest_uri
    return rest_uri
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_relativize(self):
     for targetUri, againstUri, relativeUri, subPathUri in relativize_test_cases:
         res = iri.relativize(targetUri, againstUri)
             relativeUri, res, 'target=%r against=%r (subPathOnly=False)' %
             (targetUri, againstUri))
         if res is not None:
             res = iri.absolutize(res, againstUri)
                 res, targetUri,
                 'target=%r against=%r (subPathOnly=False, Absolutize)' %
                 (targetUri, againstUri))
         res = iri.relativize(targetUri, againstUri, True)
             subPathUri, res, 'target=%r against=%r (subPathOnly=True)' %
             (targetUri, againstUri))
         if res is not None:
             res = iri.absolutize(res, againstUri)
                 res, targetUri,
                 'target=%r against=%r (subPathOnly=True, Absolutize)' %
                 (targetUri, againstUri))
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: moin.py Proyecto: mredar/akara
def unwrap_uri(original_base, wrapped_base, rest_uri):
    Constructs an absolute URL to the original Moin page
    original_base - The base URI of the actual Moin instance
    wrapped_base - The base URI of the REST-wrapped proxy of the Moin instance
    rest_uri - moinrest-wrapped URI

    Returns a tuple unwrapped_link
    >>> from akara.util.moin import unwrap_uri
    >>> unwrap_uri('http://example.com/mywiki/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/spam')
    >>> unwrap_uri('http://example.com/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/spam')
    rel = relativize(rest_uri, wrapped_base.rstrip('/') + '/')
    return absolutize(rel, original_base.rstrip('/') + '/')
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: moin.py Proyecto: dpla/akara
def unwrap_uri(original_base, wrapped_base, rest_uri):
    Constructs an absolute URL to the original Moin page
    original_base - The base URI of the actual Moin instance
    wrapped_base - The base URI of the REST-wrapped proxy of the Moin instance
    rest_uri - moinrest-wrapped URI

    Returns a tuple unwrapped_link
    >>> from akara.util.moin import unwrap_uri
    >>> unwrap_uri('http://example.com/mywiki/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/spam')
    >>> unwrap_uri('http://example.com/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/spam')
    rel = relativize(rest_uri, wrapped_base.rstrip('/')+'/')
    return absolutize(rel, original_base.rstrip('/')+'/')
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: moin.py Proyecto: mredar/akara
def wiki_uri(original_base, wrapped_base, link, relative_to=None, raw=False):
    Constructs absolute URLs to the original and REST-wrapper for a page, given a link from another page
    original_base - The base URI of the actual Moin instance
    wrapped_base - The base URI of the REST-wrapped proxy of the Moin instance
    link - the relative link, generally from one wiki page to another
    relative_to - the REST-wrapped version of the page from which the relative link came, defaults to same as wrapped_base
    raw - the link is a full hierarchical path, rather than relative to the wiki base

    Returns a tuple (wrapped_uri, abs_link)
    wrapped_uri - the URI wrapped for REST ops
    abs_link - the full, original wiki URL
    >>> from akara.util.moin import wiki_uri
    >>> wiki_uri('http://example.com/mywiki/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/', '/spam')
    ('http://localhost:8880/moin/w/spam', 'http://example.com/mywiki/spam')
    >>> wiki_uri('http://example.com/mywiki/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/', 'http://google.com/spam')
    (None, None)
    >>> wiki_uri('http://example.com/mywiki/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/', 'http://google.com/spam', raw=True)
    (None, None)
    >>> wiki_uri('http://example.com/mywiki/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/', '/mywiki/spam', raw=True)
    ('http://localhost:8880/moin/w/spam', 'http://example.com/mywiki/spam')
    >>> wiki_uri('http://example.com/mywiki/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/', '/mywiki/spam')
    ('http://localhost:8880/moin/w/mywiki/spam', 'http://example.com/mywiki/mywiki/spam')
    #rel_link = relativize(abs_link, original_wiki_base)
    #e.g. original wiki base is http://myhost:8080/mywiki/ and link is /a/b
    #abs_link is http://myhost:8080/mywiki/a/b note the need to strip the leading / to get that
    #from akara import logger; logger.debug('wiki_uri' + repr((original_base, wrapped_base, link, relative_to, absolutize(link, original_base.rstrip('/')+'/'))))
    if raw and not is_absolute(link):
        (scheme, authority, path, query,
         fragment) = split_uri_ref(original_base)
        link = link[len(path):]
    link = link.lstrip('/')
    abs_link = absolutize(link, original_base.rstrip('/') + '/')
    rel_to_wikibase = relativize(abs_link, original_base.rstrip('/') + '/')
    if not rel_to_wikibase:
        #It's not a relative wiki link
        return None, None
    rest_uri = absolutize(rel_to_wikibase, wrapped_base.rstrip('/') + '/')
    return rest_uri, abs_link
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: couchdb.py Proyecto: dpla/zen
    def update_resource(self, path=None):
        Update a resource based on WSGI environment or a uri path
        if path:
            docid = path
            if is_absolute(path):
                docid = relativize(path, self.remotedb)
            docid = self.environ['PATH_INFO'].lstrip('/').rsplit(self.space_tag, 1)[1].lstrip('/') #e.g. '/mydb/MyDoc' -> 'MyDoc'

