Ejemplo n.º 1
    def is_valid(path: PathOrBuffer) -> bool:
        Returns whether this format is able to load the given object.

        :param path: The path of the object to load.
        :return: True if the world can be loaded by this format, False otherwise.
        return os.path.isfile(path) and path.endswith(".construction")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, path: PathOrBuffer, mode: str = "r"):
     assert mode in ("r", "w"), 'Mode must be either "r" or "w".'
     self._mode = mode
     if isinstance(path, str):
         assert path.endswith(".schematic"), 'Path must end with ".schematic"'
         if mode == "r":
             assert os.path.isfile(path), "File specified does not exist."
     self._data: Optional[Union[SchematicWriter, SchematicReader]] = None
     self._open = False
     self._platform = "java"
     self._version = (1, 12, 2)
     self._selection: SelectionBox = SelectionBox((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, path: PathOrBuffer, mode: str = "r"):
        assert mode in ("r", "w"), 'Mode must be either "r" or "w".'
        self._mode = mode
        if isinstance(path, str):
            assert path.endswith(".construction"), 'Path must end with ".construction"'
            if mode == "r":
                assert os.path.isfile(path), "File specified does not exist."
        self._data: Optional[Union[ConstructionWriter, ConstructionReader]] = None
        self._open = False
        self._platform = "java"
        self._version = (1, 15, 2)
        self._selection: SelectionGroup = SelectionGroup()

        # used to look up which sections are in a given chunk when loading
        self._chunk_to_section: Optional[Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[int]]] = None

        # used to look up which selection boxes intersect a given chunk (boxes are clipped to the size of the chunk)
        self._chunk_to_box: Optional[Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[SelectionBox]]] = None
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, path_or_buffer: PathOrBuffer):
        if isinstance(path_or_buffer, str):
            assert path_or_buffer.endswith(
                ".schematic"), "File selected is not a .schematic file"
            assert os.path.isfile(
            ), f"There is no schematic file at path {path_or_buffer}"
            schematic = amulet_nbt.load(path_or_buffer)
            assert not all(key in schematic for key in (
                "Version", "Data Version",
                "BlockData")), "This file is not a legacy schematic file."
            assert hasattr(path_or_buffer,
                           "read"), "Object does not have a read method"
            schematic = amulet_nbt.load(buffer=path_or_buffer)

        materials = schematic.get("Materials", amulet_nbt.TAG_String()).value
        if materials == "Alpha":
            self._platform = "java"
        elif materials == "Pocket":
            self._platform = "bedrock"
            raise Exception(
                f'"{materials}" is not a supported platform for a schematic file.'
        self._chunks: Dict[ChunkCoordinates,
                           Tuple[SelectionBox, BlockArrayType,
                                 BlockDataArrayType, list, list], ] = {}
        self._selection = SelectionBox(
            (0, 0, 0),
        entities: amulet_nbt.TAG_List = schematic.get("Entities",
        block_entities: amulet_nbt.TAG_List = schematic.get(
            "TileEntities", amulet_nbt.TAG_List())
        blocks: numpy.ndarray = schematic["Blocks"].value.astype(
        if "AddBlocks" in schematic:
            add_blocks = schematic["AddBlocks"]
            blocks = blocks + (numpy.concatenate([
                [(add_blocks & 0xF0) >> 4], [add_blocks & 0xF]
            ]).T.ravel().astype(numpy.uint16) << 8)[:blocks.size]
        max_point = self._selection.max
        temp_shape = (max_point[1], max_point[2], max_point[0])
        blocks = numpy.transpose(blocks.reshape(temp_shape),
                                 (2, 0, 1))  # YZX => XYZ
        data = numpy.transpose(schematic["Data"].value.reshape(temp_shape),
                               (2, 0, 1))
        for cx, cz in self._selection.chunk_locations():
            box = SelectionBox(
                (cx * 16, 0, cz * 16),
                    min((cx + 1) * 16, self._selection.size_x),
                    min((cz + 1) * 16, self._selection.size_z),
            self._chunks[(cx, cz)] = (box, blocks[box.slice], data[box.slice],
                                      [], [])
        for e in block_entities:
            if all(key in e for key in ("x", "y", "z")):
                x, y, z = e["x"].value, e["y"].value, e["z"].value
                if (x, y, z) in self._selection:
                    cx = x >> 4
                    cz = z >> 4
                    self._chunks[(cx, cz)][3].append(e)
        for e in entities:
            if "Pos" in e:
                pos: PointCoordinates = tuple(
                    map(lambda t: t.value, e["Pos"].value))
                if pos in self._selection:
                    cx = int(pos[0]) >> 4
                    cz = int(pos[2]) >> 4
                    self._chunks[(cx, cz)][4].append(e)