Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_table_multi(self):
        val = {
            'foo': 7,
            'bar': Decimal('123345.1234'),
            'baz': 'this is some random string I typed',
            'ubaz': u'And something in unicode',
            'dday_aniv': datetime(1994, 6, 6),
            'more': {
                        'abc': -123,
                        'def': 'hello world',
                        'now': datetime(2007, 11, 11, 21, 14, 31),
                        'qty': Decimal('-123.45'),
                        'blank': {},
                            'deeper': 'more strings',
                            'nums': -12345678,

        w = AMQPWriter()
        s = w.getvalue()

        r = AMQPReader(s)
        self.assertEqual(r.read_table(), val)
    def test_table_multi(self):
        val = {
            'foo': 7,
            'bar': Decimal('123345.1234'),
            'baz': 'this is some random string I typed',
            'ubaz': u'And something in unicode',
            'dday_aniv': datetime(1994, 6, 6),
            'more': {
                'abc': -123,
                'def': 'hello world',
                'now': datetime(2007, 11, 11, 21, 14, 31),
                'qty': Decimal('-123.45'),
                'blank': {},
                'extra': {
                    'deeper': 'more strings',
                    'nums': -12345678,

        w = AMQPWriter()
        s = w.getvalue()

        r = AMQPReader(s)
        self.assertEqual(r.read_table(), val)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _patched_read_table(self):
    Read an AMQP table, and return as a Python dictionary.
    self.bitcount = self.bits = 0
    tlen = unpack('>I', self.input.read(4))[0]
    table_data = AMQPReader(self.input.read(tlen))
    result = {}
    while table_data.input.tell() < tlen:
        name = table_data.read_shortstr()
        ftype = ord(table_data.input.read(1))

        if ftype == 65: # 'A' これが新しく加わった!!
            len = unpack('>I', table_data.input.read(4))[0] # len は読み捨てる
            ftype = ord(table_data.input.read(1))

        if ftype == 83: # 'S'
            val = table_data.read_longstr()
        elif ftype == 73: # 'I'
            val = unpack('>i', table_data.input.read(4))[0]
        elif ftype == 68: # 'D'
            d = table_data.read_octet()
            n = unpack('>i', table_data.input.read(4))[0]
            val = Decimal(n) / Decimal(10 ** d)
        elif ftype == 84: # 'T'
            val = table_data.read_timestamp()
        elif ftype == 70: # 'F'
            val = table_data.read_table() # recurse
            raise ValueError('Unknown table item type: %s' % repr(ftype))
        result[name] = val
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _patched_read_table(self):
    Read an AMQP table, and return as a Python dictionary.
    self.bitcount = self.bits = 0
    tlen = unpack('>I', self.input.read(4))[0]
    table_data = AMQPReader(self.input.read(tlen))
    result = {}
    while table_data.input.tell() < tlen:
        name = table_data.read_shortstr()
        ftype = ord(table_data.input.read(1))

        if ftype == 65:  # 'A' これが新しく加わった!!
            len = unpack('>I', table_data.input.read(4))[0]  # len は読み捨てる
            ftype = ord(table_data.input.read(1))

        if ftype == 83:  # 'S'
            val = table_data.read_longstr()
        elif ftype == 73:  # 'I'
            val = unpack('>i', table_data.input.read(4))[0]
        elif ftype == 68:  # 'D'
            d = table_data.read_octet()
            n = unpack('>i', table_data.input.read(4))[0]
            val = Decimal(n) / Decimal(10**d)
        elif ftype == 84:  # 'T'
            val = table_data.read_timestamp()
        elif ftype == 70:  # 'F'
            val = table_data.read_table()  # recurse
            raise ValueError('Unknown table item type: %s' % repr(ftype))
        result[name] = val
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_table(self):
        val = {'foo': 7}
        w = AMQPWriter()
        s = w.getvalue()

        self.assertEqual(s, '\x00\x00\x00\x09\x03fooI\x00\x00\x00\x07')

        r = AMQPReader(s)
        self.assertEqual(r.read_table(), val)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_table_empty(self):
        val = {}
        w = AMQPWriter()
        s = w.getvalue()

        self.assertEqual(s, '\x00\x00\x00\x00')

        r = AMQPReader(s)
        self.assertEqual(r.read_table(), val)
    def test_table(self):
        val = {'foo': 7}
        w = AMQPWriter()
        s = w.getvalue()

        self.assertEqual(s, '\x00\x00\x00\x09\x03fooI\x00\x00\x00\x07')

        r = AMQPReader(s)
        self.assertEqual(r.read_table(), val)
    def test_table_empty(self):
        val = {}
        w = AMQPWriter()
        s = w.getvalue()

        self.assertEqual(s, '\x00\x00\x00\x00')

        r = AMQPReader(s)
        self.assertEqual(r.read_table(), val)