Ejemplo n.º 1
def make_mf(maskname, instrument, filtname, npix,
            peakmethod='fft', n_wl=3, theta_detector=0,
            cutoff=1e-4, hole_diam=0.8, fw_splodge=0.7,
            verbose=False, diag_plot=False, display=True):

    Compute the match filter mf which give the indices of the peak positions (mf.pvct)
    and the associated gains (mf.gvct) in the image. Contains also the u-v coordinates,
    wavelengths informations, holes mask positions (mf.xy_coords), centered mf (mf.cpvct,
    mf.gpvct), etc.

    `maskname`: str
        Name of the mask (number of holes),\n
    `instrument`: str
        Instrument used (default = jwst),\n
    `filtname`: str
        Name of the filter,\n
    `npix`: int
        Size of the image,\n
    `peakmethod` {str}:
        3 methods are used to sample the u-v space: 'fft' uses fft between individual holes to compute
        the expected splodge positions; 'square' compute the splodge in a square using the expected
        fraction of pixel to determine its weight; 'gauss' considers a gaussian splodge (with a gaussian
        weight) to get the same splodge side for each n(n-1)/2 baselines,\n
    `n_wl`: int
        number of wavelengths to use to simulate bandwidth,\n
    `theta_detector`: float
        Angle [deg] to rotate the mask compare to the detector (if the mask is not
        perfectly aligned with the detector, e.g.: VLT/VISIR) ,\n
    `cutoff`: float
        cutoff limit between noise and signal pixels in simulated transforms,\n
    `hole_diam`: float
        Diameter of a single aperture (0.8 for JWST),\n
    `fw_splodge` {float}:
        Relative size of the splodge used to compute multiple triangle indices and the fwhm
        of the 'gauss' technique,\n

    # Get detector, filter and mask informations
    # ------------------------------------------
    pixelsize = get_pixel_size(instrument)  # Pixel size of the detector [rad]
    # Wavelength of the filter (filt[0]: central, filt[1]: width)
    filt = get_wavelength(instrument, filtname)
    xy_coords = get_mask(instrument, maskname)  # mask coordinates

    x_mask = xy_coords[:, 0]
    y_mask = xy_coords[:, 1]

    x_mask_rot = x_mask*np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta_detector)) + \
    y_mask_rot = -x_mask*np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta_detector)) + \

    xy_coords_rot = []
    for i in range(len(x_mask)):
        xy_coords_rot.append([x_mask_rot[i], y_mask_rot[i]])
    xy_coords = np.array(xy_coords_rot)

    if display:
        _plot_mask_coord(xy_coords, maskname, instrument)

    n_holes = xy_coords.shape[0]

    index_mask = compute_index_mask(n_holes)
    n_baselines = index_mask.n_baselines
    n_bispect = index_mask.n_bispect

    ncp_i = int((n_holes - 1)*(n_holes - 2)/2)
    if verbose:
        cprint('---------------------------', 'cyan')
        cprint('%s (%s): %i holes masks' %
               (instrument.upper(), filtname, n_holes), 'cyan')
        cprint('---------------------------', 'cyan')
        cprint('nbl = %i, nbs = %i, ncp_i = %i, ncov = %i' %
               (n_baselines, n_bispect, ncp_i, index_mask.n_cov), 'cyan')

    # Consider the filter to be made up of n_wl wavelengths
    wl = np.arange(n_wl)/n_wl*filt[1]
    wl = wl - np.mean(wl) + filt[0]

    Sum, Sum_c = 0, 0

    mf_ix = np.zeros([2, n_baselines], dtype=int)  # matched filter
    mf_ix_c = np.zeros([2, n_baselines], dtype=int)  # matched filter

    if verbose:
        print('\n- Calculating sampling of', n_holes, 'holes array...')

    innerpix, innerpix_center = _compute_center_splodge(npix, pixelsize, filt,

    u, v = _compute_uv_coord(xy_coords, index_mask, filt, pixelsize, npix,

    mf_pvct = mf_gvct = mfc_pvct = mfc_gvct = None

    for i in range(n_baselines):
        args = {'i': i, 'npix': npix, 'pixelsize': pixelsize,
                'innerpix': innerpix, 'innerpix_center': innerpix_center}

        if peakmethod == 'fft':
            ind_peak = _peak_fft_method(xy_coords=xy_coords, wl=wl, index_mask=index_mask,
        elif peakmethod == 'square':
            ind_peak = _peak_square_method(u=u, v=v, **args)
        elif peakmethod == 'one':
            ind_peak = _peak_one_method(u=u, v=v, **args)
        elif peakmethod == 'gauss':
            ind_peak = _peak_gauss_method(u=u, v=v, filt=filt, index_mask=index_mask,
                                          fw_splodge=fw_splodge, **args,
                "Error: choose the extraction method 'gauss', 'fft' or 'square'.", 'red')
            return None
        # Compute the cutoff limit before saving the gain map
        pixelvector = np.where(ind_peak['flat'] >= cutoff)[0]
        pixelvector_c = np.where(ind_peak['centered'] >= cutoff)[0]