        if logger: logger.debug('query ' + repr((self.remotedb, docid, join(self.remotedb, docid))))

        body = self.environ['wsgi.input'].read()

        # If the document already exists, we need to determine its current rev and add it to the
        # input body, skipping the process if rev is provided in the PUT request body
        body_js = json.loads(body)
        rev = json.loads(body).get('_rev',None)
        if not rev:
            # Need to GET the rev
            resp, content = self.h.request(join(self.remotedb, docid), "GET")
            if str(resp.status).startswith('2'):
                rev = json.loads(content).get('_rev',None)

            logger.debug('update_resource: found existing rev = '+repr(rev))

        if rev:
            body_js['_rev'] = rev
            body = json.dumps(body_js)

        headers = {'content-type':self.environ['CONTENT_TYPE']}
        resp, content = self.h.request(join(self.remotedb, docid), "PUT", body=body, headers=headers)
        if logger: logger.debug('resp ' + repr((content[:100], resp)))


        if not (self.resp_status.startswith('2') or self.resp_status.startswith('304')):
            if logger: logger.debug("Error looking up resource: %s: %s\n" % (content, self.resp_status))
            return '' #No resource could be retrieved

        return content
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: moin.py Proyecto: dpla/akara
def wiki_uri(original_base, wrapped_base, link, relative_to=None, raw=False):
    Constructs absolute URLs to the original and REST-wrapper for a page, given a link from another page
    original_base - The base URI of the actual Moin instance
    wrapped_base - The base URI of the REST-wrapped proxy of the Moin instance
    link - the relative link, generally from one wiki page to another
    relative_to - the REST-wrapped version of the page from which the relative link came, defaults to same as wrapped_base
    raw - the link is a full hierarchical path, rather than relative to the wiki base

    Returns a tuple (wrapped_uri, abs_link)
    wrapped_uri - the URI wrapped for REST ops
    abs_link - the full, original wiki URL
    >>> from akara.util.moin import wiki_uri
    >>> wiki_uri('http://example.com/mywiki/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/', '/spam')
    ('http://localhost:8880/moin/w/spam', 'http://example.com/mywiki/spam')
    >>> wiki_uri('http://example.com/mywiki/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/', 'http://google.com/spam')
    (None, None)
    >>> wiki_uri('http://example.com/mywiki/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/', 'http://google.com/spam', raw=True)
    (None, None)
    >>> wiki_uri('http://example.com/mywiki/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/', '/mywiki/spam', raw=True)
    ('http://localhost:8880/moin/w/spam', 'http://example.com/mywiki/spam')
    >>> wiki_uri('http://example.com/mywiki/', 'http://localhost:8880/moin/w/', '/mywiki/spam')
    ('http://localhost:8880/moin/w/mywiki/spam', 'http://example.com/mywiki/mywiki/spam')
    #rel_link = relativize(abs_link, original_wiki_base)
    #e.g. original wiki base is http://myhost:8080/mywiki/ and link is /a/b
    #abs_link is http://myhost:8080/mywiki/a/b note the need to strip the leading / to get that
    #from akara import logger; logger.debug('wiki_uri' + repr((original_base, wrapped_base, link, relative_to, absolutize(link, original_base.rstrip('/')+'/'))))
    if raw and not is_absolute(link):
        (scheme, authority, path, query, fragment) = split_uri_ref(original_base)
        link = link[len(path):]
    link = link.lstrip('/')
    abs_link = absolutize(link, original_base.rstrip('/')+'/')
    rel_to_wikibase = relativize(abs_link, original_base.rstrip('/')+'/')
    if not rel_to_wikibase:
        #It's not a relative wiki link
        return None, None
    rest_uri = absolutize(rel_to_wikibase, wrapped_base.rstrip('/')+'/')
    return rest_uri, abs_link
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: couchdb.py Proyecto: dpla/zen
    def delete_resource(self, path=None):
        Delete a resource based on WSGI environment or a uri path
        if path:
            docid = path
            if is_absolute(path):
                docid = relativize(path, self.remotedb)
            docid = self.environ['PATH_INFO'].lstrip('/').rsplit(self.space_tag, 1)[1].lstrip('/') #e.g. '/mydb/MyDoc' -> 'MyDoc'

