Ejemplo n.º 1
class mapper(object):
    """A mapper is a symbolic functional representation of the execution
    of a set of instructions.

        instrlist (list[instruction]): a list of instructions that are
                  symbolically executed within the mapper.
        cur (Optional[object]): the optional cursor attribute that provide
                  a reference to the task associated with the mapper

        __map  : is an ordered list of mappings of expressions associated with a
                 location (register or memory pointer). The order is relevant
                 only to reflect the order of write-to-memory instructions in
                 case of pointer aliasing.
        __Mem  : is a memory model where symbolic memory pointers are addressing
                 separated memory zones. See MemoryMap and MemoryZone classes.
        conds  : is the list of conditions that must be True for the mapper
        cur    : is the optional interface to a task.

    __slots__ = ["__map", "__Mem", "conds", "cur", "view"]

    def __init__(self, instrlist=None, cur=None):
        self.__map = generation()
        self.__map.lastw = 0
        self.__map.delayed = None
        self.__Mem = MemoryMap()
        self.conds = []
        self.cur = cur
        icache = []
        # if the __map needs to be inited before executing instructions
        # one solution is to prepend the instrlist with a function dedicated
        # to this init phase...
        for instr in instrlist or []:
            # call the instruction with this mapper:
        self.view = mapperView(self)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__map)

    def __str__(self):
        return "\n".join(["%s <- %s" % x for x in self])

    def inputs(self):
        "list antecedent locations (used in the mapping)"
        r = []
        for l, v in iter(self.__map.items()):
            if (l == v):
            for lv in locations_of(v):
                if lv._is_reg and l._is_reg:
                    if (lv.etype & l.etype & regtype.FLAGS):
        return r

    def outputs(self):
        "list image locations (modified in the mapping)"
        L = []
        for l in sum([locations_of(e) for e in self.__map], []):
            if l._is_reg and (l.etype & (regtype.PC | regtype.FLAGS)):
            if l._is_ptr:
                l = mem(l, self.__map[l].size)
            if self[l] == l:
        return L

    def has(self, loc):
        "check if the given location expression is touched by the mapper"
        for l in self.__map.keys():
            if loc == l:
                return True
        return False

    def history(self, loc):
        k, v = self.__map.hist
        if k == loc:
            return v
            return self[k]

    def delayed(self, k, v):
        self.__map.delayed = (k, v)

    def update_delayed(self):
        kv = self.__map.delayed
        if kv is not None:
            self.__map.delayed = None

    def rw(self):
        "get the read sizes and written sizes tuple"
        r = filter(lambda x: x._is_mem, self.inputs())
        w = filter(lambda x: x._is_mem, self.outputs())
        sr = [x.size for x in r]
        sw = [x.size for x in w]
        return (sr, sw)

    def clear(self):
        "clear the current mapper, reducing it to the identity transform"
        self.__Mem = MemoryMap()
        self.conds = []

    def getmemory(self):
        "get the local :class:`MemoryMap` associated to the mapper"
        return self.__Mem

    def setmemory(self, mmap):
        "set the local :class:`MemoryMap` associated to the mapper"
        self.__Mem = mmap

    mmap = property(getmemory, setmemory)

    def generation(self):
        return self.__map

    def __cmp__(self, m):
        d = cmp(self.__map.lastdict(), m.__map.lastdict())
        return d

    def __eq__(self, m):
        d = self.__map.lastdict() == m.__map.lastdict()
        return d

    # iterate over ordered correspondances:
    def __iter__(self):
        for (loc, v) in iter(self.__map.items()):
            yield (loc, v)

    def R(self, x):
        "get the expression of register x"
        return self.__map.get(x, x)

    def M(self, k):
        """get the expression of a memory location expression k"""
        if k.a.base._is_lab:
            return k
        if k.a.base._is_ext:
            return k.a.base
        n = self.aliasing(k)
        if n > 0:
            f = lambda e: e[0]._is_ptr
            items = filter(f, list(self.__map.items())[0:n])
            res = mem(k.a, k.size, mods=list(items), endian=k.endian)
            res = self._Mem_read(k.a, k.length, k.endian)
            res.sf = k.sf
        return res