        # Now normalise the pixel gain, so that using the matched filter
        # on an ideal splodge is equivalent to just looking at the peak...
        if peakmethod == 'gauss':
            pixelgain, pixelgain_c = _normalize_gain(ind_peak['gain_f'], ind_peak['gain_c'],
                                                     pixelvector, pixelvector_c)
            pixelgain, pixelgain_c = _normalize_gain(ind_peak['flat'], ind_peak['centered'],
                                                     pixelvector, pixelvector_c)

        mf_ix[0, i] = Sum
        Sum = Sum + len(pixelvector)
        mf_ix[1, i] = Sum

        mf_ix_c[0, i] = Sum_c
        Sum_c = Sum_c + len(pixelvector_c)
        mf_ix_c[1, i] = Sum_c

        if (i == 0):
            mf_pvct = list(pixelvector)
            mf_gvct = list(pixelgain)
            mfc_pvct = list(pixelvector_c)
            mfc_gvct = list(pixelgain_c)

    mf = np.zeros([npix, npix, n_baselines], dtype=[('norm', float), ('conj', float),
                                                    ('norm_c', float), ('conj_c', float)])

    for i in range(n_baselines):
        mf_tmp = np.zeros([npix, npix])
        mf_tmp_c = np.zeros([npix, npix])

        ind = mf_pvct[mf_ix[0, i]:mf_ix[1, i]]
        ind_c = mfc_pvct[mf_ix_c[0, i]:mf_ix_c[1, i]]

        mf_tmp.ravel()[ind] = mf_gvct[mf_ix[0, i]:mf_ix[1, i]]
        mf_tmp_c.ravel()[ind_c] = mfc_gvct[mf_ix_c[0, i]:mf_ix_c[1, i]]

        mf_tmp = mf_tmp.reshape([npix, npix])
        mf_tmp_c = mf_tmp_c.reshape([npix, npix])

        mf['norm'][:, :, i] = np.roll(mf_tmp, 0, axis=1)
        mf['norm_c'][:, :, i] = np.roll(mf_tmp_c, 0, axis=1)

        mf_temp_rot = np.roll(
            np.roll(np.rot90(np.rot90(mf_tmp)), 1, axis=0), 1, axis=1)
        mf_temp_rot_c = np.roll(
            np.roll(np.rot90(np.rot90(mf_tmp_c)), 1, axis=0), 1, axis=1)

        mf['conj'][:, :, i] = mf_temp_rot
        mf['conj_c'][:, :, i] = mf_temp_rot_c

        norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(mf['norm'][:, :, i]**2))

        mf['norm'][:, :, i] = mf['norm'][:, :, i]/norm
        mf['conj'][:, :, i] = mf['conj'][:, :, i]/norm

        mf['norm_c'][:, :, i] = mf['norm_c'][:, :, i]/norm
        mf['conj_c'][:, :, i] = mf['conj_c'][:, :, i]/norm

    rmat, imat = _make_overlap_mat(mf, n_baselines, display=diag_plot)

    mf_tot = np.sum(mf['norm'], axis=2) + np.sum(mf['conj'], axis=2)
    mf_tot_m = np.sum(mf['norm'], axis=2) - np.sum(mf['conj'], axis=2)

    im_uv = np.roll(np.fft.fftshift(mf_tot), 1, axis=1)

    if display:
        plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
        plt.title('(u-v) plan - mask %s' %
                  (maskname), fontsize=14)
        plt.imshow(im_uv, origin='lower')
        plt.plot(npix//2+1, npix//2, 'r+')
        plt.ylabel('Y [pix]')  # , fontsize=12)
        plt.xlabel('X [pix]')  # , fontsize=12)

    out = {'cube': mf['norm'],
           'imat': imat,
           'rmat': rmat,
           'uv': im_uv,
           'tot': mf_tot,
           'tot_m': mf_tot_m,
           'pvct': mf_pvct,
           'gvct': mf_gvct,
           'cpvct': mfc_pvct,
           'cgvct': mfc_gvct,
           'ix': mf_ix,
           'u': u*filt[0],
           'v': v*filt[0],
           'wl': filt[0],
           'e_wl': filt[1],
           'pixelSize': pixelsize,
           'xy_coords': xy_coords

    return dict2class(out)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def make_mf(

    Compute the match filter mf which give the indices of the peak positions (mf.pvct)
    and the associated gains (mf.gvct) in the image. Contains also the u-v coordinates,
    wavelengths informations, holes mask positions (mf.xy_coords), centered mf (mf.cpvct,
    mf.gpvct), etc.

