Ejemplo n.º 1
    amutils.compute_exp_group_summary_stats_by_protein(arr_df, prot_names, prot_strs, group_inds, ind_dict)

raw_group_medians, raw_group_stds = \
    amutils.compute_exp_group_summary_stats_by_protein(raw_arr_df, prot_names, prot_strs, group_inds, ind_dict)

"""Data Visualzation:"""

"""Responses by groups:"""
1. Median responses by group:
Plot figures of median responses by treatment group - Note here names are from prot_strs and NOT prot_names
for p in ['VN1203',  'Indo05']:
    amp.plot_median_responses_by_exp_groups(raw_group_medians, exp_groups, prot_str=p,
                                            fig_path=fig_path, fig_prefix='Raw_', fig_size=(18,11), y_lims=[0, 50000])

for p in ['VN1203',  'Indo05']:
    amp.plot_median_responses_by_exp_groups(group_medians, ['D21', 'D42'], prot_str=p,
                                            fig_path=fig_path, fig_prefix=None, fig_size=(18,11), y_lims=[0, 10000])

2. Raw responses by group:
Plot responses by groups for each protein separately - groups can be prot_strs, or any subset of these:
the second list is prot_strs for figure titles. 
you can use this for all proteins:
for p, s in zip(prot_names, prot_strs):
"""Data Visualzation:"""

"""Responses by groups:"""
1. Median responses by group:
Plot figures of median responses by treatment group - Note here names are from prot_strs and NOT prot_names
# for p in ['EBOV-GP']:
# 	amp.plot_median_responses_by_exp_groups(raw_group_medians, exp_groups, prot_str=p,
# 											fig_path=fig_path, fig_prefix='Raw_', fig_size=(18,11), y_lims=[0, 50000])

for p in ['EBOV-GP']:
	amp.plot_median_responses_by_exp_groups(group_medians, exp_groups, prot_str=p,
											fig_path=fig_path, fig_prefix=None, fig_size=(18,11), y_lims=[0, 10000])

2. Raw responses by group:
Plot responses by groups for each protein separately - groups can be prot_strs, or any subset of these:
the second list is prot_strs for figure titles. 
you can use this for all proteins:
for p, s in zip(prot_names, prot_strs):
# for p in ['EBOV-GP']:
# 	amp.plot_responses_by_exp_groups(arr_df=raw_arr_df, antigen_inds = ind_dict[p],
# 									 exp_groups=exp_groups, fig_path=fig_path, fig_prefix=p + '_Raw', y_lims=y_lims)

for p in ['EBOV-GP']: