Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(
            auto_write=False,  # only write when I say to
        self.clk = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D0)
        self.analog_out = analogio.AnalogOut(board.D1)
        self.knob0_in = analogio.AnalogIn(board.D3)
        self.knob1_in = analogio.AnalogIn(board.D4)  # button is on knob1 too
        self.button_time = 0
        self.button_press = 0  # debounced state
        self.button_held = False
        self.scale_idx = 0
        self.notes = [0] * 8  # max 8 note array
        self.notes_len = 8  #len(self.notes)
        self.note_idx = 0
        self.note_root = 0
        self.mode = 0
        self.clk_external = external_trigger  # false = internal clock
        self.clk_last_value = False
        self.tempo = 120
        self.tempo_secs = 60.0 / self.tempo
        self.last_time = 0

        print("machine is online. clock: {}\n notes:{}".format(
            "ext" if self.clk_external else "int", self.notes))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_dual(pair1, pair2):
    # verifies that the DACs can be set independently
    print(f"Running pair test\n")
    pin1_in = analogio.AnalogIn(pair1[0])
    pin1_out = analogio.AnalogOut(pair1[1])
    pin2_in = analogio.AnalogIn(pair2[0])
    pin2_out = analogio.AnalogOut(pair2[1])

    for v in range(0, 65536, 4096):
        v2 = 65535 - v
        pin1_out.value = v
        pin2_out.value = v2
        print(f"Pair1: Value {v} read as {pin1_in.value}")
        print(f"Pair2: Value {v2} read as {pin2_in.value}")

Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_dac_analog(p_in, p_out):
        f"Running dac analog test with pin {p_in} as input and {p_out} as output\n"
    pin_in = analogio.AnalogIn(p_in)
    pin_out = analogio.AnalogOut(p_out)

    for v in range(0, 65536, 4096):
        pin_out.value = v
        print(f"Value {v} read as {pin_in.value}")

Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_dac_digital(p_in, p_out):
        f"Running dac digital test with pin {p_in} as input and {p_out} as output"
    pin_in = digitalio.DigitalInOut(p_in)
    pin_out = analogio.AnalogOut(p_out)

    for v in range(0, 65536, 4096):
        pin_out.value = v
        print(f"Value {v} read as {pin_in.value}")

    while True:
        yield -1

def repeat(value, cnt):
    for _ in range(cnt):
        yield value

### A2 is GP28 on Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040)
input_pin = board.A2 if SYSNAME == "rp2040" else board.A5
output_pin = board.A0 if SYSNAME == "samd21" else None

input = analogio.AnalogIn(input_pin)
output = analogio.AnalogOut(output_pin) if output_pin else None

    _ = time.monotonic_ns()
    time_fn = time.monotonic_ns
    time_mul = 1e-9
except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError):
    time_fn = time.monotonic
    time_mul = 1

SAMPLE_SIZES = (1, 8, 50)

output_step = 1 << (16 - OUTPUT_DAC_BITS)

### The SAMD21 is about 22ms for the loop anyway
interval = 0.025
Ejemplo n.º 6
import board
import neopixel
import math
import time
import digitalio
import analogio

led = analogio.AnalogOut(board.A0)  #sets the A0 pin as an analog Output

holder = 0  #this is the value that the LED is associated with
changer = 3000  #This is the value that the LED changes by

while True:
    led.value = holder  #Sets the LED to a value
    holder += changer  #adds brightness (or subtracts)
    print(holder)  #prints to serial monitor

    if holder >= 60000:
        changer *= -1  #if the led is at the threshold, it makes the changer negative

    if holder <= 2000:
        changer *= -1
Ejemplo n.º 7
# Lissajous version 2
import array, math
import board, analogio
import time

length = 1000
samples_x = array.array("H", [0] * length)
samples_y = array.array("H", [0] * length)
for idx in range(length):
    samples_x[idx] = round(
        math.sin(math.pi * 2 * idx / length) * 10000 + 10000)
    samples_y[idx] = round(
        math.sin(math.pi * 2 * 3 * idx / length + math.pi / 2) * 10000 + 10000)

dac_a0 = analogio.AnalogOut(board.A0)
dac_a1 = analogio.AnalogOut(board.A1)
while True:
    for x, y in zip(samples_x, samples_y):
        dac_a0.value = x
        dac_a1.value = y
Ejemplo n.º 8
# Trinket Trigger 1.0
# todbot

import time
import board
import digitalio
import touchio
import analogio
import adafruit_dotstar as dotstar

# On-board DotStar for boards including Gemma, Trinket, and ItsyBitsy
dots = dotstar.DotStar(board.APA102_SCK, board.APA102_MOSI, 1, brightness=0.5)

touchA = touchio.TouchIn(board.D3)
touchB = touchio.TouchIn(board.D4)
dac = analogio.AnalogOut(board.D1)
gate = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D2)
gate.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
gate.value = False

t0 = time.monotonic()  # set start time

def map_range(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
    in_range = in_max - in_min
    in_delta = x - in_min
    if in_range != 0:
        mapped = in_delta / in_range
    elif in_delta != 0:
        mapped = in_delta
Ejemplo n.º 9
import time
import board
import random
import analogio
import neopixel
import digitalio
import adafruit_fancyled.adafruit_fancyled as fancy

import button

console = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D0, 3, brightness=0.2, auto_write=False)
omnitool = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D2, 1, brightness=0.3, auto_write=False)

button = button.Button(board.D4, digitalio.Pull.UP)

analog_out = analogio.AnalogOut(board.A0)

RED = (255, 0, 0)
YELLOW = (255, 150, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
CYAN = (0, 255, 255)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
PURPLE = (180, 0, 255)
ORANGE = (255, 50, 0)

palette = [fancy.CRGB(*ORANGE), fancy.CRGB(*RED), fancy.CRGB(*BLUE)]

def buzz_till_button():
    """ Buzz until until a button press.
Ejemplo n.º 10
def make_analog_pin(pin, direction):
    if direction is digitalio.Direction.INPUT:
        p = analogio.AnalogIn(pin)
        p = analogio.AnalogOut(pin)
    return p
 def from_pin(cls, pin):
     return cls(analogio.AnalogOut(pin))
Ejemplo n.º 12
from adafruit_midi.note_off import NoteOff
#from adafruit_midi.control_change   import ControlChange
#from adafruit_midi.pitch_bend       import PitchBend

# Turn the speaker on
speaker_enable = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.SPEAKER_ENABLE)
speaker_enable.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
speaker_on = True
speaker_enable.value = speaker_on

# Approach is to write to the DAC directly rather than play
# samples as the audioio library doesn't work well for
# various reasons with looping samples
# NEED to try a long sample (2 seconds?) which terminates early
# on note off
dac_out = analogio.AnalogOut(board.SPEAKER)  # same as board.A0 for CPX

midi_channel = 10
midi = adafruit_midi.MIDI(midi_in=usb_midi.ports[0],
                          in_channel=midi_channel - 1)

# Check how long a loop takes to assign to DAC
# about 2 seconds for 3k on a CPX with 4.0.0 beta 7
timed_run_length = 3000
start_t = time.monotonic()
for rep in range(timed_run_length):
    dac_out.value = random.randint(32767, 32769)
    dac_out.value = random.randint(32767, 32769)
    dac_out.value = random.randint(32767, 32769)
    dac_out.value = random.randint(32767, 32769)
Ejemplo n.º 13
# Owen McKenney
# LED fade
# This makes and LED fade from off to on

import board
import neopixel
import digitalio
import analogio
import time
import simpleio

led = analogio.AnalogOut(board.A0)  # LED setup

while True:
    for i in range(31000, 42000, 5):  # for loop to go between 31k and 42k by 5
        led.value = i  # sets LED brightness to i
        print(i)  # prints value in serial monitor

    for i in range(42000, 31000,
                   -5):  # for loop to go between 42k and 31k by -5
        led.value = i  # sets LED brightness to i
        print(i)  # prints value in serial monitor
Ejemplo n.º 14
mult_y = dac_y_max / range_y

### https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/issues/1992
print("length of rawdata", len(rawdata))

use_wav = True
poor_wav_bug_workaround = False
leave_wav_looping = True

### A0 will be x, A1 will be y
if use_wav:
    print("Using audiocore.RawSample for DACs")
    dacs = audioio.AudioOut(board.A0, right_channel=board.A1)
    print("Using analogio.AnalogOut for DACs")
    a0 = analogio.AnalogOut(board.A0)
    a1 = analogio.AnalogOut(board.A1)

### 10Hz is about ok for AudioOut, optimistic for AnalogOut
frame_t = 1 / 10
prev_t = time.monotonic()
angle = 0  ### in radians
frame = 1
while True:
    ##print("Transforming data for frame:", frame, "at", prev_t)

    ### Rotate the points of the vector graphic around its centre
    idx = 0
    sine = math.sin(angle)
    cosine = math.cos(angle)
    for px, py in display_data:
Ejemplo n.º 15
# Lissajous Real Time
import  math
import board,analogio

lChan = analogio.AnalogOut(board.A0)
rChan = analogio.AnalogOut(board.A1)

length = 1000
while True:
    for idx in range(length):
        left = round(math.sin(math.pi * 2 * idx / length) * 10000 + 10000)
        right = round(math.sin(math.pi * 2 * 3 * idx / length + math.pi / 2) * 10000 + 10000)
        lChan.value = left
        rChan.value = right
Ejemplo n.º 16
import analogio
import board
import time

led = analogio.AnalogOut(board.A0)
B = 65000
amount = 1000
ceiling = 50000
floor = 20000
#led.direction = analogio.Direction.OUTPUT
while True:
    led.value = B
    B -= amount
    if B < floor:
        amount = -1000
    elif B > ceiling:
        amount = 1000

Ejemplo n.º 17
import board
import analogio
import digitalio

# Pins
GREEN_LED_PIN = board.D3
PWM_PIN = board.D9
RED_LED_PIN = board.D13
DAC_PIN = board.A0

# Leds
redLed = digitalio.DigitalInOut(RED_LED_PIN)
greenLed = digitalio.DigitalInOut(GREEN_LED_PIN)

# AnalogOut
dac = analogio.AnalogOut(DAC_PIN)