        if logger: logger.debug('query ' + repr((self.remotedb, docid, join(self.remotedb, docid))))
        resp, content = self.h.request(join(self.remotedb, docid), "DELETE")#, headers=headers)
        if logger: logger.debug('resp ' + repr((content[:100], resp)))


        if not (self.resp_status.startswith('2') or self.resp_status.startswith('304')):
            if logger: logger.debug("Error looking up resource: %s: %s\n" % (content, self.resp_status))
            return '' #No resource could be retrieved

        return content
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: couchdb.py Proyecto: dpla/zen
    def resource_factory(self, path=None):
        Look up and retrieve a new resource based on WSGI environment or a uri path
        if path:
            docid = path
            if is_absolute(path):
                docid = relativize(path, self.remotedb)
            docid = self.environ['PATH_INFO'].lstrip('/').rsplit(self.space_tag, 1)[1].lstrip('/') #e.g. '/mydb/MyDoc' -> 'MyDoc'
        #resp, content = self.h.request(slave_uri + ';history', "GET", headers=auth_headers)
        if logger: logger.debug('query ' + repr((self.remotedb, docid, join(self.remotedb, docid))))
        resp, content = self.h.request(join(self.remotedb, urllib.quote_plus(docid)))
        if logger: logger.debug('resp ' + repr((content[:100], resp)))


        if not (self.resp_status.startswith('2') or self.resp_status.startswith('304')):
            if logger: logger.debug("Error looking up resource: %s: %s\n" % (content, self.resp_status))
            return '' #No resource could be retrieved

        data = json.loads(content)
        return resource.factory(self, docid, data)
Ejemplo n.º 14
            logger.debug('Return from urllib2.opener')
            doc = htmlparse(resp)
            logger.debug('HTML parse complete post urllib2.opener')
    except urllib2.URLError,e:
        raise UnexpectedResponseError(url=url,code=e.code,error=str(e))

    wrapped_url = join(wrapped_wiki_base, page)
    msg = 'Page updated OK: %s (%s)'%(url, wrapped_url)
    #response.add_header("Content-Length", str(len(msg)))
    moin_base_info = base + ' ' + wrapped_wiki_base + ' ' + original_page
    headers = [
        ("Content-Type", "text/plain"),
        ("Content-Location", wrapped_url),
        (moin.ORIG_BASE_HEADER, moin_base_info),
        (moin.WIKI_RELATIVE_HEADER, relativize(wrapped_url, wrapped_wiki_base)),
    start_response(status_response(httplib.CREATED), headers)
    return [msg]

# POST handler
def post_page(environ, start_response):
    Attachments use URI path params
    (for a bit of discussion see http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/4662d41aca276d99)
    #ctype = environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', 'application/unknown')

    req_headers = copy_headers_to_dict(environ,exclude=['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'])
Ejemplo n.º 15
            logger.debug('Return from urllib2.opener')
            doc = htmlparse(resp)
            logger.debug('HTML parse complete post urllib2.opener')
    except urllib2.URLError, e:
        raise UnexpectedResponseError(url=url, code=e.code, error=str(e))

    wrapped_url = join(wrapped_wiki_base, page)
    msg = 'Page updated OK: %s (%s)' % (url, wrapped_url)
    #response.add_header("Content-Length", str(len(msg)))
    moin_base_info = base + ' ' + wrapped_wiki_base + ' ' + original_page
    headers = [
        ("Content-Type", "text/plain"),
        ("Content-Location", wrapped_url),
        (moin.ORIG_BASE_HEADER, moin_base_info),
        (moin.WIKI_RELATIVE_HEADER, relativize(wrapped_url,
    start_response(status_response(httplib.CREATED), headers)
    return [msg]

# POST handler
def post_page(environ, start_response):
    Attachments use URI path params
    (for a bit of discussion see http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/4662d41aca276d99)
    #ctype = environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', 'application/unknown')

    req_headers = copy_headers_to_dict(environ,