    `maskname`: str
        Name of the mask (number of holes),\n
    `instrument`: str
        Instrument used (default = jwst),\n
    `filtname`: str
        Name of the filter,\n
    `npix`: int
        Size of the image,\n
    `peakmethod` {str}:
        3 methods are used to sample the u-v space: 'fft' uses fft between individual holes to compute
        the expected splodge positions; 'square' compute the splodge in a square using the expected
        fraction of pixel to determine its weight; 'gauss' considers a gaussian splodge (with a gaussian
        weight) to get the same splodge side for each n(n-1)/2 baselines,\n
    `n_wl`: int
        number of wavelengths to use to simulate bandwidth,\n
    `theta_detector`: float
        Angle [deg] to rotate the mask compare to the detector (if the mask is not
        perfectly aligned with the detector, e.g.: VLT/VISIR) ,\n
    `cutoff`: float
        cutoff limit between noise and signal pixels in simulated transforms,\n
    `hole_diam`: float
        Diameter of a single aperture (0.8 for JWST),\n
    `fw_splodge` {float}:
        Relative size of the splodge used to compute multiple triangle indices and the fwhm
        of the 'gauss' technique,\n
    from munch import munchify as dict2class

    # Get detector, filter and mask informations
    # ------------------------------------------
    pixelsize = get_pixel_size(instrument)  # Pixel size of the detector [rad]
    if pixelsize is np.nan:
        cprint("Error: Pixel size unknown for %s." % instrument, "red")
        return None
    # Wavelength of the filter (filt[0]: central, filt[1]: width)
    filt = get_wavelength(instrument, filtname)

    if instrument == "SPHERE-IFS":
        if isinstance(i_wl, (int, np.integer)):
            filt = [filt[i_wl], 0.001 * filt[i_wl]]
            filt = [np.mean(filt[i_wl[0] : i_wl[1]]), filt[i_wl[1]] - filt[i_wl[0]]]

    xy_coords = get_mask(instrument, maskname)  # mask coordinates

    x_mask = xy_coords[:, 0] * scaling
    y_mask = xy_coords[:, 1] * scaling

    x_mask_rot = x_mask * np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta_detector)) + y_mask * np.sin(
    y_mask_rot = -x_mask * np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta_detector)) + y_mask * np.cos(

    xy_coords_rot = []
    for i in range(len(x_mask)):
        xy_coords_rot.append([x_mask_rot[i], y_mask_rot[i]])
    xy_coords = np.array(xy_coords_rot)

    if display:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        _plot_mask_coord(xy_coords, maskname, instrument)
        if save_to is not None:
            figname = os.path.join(save_to, Path(filename).stem)

    n_holes = xy_coords.shape[0]

    index_mask = compute_index_mask(n_holes)
    n_baselines = index_mask.n_baselines
    n_bispect = index_mask.n_bispect

    ncp_i = int((n_holes - 1) * (n_holes - 2) / 2)
    if verbose:
        cprint("---------------------------", "cyan")
            "%s (%s): %i holes masks" % (instrument.upper(), filtname, n_holes), "cyan"
        cprint("---------------------------", "cyan")
            "nbl = %i, nbs = %i, ncp_i = %i, ncov = %i"
            % (n_baselines, n_bispect, ncp_i, index_mask.n_cov),

    # Consider the filter to be made up of n_wl wavelengths
    wl = np.arange(n_wl) / n_wl * filt[1]
    wl = wl - np.mean(wl) + filt[0]

    Sum, Sum_c = 0, 0

    mf_ix = np.zeros([2, n_baselines], dtype=int)  # matched filter
    mf_ix_c = np.zeros([2, n_baselines], dtype=int)  # matched filter

    if verbose:
        print("\n- Calculating sampling of", n_holes, "holes array...")

    innerpix, innerpix_center = _compute_center_splodge(
        npix, pixelsize, filt, hole_diam=hole_diam

    u, v = _compute_uv_coord(
        xy_coords, index_mask, filt, pixelsize, npix, round_uv_to_pixel=False

    mf_pvct = mf_gvct = mfc_pvct = mfc_gvct = None

    for i in range(n_baselines):
        args = {
            "i": i,
            "npix": npix,
            "pixelsize": pixelsize,
            "innerpix": innerpix,
            "innerpix_center": innerpix_center,

        if peakmethod == "fft":
            ind_peak = _peak_fft_method(
                xy_coords=xy_coords, wl=wl, index_mask=index_mask, **args
        elif peakmethod == "square":
            ind_peak = _peak_square_method(u=u, v=v, **args)
        elif peakmethod == "unique":
            ind_peak = _peak_one_method(u=u, v=v, **args)
        elif peakmethod == "gauss":
            ind_peak = _peak_gauss_method(
                "Error: choose the extraction method 'gauss', 'fft' or 'square'.", "red"
            return None