    def aliasing(self, k):
        """check if location k is possibly aliased in the mapper:
        i.e. the mapper writes to some other symbolic location expression
        after writing to k which might overlap with k."""
        if conf.Cas.noaliasing:
            return 0
        K = list(self.__map.keys())
        n = self.__map.lastw
            i = K.index(k.a)
        except ValueError:
            # k has never been written to explicitly
            # but it is maybe in a zone that was written to
            i = -1
        for l in K[i + 1:n]:
            if not l._is_ptr:
            if l.base == k.a.base:
            return n
        return 0

    def _Mem_read(self, a, l, endian=1):
        "read l bytes from memory address a and return an expression"
            res = self.__Mem.read(a, l)
        except MemoryError:  # no zone for location a;
            res = [exp(l * 8)]
        if endian == -1:
        P = []
        cur = 0
        for p in res:
            plen = len(p)
            if isinstance(p, bytes):
                p = cst(Bits(p[::endian], bitorder=1).int(), plen * 8)
            elif isinstance(p, exp):
                if p._is_def == 0:
                    # p is "bottom":
                    p = mem(a, p.size, disp=cur)
                elif p._is_ext and p._subrefs.get("mmio_r", None):
                    p = p.stub(self, mode="r")
            cur += plen
        return composer(P)

    def _Mem_write(self, a, v, endian=1):
        "write expression v at memory address a with given endianness"
        if a.base._is_vec:
            locs = (ptr(l, a.seg, a.disp) for l in a.base.l)
            locs = (a, )
        for l in locs:
                oldv = self.__Mem.read(l, len(v))[0]
            except MemoryError:
                oldv = l
            if isinstance(oldv, ext) and oldv._subrefs.get("mmio_w", None):
                oldv.stub(self, mode="w")
                self.__Mem.write(l, v, endian)
            if l in self.__map:
                del self.__map[l]

    def __getitem__(self, k):
        "just a convenient wrapper around M/R"
        r = self.M(k) if k._is_mem else self.R(k)
        if k.size != r.size:
            raise ValueError("size mismatch")
        return r[0:k.size]

    # define image v of antecedent k:
    def __setitem__(self, k, v):
        if k._is_ptr:
            loc = k
            if k.size != v.size:
                raise ValueError("size mismatch")
                # evaluate current location address:
                loc = k.addr(self)
            except TypeError:
                    "setitem ignored (invalid left-value expression: %s)" % k)
        # now loc is either a reg or a ptr, we prepare the right-value r from v:
        if k._is_slc and not loc._is_reg:
            raise ValueError("memory location slc is not supported")
        elif loc._is_ptr:
            r = v
            oldr = self.__map.get(loc, None)
            if oldr is not None and oldr.size > r.size:
                r = composer([r, oldr[r.size:oldr.size]])
            if k._is_mem:
                endian = k.endian
                endian = 1
            self._Mem_write(loc, r, endian)
            if conf.Cas.memtrace or not conf.Cas.noaliasing:
                # if we assume that aliasing may exists, we
                # need to keep tracks of the memory writes ordering
                # in the mapper:
                self.__map.lastw = len(self.__map) + 1  #this is O(1) AFAIK...
                self.__map[loc] = r
            r = self.R(loc)
            if r._is_reg:
                r = comp(loc.size)
                r[0:loc.size] = loc
            pos = k.pos if k._is_slc else 0
            r[pos:pos + k.size] = v.simplify()
            self.__map[loc] = r

    def update(self, instr):
        "opportunistic update of the self mapper with instruction"

    def safe_update(self, instr):
        "update of the self mapper with instruction *only* if no exception occurs"
        if not isinstance(instr, ext):
                m = mapper()
                _ = self >> m
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error("instruction @ %s raises exception %s" %
                             (instr.address, e))
                raise e

    def __call__(self, x):
        """evaluation of expression x in this map:
           note the difference between a mapper[mem(p)] and mapper(mem(p)):
           in the call form, p is first evaluated so that the target address
           is the expression of p "after execution" whereas the indexing form
           uses p as an input (i.e "before execution") expression.
        if len(self) == 0:
            return x
        return x.eval(self)

    def restruct(self):

    def eval(self, m):
        """return a new mapper instance where all input locations have
           been replaced by there corresponding values in m.
        mm = mapper(cur=self.cur)
        for c in self.conds:
            cc = c.eval(m)
            if not cc._is_def:
            if cc == 1:
            if cc == 0:
                logger.verbose("invalid mapper eval: cond %s is false" % c)
                raise ValueError
        for loc, v in self:
            if loc._is_ptr:
                loc = m(loc)
            mm[loc] = m(v)
        return mm

    def rcompose(self, m):
        """composition operator returns a new mapper
           corresponding to function x -> self(m(x))
        mm = m.use()
        for c in self.conds:
            cc = c.eval(m)
            if not cc._is_def:
            if cc == 1:
            if cc == 0:
                logger.verbose("invalid mapper eval: cond %s is false" % c)
                raise ValueError
        for loc, v in self:
            if loc._is_ptr:
                loc = m(loc)
            mm[loc] = m(v)
        return mm

    def __lshift__(self, m):
        "self << m : composition (self(m))"
        return self.rcompose(m)

    def __rshift__(self, m):
        "self >> m : composition (m(self))"
        return m.rcompose(self)

    def interact(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def use(self, *args, **kargs):
        """return a new mapper corresponding to the evaluation of the current mapper
           where all key symbols found in kargs are replaced by their values in
           all expressions. The kargs "size=value" allows for adjusting symbols/values
           sizes for all arguments.
           if kargs is empty, a copy of the result is just a copy of current mapper.
        m = mapper(cur=self.cur)
        for loc, v in args:
            m[loc] = v
        if len(kargs) > 0:
            argsz = kargs.get("size", 32)
            for k, v in iter(kargs.items()):
                m[reg(k, argsz)] = cst(v, argsz)
        return self.eval(m)

    def usemmap(self, mmap):
        """return a new mapper corresponding to the evaluation of the current mapper
           where all memory locations of the provided mmap are used by the current
        m = mapper()
        for xx in set(self.inputs()):
            if xx._is_mem:
                v = m.M(xx)
                m[xx] = v
        return self << m

    # attach/apply conditions to the output mapper
    def assume(self, conds):
        m = mapper(cur=self.cur)
        if conds is None:
            conds = []
        for c in conds:
            if not c._is_eqn:
            if c.op.symbol == OP_EQ and c.r._is_cst:
                if c.l._is_reg:
                    m[c.l] = c.r
        m.conds = conds
        mm = self.eval(m)
        mm.conds += conds
        return mm
Ejemplo n.º 2
class z80GB(object):
    __slots__ = ["card", "cpu", "mmap"]

    def __init__(self, path):
        self.card = Cardridge(path)
        self.cpu = cpu
        self.mmap = MemoryMap()

    # load the program into virtual memory (populate the mmap dict)
    def load_binary(self):
        self.mmap.write(0, self.card.data[:0x8000].ljust(0x8000, b"\0"))
        # 8k video RAM:
        self.mmap.write(0x8000, b"".ljust(8192, b"\0"))
        # 8k switchable RAM:
        self.mmap.write(0xA000, b"".ljust(8192, b"\0"))
        # internal RAM:
        self.mmap.write(0xC000, b"".ljust(16382, b"\0"))

    def read_data(self, vaddr, size):
        return self.mmap.read(vaddr, size)

    def read_instruction(self, vaddr, **kargs):
        maxlen = self.cpu.disassemble.maxlen
            istr = self.mmap.read(vaddr, maxlen)
        except MemoryError as e:
            logger.warning("vaddr %s is not mapped" % vaddr)
            raise MemoryError(e)
        i = self.cpu.disassemble(istr[0], **kargs)
        if i is None:
            logger.warning("disassemble failed at vaddr %s" % vaddr)
            if len(istr) > 1 and istr[1]._is_def:
                logger.warning("symbol found in instruction buffer" % vaddr)
                raise MemoryError(vaddr)
            return None
            i.address = vaddr
            return i

    def initenv(self):
        from amoco.cas.mapper import mapper

        m = mapper()
        for k, v in (
            (cpu.pc, cpu.cst(self.card.entrypoints[0], 16)),
            (cpu.sp, cpu.cst(0xFFFE, 16)),
            (cpu.a, cpu.cst(0x11 if self.card.colorgb() else 0x01, 8)),
            (cpu.f, cpu.cst(0xB0, 8)),
            (cpu.bc, cpu.cst(0x0013, 16)),
            (cpu.de, cpu.cst(0x00D8, 16)),
            (cpu.hl, cpu.cst(0x014D, 16)),
            m[k] = v
        return m

    # optional codehelper method allows platform-specific analysis of
    # either a (raw) list of instruction, a block/func object (see amoco.code)
    # the default helper is a no-op:
    def codehelper(self, seq=None, block=None, func=None):
        if seq is not None:
            return seq
        if block is not None:
            return block
        if func is not None:
            return func