        # Compute the cutoff limit before saving the gain map
        pixelvector = np.where(ind_peak["flat"] >= cutoff)[0]
        pixelvector_c = np.where(ind_peak["centered"] >= cutoff)[0]

        # Now normalise the pixel gain, so that using the matched filter
        # on an ideal splodge is equivalent to just looking at the peak...
        if peakmethod == "gauss":
            pixelgain, pixelgain_c = _normalize_gain(
                ind_peak["gain_f"], ind_peak["gain_c"], pixelvector, pixelvector_c
            pixelgain, pixelgain_c = _normalize_gain(
                ind_peak["flat"], ind_peak["centered"], pixelvector, pixelvector_c

        mf_ix[0, i] = Sum
        Sum = Sum + len(pixelvector)
        mf_ix[1, i] = Sum

        mf_ix_c[0, i] = Sum_c
        Sum_c = Sum_c + len(pixelvector_c)
        mf_ix_c[1, i] = Sum_c

        if i == 0:
            mf_pvct = list(pixelvector)
            mf_gvct = list(pixelgain)
            mfc_pvct = list(pixelvector_c)
            mfc_gvct = list(pixelgain_c)

    mf = np.zeros(
        [npix, npix, n_baselines],
        dtype=[("norm", float), ("conj", float), ("norm_c", float), ("conj_c", float)],

    for i in range(n_baselines):
        mf_tmp = np.zeros([npix, npix])
        mf_tmp_c = np.zeros([npix, npix])

        ind = mf_pvct[mf_ix[0, i] : mf_ix[1, i]]
        ind_c = mfc_pvct[mf_ix_c[0, i] : mf_ix_c[1, i]]

        mf_tmp.ravel()[ind] = mf_gvct[mf_ix[0, i] : mf_ix[1, i]]
        mf_tmp_c.ravel()[ind_c] = mfc_gvct[mf_ix_c[0, i] : mf_ix_c[1, i]]

        mf_tmp = mf_tmp.reshape([npix, npix])
        mf_tmp_c = mf_tmp_c.reshape([npix, npix])

        mf["norm"][:, :, i] = np.roll(mf_tmp, 0, axis=1)
        mf["norm_c"][:, :, i] = np.roll(mf_tmp_c, 0, axis=1)

        mf_temp_rot = np.roll(np.roll(np.rot90(np.rot90(mf_tmp)), 1, axis=0), 1, axis=1)
        mf_temp_rot_c = np.roll(
            np.roll(np.rot90(np.rot90(mf_tmp_c)), 1, axis=0), 1, axis=1

        mf["conj"][:, :, i] = mf_temp_rot
        mf["conj_c"][:, :, i] = mf_temp_rot_c

        norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(mf["norm"][:, :, i] ** 2))

        mf["norm"][:, :, i] = mf["norm"][:, :, i] / norm
        mf["conj"][:, :, i] = mf["conj"][:, :, i] / norm

        mf["norm_c"][:, :, i] = mf["norm_c"][:, :, i] / norm
        mf["conj_c"][:, :, i] = mf["conj_c"][:, :, i] / norm

    rmat, imat = _make_overlap_mat(mf, n_baselines, display=diag_plot)

    mf_tot = np.sum(mf["norm"], axis=2) + np.sum(mf["conj"], axis=2)
    mf_tot_m = np.sum(mf["norm"], axis=2) - np.sum(mf["conj"], axis=2)

    im_uv = np.roll(np.fft.fftshift(mf_tot), 1, axis=1)

    if display:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        plt.figure(figsize=(9, 7))
        plt.title("(u-v) plan - mask %s" % (maskname), fontsize=14)
        plt.imshow(im_uv, origin="lower")
        plt.plot(npix // 2 + 1, npix // 2, "r+")
        plt.ylabel("Y [pix]")  # , fontsize=12)
        plt.xlabel("X [pix]")  # , fontsize=12)

    out = {
        "cube": mf["norm"],
        "imat": imat,
        "rmat": rmat,
        "uv": im_uv,
        "tot": mf_tot,
        "tot_m": mf_tot_m,
        "pvct": mf_pvct,
        "gvct": mf_gvct,
        "cpvct": mfc_pvct,
        "cgvct": mfc_gvct,
        "ix": mf_ix,
        "u": u * filt[0],
        "v": v * filt[0],
        "wl": filt[0],
        "e_wl": filt[1],
        "pixelSize": pixelsize,
        "xy_coords": xy_coords,

    return dict2class(out)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_getPixel(ins):
    p = get_pixel_size(ins)
    assert isinstance(p, float)